module Yi.Mode.Haskell
) where
import Data.Binary
import Data.List (dropWhile, takeWhile, filter, drop, length)
import Data.Maybe (maybe, listToMaybe, isJust, catMaybes)
import Prelude (unwords, zipWith)
import Yi.Core
import Yi.File
import Yi.Lexer.Alex (Tok(..),Posn(..),tokBegin,tokEnd,tokRegion)
import Yi.String
import Yi.Syntax
import qualified Yi.Syntax.Driver as Driver
import Yi.Syntax.Haskell as Hask
import Yi.Syntax.Strokes.Haskell as HS
import Yi.Syntax.Paren as Paren
import Yi.Syntax.Tree
import Yi.Syntax.OnlineTree as OnlineTree
import qualified Yi.IncrementalParse as IncrParser
import qualified Yi.Lexer.Alex as Alex
import qualified Yi.Lexer.LiterateHaskell as LiterateHaskell
import Yi.Lexer.Haskell as Haskell
import qualified Yi.Mode.Interactive as Interactive
import Yi.Modes (anyExtension, extensionOrContentsMatch)
import Yi.MiniBuffer
haskellAbstract :: Mode (tree TT)
haskellAbstract = emptyMode
modeApplies = extensionOrContentsMatch extensions shebangPattern,
modeName = "haskell",
modeToggleCommentSelection = toggleCommentSelectionB "-- " "--"
where extensions = ["hs", "x", "hsc", "hsinc"]
shebangPattern = "^#![[:space:]]*/usr/bin/env[[:space:]]+runhaskell"
cleverMode :: Mode (Paren.Tree (Tok Haskell.Token))
cleverMode = haskellAbstract
modeIndent = cleverAutoIndentHaskellB,
modeGetStrokes = \t point begin end -> Paren.getStrokes point begin end t,
modeHL = ExtHL $
Driver.mkHighlighter (skipScanner 50 . IncrParser.scanner Paren.parse . Paren.indentScanner . haskellLexer)
, modeAdjustBlock = adjustBlock
, modePrettify = (cleverPrettify . allToks)
, modeGetAnnotations = tokenBasedAnnots Paren.tokenToAnnot
fastMode :: Mode (OnlineTree.Tree TT)
fastMode = haskellAbstract
modeName = "fast haskell",
modeHL = ExtHL $
Driver.mkHighlighter (IncrParser.scanner OnlineTree.manyToks . haskellLexer),
modeGetStrokes = tokenBasedStrokes Paren.tokenToStroke,
modeGetAnnotations = tokenBasedAnnots Paren.tokenToAnnot
literateMode :: Mode (Paren.Tree TT)
literateMode = haskellAbstract
{ modeName = "literate haskell"
, modeApplies = anyExtension ["lhs"]
, modeHL = ExtHL $
Driver.mkHighlighter (IncrParser.scanner Paren.parse . Paren.indentScanner . literateHaskellLexer)
, modeGetStrokes = \t point begin end -> Paren.getStrokes point begin end t
, modeGetAnnotations = \t _begin -> catMaybes $ fmap Paren.tokenToAnnot $ allToks t
, modeAdjustBlock = adjustBlock
, modeIndent = cleverAutoIndentHaskellB
, modePrettify = cleverPrettify . allToks }
preciseMode :: Mode (Hask.Tree TT)
preciseMode = haskellAbstract
modeName = "precise haskell"
, modeIndent = cleverAutoIndentHaskellC
, modeGetStrokes = \ast point begin end -> HS.getStrokes point begin end ast
, modeHL = ExtHL $
Driver.mkHighlighter (IncrParser.scanner Hask.parse . Hask.indentScanner . haskellLexer)
, modePrettify = cleverPrettify . allToks
haskellLexer :: Scanner Point Char -> Scanner (Alex.AlexState Haskell.HlState) (Tok Token)
haskellLexer = Alex.lexScanner Haskell.alexScanToken Haskell.initState
literateHaskellLexer :: Scanner Point Char -> Scanner (Alex.AlexState LiterateHaskell.HlState) (Tok Token)
literateHaskellLexer = Alex.lexScanner LiterateHaskell.alexScanToken LiterateHaskell.initState
adjustBlock :: Paren.Tree (Tok Token) -> Int -> BufferM ()
adjustBlock e len = do
p <- pointB
l <- curLn
let t = Paren.getIndentingSubtree e p l
case t of
Nothing -> return ()
Just it ->
savingExcursionB $ do
let (_startOfs, height) = Paren.getSubtreeSpan it
col <- curCol
forM_ [1..height] $ const $ do
indent <- indentOfB =<< readLnB
when (indent > col) $
if len >= 0
then do insertN (replicate len ' ')
leftN len
else do
deleteN (negate len)
insideGroup :: Token -> Bool
insideGroup (Special c) = c `notElem` "',;})]"
insideGroup _ = True
cleverAutoIndentHaskellB :: Paren.Tree TT -> IndentBehaviour -> BufferM ()
cleverAutoIndentHaskellB e behaviour = do
indentSettings <- indentSettingsB
let indentLevel = shiftWidth indentSettings
previousIndent <- indentOfB =<< getNextNonBlankLineB Backward
nextIndent <- indentOfB =<< getNextNonBlankLineB Forward
solPnt <- pointAt moveToSol
eolPnt <- pointAt moveToEol
let onThisLine ofs = ofs >= solPnt && ofs <= eolPnt
firstTokNotOnLine = listToMaybe .
filter (not . onThisLine . posnOfs . tokPosn) .
filter (not . isErrorTok . tokT) . concatMap allToks
let stopsOf :: [Paren.Tree TT] -> [Int]
stopsOf (g@(Paren.Paren open ctnt close):ts')
| isErrorTok (tokT close) || getLastOffset g >= solPnt
= [groupIndent open ctnt]
| otherwise = stopsOf ts'
stopsOf ((Paren.Atom (Tok {tokT = t})):_) | startsLayout t = [nextIndent, previousIndent + indentLevel]
stopsOf ((Paren.Atom _):ts) = stopsOf ts
stopsOf (t@(Paren.Block _):ts) = shiftBlock + maybe 0 (posnCol . tokPosn) (getFirstElement t) : stopsOf ts
stopsOf (_:ts) = stopsOf ts
stopsOf [] = []
firstTokOnLine = fmap tokT $ listToMaybe $
dropWhile ((solPnt >) . tokBegin) $
takeWhile ((eolPnt >) . tokBegin) $
filter (not . isErrorTok . tokT) $ allToks e
shiftBlock = case firstTokOnLine of
Just (Reserved t) | t `elem` [Where, Deriving] -> indentLevel
Just (ReservedOp Haskell.Pipe) -> indentLevel
Just (ReservedOp Haskell.Equal) -> indentLevel
_ -> 0
deepInGroup = maybe True insideGroup firstTokOnLine
groupIndent (Tok {tokT = Special openChar, tokPosn = Posn _ _ openCol}) ctnt
| deepInGroup = case firstTokNotOnLine ctnt of
Nothing -> openCol + nominalIndent openChar
Just t -> posnCol . tokPosn $ t
| otherwise = openCol
groupIndent (Tok _ _ _) _ = error "unable to indent code"
case getLastPath [e] solPnt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just path -> let stops = stopsOf path
in trace ("Stops = " ++ show stops) $
trace ("firstTokOnLine = " ++ show firstTokOnLine) $
cycleIndentsB behaviour stops
cleverAutoIndentHaskellC :: Exp TT -> IndentBehaviour -> BufferM ()
cleverAutoIndentHaskellC e behaviour = do
indentSettings <- indentSettingsB
let indentLevel = shiftWidth indentSettings
previousIndent <- indentOfB =<< getNextNonBlankLineB Backward
nextIndent <- indentOfB =<< getNextNonBlankLineB Forward
solPnt <- pointAt moveToSol
eolPnt <- pointAt moveToEol
let onThisLine ofs = ofs >= solPnt && ofs <= eolPnt
firstTokNotOnLine = listToMaybe .
filter (not . onThisLine . posnOfs . tokPosn) .
filter (not . isErrorTok . tokT) . concatMap allToks
let stopsOf :: [Hask.Exp TT] -> [Int]
stopsOf (g@(Hask.Paren (Hask.PAtom open _) ctnt (Hask.PAtom close _)):ts)
| isErrorTok (tokT close) || getLastOffset g >= solPnt
= [groupIndent open ctnt]
| otherwise = stopsOf ts
stopsOf ((Hask.PAtom (Tok {tokT = t}) _):_) | startsLayout t || (t == ReservedOp Equal)
= [nextIndent, previousIndent + indentLevel]
stopsOf (l@(Hask.PLet _ (Hask.Block _) _):ts') = [colOf' l | lineStartsWith (Reserved Haskell.In)] ++ stopsOf ts'
stopsOf (t@(Hask.Block _):ts') = [shiftBlock + colOf' t] ++ stopsOf ts'
stopsOf ((Hask.PGuard' (PAtom pipe _) _ _):ts') = [tokCol pipe | lineStartsWith (ReservedOp Haskell.Pipe)] ++ stopsOf ts'
stopsOf (d@(Hask.PData _ _ _ r):ts') = colOf' d + indentLevel
: stopsOf ts' --FIXME!
stopsOf ((Hask.RHS (Hask.PAtom eq _) (exp)):ts')
= [(case firstTokOnLine of
Just (Operator op) -> opLength op (colOf' exp)
_ -> colOf' exp) | lineIsExpression ] ++ stopsOf ts'
stopsOf [] = [0]
stopsOf (_:ts) = stopsOf ts
opLength ts' r = let l = r (length ts' + 1)
in if l > 0 then l else 1
lineStartsWith tok = firstTokOnLine == Just tok
lineIsEquation = any (== ReservedOp Haskell.Equal) toksOnLine
lineIsExpression = all (`notElem` [ReservedOp Haskell.Pipe, ReservedOp Haskell.Equal, ReservedOp RightArrow]) toksOnLine
&& not (lineStartsWith (Reserved Haskell.In))
firstTokOnLine = listToMaybe toksOnLine
toksOnLine = fmap tokT $
dropWhile ((solPnt >) . tokBegin) $
takeWhile ((eolPnt >) . tokBegin) $
filter (not . isErrorTok . tokT) $ allToks e
shiftBlock = case firstTokOnLine of
Just (Reserved t) | t `elem` [Where, Deriving] -> indentLevel
Just (ReservedOp Haskell.Pipe) -> indentLevel
Just (ReservedOp Haskell.Equal) -> indentLevel
_ -> 0
deepInGroup = maybe True insideGroup firstTokOnLine
groupIndent (Tok {tokT = Special openChar, tokPosn = Posn _ _ openCol}) ctnt
| deepInGroup = case firstTokNotOnLine ctnt of
Nothing -> openCol + nominalIndent openChar
Just t -> posnCol . tokPosn $ t
| otherwise = openCol
groupIndent (Tok _ _ _) _ = error "unable to indent code"
case getLastPath [e] solPnt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just path ->let stops = stopsOf path
in trace ("Path = " ++ show path) $
trace ("Stops = " ++ show stops) $
trace ("Previous indent = " ++ show previousIndent) $
trace ("Next indent = " ++ show nextIndent) $
trace ("firstTokOnLine = " ++ show firstTokOnLine) $
cycleIndentsB behaviour stops
colOf' :: Foldable t => t TT -> Int
colOf' = maybe 0 tokCol . getFirstElement
tokCol = posnCol . tokPosn
nominalIndent :: Char -> Int
nominalIndent '{' = 2
nominalIndent _ = 1
tokText :: Tok t -> BufferM String
tokText = readRegionB . tokRegion
isLineComment :: TT -> Bool
isLineComment = (Just Haskell.Line ==) . tokTyp . tokT
contiguous :: forall t. Tok t -> Tok t -> Bool
contiguous a b = lb la <= 1
where [la,lb] = fmap (posnLine . tokPosn) [a,b]
coalesce :: Tok Token -> Tok Token -> Bool
coalesce a b = isLineComment a && isLineComment b && contiguous a b
cleverPrettify :: [TT] -> BufferM ()
cleverPrettify toks = do
pnt <- pointB
let groups = groupBy' coalesce toks
isCommentGroup g = (tokTyp $ tokT $ head $ g) `elem` fmap Just [Haskell.Line]
thisCommentGroup = listToMaybe $ dropWhile ((pnt >) . tokEnd . last) $ filter isCommentGroup $ groups
case thisCommentGroup of
Nothing -> return ()
Just g -> do let region = mkRegion (tokBegin . head $ g) (tokEnd . last $ g)
text <- unwords . fmap (drop 2) <$> mapM tokText g
modifyRegionClever (const $ unlines' $ fmap ("-- " ++) $ fillText 80 $ text) region
tokTyp :: Token -> Maybe Haskell.CommentType
tokTyp (Comment t) = Just t
tokTyp _ = Nothing
autoIndentHaskellB :: IndentBehaviour -> BufferM ()
autoIndentHaskellB =
autoIndentWithKeywordsB [ "if"
, "then"
, "else"
, "|"
, "->"
, "case"
, "in"
[ "where"
, "let"
, "do"
, "mdo"
, "{-"
, "{-|"
, "--"
newtype GhciBuffer = GhciBuffer {_ghciBuffer :: Maybe BufferRef}
deriving (Initializable, Typeable, Binary)
ghci :: YiM BufferRef
ghci = do
b <- Interactive.interactive "ghci" []
withEditor $ setDynamic $ GhciBuffer $ Just b
return b
ghciGet :: YiM BufferRef
ghciGet = withOtherWindow $ do
GhciBuffer mb <- withEditor $ getDynamic
case mb of
Nothing -> ghci
Just b -> do
stillExists <- withEditor $ isJust <$> findBuffer b
if stillExists
then do withEditor $ switchToBufferE b
return b
else ghci
ghciSend :: String -> YiM ()
ghciSend cmd = do
b <- ghciGet
withGivenBuffer b botB
sendToProcess b (cmd ++ "\n")
ghciLoadBuffer :: YiM ()
ghciLoadBuffer = do
Just filename <- withBuffer $ gets file
ghciSend $ ":load " ++ filename
ghciInferType :: YiM ()
ghciInferType = do
name <- withBuffer $ readUnitB unitWord
when (not $ null name) $
withMinibufferGen name noHint "Insert type of which identifier?" return ghciInferTypeOf
ghciInferTypeOf :: String -> YiM ()
ghciInferTypeOf name = do
buf <- ghciGet
result <- Interactive.queryReply buf (":t " ++ name)
let successful = (not . null) name &&and (zipWith (==) name result)
when successful $
withBuffer $ moveToSol *> insertB '\n' *> leftB *> insertN result *> rightB