{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-| Yesod.Test is a pragmatic framework for testing web applications built using wai and persistent. By pragmatic I may also mean 'dirty'. It's main goal is to encourage integration and system testing of web applications by making everything /easy to test/. Your tests are like browser sessions that keep track of cookies and the last visited page. You can perform assertions on the content of HTML responses, using css selectors to explore the document more easily. You can also easily build requests using forms present in the current page. This is very useful for testing web applications built in yesod for example, were your forms may have field names generated by the framework or a randomly generated '_nonce' field. Your database is also directly available so you can use runDB to set up backend pre-conditions, or to assert that your session is having the desired effect. -} module Yesod.Test ( -- * Declaring and running your test suite runTests, describe, it, Specs, OneSpec, -- * Making requests -- | To make a request you need to point to an url and pass in some parameters. -- -- To build your parameters you will use the RequestBuilder monad that lets you -- add values, add files, lookup fields by label and find the current -- nonce value and add it to your request too. -- post, post_, get, get_, doRequest, byName, fileByName, -- | Yesod cat auto generate field ids, so you are never sure what -- the argument name should be for each one of your args when constructing -- your requests. What you do know is the /label/ of the field. -- These functions let you add parameters to your request based -- on currently displayed label names. byLabel, fileByLabel, -- | Does the current form have a _nonce? Use any of these to add it to your -- request parameters. addNonce, addNonce_, -- * Running database queries runDB, -- * Assertions assertEqual, assertHeader, assertNoHeader, statusIs, bodyEquals, bodyContains, htmlAllContain, htmlCount, -- * Utils for debugging tests printBody, printMatches, -- * Utils for building your own assertions -- | Please consider generalizing and contributing the assertions you write. htmlQuery, parseHTML, withResponse ) where import qualified Test.Hspec.Core as Core import qualified Test.Hspec.Runner as Runner import qualified Data.List as DL import qualified Data.Maybe as DY import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8 import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit import qualified Test.Hspec.HUnit () import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H import qualified Network.Socket.Internal as Sock import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI) import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (app, err) import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Test hiding (assertHeader, assertNoHeader) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as ST import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.IO import Yesod.Test.TransversingCSS import Database.Persist.GenericSql import Data.Monoid (mappend) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) -- | The state used in 'describe' to build a list of specs data SpecsData = SpecsData Application ConnectionPool [Core.Spec] -- | The specs state monad is where 'describe' runs. type Specs = ST.StateT SpecsData IO () -- | The state used in a single test case defined using 'it' data OneSpecData = OneSpecData Application ConnectionPool CookieValue (Maybe SResponse) -- | The OneSpec state monad is where 'it' runs. type OneSpec = ST.StateT OneSpecData IO data RequestBuilderData = RequestBuilderData [RequestPart] (Maybe SResponse) -- | Request parts let us discern regular key/values from files sent in the request. data RequestPart = ReqPlainPart String String | ReqFilePart String FilePath BSL8.ByteString String -- | The RequestBuilder state monad constructs an url encoded string of arguments -- to send with your requests. Some of the functions that run on it use the current -- response to analize the forms that the server is expecting to receive. type RequestBuilder = ST.StateT RequestBuilderData IO -- | Both the OneSpec and RequestBuilder monads hold a response that can be analized, -- by making them instances of this class we can have general methods that work on -- the last received response. class HoldsResponse a where readResponse :: a -> Maybe SResponse instance HoldsResponse OneSpecData where readResponse (OneSpecData _ _ _ x) = x instance HoldsResponse RequestBuilderData where readResponse (RequestBuilderData _ x) = x type CookieValue = H.Ascii -- | Runs your test suite, using you wai 'Application' and 'ConnectionPool' for performing -- the database queries in your tests. -- -- You application may already have your connection pool but you need to pass another one -- separately here. -- -- Look at the examples directory on this package to get an idea of the (small) amount of -- boilerplate code you'll need to write before calling this. runTests :: Application -> ConnectionPool -> Specs -> IO a runTests app connection specsDef = do (SpecsData _ _ specs) <- ST.execStateT specsDef (SpecsData app connection []) Runner.hspecX specs -- | Start describing a Tests suite keeping cookies and a reference to the tested 'Application' -- and 'ConnectionPool' describe :: String -> Specs -> Specs describe label action = do sData <- ST.get SpecsData app conn specs <- liftIO $ ST.execStateT action sData ST.put $ SpecsData app conn (Core.describe label [specs]) -- | Describe a single test that keeps cookies, and a reference to the last response. it :: String -> OneSpec () -> Specs it label action = do SpecsData app conn specs <- ST.get let spec = Core.it label $ do _ <- ST.execStateT action $ OneSpecData app conn "" Nothing return () ST.put $ SpecsData app conn (specs++spec) -- Performs a given action using the last response. Use this to create -- response-level assertions withResponse :: HoldsResponse a => (SResponse -> ST.StateT a IO b) -> ST.StateT a IO b withResponse f = maybe err f =<< fmap readResponse ST.get where err = failure "There was no response, you should make a request" -- | Use HXT to parse a value from an html tag. -- Check for usage examples in this module's source. parseHTML :: Html -> LA XmlTree a -> [a] parseHTML html p = runLA (hread >>> p ) (TL.unpack $ decodeUtf8 html) -- | Query the last response using css selectors, returns a list of matched fragments htmlQuery :: HoldsResponse a => Query -> ST.StateT a IO [Html] htmlQuery query = withResponse $ \ res -> case findBySelector (simpleBody res) query of Left err -> failure $ T.unpack query ++ " did not parse: " ++ (show err) Right matches -> return $ map (encodeUtf8 . TL.pack) matches -- | Asserts that the two given values are equal. assertEqual :: (Eq a) => String -> a -> a -> OneSpec () assertEqual msg a b = liftIO $ HUnit.assertBool msg (a == b) -- | Assert the last response status is as expected. statusIs :: HoldsResponse a => Int -> ST.StateT a IO () statusIs number = withResponse $ \ SResponse { simpleStatus = s } -> liftIO $ flip HUnit.assertBool (H.statusCode s == number) $ concat [ "Expected status was ", show number , " but received status was ", show $ H.statusCode s ] -- | Assert the given header key/value pair was returned. assertHeader :: HoldsResponse a => CI BS8.ByteString -> BS8.ByteString -> ST.StateT a IO () assertHeader header value = withResponse $ \ SResponse { simpleHeaders = h } -> case lookup header h of Nothing -> failure $ concat [ "Expected header " , show header , " to be " , show value , ", but it was not present" ] Just value' -> liftIO $ flip HUnit.assertBool (value == value') $ concat [ "Expected header " , show header , " to be " , show value , ", but received " , show value' ] -- | Assert the given header was not included in the response. assertNoHeader :: HoldsResponse a => CI BS8.ByteString -> ST.StateT a IO () assertNoHeader header = withResponse $ \ SResponse { simpleHeaders = h } -> case lookup header h of Nothing -> return () Just s -> failure $ concat [ "Unexpected header " , show header , " containing " , show s ] -- | Assert the last response is exactly equal to the given text. This is -- useful for testing API responses. bodyEquals :: HoldsResponse a => String -> ST.StateT a IO () bodyEquals text = withResponse $ \ res -> liftIO $ HUnit.assertBool ("Expected body to equal " ++ text) $ (simpleBody res) == BSL8.pack text -- | Assert the last response has the given text. The check is performed using the response -- body in full text form. bodyContains :: HoldsResponse a => String -> ST.StateT a IO () bodyContains text = withResponse $ \ res -> liftIO $ HUnit.assertBool ("Expected body to contain " ++ text) $ (simpleBody res) `contains` text contains :: BSL8.ByteString -> String -> Bool contains a b = DL.isInfixOf b (BSL8.unpack a) -- | Queries the html using a css selector, and all matched elements must contain -- the given string. htmlAllContain :: HoldsResponse a => Query -> String -> ST.StateT a IO () htmlAllContain query search = do matches <- htmlQuery query case matches of [] -> failure $ "Nothing matched css query: "++T.unpack query _ -> liftIO $ HUnit.assertBool ("Not all "++T.unpack query++" contain "++search) $ DL.all (DL.isInfixOf search) (map (TL.unpack . decodeUtf8) matches) -- | Performs a css query on the last response and asserts the matched elements -- are as many as expected. htmlCount :: HoldsResponse a => Query -> Int -> ST.StateT a IO () htmlCount query count = do matches <- fmap DL.length $ htmlQuery query liftIO $ flip HUnit.assertBool (matches == count) ("Expected "++(show count)++" elements to match "++T.unpack query++", found "++(show matches)) -- | Outputs the last response body to stderr (So it doesn't get captured by HSpec) printBody :: HoldsResponse a => ST.StateT a IO () printBody = withResponse $ \ SResponse { simpleBody = b } -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ BSL8.unpack b -- | Performs a CSS query and print the matches to stderr. printMatches :: HoldsResponse a => Query -> ST.StateT a IO () printMatches query = do matches <- htmlQuery query liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ show matches -- | Add a parameter with the given name and value. byName :: String -> String -> RequestBuilder () byName name value = do RequestBuilderData parts r <- ST.get ST.put $ RequestBuilderData ((ReqPlainPart name value):parts) r -- | Add a file to be posted with the current request -- -- Adding a file will automatically change your request content-type to be multipart/form-data fileByName :: String -> FilePath -> String -> RequestBuilder () fileByName name path mimetype = do RequestBuilderData parts r <- ST.get contents <- liftIO $ BSL8.readFile path ST.put $ RequestBuilderData ((ReqFilePart name path contents mimetype):parts) r -- This looks up the name of a field based on the contents of the label pointing to it. nameFromLabel :: String -> RequestBuilder String nameFromLabel label = withResponse $ \ res -> do let body = simpleBody res escaped = escapeHtmlEntities label mfor = parseHTML body $ deep $ hasName "label" >>> filterA (xshow this >>> mkText >>> hasText (DL.isInfixOf escaped)) >>> getAttrValue "for" case mfor of for:[] -> do let mname = parseHTML body $ deep $ hasAttrValue "id" (==for) >>> getAttrValue "name" case mname of "":_ -> failure $ "Label "++label++" resolved to id "++for++" which was not found. " name:_ -> return name _ -> failure $ "More than one input with id " ++ for [] -> failure $ "No label contained: "++label _ -> failure $ "More than one label contained "++label -- | Escape HTML entities in a string, so you can write the text you want in -- label lookups without worrying about the fact that yesod escapes some characters. escapeHtmlEntities :: String -> String escapeHtmlEntities "" = "" escapeHtmlEntities (c:cs) = case c of '<' -> '&' : 'l' : 't' : ';' : escapeHtmlEntities cs '>' -> '&' : 'g' : 't' : ';' : escapeHtmlEntities cs '&' -> '&' : 'a' : 'm' : 'p' : ';' : escapeHtmlEntities cs '"' -> '&' : 'q' : 'u' : 'o' : 't' : ';' : escapeHtmlEntities cs '\'' -> '&' : '#' : '3' : '9' : ';' : escapeHtmlEntities cs x -> x : escapeHtmlEntities cs byLabel :: String -> String -> RequestBuilder () byLabel label value = do name <- nameFromLabel label byName name value fileByLabel :: String -> FilePath -> String -> RequestBuilder () fileByLabel label path mime = do name <- nameFromLabel label fileByName name path mime -- | Lookup a _nonce form field and add it's value to the params. -- Receives a CSS selector that should resolve to the form element containing the nonce. addNonce_ :: Query -> RequestBuilder () addNonce_ scope = do matches <- htmlQuery $ scope `mappend` "input[name=_token][type=hidden][value]" case matches of [] -> failure $ "No nonce found in the current page" element:[] -> byName "_token" $ head $ parseHTML element $ getAttrValue "value" _ -> failure $ "More than one nonce found in the page" -- | For responses that display a single form, just lookup the only nonce available. addNonce :: RequestBuilder () addNonce = addNonce_ "" -- | Perform a POST request to url, using params post :: BS8.ByteString -> RequestBuilder () -> OneSpec () post url paramsBuild = do doRequest "POST" url paramsBuild -- | Perform a POST request without params post_ :: BS8.ByteString -> OneSpec () post_ = flip post $ return () -- | Perform a GET request to url, using params get :: BS8.ByteString -> RequestBuilder () -> OneSpec () get url paramsBuild = doRequest "GET" url paramsBuild -- | Perform a GET request without params get_ :: BS8.ByteString -> OneSpec () get_ = flip get $ return () -- | General interface to performing requests, letting you specify the request method and extra headers. doRequest :: H.Method -> BS8.ByteString -> RequestBuilder a -> OneSpec () doRequest method url paramsBuild = do OneSpecData app conn cookie mRes <- ST.get RequestBuilderData parts _ <- liftIO $ ST.execStateT paramsBuild $ RequestBuilderData [] mRes let req = if DL.any isFile parts then makeMultipart cookie parts else makeSinglepart cookie parts response <- liftIO $ runSession (srequest req) app let cookie' = DY.fromMaybe cookie $ fmap snd $ DL.find (("Set-Cookie"==) . fst) $ simpleHeaders response ST.put $ OneSpecData app conn cookie' (Just response) where isFile (ReqFilePart _ _ _ _) = True isFile _ = False -- For building the multi-part requests boundary :: String boundary = "*******noneedtomakethisrandom" separator = BS8.concat ["--", BS8.pack boundary, "\r\n"] makeMultipart cookie parts = flip SRequest (BSL8.fromChunks [multiPartBody parts]) $ mkRequest [ ("Cookie", cookie) , ("Content-Type", BS8.pack $ "multipart/form-data; boundary=" ++ boundary)] multiPartBody parts = BS8.concat $ separator : [BS8.concat [multipartPart p, separator] | p <- parts] multipartPart (ReqPlainPart k v) = BS8.concat [ "Content-Disposition: form-data; " , "name=\"", (BS8.pack k), "\"\r\n\r\n" , (BS8.pack v), "\r\n"] multipartPart (ReqFilePart k v bytes mime) = BS8.concat [ "Content-Disposition: form-data; " , "name=\"", BS8.pack k, "\"; " , "filename=\"", BS8.pack v, "\"\r\n" , "Content-Type: ", BS8.pack mime, "\r\n\r\n" , BS8.concat $ BSL8.toChunks bytes, "\r\n"] -- For building the regular non-multipart requests makeSinglepart cookie parts = SRequest (mkRequest [("Cookie",cookie), ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")]) $ BSL8.pack $ DL.concat $ DL.intersperse "&" $ map singlepartPart parts singlepartPart (ReqFilePart _ _ _ _) = "" singlepartPart (ReqPlainPart k v) = concat [k,"=",v] -- General request making mkRequest headers = defaultRequest { requestMethod = method , remoteHost = Sock.SockAddrInet 1 2 , requestHeaders = headers , rawPathInfo = url , pathInfo = DL.filter (/="") $ T.split (== '/') $ TE.decodeUtf8 url } -- | Run a persistent db query. For asserting on the results of performed actions -- or setting up pre-conditions. At the moment this part is still very raw. runDB :: SqlPersist IO a -> OneSpec a runDB query = do OneSpecData _ pool _ _ <- ST.get liftIO $ runSqlPool query pool -- Yes, just a shortcut failure :: (MonadIO a) => String -> a b failure reason = (liftIO $ HUnit.assertFailure reason) >> error ""