----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames -- Description : Persistently rename workspace and swap them along with their names. -- Copyright : (c) Tomas Janousek -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Tomas Janousek -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unportable -- -- Provides bindings to rename workspaces, show these names in a status bar and -- swap workspaces along with their names. These names survive restart. -- Together with "XMonad.Layout.WorkspaceDir" this provides for a fully -- dynamic topic space workflow. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames ( -- * Usage -- $usage -- * Workspace naming renameWorkspace, getWorkspaceNames', getWorkspaceNames, getWorkspaceName, getCurrentWorkspaceName, setWorkspaceName, setCurrentWorkspaceName, -- * Workspace swapping swapTo, swapTo', swapWithCurrent, -- * Workspace prompt workspaceNamePrompt, -- * StatusBar, EwmhDesktops integration workspaceNamesPP, workspaceNamesEwmh, ) where import XMonad import XMonad.Prelude (fromMaybe, isInfixOf, (<&>), (>=>)) import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (findWorkspace, WSType(..), Direction1D(..), anyWS) import qualified XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces as Swap import XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP (PP(..)) import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops (addEwmhWorkspaceRename) import XMonad.Prompt (mkXPrompt, XPConfig, historyCompletionP) import XMonad.Prompt.Workspace (Wor(Wor)) import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare (getSortByIndex) import qualified Data.Map as M -- $usage -- You can use this module with the following in your @xmonad.hs@ file: -- -- > import XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames -- -- Then add keybindings like the following: -- -- > , ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_r ), renameWorkspace def) -- -- and apply workspaceNamesPP to your pretty-printer: -- -- > myPP = workspaceNamesPP xmobarPP -- -- Check "XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar" for more information on how to incorprate -- this into your status bar. -- -- To expose workspace names to pagers and other EWMH clients, integrate this -- with "XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops": -- -- > main = xmonad $ … . workspaceNamesEwmh . ewmh . … $ def{…} -- -- We also provide a modification of "XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces"\'s -- functionality, which may be used this way: -- -- > , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Left ), swapTo Prev) -- > , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Right ), swapTo Next) -- -- > [((modm .|. controlMask, k), swapWithCurrent i) -- > | (i, k) <- zip workspaces [xK_1 ..]] -- -- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see -- . -- | Workspace names container. newtype WorkspaceNames = WorkspaceNames (M.Map WorkspaceId String) deriving (Read, Show) instance ExtensionClass WorkspaceNames where initialValue = WorkspaceNames M.empty extensionType = PersistentExtension -- | Returns a lookup function that maps workspace tags to workspace names. getWorkspaceNames' :: X (WorkspaceId -> Maybe String) getWorkspaceNames' = do WorkspaceNames m <- XS.get return (`M.lookup` m) -- | Returns a function for 'ppRename' that appends @sep@ and the workspace -- name, if set. getWorkspaceNames :: String -> X (String -> WindowSpace -> String) getWorkspaceNames sep = ren <$> getWorkspaceNames' where ren name s w = s ++ maybe "" (sep ++) (name (W.tag w)) -- | Gets the name of a workspace, if set, otherwise returns nothing. getWorkspaceName :: WorkspaceId -> X (Maybe String) getWorkspaceName w = ($ w) <$> getWorkspaceNames' -- | Gets the name of the current workspace. See 'getWorkspaceName' getCurrentWorkspaceName :: X (Maybe String) getCurrentWorkspaceName = getWorkspaceName =<< gets (W.currentTag . windowset) -- | Sets the name of a workspace. Empty string makes the workspace unnamed -- again. setWorkspaceName :: WorkspaceId -> String -> X () setWorkspaceName w name = do WorkspaceNames m <- XS.get XS.put $ WorkspaceNames $ if null name then M.delete w m else M.insert w name m refresh -- | Sets the name of the current workspace. See 'setWorkspaceName'. setCurrentWorkspaceName :: String -> X () setCurrentWorkspaceName name = do current <- gets (W.currentTag . windowset) setWorkspaceName current name -- | Prompt for a new name for the current workspace and set it. renameWorkspace :: XPConfig -> X () renameWorkspace conf = do completion <- historyCompletionP conf (prompt ==) mkXPrompt (Wor prompt) conf completion setCurrentWorkspaceName where prompt = "Workspace name: " -- | See 'XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces.swapTo'. This is the same with names. swapTo :: Direction1D -> X () swapTo dir = swapTo' dir anyWS -- | Swap with the previous or next workspace of the given type. swapTo' :: Direction1D -> WSType -> X () swapTo' dir which = findWorkspace getSortByIndex dir which 1 >>= swapWithCurrent -- | See 'XMonad.Actions.SwapWorkspaces.swapWithCurrent'. This is almost the -- same with names. swapWithCurrent :: WorkspaceId -> X () swapWithCurrent t = do current <- gets (W.currentTag . windowset) swapNames t current windows $ Swap.swapWorkspaces t current -- | Swap names of the two workspaces. swapNames :: WorkspaceId -> WorkspaceId -> X () swapNames w1 w2 = do WorkspaceNames m <- XS.get let getname w = fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup w m set w name m' = if null name then M.delete w m' else M.insert w name m' XS.put $ WorkspaceNames $ set w1 (getname w2) $ set w2 (getname w1) m -- | Same behavior than 'XMonad.Prompt.Workspace.workspacePrompt' excepted it acts on the workspace name provided by this module. workspaceNamePrompt :: XPConfig -> (WorkspaceId -> X ()) -> X () workspaceNamePrompt conf job = do myWorkspaces <- gets $ W.workspaces . windowset myWorkspacesName <- getWorkspaceNames ":" <&> \n -> [n (W.tag w) w | w <- myWorkspaces] let pairs = zip myWorkspacesName (map W.tag myWorkspaces) mkXPrompt (Wor "Select workspace: ") conf (contains myWorkspacesName) (job . toWsId pairs) where toWsId pairs name = fromMaybe "" (lookup name pairs) contains completions input = return $ filter (isInfixOf input) completions -- | Modify 'XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP.PP'\'s pretty-printing format to show -- workspace names as well. workspaceNamesPP :: PP -> X PP workspaceNamesPP pp = getWorkspaceNames ":" <&> \ren -> pp{ ppRename = ppRename pp >=> ren } -- | Tell "XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops" to append workspace names to desktop -- names. workspaceNamesEwmh :: XConfig l -> XConfig l workspaceNamesEwmh = addEwmhWorkspaceRename $ getWorkspaceNames ":"