yi- The Haskell-Scriptable EditorSource codeContentsIndex
Construction and destruction
User interaction
Global editor actions
Interacting with external commands
The core actions of yi. This module is the link between the editor and the UI. Key bindings, and libraries should manipulate Yi through the interface defined here.
module Yi.Dynamic
module Yi.Keymap
module Yi.Prelude
module Yi.Editor
module Yi.Buffer
module Yi.Keymap.Keys
startEditor :: Config -> Maybe Editor -> IO ()
quitEditor :: YiM ()
refreshEditor :: YiM ()
suspendEditor :: YiM ()
userForceRefresh :: YiM ()
msgEditor :: String -> YiM ()
errorEditor :: String -> YiM ()
closeWindow :: YiM ()
runProcessWithInput :: String -> String -> YiM String
startSubprocess :: FilePath -> [String] -> (Either Exception ExitCode -> YiM x) -> YiM BufferRef
sendToProcess :: BufferRef -> String -> YiM ()
runAction :: Action -> YiM ()
withSyntax :: (Show x, YiAction a x) => (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> syntax -> a) -> YiM ()
focusAllSyntax :: Editor -> Editor
module Yi.Dynamic
module Yi.Keymap
module Yi.Prelude
module Yi.Editor
module Yi.Buffer
module Yi.Keymap.Keys
Construction and destruction
startEditor :: Config -> Maybe Editor -> IO ()Source
Start up the editor, setting any state with the user preferences and file names passed in, and turning on the UI
quitEditor :: YiM ()Source
User interaction
refreshEditor :: YiM ()Source
suspendEditor :: YiM ()Source
Suspend the program
userForceRefresh :: YiM ()Source
Global editor actions
msgEditor :: String -> YiM ()Source
errorEditor :: String -> YiM ()Source
Show an error on the status line and log it.
closeWindow :: YiM ()Source
Close the current window. If this is the last window open, quit the program. CONSIDER: call quitEditor when there are no other window in the interactive function. (Not possible since the windowset type disallows it -- should it be relaxed?)
Interacting with external commands
runProcessWithInput :: String -> String -> YiM StringSource

Pipe a string through an external command, returning the stdout chomp any trailing newline (is this desirable?)

Todo: varients with marks?

startSubprocess :: FilePath -> [String] -> (Either Exception ExitCode -> YiM x) -> YiM BufferRefSource
Start a subprocess with the given command and arguments.
sendToProcess :: BufferRef -> String -> YiM ()Source
runAction :: Action -> YiM ()Source
withSyntax :: (Show x, YiAction a x) => (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> syntax -> a) -> YiM ()Source
focusAllSyntax :: Editor -> EditorSource
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