-- | XSD @dateTime@ data structure module Text.XML.XSD.DateTime( DateTime, dateTime', dateTime, toZonedTime, fromZonedTime, zonedTime', zonedTime, toUTCTime, fromUTCTime, utcTime', utcTime ) where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Data.Char import Data.Ord import Data.Maybe import Data.Time import Data.Function import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow -- | XSD @dateTime@ data structure data DateTime = DateTime Bool Int Int Int Int Int Int (Maybe String) Offset dateTimeConstr :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe [Char] -> Offset -> DateTime dateTimeConstr neg yy mm dd hhh mmm sss ssss tz = DateTime neg yy mm dd hhh mmm sss (fmap (filter isDigit) ssss) tz instance Show DateTime where show (DateTime neg yy mm dd hhh mmm sss ssss tz) = join [if neg then "-" else [], showy yy, "-", showi mm, "-", showi dd, "T", showi hhh, ":", showi mmm, ":", showi sss, seconds ssss,show tz] instance Read DateTime where readList s = [(maybeToList (dateTime s), [])] instance Eq DateTime where (==) = (==) `on` (zonedTimeToLocalTime . toZonedTime &&& zonedTimeZone . toZonedTime) instance Ord DateTime where compare = comparing (zonedTimeToLocalTime . toZonedTime &&& zonedTimeZone . toZonedTime) -- | Parses the string into a @dateTime@ or may fail with a parse error. dateTime' :: String -> Either ParseError DateTime dateTime' = parse parseDateTime "DateTime parser" -- | Parses the string into a @dateTime@ or may fail. dateTime :: String -> Maybe DateTime dateTime = either (const Nothing) Just . dateTime' -- | Converts a @dateTime@ to a zoned time. toZonedTime :: DateTime -> ZonedTime toZonedTime (DateTime neg yy mm dd hhh mmm sss ssss tz) = ZonedTime ( LocalTime (fromGregorian (fromIntegral ((if neg then negate else id) yy)) mm dd) ( TimeOfDay hhh mmm (realToFrac (read (show sss ++ seconds ssss) :: Double)))) (timeZone tz) -- | Converts a zoned time to a @dateTime@. fromZonedTime :: ZonedTime -> DateTime fromZonedTime (ZonedTime (LocalTime d (TimeOfDay hhh mmm sss)) (TimeZone m _ _)) = let (yy, mm, dd) = toGregorian d (sss1, sss2) = properFraction sss (hz, mz) = m `quotRem` 60 in dateTimeConstr (yy < 0) (abs (fromIntegral yy)) mm dd hhh mmm sss1 (Just (trimTail (== '0') (drop 2 $ show sss2))) (Offset False (Just (hz < 0)) (Just hz) (Just mz)) -- | Parses the string in a @dateTime@ then converts to a zoned time and may fail with a parse error. zonedTime' :: String -> Either ParseError ZonedTime zonedTime' = fmap toZonedTime . dateTime' -- | Parses the string in a @dateTime@ then converts to a zoned time and may fail. zonedTime :: String -> Maybe ZonedTime zonedTime = fmap toZonedTime . dateTime -- | Converts a @dateTime@ to a UTC time. toUTCTime :: DateTime -> UTCTime toUTCTime = uncurry localTimeToUTC . (zonedTimeZone &&& zonedTimeToLocalTime) . toZonedTime -- | Converts a UTC time to a @dateTime@. fromUTCTime :: UTCTime -> DateTime fromUTCTime (UTCTime d t) = let (yy, mm, dd) = toGregorian d TimeOfDay hhh mmm sss = timeToTimeOfDay t (sss1, sss2) = properFraction sss in dateTimeConstr (yy < 0) (abs (fromIntegral yy)) mm dd hhh mmm sss1 (Just (trimTail (== '0') (drop 2 $ show sss2))) (Offset True Nothing Nothing Nothing) -- | Parses the string in a @dateTime@ then converts to a UTC time and may fail with a parse error. utcTime' :: String -> Either ParseError UTCTime utcTime' = fmap toUTCTime . dateTime' -- | Parses the string in a @dateTime@ then converts to a UTC time and may fail. utcTime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime utcTime = fmap toUTCTime . dateTime -- not exported data Offset = Offset Bool (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int) deriving Eq instance Show Offset where show (Offset False Nothing Nothing Nothing) = [] show (Offset True Nothing Nothing Nothing) = "Z" show (Offset False (Just neg) (Just hh) (Just mm)) = join [if neg then "-" else "+", showi hh, ":", showi mm] show _ = error "Offset invariant not met" timeZone :: Offset -> TimeZone timeZone (Offset False Nothing Nothing Nothing) = TimeZone 0 False "undetermined" timeZone (Offset True Nothing Nothing Nothing) = TimeZone 0 False "UTC" timeZone (Offset False (Just neg) (Just hh) (Just mm)) = TimeZone ((if neg then negate else id) hh * 60 + mm) False (join ["UTC", if neg then "-" else "+", showi hh, ":", showi mm]) timeZone _ = error "Offset invariant not met" seconds :: Maybe String -> String seconds (Just s) = case s of "" -> [] _ -> '.' : s seconds Nothing = [] showi :: (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> String showi n = (if n < 10 then ('0':) else id) (show n) showy :: (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> String showy n = let k t = if n < t then ('0':) else id in k 1000 (k 100 (k 10 (show n))) parseOffset :: GenParser Char st Offset parseOffset = let e = const (Offset False Nothing Nothing Nothing) `fmap` eof z = const (Offset True Nothing Nothing Nothing) `fmap` char 'Z' o = do neg <- fmap (== '-') (char '+' <|> char '-') hh <- p2imax 14 _ <- char ':' mm <- p2imax (if hh == 14 then 0 else 59) return (Offset False (Just neg) (Just hh) (Just mm)) in e <|> z <|> o parseDateTime :: GenParser Char st DateTime parseDateTime = do neg <- isJust `fmap` optionMaybe (char '-') yy <- yearParser _ <- char '-' mm <- p2imax 12 _ <- char '-' dd <- p2imax ([31, if isLeapYear (fromIntegral yy) then 29 else 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] !! (mm - 1)) _ <- char 'T' hhh <- p2imax 23 _ <- char ':' mmm <- p2imax 59 _ <- char ':' sss <- p2imax 59 ssss <- optionMaybe fractionalSeconds o <- parseOffset return (dateTimeConstr neg yy mm dd hhh mmm sss ssss o) yearParser :: GenParser Char st Int yearParser = do d1 <- digit d2 <- digit d3 <- digit d4 <- digit ds <- many digit if not (null ds) && d1 == '0' then unexpected "leading zero in year" else return (read ([d1, d2, d3, d4] ++ ds)) fractionalSeconds :: GenParser Char st String fractionalSeconds = do _ <- char '.' many1 digit p2imax :: Int -> GenParser Char st Int p2imax m = do a <- digit b <- digit let n = read [a, b] if n > m then unexpected ("value " ++ show n ++ " exceeded maximum " ++ show m) else return n -- examples = ["2009-10-10T03:10:10-05:00", "2119-10-10T03:10:10.4-15:26", "0009-10-10T03:10:10+15:00", "2009-10-10T03:10:10Z", "-2009-05-10T21:08:59-05:00", "-9399-12-31T13:10:10+15:00", "-2009-10-10T03:10:10Z"] -- not exported trimTail :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] trimTail = (reverse .) . (. reverse) . dropWhile