----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Util.Hacks -- Description : A collection of small fixes and utilities with possibly hacky implementations. -- Copyright : (c) 2020 Leon Kowarschick -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Leon Kowarschick. -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- This module is a collection of random fixes, workarounds and other functions -- that rely on somewhat hacky implementations which may have unwanted side effects -- and/or are small enough to not warrant a separate module. -- -- Import this module as qualified like so: -- -- > import qualified XMonad.Util.Hacks as Hacks -- -- and then use the functions you want as described in their respective documentation. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Util.Hacks ( -- * Windowed fullscreen -- $windowedFullscreenFix windowedFullscreenFixEventHook, -- * Java Hack -- $java javaHack, -- * Stacking trays (trayer) above panels (xmobar) -- $raiseTrayer trayerAboveXmobarEventHook, trayAbovePanelEventHook, -- * Inform xmobar when trays (e.g. trayer) change width -- $padTrayer trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook, trayPaddingXmobarEventHook, trayPaddingEventHook, -- * Steam flickering fix fixSteamFlicker, ) where import XMonad import XMonad.Hooks.FloatConfigureReq (fixSteamFlicker) import XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar (xmonadPropLog') import XMonad.Prelude (All (All), fi, filterM, when) import System.Posix.Env (putEnv) -- $windowedFullscreenFix -- Windowed fullscreen describes the behaviour in which XMonad, -- by default, does not automatically put windows that request being fullscreened -- into actual fullscreen, but keeps them constrained -- to their normal window dimensions, still rendering them in fullscreen. -- -- With chromium based applications like Chrome, Discord and others this -- can cause issues, where the window does not correctly see the size of the window -- when displaying the fullscreen content, thus cutting off the window content. -- -- This function works around that issue by forcing the window to recalculate their -- dimensions after initiating fullscreen, thus making chrome-based applications -- behave properly when in windowed fullscreen. -- -- The following gif shows the behaviour of chrome (left) without this fix -- compared to firefox, which already behaves as expected by default: -- <> -- -- Using this function, chrome will now behave as expected as well: -- <> -- -- Usage: -- add to handleEventHook as follows: -- -- > handleEventHook = handleEventHook def <> Hacks.windowedFullscreenFixEventHook -- -- | Fixes fullscreen behaviour of chromium based apps by quickly applying and undoing a resize. -- This causes chromium to recalculate the fullscreen window -- dimensions to match the actual "windowed fullscreen" dimensions. windowedFullscreenFixEventHook :: Event -> X All windowedFullscreenFixEventHook (ClientMessageEvent _ _ _ dpy win typ (_:dats)) = do wmstate <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STATE" fullscreen <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN" when (typ == wmstate && fromIntegral fullscreen `elem` dats) $ withWindowAttributes dpy win $ \attrs -> liftIO $ do resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs - 1) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs) resizeWindow dpy win (fromIntegral $ wa_width attrs) (fromIntegral $ wa_height attrs) return $ All True windowedFullscreenFixEventHook _ = return $ All True -- $java -- Some java Applications might not work with xmonad. A common workaround would be to set the environment -- variable @_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING@ to 1. The function 'javaHack' does exactly that. -- Example usage: -- -- > main = xmonad $ Hacks.javaHack (def {...}) -- -- | Fixes Java applications that don't work well with xmonad, by setting @_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1@ javaHack :: XConfig l -> XConfig l javaHack conf = conf { startupHook = startupHook conf *> io (putEnv "_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1") } -- $raiseTrayer -- Placing @trayer@ on top of @xmobar@ is somewhat tricky: -- -- - they both should be lowered to the bottom of the stacking order to avoid -- overlapping fullscreen windows -- -- - the tray needs to be stacked on top of the panel regardless of which -- happens to start first -- -- 'trayerAboveXmobarEventHook' (and the more generic -- 'trayAbovePanelEventHook') is an event hook that ensures the latter: -- whenever the tray lowers itself to the bottom of the stack, it checks -- whether there are any panels above it and lowers these again. -- -- To ensure the former, that is having both @trayer@ and @xmobar@ lower -- themselves, which is a necessary prerequisite for this event hook to -- trigger: -- -- - set @lowerOnStart = True@ and @overrideRedirect = True@ in @~/.xmobarrc@ -- - pass @-l@ to @trayer@ -- -- Usage: -- -- > handleEventHook = … <> Hacks.trayerAboveXmobarEventHook -- | Like 'trayAbovePanelEventHook', but specialised for trayer/xmobar. trayerAboveXmobarEventHook :: Event -> X All trayerAboveXmobarEventHook = trayAbovePanelEventHook (className =? "trayer") (appName =? "xmobar") -- | Whenever a tray window lowers itself to the bottom of the stack, look for -- any panels above it and lower these. trayAbovePanelEventHook :: Query Bool -- ^ tray -> Query Bool -- ^ panel -> (Event -> X All) -- ^ event hook trayAbovePanelEventHook trayQ panelQ ConfigureEvent{ev_window = w, ev_above = a} | a == none = do whenX (runQuery trayQ w) $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> do rootw <- asks theRoot (_, _, ws) <- io $ queryTree dpy rootw let aboveTrayWs = dropWhile (w /=) ws panelWs <- filterM (runQuery panelQ) aboveTrayWs mapM_ (io . lowerWindow dpy) panelWs mempty trayAbovePanelEventHook _ _ _ = mempty -- $padTrayer -- Communicating tray (e.g., trayer) resize events to xmobar so that -- padding space may be reserved on xmobar for the tray. -- -- Basic Usage with trayer: -- -- First, add the padding hook to your @handleEventHook@ as follows: -- -- > main = xmonad $ def -- > { ... -- > , handleEventHook = handleEventHook def -- > <> Hacks.trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook -- > } -- -- Then, assuming the tray is placed on the right, update your -- @xmobarrc@ as follows: -- -- > Config { ... -- > , commands = [ ... -- > , Run XPropertyLog "_XMONAD_TRAYPAD", ... ] -- > , template = " ... %_XMONAD_TRAYPAD%" -- > } -- -- As an example of what happens in this basic usage, consider the -- case where trayer updates to a width of 53 pixels. -- The following property will appear on the root window: -- -- > _XMONAD_TRAYPAD(UTF8_STRING) = "" -- | A simple trayer/xmobar-specific event hook that watches for trayer window -- resize changes and updates the _XMONAD_TRAYPAD property with xmobar markup -- that leaves a gap for the trayer. trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook :: Event -> X All -- ^ event hook trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook = trayPaddingXmobarEventHook (className =? "trayer") "_XMONAD_TRAYPAD" -- | A generic version of 'trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook' that -- allows the user to specify how to identify a tray window and the property -- to use with 'xmonadPropLog''. This is useful for other trays like -- stalonetray and also when space for more than one tray-like window needs to -- be reserved. trayPaddingXmobarEventHook :: Query Bool -- ^ query to identify the tray window -> String -- ^ 'xmonadPropLog'' property to use -> Event -> X All -- ^ resulting event hook trayPaddingXmobarEventHook trayQ prop = trayPaddingEventHook trayQ hspaceLog where hspaceLog width = xmonadPropLog' prop ("") -- | A fully generic tray resize hook that invokes a callback whenever a -- tray-like window changes width. trayPaddingEventHook :: Query Bool -- ^ query to identify the tray window -> (Int -> X ()) -- ^ action to perform when tray width changes -> Event -> X All -- ^ resulting event hook trayPaddingEventHook trayQ widthChanged ConfigureEvent{ ev_window = w, ev_width = wa } = do whenX (runQuery trayQ w) $ widthChanged (fi wa) mempty trayPaddingEventHook _ _ _ = mempty