-- -*- haskell -*- -- Simple lexer for Perl source files. -- This started as a copy of the C++ lexer so some bits and pieces don't make sense for Perl. -- Maintainer: Corey O'Connor { {-# OPTIONS -w #-} module Yi.Lexer.Perl ( initState, alexScanToken ) where {- Standard Library Modules Imported -} import Yi.Lexer.Alex {- External Library Modules Imported -} {- Local Modules Imported -} import qualified Yi.Syntax import Yi.Style {- End of Module Imports -} } $whitechar = [\ \t\n\r\f\v] $special = [\(\)\,\;\[\]\{\}] $ascdigit = 0-9 $unidigit = [] -- TODO $digit = [$ascdigit $unidigit] $ascsymbol = [\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\.\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\^\|\-\~] $unisymbol = [] -- TODO $symbol = [$ascsymbol $unisymbol] # [$special \_\:\"\'] $large = [A-Z \xc0-\xd6 \xd8-\xde] $small = [a-z \xdf-\xf6 \xf8-\xff \_] $alpha = [$small $large] $graphic = [$small $large $symbol $digit $special \:\"\'] $octit = 0-7 $hexit = [0-9 A-F a-f] $idchar = [$alpha $ascdigit] $nl = [\n\r] @reservedId = if | while | do | then | last | next | redo | continue | goto | redo | for | foreach | unless | until | elsif | else | sub | package | use | require | our | my | defined | undef | exists | die | shift @seperator = $whitechar+ | $special @interpVarSeperator = [^$idchar] | $nl @reservedop = "->" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "%" | \\ | "||" | "&&" | "?" | ":" | "=>" | "or" | "xor" | "and" | "ne" | "eq" | "=~" | "!~" @preMatchRegexOp = @reservedop | "(" | "{" | "," -- Standard variables -- TODO: Handle casts of the form @varTypeOp{@varid} @varTypeOp = "@" | "$" | "%" @varPackageSpec = $idchar+ "::" @varIdentifier = @varPackageSpec* $idchar+ -- TODO: A lot! There is a whole list of special global variables. @specialVarIdentifier = "_" | ARG | "." | INPUT_LINE_NUMBER | NR | "?" | CHILD_ERROR | ENV -- TODO: The specialVarToken should have an entry like the following: -- | "/" | INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR | RS -- but that messes up the hacked together regex support. -- Standard classes @decimal = $digit+ @octal = $octit+ @hexadecimal = $hexit+ @exponent = [eE] [\-\+] @decimal -- string components $cntrl = [$large \@\[\\\]\^\_] @ascii = \^ $cntrl | NUL | SOH | STX | ETX | EOT | ENQ | ACK | BEL | BS | HT | LF | VT | FF | CR | SO | SI | DLE | DC1 | DC2 | DC3 | DC4 | NAK | SYN | ETB | CAN | EM | SUB | ESC | FS | GS | RS | US | SP | DEL -- The charesc set contains more than it really should. -- It currently tries to be the superset of all characters that are possible -- to escape in the various quoting modes. Problem is, the actual set of -- Characters that should be escapable in any quoting mode depends on the -- delimiter of the quoting mode and I haven't implemented such fanciness -- yet. $charesc = [abfnrtv\\\"\'\&\`\/] @escape = \\ ($charesc | @ascii | @decimal | o @octal | x @hexadecimal) @gap = \\ $whitechar+ \\ @nonInterpolatingString = $graphic # [\'] | " " @quoteLikeDelimiter = $special | $ascsymbol | \" | \' -- Heredoc @heredocId = $idchar+ -- Perldoc -- perldoc starts at a "line that begins with an equal sign and a word" -- (man perlsyn) @perlDocStartWord = "=" [^$whitechar]+ perlHighlighterRules :- <0> { -- Conditionalize on not being prefixed with a character that could -- indicate a regex-style quote. [^smqrty]^"#"[^\n]* { c commentStyle } ^"#"[^\n]* { c commentStyle } @seperator @reservedId / @seperator { c keywordStyle } ^ @reservedId / @seperator { c keywordStyle } @varTypeOp { m (\s -> HlInVariable 0 s) (const $ withFg darkcyan) } @reservedop { c operatorStyle } @decimal | 0[oO] @octal | 0[xX] @hexadecimal { c numberStyle } @decimal \. @decimal @exponent? | @decimal @exponent { c numberStyle } -- Chunks that are handled as interpolating strings. \" { m (const $ HlInInterpString False "\"" ) operatorStyle } "`" { m (const $ HlInInterpString False "`" ) operatorStyle } -- Matching regex quote-like operators are also kinda like interpolating strings. -- In order to prevent a / delimited regex quote from being confused with -- division this only matches in the case the / is preeceded with the usual -- context I use it. ^($white*)"/" { m (const $ HlInInterpString True "/" ) operatorStyle } (@preMatchRegexOp $whitechar* "/") { m (const $ HlInInterpString True "/" ) operatorStyle } -- "?" -- { -- m (const $ HlInInterpString True "?" ) operatorStyle -- } "m/" { \str _ -> (HlInInterpString True "/", operatorStyle) } "s/" { \str _ -> (HlInSubstRegex "/", operatorStyle) } "m#" { \str _ -> (HlInInterpString True "#", operatorStyle) } "s#" { \str _ -> (HlInSubstRegex "#", operatorStyle) } -- In order to handle the various interpolation forms of a heredoc the lexer transitions to a -- state devoted to just collecting the heredoc identifier. "<<" { \str _ -> (HlStartCollectHeredocIdent, operatorStyle) } -- Chunks that are handles as non-interpolating strings. \' { m (const $ HlInString '\'') operatorStyle } "qw" @quoteLikeDelimiter { \str _ -> let startChar = head $ drop 2 $ fmap snd str closeChar '(' = ')' closeChar '{' = '}' closeChar '<' = '>' closeChar '[' = ']' closeChar c = c in (HlInString (closeChar startChar), operatorStyle) } -- perldoc starts at a "line that begins with an equal sign and a word" -- (man perlsyn) ^ @perlDocStartWord { m (const $ HlInPerldoc) commentStyle } -- Everything else is unstyled. $white { c defaultStyle } . { c defaultStyle } } { @escape { c defaultStyle } $white+ { c defaultStyle } -- Prevent $ at the end of a regex quote from being recognized as a -- variable. "$"/ { \state _ _ postInput -> case state of HlInInterpString True end_tag -> let postText = take (length end_tag) $ alexCollectChar postInput in if (postText == end_tag) then True else False HlInSubstRegex end_tag -> let postText = take (length end_tag) $ alexCollectChar postInput in if (postText == end_tag) then True else False _ -> False } { c stringStyle } @varTypeOp { m (\s -> HlInVariable 0 s) (const $ withFg darkcyan) } ./ { \state preInput _ _ -> case state of HlInInterpString _ end_tag -> let inputText = take (length end_tag) $ alexCollectChar preInput in if (inputText == end_tag) then True else False HlInSubstRegex end_tag -> let inputText = take (length end_tag) $ alexCollectChar preInput in if (inputText == end_tag) then True else False _ -> False } { m fromQuoteState operatorStyle } . { c stringStyle } } -- The << operator can be followed by -- Any number of spaces up to a ' or ". In which case the identifier is the sequence of characters -- collected until the matching quote. The heredoc is then processed in an interpolating context if -- the delimiter was " and a non-interpolating context if the delimiter was ' -- Any number of spaces followed by a non-quote and non-identifier character indicates the start of -- a heredoc with an empty line as the identifier. -- An identifier character following the << operator is the start of a heredoc identifier to be -- processed in an interpolating context. { $white { c defaultStyle } \' { m (const $ HlCollectHeredocIdent "" (Just '\'')) operatorStyle } \" { m (const $ HlCollectHeredocIdent "" (Just '\"')) operatorStyle } @heredocId { \indexedStr _ -> ( HlCollectHeredocIdent (fmap snd indexedStr) Nothing , variableStyle ) } . { m (const $ HlInInterpHeredocNoIdent) stringStyle } -- Although any HEREDOC identifier followed immediately by a newline is likely a syntax error we should still recognize them as -- HEREDOCs. \n { m (const $ HlInInterpHeredocNoIdent) stringStyle } } -- A heredoc identifier is collected until: -- If there is no defined deliminating quote then the next non-identifier character -- If there is a defined deliminating quote then the next character matching the specified -- character. -- TODO: Nested heredoc declarations { @heredocId { \indexedStr (HlCollectHeredocIdent ident delim) -> ( HlCollectHeredocIdent (ident ++ fmap snd indexedStr) delim , variableStyle ) } . { \indexedStr state -> let c = head $ fmap snd indexedStr in case state of HlCollectHeredocIdent ident Nothing -> (HlInInterpHeredoc ident, stringStyle) HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '\'') | c == '\'' -> (HlInHeredoc ident, operatorStyle) | otherwise -> (HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '\''), variableStyle) HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '"') | c == '"' -> (HlInInterpHeredoc ident, operatorStyle) | otherwise -> (HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '"'), variableStyle) } -- Although any HEREDOC identifier followed immediately by a newline is likely a syntax error we should still recognize them as -- HEREDOCs. \n { \indexedStr state -> let c = head $ fmap snd indexedStr in case state of HlCollectHeredocIdent ident Nothing -> (HlInInterpHeredoc ident, stringStyle) HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '\'') | c == '\'' -> (HlInHeredoc ident, operatorStyle) | otherwise -> (HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '\''), variableStyle) HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '"') | c == '"' -> (HlInInterpHeredoc ident, operatorStyle) | otherwise -> (HlCollectHeredocIdent ident (Just '"'), variableStyle) } } { \n\n { m fromQuoteState defaultStyle } $white { c defaultStyle } @varTypeOp { m (\s -> HlInVariable 0 s) (const $ withFg darkcyan) } . { c stringStyle } } { ^(@heredocId\n)/ { \state preInput _ _ -> case state of HlInInterpHeredoc tag -> let inputText = take (length tag) $ alexCollectChar preInput in if (inputText == tag) then True else False _ -> False } { m fromQuoteState operatorStyle } $white+ { c defaultStyle } @varTypeOp { m (\s -> HlInVariable 0 s) (const $ withFg darkcyan) } . { c stringStyle } } { ^(@heredocId\n)/ { \state preInput _ _ -> case state of HlInHeredoc tag -> let inputText = take (length tag) $ alexCollectChar preInput in if (inputText == tag) then True else False _ -> False } { m fromQuoteState operatorStyle } $white+ { c defaultStyle } . { c stringStyle } } { -- Support highlighting uses of the # to determine subscript of the last element. -- This isn't entirely correct as it'll accept $########foo. (@varTypeOp | "#") { c $ const (withFg darkcyan) } "{" { m increaseVarCastDepth $ const (withFg darkcyan) } "}" { m decreaseVarCastDepth $ const (withFg darkcyan) } @specialVarIdentifier { m exitVarIfZeroDepth $ const (withFg cyan) } @varIdentifier { m exitVarIfZeroDepth $ const (withFg darkcyan) } $white { m (\(HlInVariable _ s) -> s) defaultStyle } . { m (\(HlInVariable _ s) -> s) defaultStyle } } { ^ "=cut" { m fromQuoteState commentStyle } $white+ { c defaultStyle } . { c commentStyle } } { $white+ { c defaultStyle } ./ { \state preInput _ _ -> case state of HlInString endDelimiter -> let currentChar = head $ alexCollectChar preInput in if (currentChar == endDelimiter) then True else False _ -> False } { m fromQuoteState operatorStyle } . { c stringStyle } } { data HlState = HlInCode -- Boolean indicating if the interpolated quote is a regex and deliminator of quote. | HlInInterpString !Bool !String | HlInString !Char | HlStartCollectHeredocIdent | HlCollectHeredocIdent !String !(Maybe Char) | HlInInterpHeredoc !String | HlInInterpHeredocNoIdent | HlInHeredoc !String | HlInPerldoc | HlInSubstRegex !String -- Count of nested {} and the state to transition to once variable is done. | HlInVariable !Int !HlState deriving Show fromQuoteState (HlInSubstRegex s) = HlInInterpString True s fromQuoteState _ = HlInCode increaseVarCastDepth (HlInVariable n s) = HlInVariable (n + 1) s increaseVarCastDepth state = error "increaseVarCastDepth applied to non HlInVariable state" decreaseVarCastDepth (HlInVariable n s) | n <= 1 = s | otherwise = HlInVariable (n - 1) s decreaseVarCastDepth state = error "decreaseVarCastDepth applied to non HlInVariable state" exitVarIfZeroDepth (HlInVariable 0 s) = s exitVarIfZeroDepth s = s type Token = StyleName stateToInit HlInCode = 0 stateToInit (HlInInterpString _ _) = interpString stateToInit (HlInString _) = string stateToInit HlStartCollectHeredocIdent = startCollectHeredocIdent stateToInit (HlCollectHeredocIdent _ _) = collectHeredocIdent stateToInit (HlInInterpHeredoc _) = interpHeredoc stateToInit HlInInterpHeredocNoIdent = interpHeredocNoIdent stateToInit (HlInHeredoc _) = heredoc stateToInit HlInPerldoc = perldoc stateToInit (HlInSubstRegex _) = interpString stateToInit (HlInVariable _ _) = variable initState :: HlState initState = HlInCode #include "alex.hsinc" }