## yaml-streamly Provides support for parsing and emitting Yaml documents. `Data.Yaml` provides a high-level interface based around the JSON datatypes provided by the `aeson` package. It uses `Text.Libyaml` from `libyaml` in its implementation of the low-level yaml encoder/decoder. ### Examples Usage examples can be found in the `Data.Yaml` documentation or in the [examples](./examples) directory. ### Additional `yaml` modules * `Data.Yaml.Include` supports adding `!include` directives to your YAML files. * `Data.Yaml.Builder` and `Data.Yaml.Parser` allow more fine-grained control of parsing an rendering, as opposed to just using the aeson typeclass and datatype system for parsing and rendering. * `Data.Yaml.Aeson` is currently a re-export of `Data.Yaml` to explicitly choose to use the aeson-compatible API. ### Executables Converters `json2yaml` and `yaml2json` can be built by disabling flag `no-exe`, e.g., one of: ``` cabal install yaml -f-no-exe stack install yaml --flag yaml:-no-exe ```