# Change Log / Release Notes ## _unreleased_ ## 0.18.1 (August 20, 2024) ### Breaking Changes * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBars` - Move status bar functions from the `IO` to the `X` monad to allow them to look up information from `X`, like the screen width. Existing configurations may need to use `io` from `XMonad.Core` or `liftIO` from `Control.Monad.IO.Class` in order to lift any existing `IO StatusBarConfig` values into `X StatusBarConfig` values. * `XMonad.Prompt` - Added an additional `XPConfig` argument to `historyCompletion` and `historyCompletionP`. Calls along the lines of `historyCompletionP myFunc` should be changed to `historyCompletionP myConf myFunc`. If not `myConf` is lying around, `def` can be used instead. * `XMonad.Actions.GridSelect` - Added the `gs_cancelOnEmptyClick` field to `GSConfig`, which makes mouse clicks into "empty space" cancel the current grid-select. Users explicitly defining their own `GSConfig` record will have to add this to their definitions. Additionally, the field defaults to `True`—to retain the old behaviour, set it to `False`. ### New Modules * `XMonad.Actions.Profiles` - Group workspaces by similarity. Useful when one has lots of workspaces and uses only a couple per unit of work. * `XMonad.Hooks.FloatConfigureReq` - Customize handling of floating windows' move/resize/restack requests (ConfigureRequest). Useful as a workaround for some misbehaving client applications (Steam, rxvt-unicode, anything that tries to restore absolute position of floats). * `XMonad.Layout.Columns` - Organize windows in columns. This layout allows to move/resize windows in every directions. * `XMonad.Prompt.WindowBringer` - Added `copyMenu`, a convenient way to copy a window to the current workspace. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * Fix build-with-cabal.sh when XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined. * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - Fixed `checkKeymap` warning that all keybindings are duplicates. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers` - Added `isNotification` predicate to check for windows with `_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE` property of `_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION`. * `XMonad.Prompt.OrgMode` - Added `HH:MM-HH:MM` and `HH:MM+HH` syntax to specify time spans. * `XMonad.Prompt` - The history file is not extraneously read and written anymore if the `historySize` is set to 0. * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` - Requests for unmanaged windows no longer cause a refresh. This avoids flicker and also fixes disappearing menus in the Steam client and possibly a few other client applications. (See also `XMonad.Hooks.FloatConfigureReq` and/or `XMonad.Util.Hacks` for additional Steam client workarounds.) * `XMonad.Actions.Submap` - Added `visualSubmapSorted` to enable sorting of the keymap descriptions. * `XMonad.Hooks.ScreenCorners` - Added screen edge support with `SCTop`, `SCBottom`, `SCLeft` and `SCRight`. Now both corners and edges are supported. * `XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation` - Improve navigation in presence of floating windows. - Handle window switching when in `Full` layout. ### Other changes ## 0.18.0 (February 3, 2024) ### Breaking Changes * Deprecated `XMonad.Layout.Cross` due to bitrot; refer to `XMonad.Layout.Circle` and `XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns` for alternatives. * Deprecated the `XMonad.Layout.StateFull` module and `XMonad.Layout.TrackFloating.(t|T)rackFloating` in favour of `XMonad.Layout.FocusTracking`. * Dropped support for GHC 8.4. * `XMonad.Util.ExclusiveScratchpads` - Deprecated the module in favour of the (new) exclusive scratchpad functionality of `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad`. * `XMonad.Actions.CycleWorkspaceByScreen` - The type of `repeatableAction` has changed, and it's deprecated in favour of `X.A.Repeatable.repeatable`. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicProperty` - Deprecated the module in favour of the more aptly named `XMonad.Hooks.OnPropertyChange`. * `XMonad.Util.Scratchpad`: - Deprecated the module; use `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` instead. * `XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D` - Removed deprecated function `hybridNavigation`. * `XMonad.Layout.Spacing` - Removed deprecated functions `SpacingWithEdge`, `SmartSpacing`, `SmartSpacingWithEdge`, `ModifySpacing`, `setSpacing`, and `incSpacing`. * `XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback` - Removed deprecated functions `send`, `sendSM`, `sendSM_`, `tryInOrder`, `tryInOrder_`, `tryMessage`, and `tryMessage_`. * `XMonad.Prompt.Window` - Removed deprecated functions `windowPromptGoto`, `windowPromptBring`, and `windowPromptBringCopy`. * `XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus` - Removed deprecated module. This was merged into xmonad. * `XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilderP` - Removed deprecated module; use `XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilder` instead. * `XMonad.Hooks.RestoreMinimized` - Removed deprecated module; use `XMonad.Hooks.Minimize` instead. * `XMonad.Layout.Named` - Deprecated the entire module, use `XMonad.Layout.Renamed` (which newly provides `named` for convenience) instead. * `XMonad.Actions.SinkAll` - Deprecated the entire module, use `XMonad.Actions.WithAll` instead. * `XMonad.Layout.Circle`: - Deprecated the entire module, use the `circle` function from `XMonad.Layout.CircleEx` instead. * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` - `_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING` puts windows in the current workspace at the top in bottom-to-top order, followed by visible workspaces, followed by invisible workspaces. Within visible and invisible groups, workspaces are ordered lexicographically, as before. Currently focused window will always be the topmost, meaning the last in the list. * `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` - Added `nsSingleScratchpadPerWorkspace`—a logHook to allow only one active scratchpad per workspace. * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - The function `readKeySequence` now returns a non-empty list if it succeeded. * Deprecate `XMonad.Util.Ungrab`; it was moved to `XMonad.Operations` in core. ### New Modules * `XMonad.Layout.CenterMainFluid` - A three column layout with main column in the center and two stack column surrounding it. Master window will be on center column and spaces on the sides are reserved. * `XMonad.Layout.FocusTracking`. - Replaces `X.L.StateFull` and half of `X.L.TrackFloating`. * `XMonad.Actions.MostRecentlyUsed` - Tab through windows by recency of use. Based on the Alt+Tab behaviour common outside of xmonad. * `XMonad.Util.History` - Track history in *O(log n)* time. Provides `History`, a variation on a LIFO stack with a uniqueness property. In order to achieve the desired asymptotics, the data type is implemented as an ordered Map. * `XMonad.Actions.Repeatable` - Actions you'd like to repeat. Factors out the shared logic of `X.A.CycleRecentWS`, `X.A.CycleWorkspaceByScreen` and `X.A.CycleWindows`. * `XMonad.Hooks.OnPropertyChange`: - A new module replicating the functionality of `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicProperty`, but with more discoverable names. * `XMonad.Actions.ToggleFullFloat`: - Fullscreen (float) a window while remembering its original state. There's both an action to be bound to a key, and hooks that plug into `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops`. * `XMonad.Layout.CircleEx`: - A new window layout, similar to X.L.Circle, but with more possibilities for customisation. * `XMonad.Layout.DecorationEx`: - A new, more extensible, mechanism for window decorations, and some standard types of decorations, including usual bar on top of window, tabbed decorations and dwm-like decorations. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * `XMonad.Layout.Magnifier` - Added `magnifyxy` to allow for different magnification in the horizontal and vertical directions. Added `magnifierxy`, `magnifierxy'`, `magnifierxyOff`, and `magnifierxyOff'` as particular combinators. * `XMonad.Util.Loggers` - Added `logClassname`, `logClassnames`, `logClassnames'`, `logClassnameOnScreen`, `logClassnamesOnScreen`, `logClassnamesOnScreen'`, and `ClassnamesFormat`. These are all equivalents of their `Title` counterparts, allowing logging the window classname instead. * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP` - `dynamicLogString` now forces its result and produces an error string if it throws an exception. Use `dynamicLogString'` if for some reason you need the old behavior. * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - Added `remapKeysP`, which remaps keybindings from one binding to another. - Made `additionalKeys{,P}`, `removeKeys{,P}`, `remapKeysP`, and `{additional,remove}MouseBindings` `infixl 4` so they can more easily be concatenated with `(++)`. * `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` - Added `addExclusives`, `resetFocusedNSP`, `setNoexclusive`, `resizeNoexclusive`, and `floatMoveNoexclusive` in order to augment named scratchpads with the exclusive scratchpad functionality of `XMonad.Util.ExclusiveScratchpads`. * `XMonad.Layout.BorderResize` - Added `borderResizeNear` as a variant of `borderResize` that can control how many pixels near a border resizing still works. * `XMonad.Util.Run` - It is now ensured that all arguments of `execute` and `eval` are quoted. Likewise, `executeNoQuote` is added as a version of `execute` that does not do that. - Added `findFile` as a shorthand to call `find-file`. - Added `list` and `saveExcursion` to the list of Emacs commands. - Added `toList` to easily lift a `String` to an `X Input`. - Added `>&&>` and `>||>` to glue together different inputs. * `XMonad.Util.Parser` - Added the `gather`, `count`, `between`, `option`, `optionally`, `skipMany`, `skipMany1`, `chainr`, `chainr1`, `chainl`, `chainl1`, and `manyTill` functions, in order to achieve feature parity with `Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP`. * `XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys` - Added `directionMoveWindow` and `directionMoveWindow` as more alternatives to the existing functions. * `XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition` - Added `setupInsertPosition` as a combinator alternative to `insertPosition`. * `XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D` - Added `sideNavigation` as a fallback to the default tiling strategy, in case `lineNavigation` can't find a window. This benefits especially users who use `XMonad.Layout.Spacing`. * `XMonad.Prompt.OrgMode` - Added `orgPromptRefile` and `orgPromptRefileTo` for interactive and targeted refiling of the entered note into some existing tree of headings, respectively. - Allowed the time specification in `HHMM` format. * `XMonad.Actions.Search` - Added `aur`, `flora`, `ncatlab`, `protondb`, `rosettacode`, `sourcehut`, `steam`, `voidpgks_x86_64`, `voidpgks_x86_64_musl`, `arXiv`, `clojureDocs`, `cratesIo`, `rustStd`, `noogle`, `nixos`, `homeManager`, and `zbmath` search engines. * `XMonad.Layout.ResizableThreeColumns` - Fixed an issue where the bottom right window would not respond to `MirrorShrink` and `MirrorExpand` messages. * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` - Added `disableEwmhManageDesktopViewport` to avoid setting the `_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT` property, as it can lead to issues with some status bars (see this [polybar issue](https://github.com/polybar/polybar/issues/2603)). - Added `setEwmhFullscreenHooks` to override the default fullfloat/sink behaviour of `_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN` requests. See also `XMonad.Actions.ToggleFullFloat` for a float-restoring implementation of fullscreening. - Added `ewmhDesktops(Maybe)ManageHook` that places windows in their preferred workspaces. This is useful when restoring a browser session after a restart. * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar` - Added `startAllStatusBars` to start the configured status bars. * `XMonad.Util.NamedActions` - Changed `addDescrKeys` and `addDescrKeys'` to not discard the keybindings in the current config. * `XMonad.Prompt` - The `emacsLikeXPKeymap` and `vimLikeXPKeymap` keymaps now treat `C-m` the same as `Return`. - Added `prevCompletionKey` to `XPConfig`, facilitating the ability to cycle through the completions backwards. This is bound to `S-` by default. - The `vimLikeXPKeymap` now accepts the prompt upon pressing enter in normal mode. * `XMonad.Actions.Prefix` - Added `orIfPrefixed`, a combinator to decide upon an action based on whether any prefix argument was given. * `XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames` - Enabled prompt completion (from history) in `renameWorkspace`. * `XMonad.Prompt.Pass` - Added `passOTPTypePrompt` to type out one-time-passwords via `xdotool`. * `XMonad.Util.Stack` - Added `zipperFocusedAtFirstOf` to differentiate two lists into a zipper. ## 0.17.1 (September 3, 2022) ### Breaking Changes * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - The functions `parseKey`, `parseKeyCombo`, and `parseKeySequence` now return a `Parser` (from `XMonad.Util.Parser`) instead of a `ReadP`. * `XMonad.Config.{Arossato,Dmwit,Droundy,Monad,Prime,Saegesser,Sjanssen}` - Deprecated all of these modules. The user-specific configuration modules may still be found [on the website]. * `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` - Scratchpads are now only based on the argument given to `namedScratchpadManageHook`; all other scratchpad arguments are, while still present, ignored. Users passing all of their scratchpads to functions like `namedScratchpadAction` (as is shown in the module's documentation) should _not_ notice any difference in behaviour. * `XMonad.Util.DynamicScratchpads` - Deprecated the module; use the new dynamic scratchpad functionality of `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` instead. * `XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook` - Deprecated `urgencyConfig`; use `def` from the new `Default` instance of `UrgencyConfig` instead. [on the website]: https://xmonad.org/configurations.html ### New Modules * `XMonad.Actions.PerLayoutKeys` Customizes a keybinding on a per-layout basis. Based on PerWorkspaceKeys. * `XMonad.Layout.CenteredIfSingle` Layout modifier that, if only a single window is on screen, places that window in the middle of the screen. * `XMonad.Util.ActionQueue` Put XMonad actions in the queue to be executed every time the `logHook` (or, alternatively, a hook of your choice) runs. * `XMonad.Hooks.BorderPerWindow` While XMonad provides config to set all window borders at the same width, this extension lets user set border width for a specific window using a ManageHook. * `XMonad.Util.Parser` A wrapper around the 'ReadP' parser combinator, providing behaviour that's closer to the more popular parser combinator libraries. * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.WorkspaceScreen` In multi-head setup, it might be useful to have screen information of the visible workspaces combined with the workspace name, for example in a status bar. This module provides utility functions to do just that. * `XMonad.Hooks.ShowWName` Flashes the name of the current workspace when switching to it. Like `XMonad.Layout.ShowWName`, but as a logHook. * `XMonad.Actions.RepeatAction` A module for adding a keybinding to repeat the last action, similar to Vim's `.` or Emacs's `dot-mode`. * `XMonad.Util.Grab` Utilities for making grabbing and ungrabbing keys more convenient. * `XMonad.Hooks.Modal` This module implements modal keybindings for xmonad. * `XMonad.Layout.SideBorderDecoration` This module allows for having a configurable border position around windows; i.e., it can move the border to either cardinal direction. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * `XMonad.Prompt.Pass` - Added new versions of the `pass` functions that allow user-specified prompts. * `XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile` - Use `XMonad.Prelude.mkAbsolutePath` to force names to be relative to the home directory and support `~/` prefixes. * `XMonad.Prompt.OrgMode` - Fixed the date parsing issue such that entries with a format of `todo +d 12 02 2024` work. - Added the ability to specify alphabetic (`#A`, `#B`, and `#C`) [priorities] at the end of the input note. * `XMonad.Prompt.Unicode` - Fixed the display of non-ASCII characters in the description of Unicode characters * `XMonad.Prompt` - Added `transposeChars` to interchange the characters around the point and bound it to `C-t` in the Emacs XPKeymaps. - Added xft-based font fallback support. This may be used by appending other fonts to the given string: `xft:iosevka-11,FontAwesome-9`. Note that this requires `xmonad-contrib` to be compiled with `X11-xft` version 0.3.4 or higher. * `XMonad.Hooks.WindowSwallowing` - Fixed windows getting lost when used in conjunction with `smartBorders` and a single window. - No longer needs `pstree` to detect child/parent relationships. - Fixed some false positives in child/parent relationship detection. * `XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn` - Fixed parsing of `/proc/*/stat` to correctly handle complex process names. * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - Added support for Modifier Keys `KeySym`s for Emacs-like `additionalKeysP`. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers` - Flipped how `(^?)`, `(~?)`, and `($?)` work to more accurately reflect how one uses these operators. - Added `isMinimized` * `XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation` - Fixed navigation getting "stuck" in certain situations for widescreen resolutions. * `XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition` - Hidden windows are now ignored by the layout so that hidden windows in the stack don't offset position calculations in the layout. * `XMonad.Layout.MagicFocus` - The focused window will always be at the master area in the stack being passed onto the modified layout, even when focus leaves the workspace using the modified layout. * `XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect` - Added xft-based font fallback support. This may be used by appending other fonts to the given string: `xft:iosevka-11,FontAwesome-9`. Note that this requires `xmonad-contrib` to be compiled with `X11-xft` version 0.3.4 or higher. * `XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys` - Changed type signature of `keysMoveWindow` from `D -> Window -> X ()` to `ChangeDim -> Window -> X ()` to allow negative numbers without compiler warnings. * `XMonad.Util.Hacks` - Added `trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook` (plus generic variants for other trays/panels) to communicate trayer resize events to XMobar so that padding space may be reserved on xmobar for the tray. Requires `xmobar` version 0.40 or higher. * `XMonad.Layout.VoidBorders` - Added new layout modifier `normalBorders` which can be used for resetting borders back in layouts where you want borders after calling `voidBorders`. * `XMonad.Prelude` - Added `keymaskToString` and `keyToString` to show a key mask and a key in the style of `XMonad.Util.EZConfig`. - Added `WindowScreen`, which is a type synonym for the specialized `Screen` type, that results from the `WindowSet` definition in `XMonad.Core`. - Modified `mkAbsolutePath` to support a leading environment variable, so things like `$HOME/NOTES` work. If you want more general environment variable support, comment on [this PR]. * `XMonad.Util.XUtils` - Added `withSimpleWindow`, `showSimpleWindow`, `WindowConfig`, and `WindowRect` in order to simplify the handling of simple popup windows. * `XMonad.Actions.Submap` - Added `visualSubmap` to visualise the available keys and their actions when inside a submap. * `XMonad.Prompt`, `XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect`, `XMonad.Actions.GridSelect` - Key bindings now behave similarly to xmonad core: State of mouse buttons and XKB layout groups is ignored. Translation of key codes to symbols ignores modifiers, so `Shift-Tab` is now just `(shiftMap, xK_Tab)` instead of `(shiftMap, xK_ISO_Left_Tab)`. * `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` - Added support for dynamic scratchpads in the form of `dynamicNSPAction` and `toggleDynamicNSP`. * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` - Added support for `_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT`, which is required by some status bars. * `XMonad.Util.Run` - Added an EDSL—particularly geared towards programs like terminals or Emacs—to spawn processes from XMonad in a compositional way. * `XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook` - Added a `Default` instance for `UrgencyConfig` and `DzenUrgencyHook`. [this PR]: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/pull/744 [priorities]: https://orgmode.org/manual/Priorities.html ### Other changes * Migrated the sample build scripts from the deprecated `xmonad-testing` repo to `scripts/build`. This will be followed by a documentation update in the `xmonad` repo. ## 0.17.0 (October 27, 2021) ### Breaking Changes * All modules that export bitmap fonts as their default - If xmonad is compiled with XFT support (the default), use an XFT font instead. The previous default expected an X11 misc font (PCF), which is not supported in pango 1.44 anymore and thus some distributions have stopped shipping these. This fixes the silent `user error (createFontSet)`; this would break the respective modules. * `XMonad.Prompt` - Now `mkComplFunFromList` and `mkComplFunFromList'` take an additional `XPConfig` argument, so that they can take into account the given `searchPredicate`. - A `complCaseSensitivity` field has been added to `XPConfig`, indicating whether case-sensitivity is desired when performing completion. - `historyCompletion` and `historyCompletionP` now both have an `X` constraint (was: `IO`), due to changes in how the xmonad core handles XDG directories. - The prompt window now sets a `WM_CLASS` property. This allows other applications, like compositors, to properly match on it. * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` - It is no longer recommended to use `fullscreenEventHook` directly. Instead, use `ewmhFullscreen` which additionally advertises fullscreen support in `_NET_SUPPORTED` and fixes fullscreening of applications that explicitly check it, e.g. mupdf-gl, sxiv, … `XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen.fullscreenSupport` now advertises it as well, and no configuration changes are required in this case. - Deprecated `ewmhDesktopsLogHookCustom` and `ewmhDesktopsEventHookCustom`; these are now replaced by a composable `XMonad.Util.ExtensibleConf`-based interface. Users are advised to just use the `ewmh` XConfig combinator and customize behaviour using the provided `addEwmhWorkspaceSort`, `addEwmhWorkspaceRename` functions, or better still, use integrations provided by modules such as `XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames`. This interface now additionally allows customization of what happens when clients request window activation. This can be used to ignore activation of annoying applications, to mark windows as urgent instead of focusing them, and more. There's also a new `XMonad.Hooks.Focus` module extending the ManageHook EDSL with useful combinators. - Ordering of windows that are set to `_NET_CLIENT_LIST` and `_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING` was changed to be closer to the spec. From now these two lists will have differently sorted windows. - `_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION` was added to the list of supported hints (as per `_NET_SUPPORTED`). This hint has long been understood by `UrgencyHook`. This enables certain applications (e.g. kitty terminal emulator) that check whether the hint is supported to use it. * All modules still exporting a `defaultFoo` constructor - All of these were now removed. You can use the re-exported `def` from `Data.Default` instead. * `XMonad.Hooks.Script` - `execScriptHook` now has an `X` constraint (was: `MonadIO`), due to changes in how the xmonad core handles XDG directories. * `XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames` - The type of `getWorkspaceNames` was changed to fit into the new `ppRename` field of `PP`. * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar`, `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP` (previously `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog`) and `XMonad.Util.Run` - `spawnPipe` no longer uses binary mode handles but defaults to the current locale encoding instead. `dynamicLogString`, the output of which usually goes directly into such a handle, no longer encodes its output in UTF-8, but returns a normal `String` of Unicode codepoints instead. When these two are used together, everything should continue to work as it always has, but in isolation behaviour might change. (To get the old `spawnPipe` behaviour, `spawnPipeWithNoEncoding` can now be used, and `spawnPipeWithUtf8Encoding` was added as well to force UTF-8 regardless of locale. These shouldn't normally be necessary, though.) - `xmonadPropLog` and `xmonadPropLog'` now encode the String in UTF-8. Again, no change when used together with `dynamicLogString`, but other uses of these in user configs might need to be adapted. * `XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace` - Deprecated the `maxTopicHistory` field, as well as the `getLastFocusedTopics` and `setLastFocusedTopic` functions. It is now recommended to directly use `XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory` instead. - Added `TopicItem`, as well as the helper functions `topicNames`, `tiActions`, `tiDirs`, `noAction`, and `inHome` for a more convenient specification of topics. * `XMonad.Actions.CycleRecentWS` - Changed the signature of `recentWS` to return a `[WorkspaceId]` instead of a `[WindowSet]`, while `cycleWindowSets` and `toggleWindowSets` now take a function `WindowSet -> [WorkspaceId]` instead of one to `[WindowSet]` as their first argument. This fixes the interplay between this module and any layout that stores state. * `XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators` - Moved the alternative `(|||)` function and `JumpToLayout` to the xmonad core. They are re-exported by the module, but do not add any new functionality. `NewSelect` now exists as a deprecated type alias to `Choose`. - Removed the `Wrap` and `NextLayoutNoWrap` data constructors. - `XMonad.Actions.CycleWS` - Deprecated `EmptyWS`, `HiddenWS`, `NonEmptyWS`, `HiddenNonEmptyWS`, `HiddenEmptyWS`, `AnyWS` and `WSTagGroup`. - `XMonad.Actions.GridSelect` - `colorRangeFromClassName` now uses different hash function, so colors of inactive window tiles will be different (but still inside the provided color range). * `XMonad.Actions.Search` - Removed outdated `isohunt` search engine. - Updated URLs for `codesearch`, `openstreetmap`, and `thesaurus` search engines. - Added `github` search engine. ### New Modules * `XMonad.Layout.FixedAspectRatio` Layout modifier for user provided per-window aspect ratios. * `XMonad.Hooks.TaffybarPagerHints` Add a module that exports information about XMonads internal state that is not available through EWMH that is used by the taffybar status bar. * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP` Originally contained inside `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog`, this module provides the pretty-printing abstraction and utilities, used primarly with `logHook`. Below are changes from `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog`, that now are included in this module: - Added `shortenLeft` function, like existing `shorten` but shortens by truncating from left instead of right. Useful for showing directories. - Added `shorten'` and `shortenLeft'` functions with customizable overflow markers. - Added `filterOutWsPP` for filtering out certain workspaces from being displayed. - Added `xmobarBorder` for creating borders around strings and `xmobarFont` for selecting an alternative font. - Added `ppRename` to `PP`, which makes it possible for extensions like `workspaceNamesPP`, `marshallPP` and/or `clickablePP` (which need to access the original `WorkspaceId`) to compose intuitively. - Added `ppPrinters`, `WSPP` and `fallbackPrinters` as a generalization of the `ppCurrent`, `ppVisible`… sextet, which makes it possible for extensions like `copiesPP` (which acts as if there was a `ppHiddenWithCopies`) to compose intuitively. * `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar` This module provides a new interface that replaces `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog`, by providing composoble status bars. Supports property-based as well as pipe-based status bars. * `XMonad.Util.Hacks` A collection of hacks and fixes that should be easily acessible to users: - `windowedFullscreenFix` fixes fullscreen behaviour of chromium based applications when using windowed fullscreen. - `javaHack` helps when dealing with Java applications that might not work well with xmonad. - `trayerAboveXmobarEventHook` reliably stacks trayer on top of xmobar and below other windows * `XMonad.Util.ActionCycle` A module providing a simple way to implement "cycling" `X` actions, useful for things like alternating toggle-style keybindings. * `XMonad.Actions.RotateSome` Functions for rotating some elements around the stack while keeping others anchored in place. Useful in combination with layouts that dictate window visibility based on stack position, such as `XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows`. Export `surfaceNext` and `surfacePrev` actions, which treat the focused window and any hidden windows as a ring that can be rotated through the focused position. Export `rotateSome`, a pure function that rotates some elements around a stack while keeping others anchored in place. * `XMonad.Actions.Sift` Provide `siftUp` and `siftDown` actions, which behave like `swapUp` and `swapDown` but handle the wrapping case by exchanging the windows at either end of the stack instead of rotating the stack. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicIcons` Dynamically augment workspace names logged to a status bar via DynamicLog based on the contents (windows) of the workspace. * `XMonad.Hooks.WindowSwallowing` HandleEventHooks that implement window swallowing or sublayouting: Hide parent windows like terminals when opening other programs (like image viewers) from within them, restoring them once the child application closes. * `XMonad.Actions.TiledWindowDragging` An action that allows you to change the position of windows by dragging them around. * `XMonad.Layout.ResizableThreeColumns` A layout based on `XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns` but with each slave window's height resizable. * `XMonad.Layout.TallMastersCombo` A layout combinator that support Shrink, Expand, and IncMasterN just as the `Tall` layout, and also support operations of two master windows: a main master, which is the original master window; a sub master, the first window of the second pane. This combinator can be nested, and has a good support for using `XMonad.Layout.Tabbed` as a sublayout. * `XMonad.Actions.PerWindowKeys` Create actions that run on a `Query Bool`, usually associated with conditions on a window, basis. Useful for creating bindings that are excluded or exclusive for some windows. * `XMonad.Util.DynamicScratchpads` Declare any window as a scratchpad on the fly. Once declared, the scratchpad behaves like `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad`. * `XMonad.Prompt.Zsh` A version of `XMonad.Prompt.Shell` that lets you use completions supplied by zsh. * `XMonad.Util.ClickableWorkspaces` Provides `clickablePP`, which when applied to the `PP` pretty-printer used by `XMonad.Hooks.StatusBar.PP`, will make the workspace tags clickable in XMobar (for switching focus). * `XMonad.Layout.VoidBorders` Provides a modifier that semi-permanently (requires manual intervention) disables borders for windows from the layout it modifies. * `XMonad.Hooks.Focus` Extends ManageHook EDSL to work on focused windows and current workspace. * `XMonad.Config.LXQt` This module provides a config suitable for use with the LXQt desktop environment. * `XMonad.Prompt.OrgMode` A prompt for interacting with [org-mode](https://orgmode.org/). It can be used to quickly save TODOs, NOTEs, and the like with the additional capability to schedule/deadline a task, or use the primary selection as the contents of the note. * `XMonad.Util.ExtensibleConf` Extensible and composable configuration for contrib modules. Allows contrib modules to store custom configuration values inside `XConfig`. This lets them create custom hooks, ensure they hook into xmonad core only once, and possibly more. * `XMonad.Hooks.Rescreen` Custom hooks for screen (xrandr) configuration changes. These can be used to restart/reposition status bars or systrays automatically after xrandr, as well as to actually invoke xrandr or autorandr when an output is (dis)connected. * `XMonad.Actions.EasyMotion` A new module that allows selection of visible screens using a key chord. Inspired by [vim-easymotion](https://github.com/easymotion/vim-easymotion). See the animation in the vim-easymotion repo to get some idea of the functionality of this EasyMotion module. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * Add support for GHC 9.0.1. * `XMonad.Actions.WithAll` - Added `killOthers`, which kills all unfocused windows on the current workspace. * `XMonad.Prompt.XMonad` - Added `xmonadPromptCT`, which allows you to create an XMonad prompt with a custom title. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceGroups` - Add support for `XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace` through `viewTopicGroup` and `promptTopicGroupView`. * `XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect` - Fix swapped green/blue in foreground when using Xft. - The spawned tree-select window now sets a `WM_CLASS` property. This allows other applications, like compositors, to properly match on it. * `XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen` - Add fullscreenSupportBorder which uses smartBorders to remove window borders when the window is fullscreen. * `XMonad.Config.Mate` - Split out the logout dialog and add a shutdown dialog. The default behavior remains the same but there are now `mateLogout` and `mateShutdown` actions available. - Add mod-d keybinding to open the Mate main menu. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicProjects` - The `changeProjectDirPrompt` function respects the `complCaseSensitivity` field of `XPConfig` when performing directory completion. - `modifyProject` is now exported. * `XMonad.Layout.WorkspaceDir` - The `changeDir` function respects the `complCaseSensitivity` field of `XPConfig` when performing directory completion. - `Chdir` message is exported, so it's now possible to change the directory programmaticaly, not just via a user prompt. * `XMonad.Prompt.Directory` - Added `directoryMultipleModes'`, like `directoryMultipleModes` with an additional `ComplCaseSensitivity` argument. - Directory completions are now sorted. - The `Dir` constructor now takes an additional `ComplCaseSensitivity` argument to indicate whether directory completion is case sensitive. * `XMonad.Prompt.FuzzyMatch` - `fuzzySort` will now accept cases where the input is not a subsequence of every completion. * `XMonad.Prompt.Shell` - Added `getShellCompl'`, like `getShellCompl` with an additional `ComplCaseSensitivity` argument. - Added `compgenDirectories` and `compgenFiles` to get the directory/filename completion matches returned by the compgen shell builtin. - Added `safeDirPrompt`, which is like `safePrompt`, but optimized for the use-case of a program that needs a file as an argument. * `XMonad.Prompt.Unicode` - Reworked internally to call `spawnPipe` (asynchronous) instead of `runProcessWithInput` (synchronous), which fixes `typeUnicodePrompt`. - Now respects `searchPredicate` and `sorter` from user-supplied `XPConfig`. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog` - Added `xmobarProp`, for property-based alternative to `xmobar`. - Add the -dock argument to the dzen spawn arguments - The API for this module is frozen: this is now a compatibility wrapper. - References for this module are updated to point to `X.H.StatusBar` or `X.H.StatusBar.PP` * `XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows` - Added boring-aware `swapUp`, `swapDown`, `siftUp`, and `siftDown` functions. - Added `markBoringEverywhere` function, to mark the currently focused window boring on all layouts, when using `XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow`. * `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad` - Added two new exported functions to the module: - `customRunNamedScratchpadAction` (provides the option to customize the `X ()` action the scratchpad is launched by) - `spawnHereNamedScratchpadAction` (uses `XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn.spawnHere` to initially start the scratchpad on the workspace it was launched on) - Deprecated `namedScratchpadFilterOutWorkspace` and `namedScratchpadFilterOutWorkspacePP`. Use `XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare.filterOutWs` respectively `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.filterOutWsPP` instead. - Exported the `scratchpadWorkspaceTag`. - Added a new logHook `nsHideOnFocusLoss` for hiding scratchpads when they lose focus. * `XMonad.Prompt.Window` - Added `allApplications` function which maps application executable names to its underlying window. - Added a `WithWindow` constructor to `WindowPrompt` to allow executing actions of type `Window -> X ()` on the chosen window. * `XMonad.Prompt.WindowBringer` - Added `windowAppMap` function which maps application executable names to its underlying window. - A new field `windowFilter` was added to the config, which allows the user to provide a function which will decide whether each window should be included in the window bringer menu. * `XMonad.Actions.Search` - The `hoogle` function now uses the new URL `hoogle.haskell.org`. - Added `promptSearchBrowser'` function to only suggest previous searches of the selected search engine (instead of all search engines). * `XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile` - When we calculate dragger widths, we first try to get the border width of the focused window, before failing over to using the initial `borderWidth`. * `XMonad.Actions.CycleRecentWS` - Added `cycleRecentNonEmptyWS` function which behaves like `cycleRecentWS` but is constrainded to non-empty workspaces. - Added `toggleRecentWS` and `toggleRecentNonEmptyWS` functions which toggle between the current and most recent workspace, and continue to toggle back and forth on repeated presses, rather than cycling through other workspaces. - Added `recentWS` function which allows the recency list to be filtered with a user-provided predicate. * `XMonad.Layout.Hidden` - Export `HiddenWindows` type constructor. - Export `popHiddenWindow` function restoring a specific window. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks` - Export `AvoidStruts` constructor - Restored compatibility with pre-0.13 configs by making the startup hook unnecessary for correct functioning (strut cache is initialized on-demand). This is a temporary measure, however. The individual hooks are now deprecated in favor of the `docks` combinator, `xmonad --recompile` now reports deprecation warnings, and the hooks will be removed soon. - Fixed ignoring of strut updates from override-redirect windows, which is default for xmobar. Previously, if one wanted xmobar to reposition itself after xrandr changes and have xmonad handle that repositioning, one would need to configure xmobar with `overrideRedirect = False`, which would disable lowering on start and thus cause other problems. This is no longer necessary. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers` - Export `doSink` - Added `doLower` and `doRaise` - Added `shiftToSame` and `clientLeader` which allow a hook to be created that shifts a window to the workspace of other windows of the application (using either the `WM_CLIENT_LEADER` or `_NET_WM_PID` property). - Added `windowTag` - Added `(^?)`, `(~?)` and `($?)` operators as infix versions of `isPrefixOf`, `isInfixOf` and `isSuffixOf` working with `ManageHook`s. * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - Added support for XF86Bluetooth. * `XMonad.Util.Loggers` - Make `battery` and `loadAvg` distro-independent. - Added `logTitleOnScreen`, `logCurrentOnScreen` and `logLayoutOnScreen` as screen-specific variants of `logTitle`, `logCurrent` and `logLayout`. - Added `logWhenActive` to have loggers active only when a certain screen is active. - Added `logConst` to log a constant `String`, and `logDefault` (infix: `.|`) to combine loggers. - Added `logTitles` to log all window titles (focused and unfocused ones) on the focused workspace, as well as `logTitlesOnScreen` as a screen-specific variant thereof. - Added `logTitles'` and `logTitleOnScreen'`. These act like `logTitles` and `logTitlesOnScreen` but use a record as an input to enable logging for more window types. For example, currently urgent windows are additionally supported. * `XMonad.Layout.Minimize` - Export `Minimize` type constructor. * `XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceNames` - Added `workspaceNamesEwmh` which makes workspace names visible to external pagers. * `XMonad.Util.PureX` - Added `focusWindow` and `focusNth` which don't refresh (and thus possibly flicker) when they happen to be a no-op. - Added `shiftWin` as a refresh tracking version of `W.shiftWin`. * Several `LayoutClass` instances now have an additional `Typeable` constraint which may break some advanced configs. The upside is that we can now add `Typeable` to `LayoutClass` in `XMonad.Core` and make it possible to introspect the current layout and its modifiers. * `XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace` - `switchTopic` now correctly updates the last used topics. - `setLastFocusedTopic` will now check whether we have exceeded the `maxTopicHistory` and prune the topic history as necessary, as well as cons the given topic onto the list __before__ filtering it. - Added `switchNthLastFocusedExclude`, which works like `switchNthLastFocused` but is able to exclude certain topics. - Added `switchTopicWith`, which works like `switchTopic`, but one is able to give `setLastFocusedTopic` a custom filtering function as well. - Instead of a hand-rolled history, use the one from `XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory`. - Added the screen-aware functions `getLastFocusedTopicsByScreen` and `switchNthLastFocusedByScreen`. * `XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory` - Added `workspaceHistoryModify` to modify the workspace history with a pure function. - Added `workspaceHistoryHookExclude` for excluding certain workspaces to ever enter the history. * `XMonad.Util.DebugWindow` - Fixed a bottom in `debugWindow` when used on windows with UTF8 encoded titles. * `XMonad.Config.Xfce` - Set `terminal` to `xfce4-terminal`. * `XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceCompare` - Added `filterOutWs` for workspace filtering. * `XMonad.Prompt` - Accommodate completion of multiple words even when `alwaysHighlight` is enabled. - Made the history respect words that were "completed" by `alwaysHighlight` upon confirmation of the selection by the user. - Fixed a crash when focusing a new window while the prompt was up by allowing pointer events to pass through the custom prompt event loop. - The prompt now cycles through its suggestions if one hits the ends of the suggestion list and presses `TAB` again. - Added `maxComplColumns` field to `XPConfig`, to limit the number of columns in the completion window. - Redefine `ComplCaseSensitivity` to a proper sum type as opposed to a `newtype` wrapper around `Bool`. * `XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect` - Fixed a crash when focusing a new window while the tree select window was up by allowing pointer events to pass through the custom tree select event loop. * `XMonad.Layout.NoBorders` - Fixed handling of floating window borders in multihead setups that was broken since 0.14. - Added `OnlyFloat` constructor to `Ambiguity` to unconditionally remove all borders on floating windows. * `XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook` - It's now possible to clear urgency of selected windows only using the newly exported `clearUrgents'` function. Also, this and `clearUrgents` now clear the `_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION` bit as well. - Added a variant of `filterUrgencyHook` that takes a generic `Query Bool` to select which windows should never be marked urgent. - Added `askUrgent` and a `doAskUrgent` manage hook helper for marking windows as urgent from inside of xmonad. This can be used as a less intrusive action for windows requesting focus. * `XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode` - To make it easier to use, the `xmonadctl` client is now included in `scripts/`. * `XMonad.Layout.TrackFloating` - Fixed a bug that prevented changing focus on inactive workspaces. * `XMonad.Layout.Magnifier` - Added `magnifierczOff` and `magnifierczOff'` for custom-size magnifiers that start out with magnifying disabled. - Added `magnify` as a more general combinator, including the ability to postpone magnifying until there are a certain number of windows on the workspace. * `XMonad.Layout.Renamed` - Added `KeepWordsLeft` and `KeepWordsRight` for keeping certain number of words in left or right direction in layout description. * `XMonad.Hooks.WallpaperSetter` - Added `defWPNamesPng`, which works like `defWPNames` but maps `ws-name` to `ws-name.png` instead of `ws-name.jpg`. - Added `defWPNamesJpg` as an alias to `defWPNames` and deprecated the latter. * `XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts` - Floating windows are no longer moved to the end of the window stack. * `XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition` - Add the ability to increase/decrease the window size by a custom rational number. E.g: `sendMessage $ ExpandTowardsBy L 0.02` * `XMonad.Layout.Decoration` - The decoration window now sets a `WM_CLASS` property. This allows other applications, like compositors, to properly match on it. * `XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens` - Fixed a bug where `marshallPP` always sorted workspace names lexically. This changes the default behaviour of `marshallPP`—the given `ppSort` now operates in the _physical_ workspace names. The documentation of `marshallSort` contains an example of how to get the old behaviour, where `ppSort` operates in virtual names, back. - Added `workspacesOn` for filtering workspaces on the current screen. - Added `withScreen` to specify names for a given single screen. - Added new aliases `PhysicalWindowSpace` and `VirtualWindowSpace` for a `WindowSpace` for easier to read function signatures. - Added a few useful utility functions related to simplify using the module; namely `workspaceOnScreen`, `focusWindow'`, `focusScreen`, `nthWorkspace`, and `withWspOnScreen`. - Fixed wrong type-signature of `onCurrentScreen`. * `XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow` - Added `copiesPP` to make a `PP` aware of copies of the focused window. - `XMonad.Actions.CycleWS` - Added `:&:`, `:|:` and `Not` data constructors to `WSType` to logically combine predicates. - Added `hiddenWS`, `emptyWS` and `anyWS` to replace deprecated constructors. - Added `ingoringWSs` as a `WSType` predicate to skip workspaces having a tag in a given list. - `XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceOrder` - Added `swapWithCurrent` and `swapOrder` to the list of exported names. - `XMonad.Actions.Submap`, `XMonad.Util.Ungrab`: - Fixed issue with keyboard/pointer staying grabbed when a blocking action like `runProcessWithInput` was invoked. - `XMonad.Actions.UpdateFocus` - Added `focusUnderPointer`, that updates the focus based on pointer position, an inverse of `X.A.UpdatePointer`, which moves the mouse pointer to match the focused window). Together these can be used to ensure focus stays in sync with mouse. - `XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle` - Added `isToggleActive` for querying the toggle state of transformers. Useful to show the state in a status bar. * `XMonad.Layout.Spacing` - Removed deprecations for `spacing`, `spacingWithEdge`, `smartSpacing`, and `smartSpacingWithEdge`. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces` - Fixed a system freeze when using `X.A.CopyWindow.copy` in combination with `removeWorkspace`. - `withWorkspace` now honors the users `searchPredicate`, for example `fuzzyMatch` from `Prompt.FuzzyMatch`. ## 0.16 ### Breaking Changes * `XMonad.Layout.Decoration` - Added `Theme` record fields for controlling decoration border width for active/inactive/urgent windows. * `XMonad.Prompt` - Prompt ships a vim-like keymap, see `vimLikeXPKeymap` and `vimLikeXPKeymap'`. A reworked event loop supports new vim-like prompt actions. - Prompt supports dynamic colors. Colors are now specified by the `XPColor` type in `XPState` while `XPConfig` colors remain unchanged for backwards compatibility. - Fixes `showCompletionOnTab`. - The behavior of `moveWord` and `moveWord'` has changed; brought in line with the documentation and now internally consistent. The old keymaps retain the original behavior; see the documentation to do the same your XMonad configuration. * `XMonad.Util.Invisble` - Requires `MonadFail` for `Read` instance ### New Modules * `XMonad.Layout.TwoPanePersistent` A layout that is like TwoPane but keeps track of the slave window that is currently beside the master. In TwoPane, the default behavior when the master is focused is to display the next window in the stack on the slave pane. This is a problem when a different slave window is selected without changing the stack order. * `XMonad.Util.ExclusiveScratchpads` Named scratchpads that can be mutually exclusive: This new module extends the idea of named scratchpads such that you can define "families of scratchpads" that are exclusive on the same screen. It also allows to remove this constraint of being mutually exclusive with another scratchpad. * `XMonad.Actions.Prefix` A module that allows the user to use an Emacs-style prefix argument (raw or numeric). ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * `XMonad.Layout.Tabbed` tabbedLeft and tabbedRight will set their tabs' height and width according to decoHeight/decoWidth * `XMonad.Prompt` Added `sorter` to `XPConfig` used to sort the possible completions by how well they match the search string (example: `XMonad.Prompt.FuzzyMatch`). Fixes a potential bug where an error during prompt execution would leave the window open and keep the keyboard grabbed. See issue [#180](https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/issues/180). Fixes [issue #217](https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/issues/217), where using tab to wrap around the completion rows would fail when maxComplRows is restricting the number of rows of output. * `XMonad.Prompt.Pass` Added 'passOTPPrompt' to support getting OTP type password. This require pass-otp (https://github.com/tadfisher/pass-otp) has been setup in the running machine. Added 'passGenerateAndCopyPrompt', which both generates a new password and copies it to the clipboard. These two actions are commonly desirable to take together, e.g. when establishing a new account. Made password prompts traverse symlinks when gathering password names for autocomplete. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicProjects` Make the input directory read from the prompt in `DynamicProjects` absolute wrt the current directory. Before this, the directory set by the prompt was treated like a relative directory. This means that when you switch from a project with directory `foo` into a project with directory `bar`, xmonad actually tries to `cd` into `foo/bar`, instead of `~/bar` as expected. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceOrder` Add a version of `withNthWorkspace` that takes a `[WorkspaceId] -> [WorkspaceId]` transformation to apply over the list of workspace tags resulting from the dynamic order. * `XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation` Add a utility function `isOnAnyVisibleWS :: Query Bool` to allow easy cycling between all windows on all visible workspaces. * `XMonad.Hooks.WallpaperSetter` Preserve the aspect ratio of wallpapers that xmonad sets. When previous versions would distort images to fit the screen size, it will now find a best fit by cropping instead. * `XMonad.Util.Themes` Add adwaitaTheme and adwaitaDarkTheme to match their respective GTK themes. * 'XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition' Add a new `SplitShiftDirectional` message that allows moving windows by splitting its neighbours. * `XMonad.Prompt.FuzzyMatch` Make fuzzy sort show shorter strings first. ## 0.15 ### Breaking Changes * `XMonad.Layout.Groups` & `XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers` The layout will no longer perform refreshes inside of its message handling. If you have been relying on it to in your xmonad.hs, you will need to start sending its messages in a manner that properly handles refreshing, e.g. with `sendMessage`. ### New Modules * `XMonad.Util.Purex` Unlike the opaque `IO` actions that `X` actions can wrap, regular reads from the `XConf` and modifications to the `XState` are fundamentally pure -- contrary to the current treatment of such actions in most xmonad code. Pure modifications to the `WindowSet` can be readily composed, but due to the need for those modifications to be properly handled by `windows`, other pure changes to the `XState` cannot be interleaved with those changes to the `WindowSet` without superfluous refreshes, hence breaking composability. This module aims to rectify that situation by drawing attention to it and providing `PureX`: a pure type with the same monadic interface to state as `X`. The `XLike` typeclass enables writing actions generic over the two monads; if pure, existing `X` actions can be generalised with only a change to the type signature. Various other utilities are provided, in particular the `defile` function which is needed by end-users. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * Add support for GHC 8.6.1. * `XMonad.Actions.MessageHandling` Refresh-performing functions updated to better reflect the new `sendMessage`. ## 0.14 ### Breaking Changes * `XMonad.Layout.Spacing` Rewrite `XMonad.Layout.Spacing`. Borders are no longer uniform but composed of four sides each with its own border width. The screen and window borders are now separate and can be independently toggled on/off. The screen border examines the window/rectangle list resulting from 'runLayout' rather than the stack, which makes it compatible with layouts such as the builtin `Full`. The child layout will always be called with the screen border. If only a single window is displayed (and `smartBorder` enabled), it will be expanded into the original layout rectangle. Windows that are displayed but not part of the stack, such as those created by 'XMonad.Layout.Decoration', will be shifted out of the way, but not scaled (not possible for windows created by XMonad). This isn't perfect, so you might want to disable `Spacing` on such layouts. * `XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce` - Added `spawnOnOnce`, `spawnNOnOnce` and `spawnAndDoOnce`. These are useful in startup hooks to shift spawned windows to a specific workspace. * Adding handling of modifySpacing message in smartSpacing and smartSpacingWithEdge layout modifier * `XMonad.Actions.GridSelect` - Added field `gs_bordercolor` to `GSConfig` to specify border color. * `XMonad.Layout.Minimize` Though the interface it offers is quite similar, this module has been almost completely rewritten. The new `XMonad.Actions.Minimize` contains several functions that allow interaction with minimization window state. If you are using this module, you must upgrade your configuration to import `X.A.Minimize` and use `maximizeWindow` and `withLastMinimized` instead of sending messages to `Minimized` layout. `XMonad.Hooks.RestoreMinimized` has been completely deprecated, and its functions have no effect. * `XMonad.Prompt.Unicode` - `unicodePrompt :: String -> XPConfig -> X ()` now additionally takes a filepath to the `UnicodeData.txt` file containing unicode data. * `XMonad.Actions.PhysicalScreens` `getScreen`, `viewScreen`, `sendToScreen`, `onNextNeighbour`, `onPrevNeighbour` now need a extra parameter of type `ScreenComparator`. This allow the user to specify how he want his screen to be ordered default value are: - `def`(same as verticalScreenOrderer) will keep previous behavior - `verticalScreenOrderer` - `horizontalScreenOrderer` One can build his custom ScreenOrderer using: - `screenComparatorById` (allow to order by Xinerama id) - `screenComparatorByRectangle` (allow to order by screen coordonate) - `ScreenComparator` (allow to mix ordering by screen coordonate and xinerama id) * `XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare` `getXineramaPhysicalWsCompare` now need a extra argument of type `ScreenComparator` defined in `XMonad.Actions.PhysicalScreens` (see changelog of this module for more information) * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` - Simplify ewmhDesktopsLogHookCustom, and remove the gnome-panel specific remapping of all visible windows to the active workspace (#216). - Handle workspace renames that might be occuring in the custom function that is provided to ewmhDesktopsLogHookCustom. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog` - Support xmobar's \ and \ tags; see `xmobarAction` and `xmobarRaw`. * `XMonad.Layout.NoBorders` The layout now maintains a list of windows that never have borders, and a list of windows that always have borders. Use `BorderMessage` to manage these lists and the accompanying event hook (`borderEventHook`) to remove destroyed windows from them. Also provides the `hasBorder` manage hook. Two new conditions have been added to `Ambiguity`: `OnlyLayoutFloat` and `OnlyLayoutFloatBelow`; `OnlyFloat` was renamed to `OnlyScreenFloat`. See the documentation for more information. The type signature of `hiddens` was changed to accept a new `Rectangle` parameter representing the bounds of the parent layout, placed after the `WindowSet` parameter. Anyone defining a new instance of `SetsAmbiguous` will need to update their configuration. For example, replace "`hiddens amb wset mst wrs =`" either with "`hiddens amb wset _ mst wrs =`" or to make use of the new parameter with "`hiddens amb wset lr mst wrs =`". * `XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback` - Follow the naming conventions of `XMonad.Operations`. Functions returning `X ()` are named regularly (previously these ended in underscore) while those returning `X Bool` are suffixed with an uppercase 'B'. - Provide all `X Bool` and `SomeMessage` variations for `sendMessage` and `sendMessageWithNoRefresh`, not just `sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent` (renamed from `send`). - The new `tryInOrderB` and `tryMessageB` functions accept a parameter of type `SomeMessage -> X Bool`, which means you are no longer constrained to the behavior of the `sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent` dispatcher. - The `send*Messages*` family of funtions allows for sequencing arbitrary sets of messages with minimal refresh. It makes little sense for these functions to support custom message dispatchers. - Remain backwards compatible. Maintain deprecated aliases of all renamed functions: - `send` -> `sendMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB` - `sendSM` -> `sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB` - `sendSM_` -> `sendSomeMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent` - `tryInOrder` -> `tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrentB` - `tryInOrder_` -> `tryInOrderWithNoRefreshToCurrent` - `tryMessage` -> `tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrentB` - `tryMessage_` -> `tryMessageWithNoRefreshToCurrent` ### New Modules * `XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle.TabBarDecoration` Provides a simple transformer for use with `XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle` to dynamically toggle `XMonad.Layout.TabBarDecoration`. * `XMonad.Hooks.RefocusLast` Provides hooks and actions that keep track of recently focused windows on a per workspace basis and automatically refocus the last window on loss of the current (if appropriate as determined by user specified criteria). * `XMonad.Layout.StateFull` Provides `StateFull`: a stateful form of `Full` that does not misbehave when floats are focused, and the `FocusTracking` layout transformer by means of which `StateFull` is implemented. `FocusTracking` simply holds onto the last true focus it was given and continues to use it as the focus for the transformed layout until it sees another. It can be used to improve the behaviour of a child layout that has not been given the focused window. * `XMonad.Actions.SwapPromote` Module for tracking master window history per workspace, and associated functions for manipulating the stack using such history. * `XMonad.Actions.CycleWorkspaceByScreen` A new module that allows cycling through previously viewed workspaces in the order they were viewed most recently on the screen where cycling is taking place. Also provides the `repeatableAction` helper function which can be used to build actions that can be repeated while a modifier key is held down. * `XMonad.Prompt.FuzzyMatch` Provides a predicate `fuzzyMatch` that is much more lenient in matching completions in `XMonad.Prompt` than the default prefix match. Also provides a function `fuzzySort` that allows sorting the fuzzy matches by "how well" they match. * `XMonad.Utils.SessionStart` A new module that allows to query if this is the first time xmonad is started of the session, or a xmonad restart. Currently needs manual setting of the session start flag. This could be automated when this moves to the core repository. * `XMonad.Layout.MultiDishes` A new layout based on Dishes, however it accepts additional configuration to allow multiple windows within a single stack. * `XMonad.Util.Rectangle` A new module for handling pixel rectangles. * `XMonad.Layout.BinaryColumn` A new module which provides a simple grid layout, halving the window sizes of each window after master. This is similar to Column, but splits the window in a way that maintains window sizes upon adding & removing windows as well as the option to specify a minimum window size. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * `XMonad.Layout.Grid` Fix as per issue #223; Grid will no longer calculate more columns than there are windows. * `XMonad.Hooks.FadeWindows` Added support for GHC version 8.4.x by adding a Semigroup instance for Monoids * `XMonad.Hooks.WallpaperSetter` Added support for GHC version 8.4.x by adding a Semigroup instance for Monoids * `XMonad.Hooks.Mosaic` Added support for GHC version 8.4.x by adding a Semigroup instance for Monoids * `XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D` Added `sideNavigation` and a parameterised variant, providing a navigation strategy with fewer quirks for tiled layouts using X.L.Spacing. * `XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen` The fullscreen layouts will now not render any window that is totally obscured by fullscreen windows. * `XMonad.Layout.Gaps` Extended the sendMessage interface with `ModifyGaps` to allow arbitrary modifications to the `GapSpec`. * `XMonad.Layout.Groups` Added a new `ModifyX` message type that allows the modifying function to return values in the `X` monad. * `XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D` Generalised (and hence deprecated) hybridNavigation to hybridOf. * `XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints` Preserve the window order of the modified layout, except for the focused window that is placed on top. This fixes an issue where the border of the focused window in certain situations could be rendered below borders of unfocused windows. It also has a lower risk of interfering with the modified layout. * `XMonad.Layout.MultiColumns` The focused window is placed above the other windows if they would be made to overlap due to a layout modifier. (As long as it preserves the window order.) * `XMonad.Actions.GridSelect` - The vertical centring of text in each cell has been improved. * `XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn` - Bind windows spawns by child processes of the original window to the same workspace as the original window. * `XMonad.Util.WindowProperties` - Added the ability to test if a window has a tag from `XMonad.Actions.TagWindows` * `XMonad.Layout.Magnifier` - Handle `IncMasterN` messages. * `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` - Can now parse Latin1 keys, to better accommodate users with non-US keyboards. * `XMonad.Actions.Submap` Establish pointer grab to avoid freezing X, when button press occurs after submap key press. And terminate submap at button press in the same way, as we do for wrong key press. * `XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName` Add function `getWMName`. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers` - Make type of ManageHook combinators more general. - New manage hook `doSink` for sinking windows (as upposed to the `doFloat` manage hook) * `XMonad.Prompt` Export `insertString`. * `XMonad.Prompt.Window` - New function: `windowMultiPrompt` for using `mkXPromptWithModes` with window prompts. * `XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory` - Now supports per screen history. * `XMonad.Layout.ComboP` - New `PartitionWins` message to re-partition all windows into the configured sub-layouts. Useful when window properties have changed and you want to re-sort windows into the appropriate sub-layout. * `XMonad.Actions.Minimize` - Now has `withFirstMinimized` and `withFirstMinimized'` so you can perform actions with both the last and first minimized windows easily. * `XMonad.Config.Gnome` - Update logout key combination (modm+shift+Q) to work with modern * `XMonad.Prompt.Pass` - New function `passTypePrompt` which uses `xdotool` to type in a password from the store, bypassing the clipboard. - New function `passEditPrompt` for editing a password from the store. - Now handles password labels with spaces and special characters inside them. * `XMonad.Prompt.Unicode` - Persist unicode data cache across XMonad instances due to `ExtensibleState` now used instead of `unsafePerformIO`. - `typeUnicodePrompt :: String -> XPConfig -> X ()` provided to insert the Unicode character via `xdotool` instead of copying it to the paste buffer. - `mkUnicodePrompt :: String -> [String] -> String -> XPConfig -> X ()` acts as a generic function to pass the selected Unicode character to any program. * `XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile` - New function `appendFilePrompt'` which allows for transformation of the string passed by a user before writing to a file. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog` - Added a new function `dzenWithFlags` which allows specifying the arguments passed to `dzen2` invocation. The behaviour of current `dzen` function is unchanged. * `XMonad.Util.Dzen` - Now provides functions `fgColor` and `bgColor` to specify foreground and background color, `align` and `slaveAlign` to set text alignment, and `lineCount` to enable a second (slave) window that displays lines beyond the initial (title) one. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog` - Added optional `ppVisibleNoWindows` to differentiate between empty and non-empty visible workspaces in pretty printing. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceOrder` - Added `updateName` and `removeName` to better control ordering when workspace names are changed or workspaces are removed. * `XMonad.Config.Azerty` * Added `belgianConfig` and `belgianKeys` to support Belgian AZERTY keyboards, which are slightly different from the French ones in the top row. ## 0.13 (February 10, 2017) ### Breaking Changes * The type of `completionKey` (of `XPConfig` record) has been changed from `KeySym` to `(KeyMask, KeySym)`. The default value for this is still bound to the `Tab` key. * New constructor `CenteredAt Rational Rational` added for `XMonad.Prompt.XPPosition`. * `XMonad.Prompt` now stores its history file in the XMonad cache directory in a file named `prompt-history`. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks` now requires an additional startup hook to be added to configuration in addition to the other 3 hooks, otherwise docks started before xmonad are covered by windows. It's recommended to use the newly introduced `docks` function to add all necessary hooks to xmonad config. ### New Modules * `XMonad.Layout.SortedLayout` A new LayoutModifier that sorts a given layout by a list of properties. The order of properties in the list determines the order of windows in the final layout. Any unmatched windows go to the end of the order. * `XMonad.Prompt.Unicode` A prompt to search a unicode character by its name, and put it into the clipboard. * `XMonad.Util.Ungrab` Release xmonad's keyboard and pointer grabs immediately, so screen grabbers and lock utilities, etc. will work. Replaces the short sleep hackaround. * `XMonad.Util.Loggers.NamedScratchpad` A collection of Loggers (see `XMonad.Util.Loggers`) for NamedScratchpads (see `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad`). * `XMonad.Util.NoTaskbar` Utility function and `ManageHook` to mark a window to be ignored by EWMH taskbars and pagers. Useful for `NamedScratchpad` windows, since you will usually be taken to the `NSP` workspace by them. ### Bug Fixes and Minor Changes * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks` - Fix a very annoying bug where taskbars/docs would be covered by windows. - Also fix a bug that caused certain Gtk and Qt application to have issues displaying menus and popups. * `XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilder` Merge all functionality from `XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilderP` into `XMonad.Layout.LayoutBuilder`. * `XMonad.Actions.WindowGo` - Fix `raiseNextMaybe` cycling between 2 workspaces only. * `XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer` - Fix bug when cursor gets stuck in one of the corners. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicProjects` - Switching away from a dynamic project that contains no windows automatically deletes that project's workspace. The project itself was already being deleted, this just deletes the workspace created for it as well. - Added function to change the working directory (`changeProjectDirPrompt`) - All of the prompts are now multiple mode prompts. Try using the `changeModeKey` in a prompt and see what happens! ## 0.12 (December 14, 2015) ### Breaking Changes * `XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer.updatePointer` arguments were changed. This allows including aspects of both of the `TowardsCentre` and `Relative` methods. To keep the same behavior, replace the entry in the left column with the entry on the right: | < 0.12 | >= 0.12 | |-------------------------------------|----------------------------------| | `updatePointer Nearest` | `updatePointer (0.5, 0.5) (1,1)` | | `updatePointer (Relative x y)` | `updatePointer (x,y) (0,0)` | | `updatePointer (TowardsCentre x y)` | `updatePointer (0.5,0.5) (x,y)` | ### New Modules * `XMonad.Actions.AfterDrag` Perform an action after the current mouse drag is completed. * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicProjects` Imbues workspaces with additional features so they can be treated as individual project areas. * `XMonad.Actions.LinkWorkspaces` Provides bindings to add and delete links between workspaces. It is aimed at providing useful links between workspaces in a multihead setup. Linked workspaces are viewed at the same time. * `XMonad.Config.Bepo` This module fixes some of the keybindings for the francophone among you who use a BEPO keyboard layout. Based on `XMonad.Config.Azerty` * `XMonad.Config.Dmwit` Daniel Wagner's configuration. * `XMonad.Config.Mate` This module provides a config suitable for use with the MATE desktop environment. * `XMonad.Config.Prime` A draft of a brand new config syntax for xmonad. * `XMonad.Hooks.DynamicProperty` Module to apply a `ManageHook` to an already-mapped window when a property changes. This would commonly be used to match browser windows by title, since the final title will only be set after (a) the window is mapped, (b) its document has been loaded, (c) all load-time scripts have run. * `XMonad.Hooks.ManageDebug` A `manageHook` and associated `logHook` for debugging `ManageHook`s. Simplest usage: wrap your xmonad config in the `debugManageHook` combinator. Or use `debugManageHookOn` for a triggerable version, specifying the triggering key sequence in `XMonad.Util.EZConfig` syntax. Or use the individual hooks in whatever way you see fit. * `XMonad.Hooks.WallpaperSetter` Log hook which changes the wallpapers depending on visible workspaces. * `XMonad.Hooks.WorkspaceHistory` Keeps track of workspace viewing order. * `XMonad.Layout.AvoidFloats` Find a maximum empty rectangle around floating windows and use that area to display non-floating windows. * `XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition` Layout where new windows will split the focused window in half, based off of BSPWM. * `XMonad.Layout.Dwindle` Three layouts: The first, `Spiral`, is a reimplementation of `XMonad.Layout.Spiral.spiral` with, at least to me, more intuitive semantics. The second, `Dwindle`, is inspired by a similar layout in awesome and produces the same sequence of decreasing window sizes as Spiral but pushes the smallest windows into a screen corner rather than the centre. The third, `Squeeze` arranges all windows in one row or in one column, with geometrically decreasing sizes. * `XMonad.Layout.Hidden` Similar to `XMonad.Layout.Minimize` but completely removes windows from the window set so `XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows` isn't necessary. Perfect companion to `XMonad.Layout.BinarySpacePartition` since it can be used to move windows to another part of the BSP tree. * `XMonad.Layout.IfMax` Provides `IfMax` layout, which will run one layout if there are maximum `N` windows on workspace, and another layout, when number of windows is greater than `N`. * `XMonad.Layout.PerScreen` Configure layouts based on the width of your screen; use your favorite multi-column layout for wide screens and a full-screen layout for small ones. * `XMonad.Layout.Stoppable` This module implements a special kind of layout modifier, which when applied to a layout, causes xmonad to stop all non-visible processes. In a way, this is a sledge-hammer for applications that drain power. For example, given a web browser on a stoppable workspace, once the workspace is hidden the web browser will be stopped. * `XMonad.Prompt.ConfirmPrompt` A module for setting up simple confirmation prompts for keybindings. * `XMonad.Prompt.Pass` This module provides 3 `XMonad.Prompt`s to ease passwords manipulation (generate, read, remove) via [pass][]. * `XMonad.Util.RemoteWindows` This module implements a proper way of finding out whether the window is remote or local. * `XMonad.Util.SpawnNamedPipe` A module for spawning a pipe whose `Handle` lives in the xmonad state. * `XMonad.Util.WindowState` Functions for saving per-window data. ### Miscellaneous Changes * Fix issue #9: `XMonad.Prompt.Shell` `searchPredicate` is ignored, defaults to `isPrefixOf` * Fix moveHistory when alwaysHighlight is enabled * `XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaceGroups` now exports `addRawWSGroup` * Side tabs were added to the tabbed layout * `XMonad/Layout/IndependentScreens` now exports `marshallSort` * `XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook` now exports `clearUrgency` * Exceptions are now caught when finding commands on `PATH` in `Prompt.Shell` * Switched to `Data.Default` wherever possible * `XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens` now exports `whenCurrentOn` * `XMonad.Util.NamedActions` now exports `addDescrKeys'` * EWMH `DEMANDS_ATTENTION` support added to `UrgencyHook` * New `useTransientFor` modifier in `XMonad.Layout.TrackFloating` * Added the ability to remove arbitrary workspaces ## 0.9 (October 26, 2009) ### Updates that Require Changes in `xmonad.hs` * `XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops` no longer uses `layoutHook`, the `ewmhDesktopsLayout` modifier has been removed from xmonad-contrib. It uses `logHook`, `handleEventHook`, and `startupHook` instead and provides a convenient function `ewmh` to add EWMH support to a `defaultConfig`. * Most `DynamicLog` users can continue with configs unchanged, but users of the quickbar functions `xmobar` or `dzen` will need to change `xmonad.hs`: their types have changed to allow easier composition with other `XConfig` modifiers. The `dynamicLogDzen` and `dynamicLogXmobar` functions have been removed. * `WindowGo` or `safeSpawn` users may need to change command lines due to `safeSpawn` changes. * People explicitly referencing the "SP" scratchpad workspace should change it to "NSP" which is also used by the new `Util.NamedScratchpad` module. * (Optional) People who explicitly use `swapMaster` in key or mouse bindings should change it to `shiftMaster`. It's the current default used where `swapMaster` had been used previously. It works better than `swapMaster` when using floating and tiled windows together on the same workspace. ## See Also [pass]: http://www.passwordstore.org/