{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers -- Description : Helper functions to be used in manageHook. -- Copyright : (c) Lukas Mai -- License : BSD -- -- Maintainer : Lukas Mai -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- This module provides helper functions to be used in @manageHook@. Here's -- how you might use this: -- -- > import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers -- > main = -- > xmonad def{ -- > ... -- > manageHook = composeOne [ -- > isKDETrayWindow -?> doIgnore, -- > transience, -- > isFullscreen -?> doFullFloat, -- > resource =? "stalonetray" -?> doIgnore -- > ], -- > ... -- > } -- -- Here's how you can define more helpers like the ones from this module: -- -- > -- some function you want to transform into an infix operator -- > f :: a -> b -> Bool -- > -- > -- a new helper -- > q ***? x = fmap (\a -> f a x) q -- or: (\b -> f x b) -- > -- or -- > q ***? x = fmap (`f` x) q -- or: (x `f`) -- -- Any existing operator can be "lifted" in the same way: -- -- > q ++? x = fmap (++ x) q module XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers ( Side(..), composeOne, (-?>), (/=?), (^?), (~?), ($?), (<==?), (>), (-?>>), currentWs, windowTag, isInProperty, isKDETrayWindow, isFullscreen, isMinimized, isDialog, isNotification, pid, desktop, transientTo, maybeToDefinite, MaybeManageHook, transience, transience', clientLeader, sameBy, shiftToSame, shiftToSame', doRectFloat, doFullFloat, doCenterFloat, doSideFloat, doFloatAt, doFloatDep, doHideIgnore, doSink, doLower, doRaise, doFocus, Match, ) where import XMonad import XMonad.Prelude import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import XMonad.Util.WindowProperties (getProp32s) import System.Posix (ProcessID) -- | Denotes a side of a screen. @S@ stands for South, @NE@ for Northeast -- etc. @C@ stands for Center. data Side = SC | NC | CE | CW | SE | SW | NE | NW | C deriving (Read, Show, Eq) -- | A ManageHook that may or may not have been executed; the outcome is embedded in the Maybe type MaybeManageHook = Query (Maybe (Endo WindowSet)) -- | A grouping type, which can hold the outcome of a predicate Query. -- This is analogous to group types in regular expressions. -- TODO: create a better API for aggregating multiple Matches logically data Match a = Match Bool a -- | An alternative 'ManageHook' composer. Unlike 'composeAll' it stops as soon as -- a candidate returns a 'Just' value, effectively running only the first match -- (whereas 'composeAll' continues and executes all matching rules). composeOne :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => [m (Maybe a)] -> m a composeOne = foldr try (return mempty) where try q z = do x <- q maybe z return x infixr 0 -?>, -->>, -?>> -- | q \/=? x. if the result of q equals x, return False (/=?) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => m a -> a -> m Bool q /=? x = fmap (/= x) q -- | q ^? x. if the result of @x `isPrefixOf` q@, return True (^?) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => m [a] -> [a] -> m Bool q ^? x = fmap (x `isPrefixOf`) q -- | q ~? x. if the result of @x `isInfixOf` q@, return True (~?) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => m [a] -> [a] -> m Bool q ~? x = fmap (x `isInfixOf`) q -- | q $? x. if the result of @x `isSuffixOf` q@, return True ($?) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => m [a] -> [a] -> m Bool q $? x = fmap (x `isSuffixOf`) q -- | q <==? x. if the result of q equals x, return True grouped with q (<==?) :: (Eq a, Functor m) => m a -> a -> m (Match a) q <==? x = fmap (`eq` x) q where eq q' x' = Match (q' == x') q' -- | q <\/=? x. if the result of q notequals x, return True grouped with q ( m a -> a -> m (Match a) q ) :: (Functor m, Monad m) => m Bool -> m a -> m (Maybe a) p -?> f = do x <- p if x then fmap Just f else return Nothing -- | A helper operator for use in 'composeAll'. It takes a condition and a function taking a grouped datum to action. If 'p' is true, it executes the resulting action. (-->>) :: (Monoid b, Monad m) => m (Match a) -> (a -> m b) -> m b p -->> f = do Match b m <- p if b then f m else return mempty -- | A helper operator for use in 'composeOne'. It takes a condition and a function taking a groupdatum to action. If 'p' is true, it executes the resulting action. If it fails, it returns 'Nothing' from the 'Query' so 'composeOne' will go on and try the next rule. (-?>>) :: (Functor m, Monad m) => m (Match a) -> (a -> m b) -> m (Maybe b) p -?>> f = do Match b m <- p if b then fmap Just (f m) else return Nothing -- | Return the current workspace currentWs :: Query WorkspaceId currentWs = liftX (withWindowSet $ return . W.currentTag) -- | Return the workspace tag of a window, if already managed windowTag :: Query (Maybe WorkspaceId) windowTag = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ withWindowSet $ return . W.findTag w -- | A predicate to check whether a window is a KDE system tray icon. isKDETrayWindow :: Query Bool isKDETrayWindow = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ do r <- getProp32s "_KDE_NET_WM_SYSTEM_TRAY_WINDOW_FOR" w return $ case r of Just [_] -> True _ -> False -- | Helper to check if a window property contains certain value. isInProperty :: String -> String -> Query Bool isInProperty p v = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ do va <- getAtom v r <- getProp32s p w return $ case r of Just xs -> fromIntegral va `elem` xs _ -> False -- | A predicate to check whether a window wants to fill the whole screen. -- See also 'doFullFloat'. isFullscreen :: Query Bool isFullscreen = isInProperty "_NET_WM_STATE" "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN" -- | A predicate to check whether a window is hidden (minimized). -- See also "XMonad.Actions.Minimize". isMinimized :: Query Bool isMinimized = isInProperty "_NET_WM_STATE" "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN" -- | A predicate to check whether a window is a dialog. -- -- See . isDialog :: Query Bool isDialog = isInProperty "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE" "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG" -- | A predicate to check whether a window is a notification. -- -- See . isNotification :: Query Bool isNotification = isInProperty "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE" "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION" -- | This function returns 'Just' the @_NET_WM_PID@ property for a -- particular window if set, 'Nothing' otherwise. -- -- See . pid :: Query (Maybe ProcessID) pid = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ getProp32s "_NET_WM_PID" w <&> \case Just [x] -> Just (fromIntegral x) _ -> Nothing -- | This function returns 'Just' the @_NET_WM_DESKTOP@ property for a -- particular window if set, 'Nothing' otherwise. -- -- See . desktop :: Query (Maybe Int) desktop = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ getProp32s "_NET_WM_DESKTOP" w <&> \case Just [x] -> Just (fromIntegral x) _ -> Nothing -- | A predicate to check whether a window is Transient. -- It holds the result which might be the window it is transient to -- or it might be 'Nothing'. transientTo :: Query (Maybe Window) transientTo = do w <- ask d <- (liftX . asks) display liftIO $ getTransientForHint d w -- | A convenience 'MaybeManageHook' that will check to see if a window -- is transient, and then move it to its parent. transience :: MaybeManageHook transience = transientTo > maybe idHook doShiftTo -- | 'transience' set to a 'ManageHook' transience' :: ManageHook transience' = maybeToDefinite transience -- | This function returns 'Just' the @WM_CLIENT_LEADER@ property for a -- particular window if set, 'Nothing' otherwise. Note that, generally, -- the window ID returned from this property (by firefox, for example) -- corresponds to an unmapped or unmanaged dummy window. For this to be -- useful in most cases, it should be used together with 'sameBy'. -- -- See . clientLeader :: Query (Maybe Window) clientLeader = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ getProp32s "WM_CLIENT_LEADER" w <&> \case Just [x] -> Just (fromIntegral x) _ -> Nothing -- | For a given window, 'sameBy' returns all windows that have a matching -- property (e.g. those obtained from Queries of 'clientLeader' and 'pid'). sameBy :: Eq prop => Query (Maybe prop) -> Query [Window] sameBy prop = prop >>= \case Nothing -> pure [] propVal -> ask >>= \w -> liftX . withWindowSet $ \s -> filterM (fmap (propVal ==) . runQuery prop) (W.allWindows s \\ [w]) -- | 'MaybeManageHook' that moves the window to the same workspace as the -- first other window that has the same value of a given 'Query'. Useful -- Queries for this include 'clientLeader' and 'pid'. shiftToSame :: Eq prop => Query (Maybe prop) -> MaybeManageHook shiftToSame prop = sameBy prop > maybe idHook doShiftTo . listToMaybe -- | 'shiftToSame' set to a 'ManageHook' shiftToSame' :: Eq prop => Query (Maybe prop) -> ManageHook shiftToSame' = maybeToDefinite . shiftToSame -- | converts 'MaybeManageHook's to 'ManageHook's maybeToDefinite :: (Monoid a, Functor m) => m (Maybe a) -> m a maybeToDefinite = fmap (fromMaybe mempty) -- | Move the window to the same workspace as another window. doShiftTo :: Window -> ManageHook doShiftTo target = doF . shiftTo =<< ask where shiftTo w s = maybe s (\t -> W.shiftWin t w s) (W.findTag target s) -- | Floats the new window in the given rectangle. doRectFloat :: W.RationalRect -- ^ The rectangle to float the window in. 0 to 1; x, y, w, h. -> ManageHook doRectFloat r = ask >>= \w -> doF (W.float w r) -- | Floats the window and makes it use the whole screen. Equivalent to -- @'doRectFloat' $ 'W.RationalRect' 0 0 1 1@. doFullFloat :: ManageHook doFullFloat = doRectFloat $ W.RationalRect 0 0 1 1 -- | Floats a new window using a rectangle computed as a function of -- the rectangle that it would have used by default. doFloatDep :: (W.RationalRect -> W.RationalRect) -> ManageHook doFloatDep move = ask >>= \w -> doF . W.float w . move . snd =<< liftX (floatLocation w) -- | Floats a new window with its original size, and its top left -- corner at a specific point on the screen (both coordinates should -- be in the range 0 to 1). doFloatAt :: Rational -> Rational -> ManageHook doFloatAt x y = doFloatDep move where move (W.RationalRect _ _ w h) = W.RationalRect x y w h -- | Floats a new window with its original size on the specified side of a -- screen doSideFloat :: Side -> ManageHook doSideFloat side = doFloatDep move where move (W.RationalRect _ _ w h) = W.RationalRect cx cy w h where cx | side `elem` [SC,C ,NC] = (1-w)/2 | side `elem` [SW,CW,NW] = 0 | otherwise = {- side `elem` [SE,CE,NE] -} 1-w cy | side `elem` [CE,C ,CW] = (1-h)/2 | side `elem` [NE,NC,NW] = 0 | otherwise = {- side `elem` [SE,SC,SW] -} 1-h -- | Floats a new window with its original size, but centered. doCenterFloat :: ManageHook doCenterFloat = doSideFloat C -- | Hides window and ignores it. doHideIgnore :: ManageHook doHideIgnore = ask >>= \w -> liftX (hide w) >> doF (W.delete w) -- | Sinks a window doSink :: ManageHook doSink = doF . W.sink =<< ask -- | Lower an unmanaged window. Useful together with 'doIgnore' to lower -- special windows that for some reason don't do it themselves. doLower :: ManageHook doLower = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> io (lowerWindow dpy w) >> mempty -- | Raise an unmanaged window. Useful together with 'doIgnore' to raise -- special windows that for some reason don't do it themselves. doRaise :: ManageHook doRaise = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> io (raiseWindow dpy w) >> mempty -- | Focus a window (useful in 'XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops.setActivateHook'). doFocus :: ManageHook doFocus = doF . W.focusWindow =<< ask