-- | Utilities for serving PDF from Yesod. -- Uses and depends on command line utility wkhtmltopdf to render PDF from HTML. module Yesod.Content.PDF ( -- * Conversion uri2PDF , html2PDF -- * Data type , PDF(..) , typePDF -- * Options , def , WkhtmltopdfOptions , wkCollate , wkCopies , wkGrayscale , wkLowQuality , wkPageSize , wkOrientation , wkDisableSmartShrinking , wkTitle , wkMarginBottom , wkMarginLeft , wkMarginRight , wkMarginTop , wkZoom , wkJavascriptDelay , wkWindowStatus , PageSize(..) , Orientation(..) , UnitReal(..) ) where import Prelude import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.ByteString import Data.ByteString.Builder (hPutBuilder) import Data.Conduit import Data.Default (Default(..)) import Network.URI import System.IO import System.IO.Temp import System.Process import Text.Blaze.Html import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 import Yesod.Core.Content newtype PDF = PDF { pdfBytes :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | Provide MIME type "application/pdf" as a ContentType for Yesod. typePDF :: ContentType typePDF = "application/pdf" instance HasContentType PDF where getContentType _ = typePDF instance ToTypedContent PDF where toTypedContent = TypedContent typePDF . toContent instance ToContent PDF where toContent (PDF bs) = ContentSource $ do yield $ Chunk $ fromByteString bs -- | Use wkhtmltopdf to render a PDF given the URI pointing to an HTML document. uri2PDF :: MonadIO m => WkhtmltopdfOptions -> URI -> m PDF uri2PDF opts = wkhtmltopdf opts . flip ($) . show -- | Use wkhtmltopdf to render a PDF from an HTML (Text.Blaze.Html) type. html2PDF :: MonadIO m => WkhtmltopdfOptions -> Html -> m PDF html2PDF opts html = wkhtmltopdf opts $ \inner -> withSystemTempFile "input.html" $ \tempHtmlFp tempHtmlHandle -> do hSetBinaryMode tempHtmlHandle True hSetBuffering tempHtmlHandle $ BlockBuffering Nothing hPutBuilder tempHtmlHandle $ renderHtmlBuilder html hClose tempHtmlHandle inner tempHtmlFp -- | (Internal) Call wkhtmltopdf. wkhtmltopdf :: MonadIO m => WkhtmltopdfOptions -> ((String -> IO PDF) -> IO PDF) -> m PDF wkhtmltopdf opts setupInput = liftIO $ withSystemTempFile "output.pdf" $ \tempOutputFp tempOutputHandle -> do hClose tempOutputHandle setupInput $ \inputArg -> do let args = toArgs opts ++ [inputArg, tempOutputFp] (_, _, _, pHandle) <- createProcess (proc "wkhtmltopdf" args) _ <- waitForProcess pHandle PDF <$> Data.ByteString.readFile tempOutputFp -- | Options passed to wkhtmltopdf. Please use the 'def' value -- and then modify individual settings. For more information, see -- . data WkhtmltopdfOptions = WkhtmltopdfOptions { wkCollate :: Bool -- ^ Collate when printing multiple copies. , wkCopies :: Int -- ^ Number of copies to print into the PDF file. , wkGrayscale :: Bool -- ^ Whether output PDF should be in grayscale. , wkLowQuality :: Bool -- ^ Generate lower quality output to conserve space. , wkPageSize :: PageSize -- ^ Page size (e.g. "A4", "Letter"). , wkOrientation :: Orientation -- ^ Orientation of the output. , wkDisableSmartShrinking :: Bool -- ^ Intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant. , wkTitle :: Maybe String -- ^ Title of the generated PDF file. , wkMarginBottom :: UnitReal -- ^ Bottom margin size. , wkMarginLeft :: UnitReal -- ^ Left margin size. , wkMarginRight :: UnitReal -- ^ Right margin size. , wkMarginTop :: UnitReal -- ^ Top margin size. , wkZoom :: Double -- ^ Zoom factor. , wkJavascriptDelay :: Maybe Int -- ^ Time to wait for Javascript to finish in milliseconds. , wkWindowStatus :: Maybe String -- ^ String to wait for window.status to be set to. } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Default WkhtmltopdfOptions where def = WkhtmltopdfOptions { wkCollate = True , wkCopies = 1 , wkGrayscale = False , wkLowQuality = False , wkPageSize = A4 , wkOrientation = Portrait , wkDisableSmartShrinking = False , wkTitle = Nothing , wkMarginBottom = Mm 10 , wkMarginLeft = Mm 0 , wkMarginRight = Mm 0 , wkMarginTop = Mm 10 , wkZoom = 1 , wkJavascriptDelay = Nothing , wkWindowStatus = Nothing } -- | Cf. 'wkPageSize'. data PageSize = A4 | Letter | OtherPageSize String -- ^ . | CustomPageSize UnitReal UnitReal -- ^ Height and width. deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Cf. 'wkOrientation'. data Orientation = Portrait | Landscape deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded) -- | A unit of measure. data UnitReal = Mm Double | Cm Double | OtherUnitReal String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | (Internal) Convert options to arguments. class ToArgs a where toArgs :: a -> [String] instance ToArgs WkhtmltopdfOptions where toArgs opts = [ "--quiet" , if wkCollate opts then "--collate" else "--no-collate" , "--copies", show (wkCopies opts) , "--zoom", show (wkZoom opts) ] ++ Prelude.concat [ [ "--grayscale" | True <- [wkGrayscale opts] ] , [ "--lowquality" | True <- [wkLowQuality opts] ] , [ "--disable-smart-shrinking" | True <- [wkLowQuality opts] ] , toArgs (wkPageSize opts) , toArgs (wkOrientation opts) , maybe [] (\t -> ["--title", t ]) (wkTitle opts) , maybe [] (\d -> ["--javascript-delay", show d]) (wkJavascriptDelay opts) , maybe [] (\s -> ["--window-status", s ]) (wkWindowStatus opts) , "--margin-bottom" : toArgs (wkMarginBottom opts) , "--margin-left" : toArgs (wkMarginLeft opts) , "--margin-right" : toArgs (wkMarginRight opts) , "--margin-top" : toArgs (wkMarginTop opts) ] instance ToArgs PageSize where toArgs A4 = ["--page-size", "A4"] toArgs Letter = ["--page-size", "Letter"] toArgs (OtherPageSize s) = ["--page-size", s] toArgs (CustomPageSize h w) = ("--page-height" : toArgs h) ++ ("--page-width" : toArgs w) instance ToArgs Orientation where toArgs o = ["--orientation", show o] instance ToArgs UnitReal where toArgs (Mm x) = [show x ++ "mm"] toArgs (Cm x) = [show x ++ "cm"] toArgs (OtherUnitReal s) = [s]