module XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
, PointerPosition (..)
import XMonad
import Control.Monad
import XMonad.StackSet (member, peek, screenDetail, current)
import Data.Maybe
data PointerPosition = Nearest | Relative Rational Rational | TowardsCentre Rational Rational
deriving (Read,Show)
updatePointer :: PointerPosition -> X ()
updatePointer p = do
ws <- gets windowset
dpy <- asks display
rect <- case peek ws of
Nothing -> return $ (screenRect . screenDetail .current) ws
Just w -> windowAttributesToRectangle `fmap` io (getWindowAttributes dpy w)
root <- asks theRoot
mouseIsMoving <- asks mouseFocused
(_sameRoot,_,currentWindow,rootx,rooty,_,_,_) <- io $ queryPointer dpy root
drag <- gets dragging
unless (pointWithin (fi rootx) (fi rooty) rect
|| mouseIsMoving
|| isJust drag
|| not (currentWindow `member` ws || currentWindow == none)) $
case p of
Nearest -> do
let x = moveWithin (fi rootx) (rect_x rect) (fi (rect_x rect) + fi (rect_width rect))
y = moveWithin (fi rooty) (rect_y rect) (fi (rect_y rect) + fi (rect_height rect))
io $ warpPointer dpy none root 0 0 0 0 x y
TowardsCentre xfrc yfrc -> do
let cx = fi (rect_width rect) / 2 + fi (rect_x rect)
cy = fi (rect_height rect) / 2 + fi (rect_y rect)
x,y,cx,cy :: Rational
x = moveWithin (fi rootx) (fi $ rect_x rect) (fi (rect_x rect) + fi (rect_width rect))
y = moveWithin (fi rooty) (fi $ rect_y rect) (fi (rect_y rect) + fi (rect_height rect))
io $ warpPointer dpy none root 0 0 0 0 (round $ x + xfrc*(cxx)) (round $ y + yfrc*(cyy))
Relative h v ->
io $ warpPointer dpy none root 0 0 0 0
(rect_x rect + fraction h (rect_width rect))
(rect_y rect + fraction v (rect_height rect))
where fraction x y = floor (x * fromIntegral y)
windowAttributesToRectangle :: WindowAttributes -> Rectangle
windowAttributesToRectangle wa = Rectangle (fi (wa_x wa)) (fi (wa_y wa))
(fi (wa_width wa)) (fi (wa_height wa))
moveWithin :: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> a
moveWithin now lower upper =
if now < lower
then lower
else if now > upper
then upper
else now
fi :: (Num b, Integral a) => a -> b
fi = fromIntegral