Name: yampa-glut Version: Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Synopsis: Connects Yampa and GLUT Category: FRP, graphics Description: This package contains an adapter that connects OpenGL/GLUT to the FRP library \"Yampa\". . © 2012 by Nikolay Orlyuk; GPL-3 license. Author: Nikolay Orlyuk Maintainer: Homepage: Copyright: (c) 2012 by Nikolay Orlyuk License: GPL-3 License-File: COPYING Stability: experimental build-type: Simple flag Yampa-core Default: True Manual: False Description: Use Yampa-core instead of Yampa flag examples Default: False Manual: True Description: Build example executables too Source-Repository head type: git location: Library Extensions: Build-Depends: base<5, OpenGL, GLUT, vector-space, newtype if flag(Yampa-core) Build-Depends: Yampa-core >= 0.1.0 && < 0.3 else Build-Depends: Yampa >= 0.9.3 && < 0.11 Exposed-Modules: FRP.Yampa.GLUT.Adapter FRP.Yampa.GLUT.UI Other-Modules: FRP.Yampa.GLUT.InternalUI ghc-options: -Wall executable example Main-Is: example.lhs Build-Depends: base<5, newtype, GLUT, OpenGL, vector-space, vector-space-opengl, yampa-glut if flag(Yampa-core) Build-Depends: Yampa-core >= 0.1.0 && <0.3 else Build-Depends: Yampa >= 0.9.3 && <0.11 if !flag(examples) Buildable: False