{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, EmptyDataDecls, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- -- Copyright (c) 2008 Gustav Munkby -- -- | This declares our special text-view class. The textview interpretes -- mouse events so that mouse-selection in Yi should function as in any -- Cocoa application module Yi.UI.Cocoa.TextView ( YiTextView , _YiTextView , initializeClass_YiTextView , _runBuffer , YiScrollView , _YiScrollView , initializeClass_YiScrollView , _leftScroller , visibleRange )where import Prelude () import Yi.Prelude import Yi.String import Yi.Buffer hiding (runBuffer) import Yi.UI.Cocoa.Utils -- Specify Cocoa imports explicitly, to avoid name-clashes. -- Since the number of functions recognized by HOC varies -- between revisions, this seems like the safest choice. import HOC import Foundation ( NSPoint(..),NSRange(..),nsMinY,nsWidth,nsOffsetRect,NSArray, addObject,haskellString,NSMutableArray,NSValue, _NSMutableArray,array,addObjectsFromArray,rangeValue) import AppKit ( NSSelectionAffinity,characterRangeForGlyphRangeActualGlyphRange, glyphRangeForBoundingRectInTextContainer,layoutManager,textContainer, textContainerOrigin,visibleRect,frame,verticalScroller,NSTextView, NSTextViewClass,setSelectedRangesAffinityStillSelecting,NSScrollView, NSScrollViewClass,tile,setFrameOrigin,performDragOperation, NSTextViewMetaClass,NSScrollViewMetaClass, acceptableDragTypes,nsStringPboardType,stringForType,NSPasteboard, convertPointFromView,availableTypeFromArray,_NSPasteboard, typesFilterableTo,nsFilenamesPboardType,propertyListForType, glyphIndexForPointInTextContainerFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph) import qualified AppKit.NSScrollView (contentView) import Foreign import Foreign.C -- TODO: The correct way of doing this would be to add the -- protocol constraints on the performDragOperation -- parameter, but for whatever reason, HOC doesn't -- do this, so we use this hack to work around it... $(declareRenamedSelector "draggingLocation" "draggingLocation" [t| IO NSPoint |]) $(declareRenamedSelector "draggingSource" "draggingSource" [t| IO (ID ()) |]) $(declareRenamedSelector "draggingPasteboard" "draggingPasteboard" [t| IO (NSPasteboard ()) |]) instance Has_draggingPasteboard (ID t) instance Has_draggingSource (ID t) instance Has_draggingLocation (ID t) _silenceWarning :: ( ImpType_draggingPasteboard a b, ImpType_draggingSource c d, ImpType_draggingLocation e f) _silenceWarning = undefined $(declareClass "YiTextView" "NSTextView") $(exportClass "YiTextView" "ytv_" [ InstanceVariable "runBuffer" [t| BufferM () -> IO () |] [| const $ return () |] , InstanceVariable "selectingPosition" [t| Maybe Point |] [| Nothing |] , InstanceMethod 'setSelectedRangesAffinityStillSelecting -- ' , InstanceMethod 'acceptableDragTypes , InstanceMethod 'performDragOperation ]) -- | Intercept mouse selection so that we can update Yi's selection -- according to how Cocoa wants it. ytv_setSelectedRangesAffinityStillSelecting :: NSArray () -> NSSelectionAffinity -> Bool -> YiTextView () -> IO () ytv_setSelectedRangesAffinityStillSelecting rs a b v = do hrs <- fmap castObject <$> haskellList rs :: IO [NSValue ()] r <- foldl1 unionRegion <$> fmap mkRangeRegion <$> mapM rangeValue hrs :: IO Region p <- v #. _selectingPosition case (b, p) of (True, Nothing) -> do -- Assume that the initial indication gives starting position v # setIVar _selectingPosition (Just $ regionStart r) (False, Just p0) -> do v # setIVar _selectingPosition Nothing runbuf <- v #. _runBuffer runbuf $ do setVisibleSelection (regionSize r /= 0) byteIndexB p0 >>= setSelectionMarkPointB byteIndexB (if regionStart r == p0 then regionEnd r else regionStart r) >>= moveTo _ -> do -- Ignore intermediate updates (Cocoa buffers events until selection finishes) -- Ignore direct updates (to avoid having to detect "our" updates) return () super v # setSelectedRangesAffinityStillSelecting rs a b ytv_acceptableDragTypes :: YiTextView () -> IO (NSArray ()) ytv_acceptableDragTypes _ = do ar <- castObject <$> _NSMutableArray # array :: IO (NSMutableArray ()) _NSPasteboard # typesFilterableTo nsStringPboardType >>= flip addObjectsFromArray ar ar # addObject nsFilenamesPboardType return (castObject ar) -- Implement support for drag and drop... ytv_performDragOperation :: ID t -> YiTextView () -> IO Bool ytv_performDragOperation dragInfo slf = do pb <- dragInfo # draggingPasteboard ty <- slf # ytv_acceptableDragTypes >>= flip availableTypeFromArray pb when (ty /= nil) $ do str <- if ty == nsFilenamesPboardType then unlines' <$> (pb # propertyListForType ty >>= (haskellList.castObject) >>= mapM (haskellString.castObject)) else pb # stringForType ty >>= haskellString src <- dragInfo # draggingSource -- Apparently, the selection only looks as if it was updated... -- we would have to use draggingLocation to figure out where -- the new text should go. Which means that we need to get back -- our old trick for translating a mouse-position to a text-position. -- TODO: Convert ip from a character index to a buffer position (utf8) pIns' <- dragInfo # draggingLocation >>= flip charAtMouse slf runbuf <- slf #. _runBuffer runbuf $ do hasSel <- getA highlightSelectionA rSel <- if hasSel && src == (castObject slf) then getSelectRegionB else return emptyRegion pIns <- byteIndexB (fromIntegral pIns') moveTo $ fromIntegral pIns -- To not affect positions we make the "latter" modification first -- Note that there will be no drag operation if they overlap... if regionStart rSel < fromIntegral pIns then insertN str >> deleteRegionB rSel else deleteRegionB rSel >> insertN str return (ty /= nil) -- | Compute the character index of the specified mouse position charAtMouse :: NSPoint -> YiTextView () -> IO CUInt charAtMouse p slf = do -- Determine the text-relative coordinate container <- slf # textContainer NSPoint ex ey <- slf # convertPointFromView p nil NSPoint ox oy <- slf # textContainerOrigin let mouse = NSPoint (ex - ox) (ey - oy) -- Determine the index layout <- slf # layoutManager pf <- malloc -- I miss stack variables from C... =P index <- layout # glyphIndexForPointInTextContainerFractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph mouse container pf fract <- peek pf free pf return $ if (fract > 0.5) then index + 1 else index -- | Compute the currently visible text range in the view visibleRange :: YiTextView () -> IO NSRange visibleRange v = do -- Force redraw of the whole container to capture interactive style changes... NSPoint x y <- v # textContainerOrigin r <- v # visibleRect >>= \r -> nsOffsetRect r x y lm <- v # layoutManager tc <- v # textContainer gr <- lm # glyphRangeForBoundingRectInTextContainer r tc lm # characterRangeForGlyphRangeActualGlyphRange gr nullPtr $(declareClass "YiScrollView" "NSScrollView") $(exportClass "YiScrollView" "ysv_" [ InstanceVariable "leftScroller" [t| Bool |] [| False |] , InstanceMethod 'tile -- ' ]) ysv_tile :: YiScrollView () -> IO () ysv_tile slf = do super slf # tile moveScroller <- slf #. _leftScroller if not moveScroller then return () else do -- Copied from NostalgicScrollView (found on /.) c <- slf # AppKit.NSScrollView.contentView s <- slf # verticalScroller sf <- s # frame s # setFrameOrigin (NSPoint 0.0 (nsMinY sf)) c # frame >>= (flip setFrameOrigin c) . (NSPoint (nsWidth sf)) . nsMinY