drex (read "dee-recks") While the "d" is just for "datatype", "rex" is bit of a double entendre. The representation classes (DT, Generic, Gist) each disinvest their parameter of its nominality, similar to how a king disinvests nobles of their titles. Each class also dismantles, or "wrecks", its parameter: DT takes a single type to a sum of its constructors, Generic maps a constructor to its underlying shape, and Gist forgets the shape and mediation. ... Also, it sounds like "T-rex". =================== See http://j.mp/tNLx40 for a Google spreadsheet cataloging the various d-rex concepts and components. ==================== #1 Basic Universes The @:::@ class in the @Universe@ module is pervasive in d-rex. The constraint @t ::: u@ is read "t inhabits u" (or "t satisfies u", if you must). @u@ is a /universe/, a type that represents a possibly finite, possibly paradoxical collection of types. Universes can be /open/ or /closed/. @Lit@, for example, is closed. in module Ex data Lit t where IntLit :: Lit Int; CharLit :: Lit Char @ShowD@ is open, since new instances of @Show@ can be declared anywhere. in module Ex data ShowD t where ShowD :: Show t => ShowD t (The "D" suffix is for "dictionary", since this GADT operationally reifies the @Show@ dictionary. @(\ShowD x -> show x) :: ShowD t -> t -> String@ -- note that there's no @Show t@ constraint in that type. Some closed universes are also finite. There exists an isomorphism between such a universes and a finite set of types (#4 below). #2 Constructor Universes d-rex's principle novelty is its support of the finite closed universe of a datatype's constructors, codifed as the indexed data family @DCU@. The @open@ method of the @DT@ type class converts from a type to its universe of constructors. @close@ goes back the other way. As d-rex breaks a datatype into its universe of constructors, it also generates a new void type per constructor. For example, d-rex breaks @Either a b@ into in module G data Left a b; data Right a b With these types, d-rex declares the constructor universe of @Either a b@. in module G data instance DCU (Either a b) where Left_ :: DCU (Either a b) (Left a b) Right_ :: DCU (Either a b) (Right a b) Note that each constructor type inherits the original type's parameters. d-rex also declares an instance of the data family @RM@ for each constructor -- the resulting types are called /fields types/. in module G newtype instance RM (N (Left a b)) m = Left a newtype instance RM (N (Right a b)) m = Right b in module ReflectBaseR type Fields dc = RM (N dc) (Clearly, d-rex re-uses the constructor names. Hence, the generic declarations must always generated in a separate module to enable namespace management.) The data family @RM@, the @m@ parameter, type family @App@, and @N@ are explained in the next section. In the interim, we'll make do with a couple brief declarations. in module Type data IdT; type instance App IdT a = a There now exists an isomorphism between @Either a b@ and @forall dc. (DCU (Either a b) dc, Fields dc IdT). Left x =~= (Left_, G.Left x) Right x =~= (Right_, G.Right x) The @DCU@ tag is a crucial part of this pair -- without it, G.Left and G.Right would have inequal types! #3 Recursion-mediated types The data family @RM@ stands for "recursion-mediated". The idea is that the @m@ parameter is applied to all recursive type occurences in a constructor's fields. in module T data Even a = Zero | Even a (Odd a) data Odd a = Odd a (Even a) in module G data Zero a; data Even a; data Odd a data instance RM (N (Zero a)) m data instance RM (N (G.Even a)) m = Even a (App m (T.Odd a)) data instance RM (N (G.Odd a)) m = Odd a (App m (T.Even a)) in module Type data True = True; data False = False in module Ex data ParityM type instance App ParityM (T.Even a) = False type instance App ParityM (T.Odd a) = True ex0 = Even 'e' True :: Fields (G.Even Char) ParityM ex1 = Odd 'o' False :: Fields (G.Odd Char) ParityM The recursion-mediated representation of the fields types enables their re-use. For example, the same fields type can be used to define a bottom-up reducer, where the recursive occurrences have been replaced with the result of the catamorphism. in module Ex data LengthM type instance App LengthM (T.Even a) = Int type instance App LengthM (T.Odd a) = Int type Reducer m dc = Fields dc m -> App m dc ex2 :: Reducer Len (G.Even a) ex2 (G.Even _ i) = 1 + i Since @App@ is a type family, it's not necessarily injective. @LengthM@ demonstrates where injectivity would not be desirable. Indeed, d-rex relies on this as discussed in #6 below. Unfortunately, non-injectivity can muddle type inference. For example, the inferred type of @G.Even 'c' 3@ involves a type variable: @(Num i, App m (T.Even Char) ~ i) => Fields (G.Even Char) m@. We provide the function @mediated@ for directly specifying the mediator. in module Util mediated :: [qP|m|] -> RM c m -> RM c m mediated = const id in module Ex -- inferred ex3 :: Fields (G.Even Char) LengthM ex3 = mediated [qP|LengthM|] $ G.Even 'c' 3 (@qP@ is just a quasiquoter for proxies -- useful for passing types as values.) The data family @RM@ is indexed by the core representational types. Most of these are common to many representation-based generic programming libraries. They indeed compromise a closed universe @Core@; that particular universe per se is not codified in d-rex, but its closedness is the crux of all representational generic programming. in module Core type family Rep a data V -- void data U = U -- unit newtype D a = D a -- a dependency newtype R t = R t -- a recursive occurrence newtype F f c = F (f c) -- argument to a *->* newtype FF ff c d = FF (ff c d) -- arguments to a *->*->* newtype M i c = M c -- meta information newtype N t = N t -- a named type (user hook) type (:+) = FF Either type (:*) = FF (,) type (:->) = FF (->) The structure of many constructors' fields, like T.Even can be codified in terms of these basic types. in module G type Rep (G.Even a) = FF (,) (D a) (R a) The recursion-mediated types are indexed by these core types. Note that the following declarations are in a separate module, so the constructor names don't actually clash. in module GenericR data family RM c m data instance RM V m data instance RM U m = U newtype instance RM (D a) m = D a newtype instance RM (R t) m = R (App m t) newtype instance RM (F f c) m = F (f (RM c m)) newtype instance RM (FF ff c d) m = FF (ff (RM c m) (RM d m)) newtype instance RM (M i c) m = M (RM c m) These just follow the semantics of recusiion-mediated types. The only core type without an @RM@ instance is @N@. @N@ is crucial to d-rex's usability. It is the interface boundary between the d-rex kernel and the user datatype. As demonstrated earlier in this section and in section #2, @RM (N -)@ instances are provided for each fields type. There is also a corresponding instance of @Rep@ and @Generic@. in module GenericR class Generic a where rep :: RM (N a) m -> RM (Rep a) m obj :: RM (Rep a) m -> RM (N a) m in module G instance Generic (G.Even a) where rep ~(G.Even a o) = FF (D a, R o) obj ~(FF (D a, R o))) = G.Even a o INVARIANT: the RHS of a Rep should never include an @N@. @N@ is just in place to delay the representation of a type. #4 Sets of types d-rex also uses a universe of types constructed via V, :+, and N to represent finite sets (implemented as type-level binary trees) of types. The @Finite@ type class recognizes the isomorphism between a finite closed universes and a set of types. in module TypeBTree type family Inhabitants u class Finite u where path :: u t -> Small (Inhabitants u) t tag :: Small (Inhabitants u) t -> u t in module Ex type instance Inhabitants (DCU Lit) = N Int :+ N Char type instance Inhabitants (DCU (Either a b)) = N (G.Left a b) :+ N (G.Right a b) type instance Inhabitants (DCU (T.Even a)) = N (G.Zero a) :+ N (G.Even a) @Inhabitants@/@Finite@ recognizes @V@, @:+@, and @N@ as the closed representational core of finite closed universes in the same way that @Rep@/@Generic@ encode isomorphisms between the full ensemble of core types and the large set of Haskell types they can represent. #5 Other Universes Exists, Small, All, MFun, MMap ... #6 Tag-Gist equivalence and Conversions ...