{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances ,EmptyDataDecls ,FlexibleContexts ,FlexibleInstances ,FunctionalDependencies ,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ,KindSignatures ,MultiParamTypeClasses ,NoMonomorphismRestriction ,ScopedTypeVariables ,TemplateHaskell ,TypeOperators ,TypeSynonymInstances ,UndecidableInstances ,ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} -- I can't figure out an acceptable type for 'set' and similar: -- ghc doesn't accept the type inferred by ghci {- | Module : XMonad.Config.Alt.Internal Copyright : Adam Vogt License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) Maintainer : Adam Vogt Stability : unstable Portability : unportable Import "XMonad.Config.Alt". -} module XMonad.Config.Alt.Internal ( module XMonad.Config.Alt.QQ, -- * Running runConfig, runConfig', -- * Actions -- $actions set, add, modify, modifyIO, -- ** less useful modifyIO', insertInto, -- * Things to modify -- ** Special LayoutHook(LayoutHook), -- ** Others FocusFollowsMouse(FocusFollowsMouse), StartupHook(StartupHook), LogHook(LogHook), BorderWidth(BorderWidth), MouseBindings(MouseBindings), Keys(Keys), ModMask(ModMask), Workspaces(Workspaces), HandleEventHook(HandleEventHook), ManageHook(ManageHook), Terminal(Terminal), FocusedBorderColor(FocusedBorderColor), NormalBorderColor(NormalBorderColor), -- * Relatively private -- | You probably don't need these defaultPrec, -- ** Ordered Insertion into HLists like [(Nat,a)] insLt, insGeq, Ins2(..), Ins'(..), ins, -- ** Useful functions HCompose(hComp), Snd(Snd), HSubtract(hSubtract), HReplicateF(hReplicateF), HPred'(hPred'), -- ** For overloading Mode(..), Add(Add), Set(Set), Modify(Modify), ModifyIO(ModifyIO), Config(..), test, module Data.HList, ) where import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Char import Data.HList import Language.Haskell.TH import qualified XMonad as X import XMonad.Config.Alt.Types import XMonad.Config.Alt.QQ -- * Class to write set / modify as functions class Mode action field e x y | action field e x -> y, action field x y -> e where m :: action -> field -> e -> X.XConfig x -> Config (X.XConfig y) -- * Actions for 'Mode' data Add = Add -- ^ the 'Mode' instance combines the old value like @new `mappend` old@ data Set = Set data Modify = Modify data ModifyIO = ModifyIO $(decNat "defaultPrec" 4) {- $actions Use 'set', 'add', 'modify', 'modifyIO' for most predefined fields in 'XConfig'. For constructing things to modify a config: > insertInto action hold prec field v * @action@ is an instance of 'Mode' so you only need to write 'ModifyIO' to describe how to access this field. * @hold@ is 'HTrue' if you don't want to overwrite a preexisting value at the same @prec@. This is for things that should be applied once-only. * @field@ used with the 'Mode' * @v@ the value that is being updated (or a function if you use 'Modify' or similar) -} set f v = insertInto Set hFalse defaultPrec f v add f v = insertInto Add hFalse defaultPrec f v modify f v = insertInto Modify hFalse defaultPrec f v modifyIO = modifyIO' hFalse defaultPrec modifyIO' x = insertInto ModifyIO x insertInto action hold prec f x = ins' prec hold (m action f x =<<) -- | Represent setting layouts and layout modifiers data LayoutHook = LayoutHook instance Mode ModifyIO LayoutHook (l X.Window -> Config (m X.Window)) l m where m _ _ l c = do l' <- l $ X.layoutHook c return $ c { X.layoutHook = l' } -- | 'Add' means something else for 'X.layoutHook' because there's no suitable -- mempty for the general instance of 'X.LayoutClass' instance (X.LayoutClass l X.Window, X.LayoutClass l' X.Window) => Mode Add LayoutHook (l' X.Window) l (X.Choose l' l) where m _ _ l = \x -> return $ x { X.layoutHook = l X.||| X.layoutHook x } instance (Read (l X.Window), X.LayoutClass l X.Window, Read (l' X.Window), X.LayoutClass l' X.Window) => Mode Modify LayoutHook (l X.Window -> l' X.Window) l l' where m _ _ l = \x -> return $ x { X.layoutHook = l (X.layoutHook x) } instance (X.LayoutClass l' X.Window) => Mode Set LayoutHook (l' X.Window) l l' where m _ _ l = \x -> return $ x { X.layoutHook = l } data Snd = Snd instance Apply Snd (a, b) b where apply _ (_, b) = b -- | like @foldr (.) id@, but for a heteregenous list. class HCompose l f | l -> f where hComp :: l -> f instance HCompose HNil (a -> a) where hComp _ = id instance HCompose r (a -> b) => HCompose ((b -> c) :*: r) (a -> c) where hComp (HCons g r) = g . hComp r -- | The difference between HNats. Clamped to HZero class HSubtract a b c | a b -> c where hSubtract :: a -> b -> c instance (HNat a, HNat b, HSubtract a b c) => HSubtract (HSucc a) (HSucc b) c where hSubtract a b = hSubtract (hPred a) (hPred b) instance HNat a => HSubtract a HZero a where hSubtract a _ = a instance HSubtract HZero b HZero where hSubtract _ _ = hZero class HNat n => HReplicateF n e l | n e -> l where hReplicateF :: n -> e -> l instance HReplicateF HZero e HNil where hReplicateF _ _ = HNil instance (Apply e x y, HReplicateF n e r) => HReplicateF (HSucc n) e ((HFalse, x -> y) :*: r) where hReplicateF n e = (hFalse, apply e) `HCons` hReplicateF (hPred n) e -- | exactly like hPred, but accept HZero too class HPred' n n' | n -> n' where hPred' :: n -> n' instance HPred' HZero HZero where hPred' _ = hZero instance HNat n => HPred' (HSucc n) n where hPred' = hPred insLt n hold f l = l `hAppend` (hReplicateF ({-hPred' $ -} n `hSubtract` hLength l) Id) `hAppend` ((hold,f) `HCons` HNil) insGeq n a f l = let (b,g) = hLookupByHNat n l h = hCond b (b,g) (a,f . g) in hUpdateAtHNat n h l -- | utility class, so that we can use contexts that may not be satisfied, -- depending on the length of the accumulated list. class (HBool hold) => Ins2 b n hold f l l' | b n hold f l -> l' where ins2 :: b -> n -> hold -> f -> l -> l' -- | when l needs to be padded with id instance (-- HPred' a n', HLength l n, HSubtract a1 n a, -- HReplicateF n' Id l', HReplicateF a Id l', HAppend l l' l'', HAppend l'' (HCons (hold,e) HNil) l''1, HBool hold) => Ins2 HTrue a1 hold e l l''1 where ins2 _ = insLt -- | when l already has enough elements, just compose. Only when the existing HBool is HFalse instance (HLookupByHNat n l (t, a -> b), HUpdateAtHNat n z l l', HCond t (t, a -> b) (t1, a -> c) z, HBool t1) => Ins2 HFalse n t1 (b -> c) l l' where ins2 _ = insGeq class Ins' n hold f l l' | n hold f l -> l' where ins' :: n -> hold -> f -> l -> l' instance (HLength l ll, HLt ll n b, Ins2 b n hold f l l') => Ins' n hold f l l' where ins' = ins2 (undefined :: b) {- | @ins n f xs@ inserts at index @n@ the function f, or extends the list @xs@ with 'id' if there are too few elements. This way the precedence is not bounded. -} ins n e = ins' n hFalse (e =<<) runConfig' defConfig x = do let Config c = hComp (hMap Snd (hComp (hEnd x) HNil)) (return defConfig) (a,w) <- runWriterT c print (w []) return a --runConfig :: (X.LayoutClass l X.Window, Read (l X.Window)) => Config (X.XConfig l) -> IO () runConfig x = X.xmonad =<< runConfig' X.defaultConfig x -- * Tests data T1 a = T1 a deriving Show data T2 a = T2 a deriving Show data T3 a = T3 a deriving Show data T3a a = T3a a deriving Show data RunMWR = RunMWR instance (Monad m, HCompose l (m () -> Writer w a)) => Apply RunMWR l (a, w) where apply _ x = runWriter $ hComp x (return ()) data Print = Print instance Show a => Apply Print a (IO ()) where apply _ = print data HHMap a = HHMap a instance HMap f a b => Apply (HHMap f) a b where apply (HHMap f) = hMap f {- | Verification that insertions happen in order > (T1 (),"3") > (T2 (T1 ()),"31") > (T2 (T3 (T1 ())),"321") > (T2 (T3a (T3 (T1 ()))),"3221") -} test :: IO () test = sequence_ $ hMapM Print $ hMap RunMWR $ hMap (HHMap Snd) $ hEnd $ hBuild test1_ test2_ test3_ test3a_ where test1_ = ins (undefined `asTypeOf` hSucc (hSucc (hSucc hZero))) (\x -> tell "3" >> return (T1 x)) hNil test2_ = ins (hSucc hZero) (\x -> tell "1" >> return (T2 x)) test1_ test3_ = ins (hSucc (hSucc hZero)) (\x -> tell "2" >> return (T3 x)) test2_ test3a_ = ins (hSucc (hSucc hZero)) (\x -> tell "2" >> return (T3a x)) test3_ {- Generated instances for monomorphic fields in 'X.XConfig' Follows the style of: > data FFM = FFM > instance Mode ModifyIO FFM (Bool -> Config Bool) l l where > m _ _ f c = do > r <- f (X.fFM c) > return $ c { X.fFM = r } And the same for Modify, Set > instance (Fail (Expected String)) => Mode ModifyIO FFM y z w where > instance (Fail (Expected String)) => Mode Modify FFM y z w where > instance (Fail (Expected String)) => Mode Set FFM y z w where The last set of overlapping instances exist to help type inference here: > :t m ModifyIO NormalBorderColor > m ModifyIO NormalBorderColor > :: (String -> Config String) -> XConfig x -> Config (XConfig x) Otherwise it would just give you: > m ModifyIO NormalBorderColor > :: Mode ModifyIO NormalBorderColor e x y => > e -> XConfig x -> Config (XConfig y) Which doesn't really matter overall since @x@ ends up fixed when you try to run the config. -} -- | Improve error messages maybe. data Expected a $(fmap concat $ sequence [ do -- do better by using quoted names in the first place? let accessor = "X." ++ (case nameBase d of x:xs -> toLower x:xs _ -> []) acc = mkName accessor VarI _ (ForallT _ _ (_ `AppT` (return -> ty))) _ _ <- reify acc l <- fmap varT $ newName "l" let mkId action tyIn body = instanceD (return []) [t| $(conT ''Mode) $(conT action) $(conT d) $(tyIn) $l $l |] [funD 'm [clause [wildP,wildP] (normalB body ) [] ] ] `const` (action, tyIn) -- suppress unused var warning let fallback act = instanceD (sequence [classP ''Fail [[t| Expected $ty |]]]) [t| $(conT ''Mode) $act $(conT d) $(varT =<< newName "x") $l $l |] [funD 'm [clause [] (normalB [| error "impossible to satisfy" |]) [] ]] `const` act -- suppress unused var warning sequence $ [fallback (conT n) | n <- [''ModifyIO, ''Modify, ''Set] ] ++ [dataD (return []) d [] [normalC d []] [] ,mkId ''ModifyIO [t| $ty -> Config $ty |] [| \f c -> do r <- f ($(varE acc) c) return $(recUpdE [| c |] [fmap (\r' -> (acc,r')) [| r |]]) |] ,mkId ''Modify [t| $ty -> $ty |] [| \f c -> do r <- return $ f ($(varE acc) c) return $(recUpdE [| c |] [fmap (\r' -> (acc,r')) [| r |]]) |] ,mkId ''Set [t| $ty |] [| \f c -> do return $(recUpdE [| c |] [fmap ((,) acc) [| f |]]) |] ] | d <- map mkName -- fields in XConf -- XXX make these ' versions so we can be hygenic ["NormalBorderColor", "FocusedBorderColor", "Terminal", -- "LayoutHook", -- types $l and $l change with updates "ManageHook", "HandleEventHook", "Workspaces", "ModMask", "Keys", "MouseBindings", "BorderWidth", "LogHook", "StartupHook", "FocusFollowsMouse"] ] )