{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TemplateHaskell, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- Copyright (c) 2008 JP Bernardy

module Yi.Window where

import qualified Prelude
import Yi.Prelude
import Data.Binary
import Yi.Buffer.Basic (BufferRef, WindowRef)
import Yi.Region (Region,emptyRegion)
import Yi.JumpList

-- | A window onto a buffer.

data Window = Window
    { isMini    :: !Bool -- ^ regular or mini window?
    , bufkey    :: !BufferRef -- ^ the buffer this window opens to
    , bufAccessList :: ![BufferRef] -- ^ list of last accessed buffers (former bufKeys).
                                    -- Last accessed one is first element
    , height    :: Int -- ^ height of the window (in number of screen lines displayed)
    , winRegion    :: Region -- ^ view area.
                             -- note that the top point is also available as a buffer mark.
    , wkey      :: !WindowRef -- ^ identifier for the window (for UI sync)
    -- This is required for accurate scrolling.
    -- Scrolling depends on the actual number of buffer
    -- lines displayed. Line wrapping changes that number
    -- relative to the height so we can't use height for that
    -- purpose.
    , actualLines :: Int -- ^ The actual number of buffer lines displayed. Taking into account line wrapping
    , jumpList :: JumpList
    } deriving (Typeable)

instance Binary Window where
    put (Window mini bk bl _h _rgn key lns jl) =
        put mini >> put bk >> put bl >> put key >> put lns >> put jl
    get = Window <$> get <*> get <*> get
                   <*> return 0 <*> return emptyRegion
                   <*> get <*> get <*> get

-- | Get the identification of a window.
winkey :: Window -> (Bool, BufferRef)
winkey w = (isMini w, bufkey w)

instance Show Window where
    show w = "Window to " ++ show (bufkey w) 
             -- ++ "{" ++ show (tospnt w) ++ "->" ++ show (bospnt w) ++ "}" 
             ++ "(" ++ show (height w) ++ ")"

instance Eq Window where
    (==) w1 w2 = wkey w1 == wkey w2

-- | Is a given point within tospnt / bospnt?
pointInWindow :: Point -> Window -> Bool
pointInWindow point win = tospnt win <= point && point <= bospnt win

-- | Return a "fake" window onto a buffer.
dummyWindow :: BufferRef -> Window
dummyWindow b = Window False b [] 0 emptyRegion initial 0 Nothing