{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2020 Kevin P. Barry Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} -- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com] module Cli.ParseCompileOptions ( optionHelpText, parseCompileOptions, validateCompileOptions, ) where import Control.Monad (when) import Data.List (intercalate,isSuffixOf) import System.FilePath (takeExtension) import Text.Regex.TDFA -- Not safe! import Base.CompileError import Cli.CompileMetadata (allowedExtraTypes) import Cli.CompileOptions optionHelpText :: [String] optionHelpText = [ "", "zeolite [options...] -m [category(.function)] -o [binary] [path]", "zeolite [options...] -c [paths...]", "zeolite [options...] -r [paths...]", "zeolite [options...] -t [paths...]", "zeolite [options...] --templates [paths...]", "zeolite [options...] --get-path", "", "Modes:", " -c: Only compile the individual files. (default)", " -m [category(.function)]: Create a binary that executes the function.", " -r: Recompile using the previous compilation options.", " -t: Only execute tests, without other compilation.", " --templates: Only create C++ templates for undefined categories in .0rp sources.", " --get-path: Show the data path and immediately exit.", "", "Options:", " -e [path|file]: Include an extra source file or path during compilation.", " -f: Force compilation instead of recompiling with -r.", " -i [path]: A single source path to include as a *public* dependency.", " -I [path]: A single source path to include as a *private* dependency.", " -o [binary]: The name of the binary file to create with -m.", " -p [path]: Set a path prefix for finding the specified source files.", "", "[category]: The name of a concrete category with no params.", "[function]: The name of a @type function (defaults to \"run\") with no args or params.", "[path(s...)]: Path(s) containing source or dependency files.", "" ] defaultMainFunc :: String defaultMainFunc = "run" parseCompileOptions :: CompileErrorM m => [String] -> m CompileOptions parseCompileOptions = parseAll emptyCompileOptions . zip ([1..] :: [Int]) where parseAll co [] = return co parseAll co os = do (os',co') <- parseSingle co os parseAll co' os' argError n o m = compileError $ "Argument " ++ show n ++ " (\"" ++ o ++ "\"): " ++ m checkPathName n f o | f =~ "^(/[^/]+|[^-/][^/]*)(/[^/]+)*$" = return () | null o = argError n f "Invalid file path." | otherwise = argError n f $ "Invalid file path for " ++ o ++ "." checkCategoryName n c o | c =~ "^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+$" = return () | null o = argError n c "Invalid category name." | otherwise = argError n c $ "Invalid category name for " ++ o ++ "." checkFunctionName n d o | d =~ "^[a-z][A-Za-z0-9]+$" = return () | null d = argError n d "Invalid function name." | otherwise = argError n d $ "Invalid function name for " ++ o ++ "." parseSingle _ [] = undefined parseSingle (CompileOptions _ is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((_,"-h"):os) = return (os,CompileOptions HelpNeeded is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o _) ((_,"-f"):os) = return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p m o ForceAll) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-c"):os) | m /= CompileUnspecified = argError n "-c" "Compiler mode already set." | otherwise = return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p CompileIncremental o f) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-r"):os) | m /= CompileUnspecified = argError n "-r" "Compiler mode already set." | otherwise = return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p CompileRecompile o f) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-t"):os) | m /= CompileUnspecified = argError n "-t" "Compiler mode already set." | otherwise = return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p (ExecuteTests []) o f) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"--templates"):os) | m /= CompileUnspecified = argError n "-t" "Compiler mode already set." | otherwise = return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p CreateTemplates o f) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"--get-path"):os) | m /= CompileUnspecified = argError n "-t" "Compiler mode already set." | otherwise = return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p OnlyShowPath o f) parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-m"):os) | m /= CompileUnspecified = argError n "-m" "Compiler mode already set." | otherwise = update os where update ((n2,c):os2) = do (t,fn) <- check $ break (== '.') c checkCategoryName n2 t "-m" checkFunctionName n2 fn "-m" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p (CompileBinary t fn) o f) where check (t,"") = return (t,defaultMainFunc) check (t,'.':fn) = return (t,fn) check _ = argError n2 "-m" $ "Invalid entry point \"" ++ c ++ "\"." update _ = argError n "-m" "Requires a category name." parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-o"):os) | not $ null o = argError n "-o" "Output name already set." | otherwise = update os where update ((n2,o2):os2) = do checkPathName n2 o2 "-o" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p m o2 f) update _ = argError n "-o" "Requires an output name." parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-i"):os) = update os where update ((n2,d):os2) | isSuffixOf ".0rp" d = argError n2 d "Cannot directly include .0rp source files." | isSuffixOf ".0rx" d = argError n2 d "Cannot directly include .0rx source files." | isSuffixOf ".0rt" d = argError n2 d "Cannot directly include .0rt test files." | otherwise = do checkPathName n2 d "-i" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) (is ++ [d]) is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) update _ = argError n "-i" "Requires a source path." parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-I"):os) = update os where update ((n2,d):os2) | isSuffixOf ".0rp" d = argError n2 d "Cannot directly include .0rp source files." | isSuffixOf ".0rx" d = argError n2 d "Cannot directly include .0rx source files." | isSuffixOf ".0rt" d = argError n2 d "Cannot directly include .0rt test files." | otherwise = do checkPathName n2 d "-i" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is (is2 ++ [d]) ds es ep ec p m o f) update _ = argError n "-I" "Requires a source path." parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-e"):os) = update os where update ((n2,e):os2) | any (flip isSuffixOf e) allowedExtraTypes = do checkPathName n2 e "-e" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds (es ++ [e]) ep ec p m o f) | takeExtension e == "" || e == "." = do checkPathName n2 e "-e" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es (ep ++ [e]) ec p m o f) | otherwise = argError n2 "-e" $ "Only " ++ intercalate ", " allowedExtraTypes ++ " and directory sources are allowed." update _ = argError n "-e" "Requires a source filename." parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,"-p"):os) | not $ null p = argError n "-p" "Path prefix already set." | otherwise = update os where update ((n2,p2):os2) = do checkPathName n2 p2 "-p" return (os2,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p2 m o f) update _ = argError n "-p" "Requires a path prefix." parseSingle _ ((n,o@('-':_)):_) = argError n o "Unknown option." parseSingle (CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep ec p m o f) ((n,d):os) | isSuffixOf ".0rp" d = argError n d "Cannot directly include .0rp source files." | isSuffixOf ".0rx" d = argError n d "Cannot directly include .0rx source files." | isSuffixOf ".0rt" d = do when (not $ isExecuteTests m) $ argError n d "Test mode (-t) must be enabled before listing any .0rt test files." checkPathName n d "" let (ExecuteTests tp) = m return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 ds es ep ec p (ExecuteTests $ tp ++ [d]) o f) | otherwise = do checkPathName n d "" return (os,CompileOptions (maybeDisableHelp h) is is2 (ds ++ [d]) es ep ec p m o f) validateCompileOptions :: CompileErrorM m => CompileOptions -> m CompileOptions validateCompileOptions co@(CompileOptions h is is2 ds es ep _ p m o _) | h /= HelpNotNeeded = return co | (not $ null o) && (isCompileIncremental m) = compileError "Output filename (-o) is not allowed in compile-only mode (-c)." | (not $ null o) && (isExecuteTests m) = compileError "Output filename (-o) is not allowed in test mode (-t)." | (not $ null $ is ++ is2) && (isExecuteTests m) = compileError "Include paths (-i/-I) are not allowed in test mode (-t)." | (not $ null $ es ++ ep) && (isExecuteTests m) = compileError "Extra files (-e) are not allowed in test mode (-t)." | (not $ null o) && (isCreateTemplates m) = compileError "Output filename (-o) is not allowed in template mode (--templates)." | (not $ null $ es ++ ep) && (isCreateTemplates m) = compileError "Extra files (-e) are not allowed in template mode (--templates)." | (not $ null o) && (isCompileRecompile m) = compileError "Output filename (-o) is not allowed in recompile mode (-r)." | (not $ null $ is ++ is2) && (isCompileRecompile m) = compileError "Include paths (-i/-I) are not allowed in recompile mode (-r)." | (not $ null $ es ++ ep) && (isCompileRecompile m) = compileError "Extra files (-e) are not allowed in recompile mode (-r)." | (not $ null p) && (isOnlyShowPath m) = compileError "Path prefix (-p) is not allowed in path mode (---get-path)." | (not $ null o) && (isOnlyShowPath m) = compileError "Output filename (-o) is not allowed in path mode (---get-path)." | (not $ null $ is ++ is2) && (isOnlyShowPath m) = compileError "Include paths (-i/-I) are not allowed in path mode (---get-path)." | (not $ null $ es ++ ep) && (isOnlyShowPath m) = compileError "Extra files (-e) are not allowed in path mode (---get-path)." | (not $ null ds) && (isOnlyShowPath m) = compileError "Input paths are not allowed in path mode (---get-path)." | length ds > 1 && length (es ++ ep) > 0 = compileError "Extra files and paths (-e) cannot be used with multiple input paths, to avoid ambiguity." | not (isOnlyShowPath m) && null ds = compileError "Please specify at least one input path." | (length ds /= 1) && (isCompileBinary m) = compileError "Specify exactly one input path for binary mode (-m)." | otherwise = return co