module Distribution.Nixpkgs.Nodejs.Cli
( cli
import Protolude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import qualified Nix.Pretty as NixP
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (putDoc)
import qualified Yarn.Lock as YL
import qualified Yarn.Lock.Types as YLT
import qualified Yarn.Lock.Helpers as YLH
import qualified Distribution.Nixpkgs.Nodejs.OptimizedNixOutput as NixOut
import qualified Distribution.Nixpkgs.Nodejs.FromPackage as NodeFP
import qualified Distribution.Nixpkgs.Nodejs.ResolveLockfile as Res
import qualified Distribution.Nodejs.Package as NP
usage :: Text
usage = mconcat $ intersperse "\n"
[ "yarn2nix [path/to/yarn.lock]"
, "yarn2nix --template [path/to/package.json]"
, ""
, "Convert a `yarn.lock` into a synonymous nix expression."
, "If no path is given, search for `./yarn.lock`."
, "In the second invocation generate a template for your `package.json`."
data Mode = Yarn | Node
fileFor :: Mode -> Text
fileFor Yarn = "yarn.lock"
fileFor Node = "package.json"
cli :: [Text] -> IO ()
cli = \case
["--help"] -> putText usage
("--template":xs) -> fileLogic Node xs
xs -> fileLogic Yarn xs
fileLogic :: Mode -> [Text] -> IO ()
fileLogic mode = \case
[] -> Dir.getCurrentDirectory >>= \d ->
Dir.findFile [d] (toS $ fileFor mode) >>= \case
Nothing -> do
dieWithUsage $ "No " <> fileFor mode <> " found in current directory"
Just path -> parseFile mode path
[path] -> parseFile mode (toS path)
_ -> dieWithUsage ""
parseFile :: Mode -> FilePath -> IO ()
parseFile Yarn = parseYarn
parseFile Node = parseNode
parseYarn :: FilePath -> IO ()
parseYarn path = do
let pathT = toS path
fc <- readFile path
`catch` \e
-> do dieWithUsage ("Unable to open " <> pathT <> ":\n" <> show (e :: IOException))
pure ""
case YL.parse path fc of
Right yarnfile -> toStdout yarnfile
Left err -> die' ("Could not parse " <> pathT <> ":\n" <> show err)
parseNode :: FilePath -> IO ()
parseNode path = do
NP.decode <$> BL.readFile path >>= \case
Right (NP.LoggingPackage (nodeModule, warnings)) -> do
for_ warnings $ TIO.hPutStrLn stderr . NP.formatWarning
print $ NixP.prettyNix $ NodeFP.genTemplate nodeModule
Left err -> die' ("Could not parse " <> toS path <> ":\n" <> show err)
die' :: Text -> IO a
die' err = putText err *> exitFailure
dieWithUsage :: Text -> IO ()
dieWithUsage err = die' (err <> "\n" <> usage)
toStdout :: YLT.Lockfile -> IO ()
toStdout lf = do
ch <- newChan
lf' <- Res.resolveLockfileStatus ch (YLH.decycle lf) >>= \case
Left err -> die' (T.intercalate "\n" $ toList err)
Right res -> pure res
putDoc $ NixP.prettyNix $ NixOut.mkPackageSet $ NixOut.convertLockfile lf'