## 1.5 * remove deprecated addNonce functions * You can now configure testing middleware Configuring middleware makes it easy to add logging among other things. middleware is applied to the wai app before each test. If you follow the yesod scaffold, you probably have a withApp function in TestImport.hs. This function should now return (foundation, middleware). `id` is an acceptable value for middleware. ## 1.4.4 test helpers for CRSF middleware such as addTokenFromCookie ## * Add `addTokenFromCookie` and `addTokenFromCookieNamedToHeaderNamed`, which support the new CSRF token middleware [#1058](https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/pull/1058) * Add `getRequestCookies`, which returns the cookies from the most recent request [#1058](https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/pull/1058) ## * Improved README ## 1.4.2 Provide `Example` instance for `YesodExample`. ## Upgrade to hspec 2