{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Keymap.Vim.InsertMap
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable

module Yi.Keymap.Vim.InsertMap (defInsertMap) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Char (isDigit)
import           Data.List.NonEmpty hiding (drop, span, dropWhile)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Prelude hiding (head)
import qualified Yi.Buffer as B
import           Yi.Buffer.Adjusted as BA hiding (Insert)
import           Yi.Editor
import           Yi.Event
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Common
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Digraph
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.EventUtils
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Motion
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.StateUtils
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Utils
import           Yi.Monad
import qualified Yi.Rope as R
import           Yi.TextCompletion (completeWordB, CompletionScope(..))

defInsertMap :: [(String, Char)] -> [VimBinding]
defInsertMap digraphs =
    [rawPrintable] <> specials digraphs <> [printable]

specials :: [(String, Char)] -> [VimBinding]
specials digraphs =
    [exitBinding digraphs, pasteRegisterBinding, digraphBinding digraphs
    , oneshotNormalBinding, completionBinding, cursorBinding]

exitBinding :: [(String, Char)] -> VimBinding
exitBinding digraphs = VimBindingE f
    f :: EventString -> VimState -> MatchResult (EditorM RepeatToken)
    f evs (VimState { vsMode = (Insert _) })
      | evs `elem` ["<Esc>", "<C-c>"]
      = WholeMatch $ do
        count <- getCountE
        (Insert starter) <- fmap vsMode getEditorDyn
        when (count > 1) $ do
            inputEvents <- fmap (parseEvents . vsOngoingInsertEvents) getEditorDyn
            replicateM_ (count - 1) $ do
                when (starter `elem` "Oo") $ withCurrentBuffer $ insertB '\n'
                replay digraphs inputEvents
        modifyStateE $ \s -> s { vsOngoingInsertEvents = mempty }
        withCurrentBuffer $ moveXorSol 1
        modifyStateE $ \s -> s { vsSecondaryCursors = mempty }
        switchModeE Normal
        withCurrentBuffer $ whenM isCurrentLineAllWhiteSpaceB $ moveToSol >> deleteToEol
        return Finish
    f _ _ = NoMatch

rawPrintable :: VimBinding
rawPrintable = VimBindingE f
    f :: EventString -> VimState -> MatchResult (EditorM RepeatToken)
    f evs s@(VimState { vsMode = (Insert _)})
          | vsPaste s && evs `notElem` ["<Esc>", "<C-c>"]
              = WholeMatch . withCurrentBuffer $ do
            case evs of
              "<lt>"       -> insertB '<'
              "<CR>"       -> newlineB
              "<Tab>"      -> insertB '\t'
              "<BS>"       -> bdeleteB
              "<C-h>"      -> bdeleteB
              "<Del>"      -> deleteB Character Forward
              "<Home>"     -> moveToSol
              "<End>"      -> moveToEol
              "<PageUp>"   -> scrollScreensB (-1)
              "<PageDown>" -> scrollScreensB   1
              c -> insertN (R.fromText $ _unEv c)
            return Continue
    f _ _ = NoMatch

replay :: [(String, Char)] -> [Event] -> EditorM ()
replay _ [] = return ()
replay digraphs (e1:es1) = do
    state <- getEditorDyn
    let recurse = replay digraphs
        evs1 = eventToEventString e1
        bindingMatch1 = selectPureBinding evs1 state (defInsertMap digraphs)
    case bindingMatch1 of
        WholeMatch action -> void action >> recurse es1
        PartialMatch -> case es1 of
            [] -> return ()
            (e2:es2) -> do
                let evs2 = evs1 <> eventToEventString e2
                    bindingMatch2 = selectPureBinding evs2 state (defInsertMap digraphs)
                case bindingMatch2 of
                    WholeMatch action -> void action >> recurse es2
                    _ -> recurse es2
        _ -> recurse es1

oneshotNormalBinding :: VimBinding
oneshotNormalBinding = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    f "<C-o>" (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
    f ('<':'C':'-':'o':'>':evs) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) =
        action evs <$ stringToMove (Ev . T.pack $ dropWhile isDigit evs)
    f _ _ = NoMatch
    action evs = do
        let (countString, motionCmd) = span isDigit evs
            WholeMatch (Move _style _isJump move) = stringToMove . Ev . T.pack $ motionCmd
        withCurrentBuffer $ move (if null countString then Nothing else Just (read countString))
        return Continue

pasteRegisterBinding :: VimBinding
pasteRegisterBinding = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    where f "<C-r>" (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
          f ('<':'C':'-':'r':'>':regName:[]) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ })
              = WholeMatch $ do
                  mr <- getRegisterE regName
                  case mr of
                    Nothing -> return ()
                    Just (Register _style rope) -> withCurrentBuffer $ insertRopeWithStyleB rope Inclusive
                  return Continue
          f _ _ = NoMatch

digraphBinding :: [(String, Char)] -> VimBinding
digraphBinding digraphs = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    where f ('<':'C':'-':'k':'>':c1:c2:[]) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ })
            = WholeMatch $ do
                  maybe (return ()) (withCurrentBuffer . insertB) $ charFromDigraph digraphs c1 c2
                  return Continue
          f ('<':'C':'-':'k':'>':_c1:[]) (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
          f "<C-k>" (VimState { vsMode = Insert _ }) = PartialMatch
          f _ _ = NoMatch

printable :: VimBinding
printable = VimBindingE f
    where f evs state@(VimState { vsMode = Insert _ } ) =
              case selectBinding evs state (specials undefined) of
                  NoMatch -> WholeMatch (printableAction evs)
                  _ -> NoMatch
          f _ _ = NoMatch

printableAction :: EventString -> EditorM RepeatToken
printableAction evs = do
    saveInsertEventStringE evs
    currentCursor <- withCurrentBuffer pointB
    IndentSettings et ts sw <- withCurrentBuffer indentSettingsB
    secondaryCursors <- fmap vsSecondaryCursors getEditorDyn
    let allCursors = currentCursor :| secondaryCursors
    marks <- withCurrentBuffer $ forM' allCursors $ \cursor -> do
        moveTo cursor
        getMarkB Nothing

    -- Using autoindenting with multiple cursors
    -- is just too broken.
    let (insertB', insertN', deleteB', bdeleteB', deleteRegionB') =
            if null secondaryCursors
            then (BA.insertB, BA.insertN, BA.deleteB,
                BA.bdeleteB, BA.deleteRegionB)
            else (B.insertB, B.insertN, B.deleteB,
                B.bdeleteB, B.deleteRegionB)

    let bufAction = case T.unpack . _unEv $ evs of
          (c:[]) -> insertB' c
          "<CR>" -> do
              isOldLineEmpty <- isCurrentLineEmptyB
              shouldTrimOldLine <- isCurrentLineAllWhiteSpaceB
              if isOldLineEmpty
              then newlineB
              else if shouldTrimOldLine
              then savingPointB $ do
              else do
          "<Tab>" -> do
              if et
              then insertN' . R.fromString $ replicate sw ' '
              else insertB' '\t'
          "<C-t>"      -> modifyIndentB (+ sw)
          "<C-d>"      -> modifyIndentB (max 0 . subtract sw)
          "<C-e>"      -> insertCharWithBelowB
          "<C-y>"      -> insertCharWithAboveB
          "<BS>"       -> bdeleteB'
          "<C-h>"      -> bdeleteB'
          "<Home>"     -> moveToSol
          "<End>"      -> moveToEol >> leftOnEol
          "<PageUp>"   -> scrollScreensB (-1)
          "<PageDown>" -> scrollScreensB   1
          "<Del>"      -> deleteB' Character Forward
          "<C-w>"      -> deleteRegionB' =<< regionOfPartNonEmptyB unitViWordOnLine Backward
          "<C-u>"      -> bdeleteLineB
          "<lt>"       -> insertB' '<'
          evs'         -> error $ "Unhandled event " <> show evs' <> " in insert mode"

    updatedCursors <- withCurrentBuffer $ do
        updatedCursors <- forM' marks $ \mark -> do
            moveTo =<< use (markPointA mark)
        mapM_ deleteMarkB $ toList marks
        moveTo $ head updatedCursors
        return $ toList updatedCursors
    modifyStateE $ \s -> s { vsSecondaryCursors = drop 1 updatedCursors }
    return Continue
    forM' :: Monad m => NonEmpty a -> (a -> m b) -> m (NonEmpty b)
    forM' (x :| xs) f = liftM2 (:|) (f x) (forM xs f)

completionBinding :: VimBinding
completionBinding = VimBindingE (f . T.unpack . _unEv)
    where f evs (VimState { vsMode = (Insert _) })
            | evs `elem` ["<C-n>", "<C-p>"]
            = WholeMatch $ do
                  let _direction = if evs == "<C-n>" then Forward else Backward
                  completeWordB FromAllBuffers
                  return Continue
          f _ _ = NoMatch

cursorBinding :: VimBinding
cursorBinding = VimBindingE f
    where f evs (VimState { vsMode = (Insert _) })
            | evs `elem` ["<Up>", "<Left>", "<Down>", "<Right>"]
            = WholeMatch $ do
                  let WholeMatch (Move _style _isJump move) = stringToMove evs
                  withCurrentBuffer $ move Nothing
                  return Continue
          f _ _ = NoMatch