-- TODO: Create a context for all the tests, use push; ...; pop to rollback

module Z3.Base.Spec
  ( spec )

import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck ( property )
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic

import qualified Z3.Base as Z3

withContext :: ActionWith Z3.Context -> IO ()
withContext k = do
  ctx <- Z3.withConfig Z3.mkContext
  k ctx

anyZ3Error :: Selector Z3.Z3Error
anyZ3Error = const True

spec :: Spec
spec = around withContext $ do

  context "Propositional Logic and Equality" $ do

    specify "mkBool" $ \ctx -> property $ \b ->
      monadicIO $ do
        x::Maybe Bool <- run $ do
          ast <- Z3.mkBool ctx b
          Z3.getBoolValue ctx ast
        assert $ x == Just b

  context "Numerals" $ do

    specify "mkInt" $ \ctx -> property $ \(i :: Integer) ->
      monadicIO $ do
        x::Integer <- run $ do
          ast <- Z3.mkInteger ctx i;
          Z3.getInt ctx ast;
        assert $ x == i

  context "Bit-vectors" $ do

    specify "mkBvmul" $ \ctx ->
      let bad = do
          x <- Z3.mkFreshIntVar ctx "x";
          Z3.mkBvmul ctx x x
      in bad `shouldThrow` anyZ3Error