-- Hoogle documentation, generated by Haddock -- See Hoogle, http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/ -- | A tiling window manager -- -- xmonad is a tiling window manager for X. Windows are arranged -- automatically to tile the screen without gaps or overlap, maximising -- screen use. All features of the window manager are accessible from the -- keyboard: a mouse is strictly optional. xmonad is written and -- extensible in Haskell. Custom layout algorithms, and other extensions, -- may be written by the user in config files. Layouts are applied -- dynamically, and different layouts may be used on each workspace. -- Xinerama is fully supported, allowing windows to be tiled on several -- screens. @package xmonad @version 0.17.2 module XMonad.StackSet -- | A cursor into a non-empty list of workspaces. -- -- We puncture the workspace list, producing a hole in the structure used -- to track the currently focused workspace. The two other lists that are -- produced are used to track those workspaces visible as Xinerama -- screens, and those workspaces not visible anywhere. data StackSet i l a sid sd StackSet :: !Screen i l a sid sd -> [Screen i l a sid sd] -> [Workspace i l a] -> Map a RationalRect -> StackSet i l a sid sd -- | currently focused workspace [current] :: StackSet i l a sid sd -> !Screen i l a sid sd -- | non-focused workspaces, visible in xinerama [visible] :: StackSet i l a sid sd -> [Screen i l a sid sd] -- | workspaces not visible anywhere [hidden] :: StackSet i l a sid sd -> [Workspace i l a] -- | floating windows [floating] :: StackSet i l a sid sd -> Map a RationalRect -- | A workspace is just a tag, a layout, and a stack. data Workspace i l a Workspace :: !i -> l -> Maybe (Stack a) -> Workspace i l a [tag] :: Workspace i l a -> !i [layout] :: Workspace i l a -> l [stack] :: Workspace i l a -> Maybe (Stack a) -- | Visible workspaces, and their Xinerama screens. data Screen i l a sid sd Screen :: !Workspace i l a -> !sid -> !sd -> Screen i l a sid sd [workspace] :: Screen i l a sid sd -> !Workspace i l a [screen] :: Screen i l a sid sd -> !sid [screenDetail] :: Screen i l a sid sd -> !sd -- | A stack is a cursor onto a window list. The data structure tracks -- focus by construction, and the master window is by convention the -- top-most item. Focus operations will not reorder the list that results -- from flattening the cursor. The structure can be envisaged as: -- --
--      +-- master:  < '7' >
--   up |            [ '2' ]
--      +---------   [ '3' ]
--   focus:          < '4' >
--   dn +----------- [ '8' ]
-- -- A Stack can be viewed as a list with a hole punched in it to -- make the focused position. Under the zipper/calculus view of such -- structures, it is the differentiation of a [a], and integrating it -- back has a natural implementation used in index. data Stack a Stack :: !a -> [a] -> [a] -> Stack a [focus] :: Stack a -> !a [up] :: Stack a -> [a] [down] :: Stack a -> [a] -- | A structure for window geometries data RationalRect RationalRect :: !Rational -> !Rational -> !Rational -> !Rational -> RationalRect -- | O(n). Create a new stackset, of empty stacks, with given tags, -- with physical screens whose descriptions are given by m. The -- number of physical screens (length m) should be less -- than or equal to the number of workspace tags. The first workspace in -- the list will be current. -- -- Xinerama: Virtual workspaces are assigned to physical screens, -- starting at 0. new :: Integral s => l -> [i] -> [sd] -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(w). Set focus to the workspace with index 'i'. If the index -- is out of range, return the original StackSet. -- -- Xinerama: If the workspace is not visible on any Xinerama screen, it -- becomes the current screen. If it is in the visible list, it becomes -- current. view :: (Eq s, Eq i) => i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Set focus to the given workspace. If that workspace does not exist in -- the stackset, the original workspace is returned. If that workspace is -- hidden, then display that workspace on the current screen, and -- move the current workspace to hidden. If that workspace is -- visible on another screen, the workspaces of the current screen -- and the other screen are swapped. greedyView :: (Eq s, Eq i) => i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Find the tag of the workspace visible on Xinerama screen sc. -- Nothing if screen is out of bounds. lookupWorkspace :: Eq s => s -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Maybe i -- | Get a list of all screens in the StackSet. screens :: StackSet i l a s sd -> [Screen i l a s sd] -- | Get a list of all workspaces in the StackSet. workspaces :: StackSet i l a s sd -> [Workspace i l a] -- | Get a list of all windows in the StackSet in no particular -- order allWindows :: Eq a => StackSet i l a s sd -> [a] -- | Get the tag of the currently focused workspace. currentTag :: StackSet i l a s sd -> i -- | O(1). Extract the focused element of the current stack. Return -- Just that element, or Nothing for an empty stack. peek :: StackSet i l a s sd -> Maybe a -- | O(s). Extract the stack on the current workspace, as a list. -- The order of the stack is determined by the master window -- it will -- be the head of the list. The implementation is given by the natural -- integration of a one-hole list cursor, back to a list. index :: StackSet i l a s sd -> [a] -- | O(n). Flatten a Stack into a list. integrate :: Stack a -> [a] -- | O(n). Flatten a possibly empty stack into a list. integrate' :: Maybe (Stack a) -> [a] -- | O(n). Turn a list into a possibly empty stack (i.e., a zipper): -- the first element of the list is current, and the rest of the list is -- down. differentiate :: [a] -> Maybe (Stack a) -- | O(1), O(w) on the wrapping case. Move the window focus up the -- stack, wrapping if we reach the end. The wrapping should model a -- cycle on the current stack. The master window and -- window order are unaffected by movement of focus. focusUp :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(1), O(w) on the wrapping case. Like focusUp, but move -- the window focus down the stack. focusDown :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | A variant of focusUp with the same asymptotics that works on a -- Stack rather than an entire StackSet. focusUp' :: Stack a -> Stack a -- | A variant of focusDown with the same asymptotics that works on -- a Stack rather than an entire StackSet. focusDown' :: Stack a -> Stack a -- | O(s). Set focus to the master window. focusMaster :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(1) on current window, O(n) in general. Focus the window -- w, and set its workspace as current. focusWindow :: (Eq s, Eq a, Eq i) => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Is the given tag present in the StackSet? tagMember :: Eq i => i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Bool -- | Rename a given tag if present in the StackSet. renameTag :: Eq i => i -> i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Ensure that a given set of workspace tags is present by renaming -- existing workspaces and/or creating new hidden workspaces as -- necessary. ensureTags :: Eq i => l -> [i] -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(n). Is a window in the StackSet? member :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Bool -- | O(1) on current window, O(n) in general. Return Just the -- workspace tag of the given window, or Nothing if the window is -- not in the StackSet. findTag :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Maybe i -- | Map a function on all the workspaces in the StackSet. mapWorkspace :: (Workspace i l a -> Workspace i l a) -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Map a function on all the layouts in the StackSet. mapLayout :: (l -> l') -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l' a s sd -- | O(n). (Complexity due to duplicate check). Insert a new element -- into the stack, above the currently focused element. The new element -- is given focus; the previously focused element is moved down. -- -- If the element is already in the stackset, the original stackset is -- returned unmodified. -- -- Semantics in Huet's paper is that insert doesn't move the cursor. -- However, we choose to insert above, and move the focus. insertUp :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(1) on current window, O(n) in general. Delete window -- w if it exists. There are 4 cases to consider: -- -- -- -- Behaviour with respect to the master: -- -- delete :: Ord a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Only temporarily remove the window from the stack, thereby not -- destroying special information saved in the Stackset delete' :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(n). 'filter p s' returns the elements of s such that -- p evaluates to True. Order is preserved, and focus -- moves as described for delete. filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Stack a -> Maybe (Stack a) -- | O(1), O(w) on the wrapping case. Swap the upwards (left) -- neighbour in the stack ordering, wrapping if we reach the end. Much -- like for focusUp and focusDown, the wrapping model -- should cycle on the current stack. swapUp :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(1), O(w) on the wrapping case. Like swapUp, but for -- swapping the downwards (right) neighbour. swapDown :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(s). Set the master window to the focused window. The old -- master window is swapped in the tiling order with the focused window. -- Focus stays with the item moved. swapMaster :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(s). Set the master window to the focused window. The other -- windows are kept in order and shifted down on the stack, as if you -- just hit mod-shift-k a bunch of times. Focus stays with the item -- moved. shiftMaster :: StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Apply a function, and a default value for Nothing, to modify -- the current stack. modify :: Maybe (Stack a) -> (Stack a -> Maybe (Stack a)) -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Apply a function to modify the current stack if it isn't empty, and we -- don't want to empty it. modify' :: (Stack a -> Stack a) -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Given a window, and its preferred rectangle, set it as floating A -- floating window should already be managed by the StackSet. float :: Ord a => a -> RationalRect -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | Clear the floating status of a window sink :: Ord a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(w). shift. Move the focused element of the current stack to -- stack n, leaving it as the focused element on that stack. The -- item is inserted above the currently focused element on that -- workspace. The actual focused workspace doesn't change. If there is no -- element on the current stack, the original stackSet is returned. shift :: (Ord a, Eq s, Eq i) => i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | O(n). shiftWin. Searches for the specified window w on -- all workspaces of the stackSet and moves it to stack n, -- leaving it as the focused element on that stack. The item is inserted -- above the currently focused element on that workspace. The actual -- focused workspace doesn't change. If the window is not found in the -- stackSet, the original stackSet is returned. shiftWin :: (Ord a, Eq s, Eq i) => i -> a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd -- | this function indicates to catch that an error is expected abort :: String -> a instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.StackSet.RationalRect instance GHC.Read.Read XMonad.StackSet.RationalRect instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.StackSet.RationalRect instance GHC.Base.Functor XMonad.StackSet.Stack instance GHC.Classes.Eq a => GHC.Classes.Eq (XMonad.StackSet.Stack a) instance GHC.Read.Read a => GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.StackSet.Stack a) instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.StackSet.Stack a) instance (GHC.Classes.Eq i, GHC.Classes.Eq l, GHC.Classes.Eq a) => GHC.Classes.Eq (XMonad.StackSet.Workspace i l a) instance (GHC.Read.Read i, GHC.Read.Read l, GHC.Read.Read a) => GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.StackSet.Workspace i l a) instance (GHC.Show.Show i, GHC.Show.Show l, GHC.Show.Show a) => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.StackSet.Workspace i l a) instance (GHC.Classes.Eq i, GHC.Classes.Eq l, GHC.Classes.Eq a, GHC.Classes.Eq sid, GHC.Classes.Eq sd) => GHC.Classes.Eq (XMonad.StackSet.Screen i l a sid sd) instance (GHC.Read.Read i, GHC.Read.Read l, GHC.Read.Read a, GHC.Read.Read sid, GHC.Read.Read sd) => GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.StackSet.Screen i l a sid sd) instance (GHC.Show.Show i, GHC.Show.Show l, GHC.Show.Show a, GHC.Show.Show sid, GHC.Show.Show sd) => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.StackSet.Screen i l a sid sd) instance (GHC.Classes.Eq i, GHC.Classes.Eq l, GHC.Classes.Eq sid, GHC.Classes.Eq sd, GHC.Classes.Eq a) => GHC.Classes.Eq (XMonad.StackSet.StackSet i l a sid sd) instance (GHC.Read.Read i, GHC.Read.Read l, GHC.Read.Read sid, GHC.Read.Read sd, GHC.Read.Read a, GHC.Classes.Ord a) => GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.StackSet.StackSet i l a sid sd) instance (GHC.Show.Show i, GHC.Show.Show l, GHC.Show.Show sid, GHC.Show.Show sd, GHC.Show.Show a) => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.StackSet.StackSet i l a sid sd) instance Data.Foldable.Foldable XMonad.StackSet.Stack instance Data.Traversable.Traversable XMonad.StackSet.Stack -- | The X monad, a state monad transformer over IO, for the -- window manager state, and support routines. module XMonad.Core -- | The X monad, ReaderT and StateT transformers over -- IO encapsulating the window manager configuration and state, -- respectively. -- -- Dynamic components may be retrieved with get, static components -- with ask. With newtype deriving we get readers and state monads -- instantiated on XConf and XState automatically. data X a type WindowSet = StackSet WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail type WindowSpace = Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window -- | Virtual workspace indices type WorkspaceId = String -- | Physical screen indices newtype ScreenId S :: Int -> ScreenId -- | The Rectangle with screen dimensions newtype ScreenDetail SD :: Rectangle -> ScreenDetail [screenRect] :: ScreenDetail -> Rectangle -- | XState, the (mutable) window manager state. data XState XState :: !WindowSet -> !Set Window -> !Map Window Int -> !Maybe (Position -> Position -> X (), X ()) -> !KeyMask -> !Map String (Either String StateExtension) -> XState -- | workspace list [windowset] :: XState -> !WindowSet -- | the Set of mapped windows [mapped] :: XState -> !Set Window -- | the number of expected UnmapEvents [waitingUnmap] :: XState -> !Map Window Int [dragging] :: XState -> !Maybe (Position -> Position -> X (), X ()) -- | The numlock modifier [numberlockMask] :: XState -> !KeyMask -- | stores custom state information. -- -- The module XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState in xmonad-contrib -- provides additional information and a simple interface for using this. [extensibleState] :: XState -> !Map String (Either String StateExtension) -- | XConf, the (read-only) window manager configuration. data XConf XConf :: Display -> !XConfig Layout -> !Window -> !Pixel -> !Pixel -> !Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()) -> !Map (KeyMask, Button) (Window -> X ()) -> !Bool -> !Maybe (Position, Position) -> !Maybe Event -> !Directories -> XConf -- | the X11 display [display] :: XConf -> Display -- | initial user configuration [config] :: XConf -> !XConfig Layout -- | the root window [theRoot] :: XConf -> !Window -- | border color of unfocused windows [normalBorder] :: XConf -> !Pixel -- | border color of the focused window [focusedBorder] :: XConf -> !Pixel -- | a mapping of key presses to actions [keyActions] :: XConf -> !Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ()) -- | a mapping of button presses to actions [buttonActions] :: XConf -> !Map (KeyMask, Button) (Window -> X ()) -- | was refocus caused by mouse action? [mouseFocused] :: XConf -> !Bool -- | position of the mouse according to the event currently being processed [mousePosition] :: XConf -> !Maybe (Position, Position) -- | event currently being processed [currentEvent] :: XConf -> !Maybe Event -- | directories to use [directories] :: XConf -> !Directories data XConfig l XConfig :: !String -> !String -> !String -> !l Window -> !ManageHook -> !Event -> X All -> ![String] -> !KeyMask -> !XConfig Layout -> Map (ButtonMask, KeySym) (X ()) -> !XConfig Layout -> Map (ButtonMask, Button) (Window -> X ()) -> !Dimension -> !X () -> !X () -> !Bool -> !Bool -> !EventMask -> !EventMask -> ![String] -> XConfig Layout -> IO (XConfig Layout) -> !Map TypeRep ConfExtension -> XConfig l -- | Non focused windows border color. Default: "#dddddd" [normalBorderColor] :: XConfig l -> !String -- | Focused windows border color. Default: "#ff0000" [focusedBorderColor] :: XConfig l -> !String -- | The preferred terminal application. Default: "xterm" [terminal] :: XConfig l -> !String -- | The available layouts [layoutHook] :: XConfig l -> !l Window -- | The action to run when a new window is opened [manageHook] :: XConfig l -> !ManageHook -- | Handle an X event, returns (All True) if the default handler should -- also be run afterwards. mappend should be used for combining event -- hooks in most cases. [handleEventHook] :: XConfig l -> !Event -> X All -- | The list of workspaces' names [workspaces] :: XConfig l -> ![String] -- | the mod modifier [modMask] :: XConfig l -> !KeyMask -- | The key binding: a map from key presses and actions [keys] :: XConfig l -> !XConfig Layout -> Map (ButtonMask, KeySym) (X ()) -- | The mouse bindings [mouseBindings] :: XConfig l -> !XConfig Layout -> Map (ButtonMask, Button) (Window -> X ()) -- | The border width [borderWidth] :: XConfig l -> !Dimension -- | The action to perform when the windows set is changed [logHook] :: XConfig l -> !X () -- | The action to perform on startup [startupHook] :: XConfig l -> !X () -- | Whether window entry events can change focus [focusFollowsMouse] :: XConfig l -> !Bool -- | False to make a click which changes focus to be additionally passed to -- the window [clickJustFocuses] :: XConfig l -> !Bool -- | The client events that xmonad is interested in [clientMask] :: XConfig l -> !EventMask -- | The root events that xmonad is interested in [rootMask] :: XConfig l -> !EventMask -- | Modify the configuration, complain about extra arguments etc. with -- arguments that are not handled by default [handleExtraArgs] :: XConfig l -> ![String] -> XConfig Layout -> IO (XConfig Layout) -- | Stores custom config information. -- -- The module XMonad.Util.ExtensibleConf in xmonad-contrib -- provides additional information and a simple interface for using this. [extensibleConf] :: XConfig l -> !Map TypeRep ConfExtension -- | Every layout must be an instance of LayoutClass, which defines -- the basic layout operations along with a sensible default for each. -- -- All of the methods have default implementations, so there is no -- minimal complete definition. They do, however, have a dependency -- structure by default; this is something to be aware of should you -- choose to implement one of these methods. Here is how a minimal -- complete definition would look like if we did not provide any default -- implementations: -- -- -- -- Note that any code which uses LayoutClass methods should -- only ever call runLayout, handleMessage, and -- description! In other words, the only calls to doLayout, -- pureMessage, and other such methods should be from the default -- implementations of runLayout, handleMessage, and so on. -- This ensures that the proper methods will be used, regardless of the -- particular methods that any LayoutClass instance chooses to -- define. class (Show (layout a), Typeable layout) => LayoutClass layout a -- | By default, runLayout calls doLayout if there are any -- windows to be laid out, and emptyLayout otherwise. Most -- instances of LayoutClass probably do not need to implement -- runLayout; it is only useful for layouts which wish to make use -- of more of the Workspace information (for example, -- XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace). runLayout :: LayoutClass layout a => Workspace WorkspaceId (layout a) a -> Rectangle -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a)) -- | Given a Rectangle in which to place the windows, and a -- Stack of windows, return a list of windows and their -- corresponding Rectangles. If an element is not given a Rectangle by -- doLayout, then it is not shown on screen. The order of windows -- in this list should be the desired stacking order. -- -- Also possibly return a modified layout (by returning Just -- newLayout), if this layout needs to be modified (e.g. if it keeps -- track of some sort of state). Return Nothing if the layout -- does not need to be modified. -- -- Layouts which do not need access to the X monad (IO, -- window manager state, or configuration) and do not keep track of their -- own state should implement pureLayout instead of -- doLayout. doLayout :: LayoutClass layout a => layout a -> Rectangle -> Stack a -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a)) -- | This is a pure version of doLayout, for cases where we don't -- need access to the X monad to determine how to lay out the -- windows, and we don't need to modify the layout itself. pureLayout :: LayoutClass layout a => layout a -> Rectangle -> Stack a -> [(a, Rectangle)] -- | emptyLayout is called when there are no windows. emptyLayout :: LayoutClass layout a => layout a -> Rectangle -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (layout a)) -- | handleMessage performs message handling. If -- handleMessage returns Nothing, then the layout did not -- respond to the message and the screen is not refreshed. Otherwise, -- handleMessage returns an updated layout and the screen is -- refreshed. -- -- Layouts which do not need access to the X monad to decide how -- to handle messages should implement pureMessage instead of -- handleMessage (this restricts the risk of error, and makes -- testing much easier). handleMessage :: LayoutClass layout a => layout a -> SomeMessage -> X (Maybe (layout a)) -- | Respond to a message by (possibly) changing our layout, but taking no -- other action. If the layout changes, the screen will be refreshed. pureMessage :: LayoutClass layout a => layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a) -- | This should be a human-readable string that is used when selecting -- layouts by name. The default implementation is show, which is -- in some cases a poor default. description :: LayoutClass layout a => layout a -> String -- | An existential type that can hold any object that is in Read -- and LayoutClass. data Layout a Layout :: l a -> Layout a -- | Using the Layout as a witness, parse existentially wrapped -- windows from a String. readsLayout :: Layout a -> String -> [(Layout a, String)] -- | The class Typeable allows a concrete representation of a type -- to be calculated. class Typeable (a :: k) -- | Based on ideas in /An Extensible Dynamically-Typed Hierarchy of -- Exceptions/, Simon Marlow, 2006. Use extensible messages to the -- handleMessage handler. -- -- User-extensible messages must be a member of this class. class Typeable a => Message a -- | A wrapped value of some type in the Message class. data SomeMessage SomeMessage :: a -> SomeMessage -- | And now, unwrap a given, unknown Message type, performing a -- (dynamic) type check on the result. fromMessage :: Message m => SomeMessage -> Maybe m -- | LayoutMessages are core messages that all layouts (especially -- stateful layouts) should consider handling. data LayoutMessages -- | sent when a layout becomes non-visible Hide :: LayoutMessages -- | sent when xmonad is exiting or restarting ReleaseResources :: LayoutMessages -- | Existential type to store a state extension. data StateExtension -- | Non-persistent state extension StateExtension :: a -> StateExtension -- | Persistent extension PersistentExtension :: a -> StateExtension -- | Every module must make the data it wants to store an instance of this -- class. -- -- Minimal complete definition: initialValue class Typeable a => ExtensionClass a -- | Defines an initial value for the state extension initialValue :: ExtensionClass a => a -- | Specifies whether the state extension should be persistent. Setting -- this method to PersistentExtension will make the stored data -- survive restarts, but requires a to be an instance of Read and Show. -- -- It defaults to StateExtension, i.e. no persistence. extensionType :: ExtensionClass a => a -> StateExtension -- | Existential type to store a config extension. data ConfExtension ConfExtension :: a -> ConfExtension -- | Run the X monad, given a chunk of X monad code, and an -- initial state Return the result, and final state runX :: XConf -> XState -> X a -> IO (a, XState) -- | Run in the X monad, and in case of exception, and catch it and -- log it to stderr, and run the error case. catchX :: X a -> X a -> X a -- | Execute the argument, catching all exceptions. Either this function or -- catchX should be used at all callsites of user customized code. userCode :: X a -> X (Maybe a) -- | Same as userCode but with a default argument to return instead of -- using Maybe, provided for convenience. userCodeDef :: a -> X a -> X a -- | General utilities -- -- Lift an IO action into the X monad io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a -- | Lift an IO action into the X monad. If the action -- results in an IO exception, log the exception to stderr and -- continue normal execution. catchIO :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m () -- | Ignore SIGPIPE to avoid termination when a pipe is full, and SIGCHLD -- to avoid zombie processes, and clean up any extant zombie processes. installSignalHandlers :: MonadIO m => m () uninstallSignalHandlers :: MonadIO m => m () -- | Run a monad action with the current display settings withDisplay :: (Display -> X a) -> X a -- | Run a monadic action with the current stack set withWindowSet :: (WindowSet -> X a) -> X a -- | True if the given window is the root window isRoot :: Window -> X Bool -- | This is basically a map function, running a function in the X -- monad on each workspace with the output of that function being the -- modified workspace. runOnWorkspaces :: (WindowSpace -> X WindowSpace) -> X () -- | Wrapper for the common case of atom internment getAtom :: String -> X Atom -- | spawn. Launch an external application. Specifically, it double-forks -- and runs the String you pass as a command to /bin/sh. -- -- Note this function assumes your locale uses utf8. spawn :: MonadIO m => String -> m () -- | Like spawn, but returns the ProcessID of the launched -- application spawnPID :: MonadIO m => String -> m ProcessID -- | A replacement for forkProcess which resets default signal -- handlers. xfork :: MonadIO m => IO () -> m ProcessID -- | Use xmessage to show information to the user. xmessage :: MonadIO m => String -> m () -- | Recompile the xmonad configuration file when any of the following -- apply: -- -- -- -- The -i flag is used to restrict recompilation to the xmonad.hs file -- only, and any files in the aforementioned lib directory. -- -- Compilation errors (if any) are logged to the xmonad.errors -- file in the xmonad data directory. If GHC indicates failure with a -- non-zero exit code, an xmessage displaying that file is spawned. -- -- False is returned if there are compilation errors. recompile :: MonadIO m => Directories -> Bool -> m Bool -- | A trace for the X monad. Logs a string to stderr. The -- result may be found in your .xsession-errors file trace :: MonadIO m => String -> m () -- | Conditionally run an action, using a Maybe a to decide. whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () -- | Conditionally run an action, using a X event to decide whenX :: X Bool -> X () -> X () -- | Return the path to the xmonad configuration directory. -- | Deprecated: Use `asks (cfgDir . directories)' instead. getXMonadDir :: X String -- | Return the path to the xmonad cache directory. -- | Deprecated: Use `asks (cacheDir . directories)' instead. getXMonadCacheDir :: X String -- | Return the path to the xmonad data directory. -- | Deprecated: Use `asks (dataDir . directories)' instead. getXMonadDataDir :: X String stateFileName :: Directories -> FilePath binFileName :: Directories -> FilePath -- | Common non-predefined atoms atom_WM_STATE :: X Atom -- | Common non-predefined atoms atom_WM_PROTOCOLS :: X Atom -- | Common non-predefined atoms atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW :: X Atom -- | Common non-predefined atoms atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS :: X Atom -- | Safely access window attributes. withWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> (WindowAttributes -> X ()) -> X () type ManageHook = Query (Endo WindowSet) newtype Query a Query :: ReaderT Window X a -> Query a runQuery :: Query a -> Window -> X a -- | All the directories that xmonad will use. They will be used for the -- following purposes: -- -- -- -- For how these directories are chosen, see getDirectories. data Directories' a Directories :: !a -> !a -> !a -> Directories' a [dataDir] :: Directories' a -> !a [cfgDir] :: Directories' a -> !a [cacheDir] :: Directories' a -> !a -- | Convenient type alias for the most common case in which one might want -- to use the Directories type. type Directories = Directories' FilePath -- | Build up the Dirs that xmonad will use. They are chosen as -- follows: -- --
  1. If all three of xmonad's environment variables -- (XMONAD_DATA_DIR, XMONAD_CONFIG_DIR, and -- XMONAD_CACHE_DIR) are set, use them.
  2. --
  3. If there is a build script called build or configuration -- xmonad.hs in ~/.xmonad, set all three directories to -- ~/.xmonad.
  4. --
  5. Otherwise, use the xmonad directory in -- XDG_DATA_HOME, XDG_CONFIG_HOME, and -- XDG_CACHE_HOME (or their respective fallbacks). These -- directories are created if necessary.
  6. --
-- -- The xmonad configuration file (or the build script, if present) is -- always assumed to be in cfgDir. getDirectories :: IO Directories instance GHC.Real.Real XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Real.Integral XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Num.Num XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Enum.Enum XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Read.Read XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Classes.Ord XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.Core.ScreenId instance GHC.Read.Read XMonad.Core.ScreenDetail instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Core.ScreenDetail instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.Core.ScreenDetail instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.Core.LayoutMessages instance Data.Traversable.Traversable XMonad.Core.Directories' instance Data.Foldable.Foldable XMonad.Core.Directories' instance GHC.Base.Functor XMonad.Core.Directories' instance GHC.Show.Show a => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.Core.Directories' a) instance Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO XMonad.Core.Query instance Control.Monad.Reader.Class.MonadReader Graphics.X11.Types.Window XMonad.Core.Query instance GHC.Base.Monad XMonad.Core.Query instance GHC.Base.Applicative XMonad.Core.Query instance GHC.Base.Functor XMonad.Core.Query instance Control.Monad.Reader.Class.MonadReader XMonad.Core.XConf XMonad.Core.X instance Control.Monad.State.Class.MonadState XMonad.Core.XState XMonad.Core.X instance Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO XMonad.Core.X instance Control.Monad.Fail.MonadFail XMonad.Core.X instance GHC.Base.Monad XMonad.Core.X instance GHC.Base.Applicative XMonad.Core.X instance GHC.Base.Functor XMonad.Core.X instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Core.Compile instance GHC.Base.Semigroup a => GHC.Base.Semigroup (XMonad.Core.X a) instance GHC.Base.Monoid a => GHC.Base.Monoid (XMonad.Core.X a) instance Data.Default.Class.Default a => Data.Default.Class.Default (XMonad.Core.X a) instance GHC.Base.Semigroup a => GHC.Base.Semigroup (XMonad.Core.Query a) instance GHC.Base.Monoid a => GHC.Base.Monoid (XMonad.Core.Query a) instance Data.Default.Class.Default a => Data.Default.Class.Default (XMonad.Core.Query a) instance XMonad.Core.LayoutClass XMonad.Core.Layout Graphics.X11.Types.Window instance GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.Core.Layout a) instance XMonad.Core.Message XMonad.Core.LayoutMessages instance XMonad.Core.Message Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras.Event -- | The collection of core layouts. module XMonad.Layout -- | Simple fullscreen mode. Renders the focused window fullscreen. data Full a Full :: Full a -- | The builtin tiling mode of xmonad. Supports Shrink, -- Expand and IncMasterN. data Tall a Tall :: !Int -> !Rational -> !Rational -> Tall a -- | The default number of windows in the master pane (default: 1) [tallNMaster] :: Tall a -> !Int -- | Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes (default: 3/100) [tallRatioIncrement] :: Tall a -> !Rational -- | Default proportion of screen occupied by master pane (default: 1/2) [tallRatio] :: Tall a -> !Rational -- | Mirror a layout, compute its 90 degree rotated form. newtype Mirror l a Mirror :: l a -> Mirror l a -- | Change the size of the master pane. data Resize Shrink :: Resize Expand :: Resize -- | Increase the number of clients in the master pane. newtype IncMasterN IncMasterN :: Int -> IncMasterN -- | A layout that allows users to switch between various layout options. data Choose l r a Choose :: CLR -> l a -> r a -> Choose l r a -- | The layout choice combinator (|||) :: l a -> r a -> Choose l r a infixr 5 ||| -- | Choose the current sub-layout (left or right) in Choose. data CLR CL :: CLR CR :: CLR -- | Messages to change the current layout. Also see JumpToLayout. data ChangeLayout FirstLayout :: ChangeLayout NextLayout :: ChangeLayout -- | A message to jump to a particular layout, specified by its description -- string. -- -- The argument given to a JumpToLayout message should be the -- description of the layout to be selected. If you use -- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog from xmonad-contrib, this is -- the name of the layout displayed in your status bar. Alternatively, -- you can use GHCi to determine the proper name to use. For example: -- --
--   $ ghci
--   GHCi, version 6.8.2: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
--   Loading package base ... linking ... done.
--   :set prompt "> "    -- don't show loaded module names
--   > :m +XMonad.Core   -- load the xmonad core
--   > :m +XMonad.Layout.Grid  -- load whatever module you want to use
--   > description Grid  -- find out what it's called
--   "Grid"
-- -- As yet another (possibly easier) alternative, you can use the -- XMonad.Layout.Renamed module (also in xmonad-contrib) -- to give custom names to your layouts, and use those. -- -- For example, if you want to jump directly to the Full layout -- you can do -- --
--   , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_f), sendMessage $ JumpToLayout "Full")
newtype JumpToLayout JumpToLayout :: String -> JumpToLayout -- | Mirror a rectangle. mirrorRect :: Rectangle -> Rectangle splitVertically :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle] splitHorizontally :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle] splitHorizontallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle) splitVerticallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle) -- | Compute the positions for windows using the default two-pane tiling -- algorithm. -- -- The screen is divided into two panes. All clients are then partitioned -- between these two panes. One pane, the master, by convention has the -- least number of windows in it. tile :: Rational -> Rectangle -> Int -> Int -> [Rectangle] instance GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.Layout.Full a) instance GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.Layout.Full a) instance GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.Layout.Tall a) instance GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.Layout.Tall a) instance GHC.Read.Read (l a) => GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.Layout.Mirror l a) instance GHC.Show.Show (l a) => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.Layout.Mirror l a) instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Layout.ChangeLayout instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.Layout.ChangeLayout instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.Layout.CLR instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Layout.CLR instance GHC.Read.Read XMonad.Layout.CLR instance (GHC.Show.Show (l a), GHC.Show.Show (r a)) => GHC.Show.Show (XMonad.Layout.Choose l r a) instance (GHC.Read.Read (l a), GHC.Read.Read (r a)) => GHC.Read.Read (XMonad.Layout.Choose l r a) instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Layout.NextNoWrap instance GHC.Classes.Eq XMonad.Layout.NextNoWrap instance XMonad.Core.Message XMonad.Layout.NextNoWrap instance (XMonad.Core.LayoutClass l a, XMonad.Core.LayoutClass r a) => XMonad.Core.LayoutClass (XMonad.Layout.Choose l r) a instance XMonad.Core.Message XMonad.Layout.JumpToLayout instance XMonad.Core.Message XMonad.Layout.ChangeLayout instance XMonad.Core.LayoutClass l a => XMonad.Core.LayoutClass (XMonad.Layout.Mirror l) a instance XMonad.Core.LayoutClass XMonad.Layout.Tall a instance XMonad.Core.LayoutClass XMonad.Layout.Full a instance XMonad.Core.Message XMonad.Layout.IncMasterN instance XMonad.Core.Message XMonad.Layout.Resize -- | Operations. A module for functions that don't cleanly fit anywhere -- else. module XMonad.Operations -- | Add a new window to be managed in the current workspace. Bring it into -- focus. -- -- Whether the window is already managed, or not, it is mapped, has its -- border set, and its event mask set. manage :: Window -> X () -- | A window no longer exists; remove it from the window list, on whatever -- workspace it is. unmanage :: Window -> X () -- | Kill the specified window. If we do kill it, we'll get a delete notify -- back from X. -- -- There are two ways to delete a window. Either just kill it, or if it -- supports the delete protocol, send a delete event (e.g. firefox) killWindow :: Window -> X () -- | Kill the currently focused client. kill :: X () -- | Is the window is under management by xmonad? isClient :: Window -> X Bool -- | Set some properties when we initially gain control of a window. setInitialProperties :: Window -> X () -- | Set a window's WM_STATE property. setWMState :: Window -> Int -> X () -- | Set the border color using the window's color map, if possible; -- otherwise fall back to the color in Pixel. setWindowBorderWithFallback :: Display -> Window -> String -> Pixel -> X () -- | Hide a window by unmapping it and setting Iconified. hide :: Window -> X () -- | Show a window by mapping it and setting Normal. This is harmless if -- the window was already visible. reveal :: Window -> X () -- | Move and resize w such that it fits inside the given -- rectangle, including its border. tileWindow :: Window -> Rectangle -> X () -- | Set the focus to the window on top of the stack, or root setTopFocus :: X () -- | Set focus explicitly to window w if it is managed by us, or -- root. This happens if X notices we've moved the mouse (and perhaps -- moved the mouse to a new screen). focus :: Window -> X () -- | Detect whether a window has fixed size or is transient. This check can -- be used to determine whether the window should be floating or not isFixedSizeOrTransient :: Display -> Window -> X Bool -- | Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh windows :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X () -- | Render the currently visible workspaces, as determined by the -- StackSet. Also, set focus to the focused window. -- -- This is our view operation (MVC), in that it pretty prints -- our model with X calls. refresh :: X () -- | The screen configuration may have changed (due to -- xrandr), update -- the state and refresh the screen, and reset the gap. rescreen :: X () -- | Modify the WindowSet in state with no special handling. modifyWindowSet :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X () -- | Perform an X action and check its return value against a -- predicate p. If p holds, unwind changes to the WindowSet and -- replay them using windows. windowBracket :: (a -> Bool) -> X a -> X a -- | Perform an X action. If it returns Any True, unwind -- the changes to the WindowSet and replay them using -- windows. This is a version of windowBracket that -- discards the return value and handles an X action that -- reports its need for refresh via Any. windowBracket_ :: X Any -> X () -- | Remove all events of a given type from the event queue. clearEvents :: EventMask -> X () -- | Clean the list of screens according to the rules documented for -- nubScreens. getCleanedScreenInfo :: MonadIO m => Display -> m [Rectangle] -- | Apply an X operation to the currently focused window, if there -- is one. withFocused :: (Window -> X ()) -> X () -- | Apply an X operation to all unfocused windows on the current -- workspace, if there are any. withUnfocused :: (Window -> X ()) -> X () -- | Strip numlock/capslock from a mask. cleanMask :: KeyMask -> X KeyMask -- | Combinations of extra modifier masks we need to grab keys/buttons for. -- (numlock and capslock) extraModifiers :: X [KeyMask] -- | Accumulate mouse motion events mouseDrag :: (Position -> Position -> X ()) -> X () -> X () -- | Drag the window under the cursor with the mouse while it is dragged. mouseMoveWindow :: Window -> X () -- | Resize the window under the cursor with the mouse while it is dragged. mouseResizeWindow :: Window -> X () -- | Tell whether or not to intercept clicks on a given window setButtonGrab :: Bool -> Window -> X () -- | Call X to set the keyboard focus details. setFocusX :: Window -> X () cacheNumlockMask :: X () -- | Given a list of keybindings, turn the given KeySyms into actual -- KeyCodes and prepare them for grabbing. mkGrabs :: [(KeyMask, KeySym)] -> X [(KeyMask, KeyCode)] -- | Throw a message to the current LayoutClass possibly modifying -- how we layout the windows, in which case changes are handled through a -- refresh. sendMessage :: Message a => a -> X () -- | Send a message to all layouts, without refreshing. broadcastMessage :: Message a => a -> X () -- | Send a message to a layout, without refreshing. sendMessageWithNoRefresh :: Message a => a -> WindowSpace -> X () -- | A type to help serialize xmonad's state to a file. data StateFile StateFile :: StackSet WorkspaceId String Window ScreenId ScreenDetail -> [(String, String)] -> StateFile [sfWins] :: StateFile -> StackSet WorkspaceId String Window ScreenId ScreenDetail [sfExt] :: StateFile -> [(String, String)] -- | Write the current window state (and extensible state) to a file so -- that xmonad can resume with that state intact. writeStateToFile :: X () -- | Read the state of a previous xmonad instance from a file and return -- that state. The state file is removed after reading it. readStateFile :: (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => XConfig l -> X (Maybe XState) -- | restart name resume attempts to restart xmonad by executing -- the program name. If resume is True, restart -- with the current window state. When executing another window manager, -- resume should be False. restart :: String -> Bool -> X () -- | Make a tiled window floating, using its suggested rectangle float :: Window -> X () -- | Given a window, find the screen it is located on, and compute the -- geometry of that window WRT that screen. floatLocation :: Window -> X (ScreenId, RationalRect) -- | An alias for a (width, height) pair type D = (Dimension, Dimension) -- | Given a window, build an adjuster function that will reduce the given -- dimensions according to the window's border width and size hints. mkAdjust :: Window -> X (D -> D) -- | Reduce the dimensions if needed to comply to the given SizeHints, -- taking window borders into account. applySizeHints :: Integral a => Dimension -> SizeHints -> (a, a) -> D -- | Use X11 size hints to scale a pair of dimensions. applySizeHints' :: SizeHints -> D -> D -- | Reduce the dimensions if needed to comply to the given SizeHints. applySizeHintsContents :: Integral a => SizeHints -> (a, a) -> D -- | Reduce the dimensions so their aspect ratio falls between the two -- given aspect ratios. applyAspectHint :: (D, D) -> D -> D -- | Reduce the dimensions so they are a multiple of the size increments. applyResizeIncHint :: D -> D -> D -- | Reduce the dimensions if they exceed the given maximum dimensions. applyMaxSizeHint :: D -> D -> D -- | Returns True if the first rectangle is contained within, but -- not equal to the second. containedIn :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Bool -- | Given a list of screens, remove all duplicated screens and screens -- that are entirely contained within another. nubScreens :: [Rectangle] -> [Rectangle] -- | pointWithin x y r returns True if the (x, y) -- co-ordinate is within r. pointWithin :: Position -> Position -> Rectangle -> Bool -- | Produce the actual rectangle from a screen and a ratio on that screen. scaleRationalRect :: Rectangle -> RationalRect -> Rectangle -- | Get the Pixel value for a named color. initColor :: Display -> String -> IO (Maybe Pixel) -- | Given a point, determine the screen (if any) that contains it. pointScreen :: Position -> Position -> X (Maybe (Screen WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId ScreenDetail)) -- | Return workspace visible on screen sc, or Nothing. screenWorkspace :: ScreenId -> X (Maybe WorkspaceId) -- | Set the layout of the currently viewed workspace. setLayout :: Layout Window -> X () -- | Update the layout field of a workspace. updateLayout :: WorkspaceId -> Maybe (Layout Window) -> X () instance GHC.Read.Read XMonad.Operations.StateFile instance GHC.Show.Show XMonad.Operations.StateFile -- | An EDSL for ManageHooks module XMonad.ManageHook -- | Lift an X action to a Query. liftX :: X a -> Query a -- | The identity hook that returns the WindowSet unchanged. idHook :: Monoid m => m -- | Infix mappend. Compose two ManageHook from right to -- left. (<+>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m -- | Compose the list of ManageHooks. composeAll :: Monoid m => [m] -> m -- | p --> x. If p returns True, execute the -- ManageHook. -- --
--   (-->) :: Monoid m => Query Bool -> Query m -> Query m -- a simpler type
(-->) :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => m Bool -> m a -> m a infix 0 --> -- | q =? x. if the result of q equals x, return -- True. (=?) :: Eq a => Query a -> a -> Query Bool -- | && lifted to a Monad. (<&&>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool infixr 3 <&&> -- | || lifted to a Monad. (<||>) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool infixr 3 <||> -- | If-then-else lifted to a Monad. ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a -- | Return the window title. title :: Query String -- | Return the application name; i.e., the first string returned by -- WM_CLASS. appName :: Query String -- | Backwards compatible alias for appName. resource :: Query String -- | Return the resource class; i.e., the second string returned by -- WM_CLASS. className :: Query String -- | A query that can return an arbitrary X property of type String, -- identified by name. stringProperty :: String -> Query String getStringProperty :: Display -> Window -> String -> X (Maybe String) -- | Return whether the window will be a floating window or not willFloat :: Query Bool -- | Modify the WindowSet with a pure function. doF :: (s -> s) -> Query (Endo s) -- | Move the window to the floating layer. doFloat :: ManageHook -- | Map the window and remove it from the WindowSet. doIgnore :: ManageHook -- | Move the window to a given workspace doShift :: WorkspaceId -> ManageHook -- | This module specifies the default configuration values for xmonad. -- -- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It won't work. You may configure xmonad by -- providing your own ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs that overrides -- specific fields in the default config, def. For a starting -- point, you can copy the xmonad.hs found in the man -- directory, or look at examples on the xmonad wiki. module XMonad.Config -- | The default set of configuration values itself -- | Deprecated: Use def (from Data.Default, and re-exported by XMonad -- and XMonad.Config) instead. defaultConfig :: XConfig (Choose Tall (Choose (Mirror Tall) Full)) -- | A class for types with a default value. class Default a -- | The default value for this type. def :: Default a => a instance (a GHC.Types.~ XMonad.Layout.Choose XMonad.Layout.Tall (XMonad.Layout.Choose (XMonad.Layout.Mirror XMonad.Layout.Tall) XMonad.Layout.Full)) => Data.Default.Class.Default (XMonad.Core.XConfig a) -- | xmonad, a minimalist, tiling window manager for X11 module XMonad.Main -- | | The entry point into xmonad. Attempts to compile any custom main for -- xmonad, and if it doesn't find one, just launches the default. xmonad :: (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => XConfig l -> IO () -- | Entry point into xmonad for custom builds. -- -- This function isn't meant to be called by the typical xmonad user -- because it: -- -- -- -- Unless you know what you are doing, you should probably be using the -- xmonad function instead. -- -- However, if you are using a custom build environment (such as stack, -- cabal, make, etc.) you will likely want to call this function instead -- of xmonad. You probably also want to have a key binding to the -- restart function that restarts your custom binary with the -- resume flag set to True. launch :: (LayoutClass l Window, Read (l Window)) => XConfig l -> Directories -> IO () module XMonad -- | interface to the X11 library function XRestackWindows(). restackWindows :: Display -> [Window] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XWithdrawWindow(). withdrawWindow :: Display -> Window -> ScreenNumber -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XIconifyWindow(). iconifyWindow :: Display -> Window -> ScreenNumber -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XTranslateCoordinates(). translateCoordinates :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO (Bool, Position, Position, Window) -- | interface to the X11 library function XStoreName(). storeName :: Display -> Window -> String -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateSimpleWindow(). createSimpleWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> Pixel -> Pixel -> IO Window -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateWindow(). createWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> WindowClass -> Visual -> AttributeMask -> Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO Window -- | interface to the X11 library function XMoveResizeWindow(). moveResizeWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XResizeWindow(). resizeWindow :: Display -> Window -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XMoveWindow(). moveWindow :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XReparentWindow(). reparentWindow :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XMapSubwindows(). mapSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XUnmapSubwindows(). unmapSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XMapWindow(). mapWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XLowerWindow(). lowerWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XRaiseWindow(). raiseWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XCirculateSubwindowsDown(). circulateSubwindowsDown :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XCirculateSubwindowsUp(). circulateSubwindowsUp :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCirculateSubwindows(). circulateSubwindows :: Display -> Window -> CirculationDirection -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDestroyWindow(). destroyWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDestroySubwindows(). destroySubwindows :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBorder(). setWindowBorder :: Display -> Window -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XSetWindowBorderPixmap(). setWindowBorderPixmap :: Display -> Window -> Pixmap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XSetWindowBorderWidth(). setWindowBorderWidth :: Display -> Window -> Dimension -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowBackground(). setWindowBackground :: Display -> Window -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(). setWindowBackgroundPixmap :: Display -> Window -> Pixmap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetWindowColormap(). setWindowColormap :: Display -> Window -> Colormap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XAddToSaveSet(). addToSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XRemoveFromSaveSet(). removeFromSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XChangeSaveSet(). changeSaveSet :: Display -> Window -> ChangeSaveSetMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XClearWindow(). clearWindow :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XClearArea(). clearArea :: Display -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Bool -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetTextProperty(). setTextProperty :: Display -> Window -> String -> Atom -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XRotateBuffers(). rotateBuffers :: Display -> CInt -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFetchBytes(). fetchBytes :: Display -> IO String -- | interface to the X11 library function XFetchBuffer(). fetchBuffer :: Display -> CInt -> IO String -- | interface to the X11 library function XStoreBytes(). storeBytes :: Display -> String -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XStoreBuffer(). storeBuffer :: Display -> String -> CInt -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawImageString(). drawImageString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawString(). drawString :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> String -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFillArcs(). fillArcs :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Arc] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFillPolygon(). fillPolygon :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> PolygonShape -> CoordinateMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFillRectangles(). fillRectangles :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Rectangle] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawArcs(). drawArcs :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Arc] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawRectangles(). drawRectangles :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Rectangle] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawSegments(). drawSegments :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Segment] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawLines(). drawLines :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> CoordinateMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawPoints(). drawPoints :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> [Point] -> CoordinateMode -> IO () set_cursor :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Cursor -> IO () set_colormap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Colormap -> IO () set_override_redirect :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Bool -> IO () set_do_not_propagate_mask :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> EventMask -> IO () set_event_mask :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> EventMask -> IO () set_save_under :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Bool -> IO () set_backing_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () set_backing_planes :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () set_backing_store :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> BackingStore -> IO () set_win_gravity :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> WindowGravity -> IO () set_bit_gravity :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> BitGravity -> IO () set_border_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () set_border_pixmap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixmap -> IO () set_background_pixel :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixel -> IO () set_background_pixmap :: Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> Pixmap -> IO () allocaSetWindowAttributes :: (Ptr SetWindowAttributes -> IO a) -> IO a -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetWMProtocols(). setWMProtocols :: Display -> Window -> [Atom] -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XRecolorCursor(). recolorCursor :: Display -> Cursor -> Color -> Color -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateGlyphCursor(). createGlyphCursor :: Display -> Font -> Font -> Glyph -> Glyph -> Color -> Color -> IO Cursor -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreatePixmapCursor(). createPixmapCursor :: Display -> Pixmap -> Pixmap -> Color -> Color -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Cursor -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetIconName(). setIconName :: Display -> Window -> String -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetIconName(). getIconName :: Display -> Window -> IO String -- | interface to the X11 library function XLookupString(). lookupString :: XKeyEventPtr -> IO (Maybe KeySym, String) noSymbol :: KeySym -- | interface to the X11 library function XStringToKeysym(). stringToKeysym :: String -> KeySym -- | interface to the X11 library function XKeysymToString(). keysymToString :: KeySym -> String -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayKeycodes(). displayKeycodes :: Display -> (CInt, CInt) -- | interface to the X11 library function XReadBitmapFile. readBitmapFile :: Display -> Drawable -> String -> IO (Either String (Dimension, Dimension, Pixmap, Maybe CInt, Maybe CInt)) -- | interface to the X11 library function XMatchVisualInfo() matchVisualInfo :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Maybe VisualInfo) getVisualInfo :: Display -> VisualInfoMask -> VisualInfo -> IO [VisualInfo] visualAllMask :: VisualInfoMask visualBitsPerRGBMask :: VisualInfoMask visualColormapSizeMask :: VisualInfoMask -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetVisualInfo() visualBlueMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask visualGreenMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask visualRedMaskMask :: VisualInfoMask visualClassMask :: VisualInfoMask visualDepthMask :: VisualInfoMask visualScreenMask :: VisualInfoMask visualIDMask :: VisualInfoMask visualNoMask :: VisualInfoMask -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetPointerControl(). getPointerControl :: Display -> IO (CInt, CInt, CInt) getScreenSaver :: Display -> IO (CInt, CInt, PreferBlankingMode, AllowExposuresMode) screenSaverReset :: ScreenSaverMode screenSaverActive :: ScreenSaverMode defaultBlanking :: PreferBlankingMode preferBlanking :: PreferBlankingMode dontPreferBlanking :: PreferBlankingMode defaultExposures :: AllowExposuresMode allowExposures :: AllowExposuresMode dontAllowExposures :: AllowExposuresMode -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetLocaleModifiers(). setLocaleModifiers :: String -> IO String -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetGeometry(). getGeometry :: Display -> Drawable -> IO (Window, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, CInt) -- | interface to the X11 library function XGeometry(). geometry :: Display -> CInt -> String -> String -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (CInt, Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension) -- | The Xlib library reports most errors by invoking a user-provided error -- handler. This function installs an error handler that prints a textual -- representation of the error. setDefaultErrorHandler :: IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayName(). displayName :: String -> String -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryPointer(). queryPointer :: Display -> Window -> IO (Bool, Window, Window, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier) -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestSize(). queryBestSize :: Display -> QueryBestSizeClass -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestCursor(). queryBestCursor :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestStipple(). queryBestStipple :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryBestTile(). queryBestTile :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO (Dimension, Dimension) -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetInputFocus(). getInputFocus :: Display -> IO (Window, FocusMode) -- | interface to the X11 library function XrmInitialize(). rmInitialize :: IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XAutoRepeatOff(). autoRepeatOff :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XAutoRepeatOn(). autoRepeatOn :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XBell(). bell :: Display -> CInt -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetCloseDownMode(). setCloseDownMode :: Display -> CloseDownMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XLastKnownRequestProcessed(). lastKnownRequestProcessed :: Display -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetInputFocus(). setInputFocus :: Display -> Window -> FocusMode -> Time -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGrabButton(). grabButton :: Display -> Button -> ButtonMask -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Window -> Cursor -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XUngrabButton(). ungrabButton :: Display -> Button -> ButtonMask -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGrabPointer(). grabPointer :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Window -> Cursor -> Time -> IO GrabStatus -- | interface to the X11 library function XUngrabPointer(). ungrabPointer :: Display -> Time -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGrabKey(). grabKey :: Display -> KeyCode -> KeyMask -> Window -> Bool -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XUngrabKey(). ungrabKey :: Display -> KeyCode -> KeyMask -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGrabKeyboard(). grabKeyboard :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> GrabMode -> GrabMode -> Time -> IO GrabStatus -- | interface to the X11 library function XUngrabKeyboard(). ungrabKeyboard :: Display -> Time -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGrabServer(). grabServer :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XUngrabServer(). ungrabServer :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSupportsLocale(). supportsLocale :: IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetScreenSaver(). setScreenSaver :: Display -> CInt -> CInt -> PreferBlankingMode -> AllowExposuresMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XActivateScreenSaver(). activateScreenSaver :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XResetScreenSaver(). resetScreenSaver :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XForceScreenSaver(). forceScreenSaver :: Display -> ScreenSaverMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XWarpPointer(). warpPointer :: Display -> Window -> Window -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | see XVisualIDFromVisual() visualIDFromVisual :: Visual -> IO VisualID initThreads :: IO Status lockDisplay :: Display -> IO () unlockDisplay :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreatePixmap(). createPixmap :: Display -> Drawable -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> IO Pixmap -- | interface to the X11 library function XFreePixmap(). freePixmap :: Display -> Pixmap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XBitmapBitOrder(). bitmapBitOrder :: Display -> ByteOrder -- | interface to the X11 library function XBitmapUnit(). bitmapUnit :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XBitmapPad(). bitmapPad :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XLookupKeysym(). lookupKeysym :: XKeyEventPtr -> CInt -> IO KeySym -- | interface to the X11 library function XKeycodeToKeysym(). keycodeToKeysym :: Display -> KeyCode -> CInt -> IO KeySym -- | interface to the X11 library function XKeysymToKeycode(). keysymToKeycode :: Display -> KeySym -> IO KeyCode -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefineCursor(). defineCursor :: Display -> Window -> Cursor -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XUndefineCursor(). undefineCursor :: Display -> Window -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateFontCursor(). createFontCursor :: Display -> Glyph -> IO Cursor -- | interface to the X11 library function XFreeCursor(). freeCursor :: Display -> Font -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawPoint(). drawPoint :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawLine(). drawLine :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawRectangle(). drawRectangle :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDrawArc(). drawArc :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFillRectangle(). fillRectangle :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFillArc(). fillArc :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCopyArea(). copyArea :: Display -> Drawable -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCopyPlane(). copyPlane :: Display -> Drawable -> Drawable -> GC -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position -> Position -> Pixel -> IO () type AllowExposuresMode = CInt type PreferBlankingMode = CInt type ScreenSaverMode = CInt type VisualInfoMask = CLong lAST_PREDEFINED :: Atom wM_TRANSIENT_FOR :: Atom wM_CLASS :: Atom cAP_HEIGHT :: Atom fULL_NAME :: Atom fAMILY_NAME :: Atom fONT_NAME :: Atom nOTICE :: Atom cOPYRIGHT :: Atom rESOLUTION :: Atom pOINT_SIZE :: Atom wEIGHT :: Atom qUAD_WIDTH :: Atom x_HEIGHT :: Atom iTALIC_ANGLE :: Atom sTRIKEOUT_DESCENT :: Atom sTRIKEOUT_ASCENT :: Atom uNDERLINE_THICKNESS :: Atom uNDERLINE_POSITION :: Atom sUBSCRIPT_Y :: Atom sUBSCRIPT_X :: Atom sUPERSCRIPT_Y :: Atom sUPERSCRIPT_X :: Atom eND_SPACE :: Atom mAX_SPACE :: Atom nORM_SPACE :: Atom mIN_SPACE :: Atom wM_ZOOM_HINTS :: Atom wM_SIZE_HINTS :: Atom wM_NORMAL_HINTS :: Atom wM_NAME :: Atom wM_ICON_SIZE :: Atom wM_ICON_NAME :: Atom wM_CLIENT_MACHINE :: Atom wM_HINTS :: Atom wM_COMMAND :: Atom wINDOW :: Atom vISUALID :: Atom sTRING :: Atom rGB_RED_MAP :: Atom rGB_GREEN_MAP :: Atom rGB_GRAY_MAP :: Atom rGB_DEFAULT_MAP :: Atom rGB_BLUE_MAP :: Atom rGB_BEST_MAP :: Atom rGB_COLOR_MAP :: Atom rESOURCE_MANAGER :: Atom rECTANGLE :: Atom pOINT :: Atom pIXMAP :: Atom iNTEGER :: Atom fONT :: Atom dRAWABLE :: Atom cUT_BUFFER7 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER6 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER5 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER4 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER3 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER2 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER1 :: Atom cUT_BUFFER0 :: Atom cURSOR :: Atom cOLORMAP :: Atom cARDINAL :: Atom bITMAP :: Atom aTOM :: Atom aRC :: Atom sECONDARY :: Atom pRIMARY :: Atom getAtomNames :: Display -> [Atom] -> IO [String] getAtomName :: Display -> Atom -> IO (Maybe String) -- | interface to the X11 library function XInternAtom(). internAtom :: Display -> String -> Bool -> IO Atom -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryColors(). queryColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Color] -> IO [Color] -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryColor(). queryColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color -- | interface to the X11 library function XStoreColor(). storeColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFreeColors(). freeColors :: Display -> Colormap -> [Pixel] -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XParseColor(). parseColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO Color -- | interface to the X11 library function XAllocColor(). allocColor :: Display -> Colormap -> Color -> IO Color -- | interface to the X11 library function XAllocNamedColor(). allocNamedColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color) -- | interface to the X11 library function XLookupColor(). lookupColor :: Display -> Colormap -> String -> IO (Color, Color) -- | interface to the X11 library function XInstallColormap(). installColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XUninstallColormap(). uninstallColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCopyColormapAndFree(). copyColormapAndFree :: Display -> Colormap -> IO Colormap -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateColormap(). createColormap :: Display -> Window -> Visual -> ColormapAlloc -> IO Colormap -- | interface to the X11 library function XFreeColormap(). freeColormap :: Display -> Colormap -> IO () -- | partial interface to the X11 library function XCreateGC(). createGC :: Display -> Drawable -> IO GC -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetDashes(). setDashes :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> String -> CInt -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetArcMode(). setArcMode :: Display -> GC -> ArcMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetBackground(). setBackground :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetForeground(). setForeground :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetFunction(). setFunction :: Display -> GC -> GXFunction -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XSetGraphicsExposures(). setGraphicsExposures :: Display -> GC -> Bool -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetClipMask(). setClipMask :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetClipOrigin(). setClipOrigin :: Display -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetFillRule(). setFillRule :: Display -> GC -> FillRule -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetFillStyle(). setFillStyle :: Display -> GC -> FillStyle -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetFont(). setFont :: Display -> GC -> Font -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetLineAttributes(). setLineAttributes :: Display -> GC -> CInt -> LineStyle -> CapStyle -> JoinStyle -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetPlaneMask(). setPlaneMask :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetState(). setState :: Display -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel -> GXFunction -> Pixel -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetStipple(). setStipple :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetSubwindowMode(). setSubwindowMode :: Display -> GC -> SubWindowMode -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetTSOrigin(). setTSOrigin :: Display -> GC -> Position -> Position -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetTile(). setTile :: Display -> GC -> Pixmap -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XGContextFromGC(). gContextFromGC :: GC -> GContext -- | interface to the X11 library function XFreeGC(). freeGC :: Display -> GC -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XFlushGC(). flushGC :: Display -> GC -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCopyGC(). copyGC :: Display -> GC -> Mask -> GC -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSendEvent(). sendEvent :: Display -> Window -> Bool -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO () -- | This function is somewhat compatible with Win32's -- TimeGetTime() gettimeofday_in_milliseconds :: IO Integer -- | Reads an event with a timeout (in microseconds). Returns True if -- timeout occurs. waitForEvent :: Display -> Word32 -> IO Bool get_ConfigureEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XConfigureEvent get_ExposeEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XExposeEvent get_MotionEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XMotionEvent get_ButtonEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XButtonEvent asKeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> XKeyEventPtr get_KeyEvent :: XEventPtr -> IO XKeyEvent get_Window :: XEventPtr -> IO Window get_EventType :: XEventPtr -> IO EventType allocaXEvent :: (XEventPtr -> IO a) -> IO a queuedAfterReading :: QueuedMode queuedAfterFlush :: QueuedMode queuedAlready :: QueuedMode -- | interface to the X11 library function XFlush(). flush :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSync(). sync :: Display -> Bool -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XPending(). pending :: Display -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XEventsQueued(). eventsQueued :: Display -> QueuedMode -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XNextEvent(). nextEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XAllowEvents(). allowEvents :: Display -> AllowEvents -> Time -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XSelectInput(). selectInput :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XWindowEvent(). windowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCheckWindowEvent(). checkWindowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XMaskEvent(). maskEvent :: Display -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCheckMaskEvent(). checkMaskEvent :: Display -> EventMask -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XCheckTypedEvent(). checkTypedEvent :: Display -> EventType -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XCheckTypedWindowEvent(). checkTypedWindowEvent :: Display -> Window -> EventType -> XEventPtr -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XPutBackEvent(). putBackEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XPeekEvent(). peekEvent :: Display -> XEventPtr -> IO () type QueuedMode = CInt newtype XEvent XEvent :: XEventPtr -> XEvent type XEventPtr = Ptr XEvent type XKeyEvent = (Window, Window, Time, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier, KeyCode, Bool) type XKeyEventPtr = Ptr XKeyEvent type XButtonEvent = (Window, Window, Time, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier, Button, Bool) type XMotionEvent = (Window, Window, Time, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, Modifier, NotifyMode, Bool) type XExposeEvent = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, CInt) type XMappingEvent = (MappingRequest, KeyCode, CInt) type XConfigureEvent = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension) -- | interface to the X11 library function XOpenDisplay(). openDisplay :: String -> IO Display -- | interface to the X11 library function XServerVendor(). serverVendor :: Display -> String -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayString(). displayString :: Display -> String -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XScreenResourceString(). screenResourceString :: Screen -> String -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XResourceManagerString(). resourceManagerString :: Display -> String -- | interface to the X11 library function XAllPlanes(). allPlanes_aux :: Pixel -- | interface to the X11 library function XBlackPixel(). blackPixel :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Pixel -- | interface to the X11 library function XWhitePixel(). whitePixel :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Pixel -- | interface to the X11 library function XConnectionNumber(). connectionNumber :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultColormap(). defaultColormap :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Colormap -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultGC(). defaultGC :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> GC -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultDepth(). defaultDepth :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultScreen(). defaultScreen :: Display -> ScreenNumber -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(). defaultScreenOfDisplay :: Display -> Screen -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayHeight(). displayHeight :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayHeightMM(). displayHeightMM :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayWidth(). displayWidth :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayWidthMM(). displayWidthMM :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XMaxRequestSize(). maxRequestSize :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XDisplayMotionBufferSize(). displayMotionBufferSize :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XImageByteOrder(). imageByteOrder :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XProtocolRevision(). protocolRevision :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XProtocolVersion(). protocolVersion :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XScreenCount(). screenCount :: Display -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultVisual(). defaultVisual :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Visual -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayCells(). displayCells :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayPlanes(). displayPlanes :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XScreenOfDisplay(). screenOfDisplay :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> Screen -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultRootWindow(). defaultRootWindow :: Display -> Window -- | interface to the X11 library function XRootWindow(). rootWindow :: Display -> ScreenNumber -> IO Window -- | interface to the X11 library function XQLength(). qLength :: Display -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XNoOp(). noOp :: Display -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XCloseDisplay(). closeDisplay :: Display -> IO () xC_xterm :: Glyph xC_watch :: Glyph xC_ur_angle :: Glyph xC_umbrella :: Glyph xC_ul_angle :: Glyph xC_trek :: Glyph xC_top_tee :: Glyph xC_top_side :: Glyph xC_top_right_corner :: Glyph xC_top_left_corner :: Glyph xC_top_left_arrow :: Glyph xC_tcross :: Glyph xC_target :: Glyph xC_star :: Glyph xC_spraycan :: Glyph xC_spider :: Glyph xC_sizing :: Glyph xC_shuttle :: Glyph xC_sb_v_double_arrow :: Glyph xC_sb_up_arrow :: Glyph xC_sb_right_arrow :: Glyph xC_sb_left_arrow :: Glyph xC_sb_h_double_arrow :: Glyph xC_sb_down_arrow :: Glyph xC_sailboat :: Glyph xC_rtl_logo :: Glyph xC_rightbutton :: Glyph xC_right_tee :: Glyph xC_right_side :: Glyph xC_right_ptr :: Glyph xC_question_arrow :: Glyph xC_plus :: Glyph xC_pirate :: Glyph xC_pencil :: Glyph xC_mouse :: Glyph xC_man :: Glyph xC_lr_angle :: Glyph xC_ll_angle :: Glyph xC_leftbutton :: Glyph xC_left_tee :: Glyph xC_left_side :: Glyph xC_left_ptr :: Glyph xC_iron_cross :: Glyph xC_icon :: Glyph xC_heart :: Glyph xC_hand2 :: Glyph xC_hand1 :: Glyph xC_gumby :: Glyph xC_gobbler :: Glyph xC_fleur :: Glyph xC_exchange :: Glyph xC_draped_box :: Glyph xC_draft_small :: Glyph xC_draft_large :: Glyph xC_double_arrow :: Glyph xC_dotbox :: Glyph xC_dot :: Glyph xC_diamond_cross :: Glyph xC_crosshair :: Glyph xC_cross_reverse :: Glyph xC_cross :: Glyph xC_coffee_mug :: Glyph xC_clock :: Glyph xC_circle :: Glyph xC_center_ptr :: Glyph xC_box_spiral :: Glyph xC_bottom_tee :: Glyph xC_bottom_side :: Glyph xC_bottom_right_corner :: Glyph xC_bottom_left_corner :: Glyph xC_bogosity :: Glyph xC_boat :: Glyph xC_based_arrow_up :: Glyph xC_based_arrow_down :: Glyph xC_arrow :: Glyph xC_X_cursor :: Glyph -- | interface to the X11 library function XTextWidth(). textWidth :: FontStruct -> String -> Int32 -- | interface to the X11 library function XTextExtents(). textExtents :: FontStruct -> String -> (FontDirection, Int32, Int32, CharStruct) descentFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Int32 ascentFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Int32 fontFromFontStruct :: FontStruct -> Font -- | interface to the X11 library function XLoadQueryFont(). loadQueryFont :: Display -> String -> IO FontStruct -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetGCValues(). fontFromGC :: Display -> GC -> IO Font -- | interface to the X11 library function XQueryFont(). queryFont :: Display -> Font -> IO FontStruct -- | interface to the X11 library function XFreeFont(). freeFont :: Display -> FontStruct -> IO () type Glyph = Word16 -- | pointer to an X11 XFontStruct structure data FontStruct type CharStruct = (CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt) -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetPixel(). getPixel :: Image -> CInt -> CInt -> CULong -- | interface to the X11 library function XGetImage(). getImage :: Display -> Drawable -> CInt -> CInt -> CUInt -> CUInt -> CULong -> ImageFormat -> IO Image -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateImage(). createImage :: Display -> Visual -> CInt -> ImageFormat -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> Dimension -> Dimension -> CInt -> CInt -> IO Image -- | interface to the X11 library function XPutImage(). putImage :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Image -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO () -- | interface to the X11 library function XDestroyImage(). destroyImage :: Image -> IO () xGetPixel :: Image -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CULong -- | interface to the X11 library function XSetRegion(). setRegion :: Display -> GC -> Region -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XShrinkRegion(). shrinkRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XOffsetRegion(). offsetRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XClipBox(). clipBox :: Region -> IO (Rectangle, CInt) -- | interface to the X11 library function XRectInRegion(). rectInRegion :: Region -> Rectangle -> IO RectInRegionResult -- | interface to the X11 library function XPointInRegion(). pointInRegion :: Region -> Point -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XEqualRegion(). equalRegion :: Region -> Region -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XEmptyRegion(). emptyRegion :: Region -> IO Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XXorRegion(). xorRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XUnionRegion(). unionRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XUnionRectWithRegion(). unionRectWithRegion :: Rectangle -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XSubtractRegion(). subtractRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XIntersectRegion(). intersectRegion :: Region -> Region -> Region -> IO CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XPolygonRegion(). polygonRegion :: [Point] -> FillRule -> IO Region -- | interface to the X11 library function XCreateRegion(). createRegion :: IO Region rectanglePart :: RectInRegionResult rectangleIn :: RectInRegionResult rectangleOut :: RectInRegionResult data Region type RectInRegionResult = CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XBlackPixelOfScreen(). blackPixelOfScreen :: Screen -> Pixel -- | interface to the X11 library function XWhitePixelOfScreen(). whitePixelOfScreen :: Screen -> Pixel -- | interface to the X11 library function XCellsOfScreen(). cellsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XDefaultColormapOfScreen(). defaultColormapOfScreen :: Screen -> Colormap -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XDefaultDepthOfScreen(). defaultDepthOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XDefaultGCOfScreen(). defaultGCOfScreen :: Screen -> GC -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XDefaultVisualOfScreen(). defaultVisualOfScreen :: Screen -> Visual -- | interface to the X11 library function XDoesBackingStore(). doesBackingStore :: Screen -> Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XDoesSaveUnders(). doesSaveUnders :: Screen -> Bool -- | interface to the X11 library function XDisplayOfScreen(). displayOfScreen :: Screen -> Display -- | interface to the X11 library function XEventMaskOfScreen(). -- Event mask at connection setup time - not current event mask! eventMaskOfScreen :: Screen -> EventMask -- | interface to the X11 library function XMinCmapsOfScreen(). minCmapsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XMaxCmapsOfScreen(). maxCmapsOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function XRootWindowOfScreen(). rootWindowOfScreen :: Screen -> Window -- | interface to the X11 library function XWidthOfScreen(). widthOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension -- | interface to the X11 library function XWidthMMOfScreen(). widthMMOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension -- | interface to the X11 library function XHeightOfScreen(). heightOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension -- | interface to the X11 library function XHeightMMOfScreen(). heightMMOfScreen :: Screen -> Dimension -- | interface to the X11 library function XPlanesOfScreen(). planesOfScreen :: Screen -> CInt -- | interface to the X11 library function -- XScreenNumberOfScreen(). screenNumberOfScreen :: Screen -> ScreenNumber -- | pointer to an X11 Display structure newtype Display Display :: Ptr Display -> Display -- | pointer to an X11 Screen structure data Screen -- | pointer to an X11 Visual structure data Visual -- | pointer to an X11 GC structure data GC -- | pointer to an X11 XSetWindowAttributes structure data SetWindowAttributes -- | counterpart of an X11 XVisualInfo structure data VisualInfo VisualInfo :: Visual -> VisualID -> ScreenNumber -> CInt -> CInt -> CULong -> CULong -> CULong -> CInt -> CInt -> VisualInfo [visualInfo_visual] :: VisualInfo -> Visual [visualInfo_visualID] :: VisualInfo -> VisualID [visualInfo_screen] :: VisualInfo -> ScreenNumber [visualInfo_depth] :: VisualInfo -> CInt [visualInfo_class] :: VisualInfo -> CInt [visualInfo_redMask] :: VisualInfo -> CULong [visualInfo_greenMask] :: VisualInfo -> CULong [visualInfo_blueMask] :: VisualInfo -> CULong [visualInfo_colormapSize] :: VisualInfo -> CInt [visualInfo_bitsPerRGB] :: VisualInfo -> CInt -- | pointer to an X11 XImage structure data Image type Pixel = Word64 type Position = Int32 type Dimension = Word32 type Angle = CInt type ScreenNumber = Word32 type Buffer = CInt -- | counterpart of an X11 XPoint structure data Point Point :: !Position -> !Position -> Point [pt_x] :: Point -> !Position [pt_y] :: Point -> !Position -- | counterpart of an X11 XRectangle structure data Rectangle Rectangle :: !Position -> !Position -> !Dimension -> !Dimension -> Rectangle [rect_x] :: Rectangle -> !Position [rect_y] :: Rectangle -> !Position [rect_width] :: Rectangle -> !Dimension [rect_height] :: Rectangle -> !Dimension -- | counterpart of an X11 XArc structure data Arc Arc :: Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Angle -> Angle -> Arc [arc_x] :: Arc -> Position [arc_y] :: Arc -> Position [arc_width] :: Arc -> Dimension [arc_height] :: Arc -> Dimension [arc_angle1] :: Arc -> Angle [arc_angle2] :: Arc -> Angle -- | counterpart of an X11 XSegment structure data Segment Segment :: Position -> Position -> Position -> Position -> Segment [seg_x1] :: Segment -> Position [seg_y1] :: Segment -> Position [seg_x2] :: Segment -> Position [seg_y2] :: Segment -> Position -- | counterpart of an X11 XColor structure data Color Color :: Pixel -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> Word8 -> Color [color_pixel] :: Color -> Pixel [color_red] :: Color -> Word16 [color_green] :: Color -> Word16 [color_blue] :: Color -> Word16 [color_flags] :: Color -> Word8 xRR_UnknownConnection :: Connection xRR_Disconnected :: Connection xRR_Connected :: Connection xRR_Reflect_Y :: Reflection xRR_Reflect_X :: Reflection xRR_Rotate_270 :: Rotation xRR_Rotate_180 :: Rotation xRR_Rotate_90 :: Rotation xRR_Rotate_0 :: Rotation zPixmap :: ImageFormat xyPixmap :: ImageFormat xyBitmap :: ImageFormat fontRightToLeft :: FontDirection fontLeftToRight :: FontDirection doBlue :: Word8 doGreen :: Word8 doRed :: Word8 always :: BackingStore whenMapped :: BackingStore notUseful :: BackingStore unmapGravity :: WindowGravity staticGravity :: BitGravity southEastGravity :: BitGravity southGravity :: BitGravity southWestGravity :: BitGravity eastGravity :: BitGravity centerGravity :: BitGravity westGravity :: BitGravity northEastGravity :: BitGravity northGravity :: BitGravity northWestGravity :: BitGravity forgetGravity :: BitGravity setModeDelete :: ChangeSaveSetMode setModeInsert :: ChangeSaveSetMode mappingPointer :: MappingRequest mappingKeyboard :: MappingRequest mappingModifier :: MappingRequest allocAll :: ColormapAlloc allocNone :: ColormapAlloc mSBFirst :: ByteOrder lSBFirst :: ByteOrder lowerHighest :: CirculationDirection raiseLowest :: CirculationDirection gCLastBit :: GCMask gCArcMode :: GCMask gCDashList :: GCMask gCDashOffset :: GCMask gCClipMask :: GCMask gCClipYOrigin :: GCMask gCClipXOrigin :: GCMask gCGraphicsExposures :: GCMask gCSubwindowMode :: GCMask gCFont :: GCMask gCTileStipYOrigin :: GCMask gCTileStipXOrigin :: GCMask gCStipple :: GCMask gCTile :: GCMask gCFillRule :: GCMask gCFillStyle :: GCMask gCJoinStyle :: GCMask gCCapStyle :: GCMask gCLineStyle :: GCMask gCLineWidth :: GCMask gCBackground :: GCMask gCForeground :: GCMask gCPlaneMask :: GCMask gCFunction :: GCMask arcPieSlice :: ArcMode arcChord :: ArcMode convex :: PolygonShape nonconvex :: PolygonShape complex :: PolygonShape coordModePrevious :: CoordinateMode coordModeOrigin :: CoordinateMode includeInferiors :: SubWindowMode clipByChildren :: SubWindowMode windingRule :: FillRule evenOddRule :: FillRule fillOpaqueStippled :: FillStyle fillStippled :: FillStyle fillTiled :: FillStyle fillSolid :: FillStyle joinBevel :: JoinStyle joinRound :: JoinStyle joinMiter :: JoinStyle capProjecting :: CapStyle capRound :: CapStyle capButt :: CapStyle capNotLast :: CapStyle lineDoubleDash :: LineStyle lineOnOffDash :: LineStyle lineSolid :: LineStyle gXset :: GXFunction gXnand :: GXFunction gXorInverted :: GXFunction gXcopyInverted :: GXFunction gXorReverse :: GXFunction gXinvert :: GXFunction gXequiv :: GXFunction gXnor :: GXFunction gXor :: GXFunction gXxor :: GXFunction gXnoop :: GXFunction gXandInverted :: GXFunction gXcopy :: GXFunction gXandReverse :: GXFunction gXand :: GXFunction gXclear :: GXFunction stippleShape :: QueryBestSizeClass tileShape :: QueryBestSizeClass cursorShape :: QueryBestSizeClass retainTemporary :: CloseDownMode retainPermanent :: CloseDownMode destroyAll :: CloseDownMode cWHeight :: AttributeMask cWWidth :: AttributeMask cWY :: AttributeMask cWX :: AttributeMask cWCursor :: AttributeMask cWColormap :: AttributeMask cWDontPropagate :: AttributeMask cWEventMask :: AttributeMask cWSaveUnder :: AttributeMask cWOverrideRedirect :: AttributeMask cWBackingPixel :: AttributeMask cWBackingPlanes :: AttributeMask cWBackingStore :: AttributeMask cWWinGravity :: AttributeMask cWBitGravity :: AttributeMask cWBorderPixel :: AttributeMask cWBorderPixmap :: AttributeMask cWBackPixel :: AttributeMask cWBackPixmap :: AttributeMask inputOnly :: WindowClass inputOutput :: WindowClass copyFromParent :: WindowClass throwIfZero :: String -> IO Status -> IO () lastExtensionError :: ErrorCode firstExtensionError :: ErrorCode badImplementation :: ErrorCode badLength :: ErrorCode badName :: ErrorCode badIDChoice :: ErrorCode -- | Xlib functions with return values of type Status return zero -- on failure and nonzero on success. badGC :: ErrorCode badColor :: ErrorCode badAlloc :: ErrorCode badAccess :: ErrorCode badDrawable :: ErrorCode badMatch :: ErrorCode badFont :: ErrorCode badCursor :: ErrorCode badAtom :: ErrorCode badPixmap :: ErrorCode badWindow :: ErrorCode badValue :: ErrorCode badRequest :: ErrorCode success :: ErrorCode revertToParent :: FocusMode revertToPointerRoot :: FocusMode revertToNone :: FocusMode syncBoth :: AllowEvents asyncBoth :: AllowEvents replayKeyboard :: AllowEvents syncKeyboard :: AllowEvents asyncKeyboard :: AllowEvents replayPointer :: AllowEvents syncPointer :: AllowEvents asyncPointer :: AllowEvents grabFrozen :: GrabStatus grabNotViewable :: GrabStatus grabInvalidTime :: GrabStatus alreadyGrabbed :: GrabStatus grabSuccess :: GrabStatus grabModeAsync :: GrabMode grabModeSync :: GrabMode colormapInstalled :: ColormapNotification colormapUninstalled :: ColormapNotification propertyDelete :: PropertyNotification propertyNewValue :: PropertyNotification familyChaos :: Protocol familyDECnet :: Protocol familyInternet :: Protocol placeOnBottom :: Place placeOnTop :: Place visibilityFullyObscured :: Visibility visibilityPartiallyObscured :: Visibility visibilityUnobscured :: Visibility notifyDetailNone :: NotifyDetail notifyPointerRoot :: NotifyDetail notifyPointer :: NotifyDetail notifyNonlinearVirtual :: NotifyDetail notifyNonlinear :: NotifyDetail notifyInferior :: NotifyDetail notifyVirtual :: NotifyDetail notifyAncestor :: NotifyDetail notifyHint :: NotifyMode notifyWhileGrabbed :: NotifyMode notifyUngrab :: NotifyMode notifyGrab :: NotifyMode notifyNormal :: NotifyMode button5 :: Button button4 :: Button button3 :: Button button2 :: Button button1 :: Button button5Mask :: ButtonMask button4Mask :: ButtonMask button3Mask :: ButtonMask button2Mask :: ButtonMask button1Mask :: ButtonMask mod5Mask :: KeyMask mod4Mask :: KeyMask mod3Mask :: KeyMask mod2Mask :: KeyMask mod1Mask :: KeyMask controlMask :: KeyMask lockMask :: KeyMask shiftMask :: KeyMask noModMask :: KeyMask anyModifier :: Modifier mod5MapIndex :: Modifier mod4MapIndex :: Modifier mod3MapIndex :: Modifier mod2MapIndex :: Modifier mod1MapIndex :: Modifier controlMapIndex :: Modifier lockMapIndex :: Modifier shiftMapIndex :: Modifier screenSaverNotify :: EventType lASTEvent :: EventType rrNotifyOutputProperty :: EventType rrNotifyOutputChange :: EventType rrNotifyCrtcChange :: EventType rrNotify :: EventType rrScreenChangeNotify :: EventType mappingNotify :: EventType clientMessage :: EventType colormapNotify :: EventType selectionNotify :: EventType selectionRequest :: EventType selectionClear :: EventType propertyNotify :: EventType circulateRequest :: EventType circulateNotify :: EventType resizeRequest :: EventType gravityNotify :: EventType configureRequest :: EventType configureNotify :: EventType reparentNotify :: EventType mapRequest :: EventType mapNotify :: EventType unmapNotify :: EventType destroyNotify :: EventType createNotify :: EventType visibilityNotify :: EventType noExpose :: EventType graphicsExpose :: EventType expose :: EventType keymapNotify :: EventType focusOut :: EventType focusIn :: EventType leaveNotify :: EventType enterNotify :: EventType motionNotify :: EventType buttonRelease :: EventType buttonPress :: EventType keyRelease :: EventType keyPress :: EventType screenSaverNotifyMask :: EventMask screenSaverCycleMask :: EventMask rrOutputPropertyNotifyMask :: EventMask rrOutputChangeNotifyMask :: EventMask rrCrtcChangeNotifyMask :: EventMask rrScreenChangeNotifyMask :: EventMask ownerGrabButtonMask :: EventMask colormapChangeMask :: EventMask propertyChangeMask :: EventMask focusChangeMask :: EventMask substructureRedirectMask :: EventMask substructureNotifyMask :: EventMask resizeRedirectMask :: EventMask structureNotifyMask :: EventMask visibilityChangeMask :: EventMask exposureMask :: EventMask keymapStateMask :: EventMask buttonMotionMask :: EventMask button5MotionMask :: EventMask button4MotionMask :: EventMask button3MotionMask :: EventMask button2MotionMask :: EventMask button1MotionMask :: EventMask pointerMotionHintMask :: EventMask pointerMotionMask :: EventMask leaveWindowMask :: EventMask enterWindowMask :: EventMask buttonReleaseMask :: EventMask buttonPressMask :: EventMask keyReleaseMask :: EventMask keyPressMask :: EventMask noEventMask :: EventMask xK_ydiaeresis :: KeySym xK_thorn :: KeySym xK_yacute :: KeySym xK_udiaeresis :: KeySym xK_ucircumflex :: KeySym xK_uacute :: KeySym xK_ugrave :: KeySym xK_oslash :: KeySym xK_division :: KeySym xK_odiaeresis :: KeySym xK_otilde :: KeySym xK_ocircumflex :: KeySym xK_oacute :: KeySym xK_ograve :: KeySym xK_ntilde :: KeySym xK_eth :: KeySym xK_idiaeresis :: KeySym xK_icircumflex :: KeySym xK_iacute :: KeySym xK_igrave :: KeySym xK_ediaeresis :: KeySym xK_ecircumflex :: KeySym xK_eacute :: KeySym xK_egrave :: KeySym xK_ccedilla :: KeySym xK_ae :: KeySym xK_aring :: KeySym xK_adiaeresis :: KeySym xK_atilde :: KeySym xK_acircumflex :: KeySym xK_aacute :: KeySym xK_agrave :: KeySym xK_ssharp :: KeySym xK_Thorn :: KeySym xK_THORN :: KeySym xK_Yacute :: KeySym xK_Udiaeresis :: KeySym xK_Ucircumflex :: KeySym xK_Uacute :: KeySym xK_Ugrave :: KeySym xK_Ooblique :: KeySym xK_multiply :: KeySym xK_Odiaeresis :: KeySym xK_Otilde :: KeySym xK_Ocircumflex :: KeySym xK_Oacute :: KeySym xK_Ograve :: KeySym xK_Ntilde :: KeySym xK_Eth :: KeySym xK_ETH :: KeySym xK_Idiaeresis :: KeySym xK_Icircumflex :: KeySym xK_Iacute :: KeySym xK_Igrave :: KeySym xK_Ediaeresis :: KeySym xK_Ecircumflex :: KeySym xK_Eacute :: KeySym xK_Egrave :: KeySym xK_Ccedilla :: KeySym xK_AE :: KeySym xK_Aring :: KeySym xK_Adiaeresis :: KeySym xK_Atilde :: KeySym xK_Acircumflex :: KeySym xK_Aacute :: KeySym xK_Agrave :: KeySym xK_questiondown :: KeySym xK_threequarters :: KeySym xK_onehalf :: KeySym xK_onequarter :: KeySym xK_guillemotright :: KeySym xK_masculine :: KeySym xK_onesuperior :: KeySym xK_cedilla :: KeySym xK_periodcentered :: KeySym xK_paragraph :: KeySym xK_mu :: KeySym xK_acute :: KeySym xK_threesuperior :: KeySym xK_twosuperior :: KeySym xK_plusminus :: KeySym xK_degree :: KeySym xK_macron :: KeySym xK_registered :: KeySym xK_hyphen :: KeySym xK_notsign :: KeySym xK_guillemotleft :: KeySym xK_ordfeminine :: KeySym xK_copyright :: KeySym xK_diaeresis :: KeySym xK_section :: KeySym xK_brokenbar :: KeySym xK_yen :: KeySym xK_currency :: KeySym xK_sterling :: KeySym xK_cent :: KeySym xK_exclamdown :: KeySym xK_nobreakspace :: KeySym xK_asciitilde :: KeySym xK_braceright :: KeySym xK_bar :: KeySym xK_braceleft :: KeySym xK_z :: KeySym xK_y :: KeySym xK_x :: KeySym xK_w :: KeySym xK_v :: KeySym xK_u :: KeySym xK_t :: KeySym xK_s :: KeySym xK_r :: KeySym xK_q :: KeySym xK_p :: KeySym xK_o :: KeySym xK_n :: KeySym xK_m :: KeySym xK_l :: KeySym xK_k :: KeySym xK_j :: KeySym xK_i :: KeySym xK_h :: KeySym xK_g :: KeySym xK_f :: KeySym xK_e :: KeySym xK_d :: KeySym xK_c :: KeySym xK_b :: KeySym xK_a :: KeySym xK_quoteleft :: KeySym xK_grave :: KeySym xK_underscore :: KeySym xK_asciicircum :: KeySym xK_bracketright :: KeySym xK_backslash :: KeySym xK_bracketleft :: KeySym xK_Z :: KeySym xK_Y :: KeySym xK_X :: KeySym xK_W :: KeySym xK_V :: KeySym xK_U :: KeySym xK_T :: KeySym xK_S :: KeySym xK_R :: KeySym xK_Q :: KeySym xK_P :: KeySym xK_O :: KeySym xK_N :: KeySym xK_M :: KeySym xK_L :: KeySym xK_K :: KeySym xK_J :: KeySym xK_I :: KeySym xK_H :: KeySym xK_G :: KeySym xK_F :: KeySym xK_E :: KeySym xK_D :: KeySym xK_C :: KeySym xK_B :: KeySym xK_A :: KeySym xK_at :: KeySym xK_question :: KeySym xK_greater :: KeySym xK_equal :: KeySym xK_less :: KeySym xK_semicolon :: KeySym xK_colon :: KeySym xK_9 :: KeySym xK_8 :: KeySym xK_7 :: KeySym xK_6 :: KeySym xK_5 :: KeySym xK_4 :: KeySym xK_3 :: KeySym xK_2 :: KeySym xK_1 :: KeySym xK_0 :: KeySym xK_slash :: KeySym xK_period :: KeySym xK_minus :: KeySym xK_comma :: KeySym xK_plus :: KeySym xK_asterisk :: KeySym xK_parenright :: KeySym xK_parenleft :: KeySym xK_quoteright :: KeySym xK_apostrophe :: KeySym xK_ampersand :: KeySym xK_percent :: KeySym xK_dollar :: KeySym xK_numbersign :: KeySym xK_quotedbl :: KeySym xK_exclam :: KeySym xK_space :: KeySym xK_Hyper_R :: KeySym xK_Hyper_L :: KeySym xK_Super_R :: KeySym xK_Super_L :: KeySym xK_Alt_R :: KeySym xK_Alt_L :: KeySym xK_Meta_R :: KeySym xK_Meta_L :: KeySym xK_Shift_Lock :: KeySym xK_Caps_Lock :: KeySym xK_Control_R :: KeySym xK_Control_L :: KeySym xK_Shift_R :: KeySym xK_Shift_L :: KeySym xK_R15 :: KeySym xK_F35 :: KeySym xK_R14 :: KeySym xK_F34 :: KeySym xK_R13 :: KeySym xK_F33 :: KeySym xK_R12 :: KeySym xK_F32 :: KeySym xK_R11 :: KeySym xK_F31 :: KeySym xK_R10 :: KeySym xK_F30 :: KeySym xK_R9 :: KeySym xK_F29 :: KeySym xK_R8 :: KeySym xK_F28 :: KeySym xK_R7 :: KeySym xK_F27 :: KeySym xK_R6 :: KeySym xK_F26 :: KeySym xK_R5 :: KeySym xK_F25 :: KeySym xK_R4 :: KeySym xK_F24 :: KeySym xK_R3 :: KeySym xK_F23 :: KeySym xK_R2 :: KeySym xK_F22 :: KeySym xK_R1 :: KeySym xK_F21 :: KeySym xK_L10 :: KeySym xK_F20 :: KeySym xK_L9 :: KeySym xK_F19 :: KeySym xK_L8 :: KeySym xK_F18 :: KeySym xK_L7 :: KeySym xK_F17 :: KeySym xK_L6 :: KeySym xK_F16 :: KeySym xK_L5 :: KeySym xK_F15 :: KeySym xK_L4 :: KeySym xK_F14 :: KeySym xK_L3 :: KeySym xK_F13 :: KeySym xK_L2 :: KeySym xK_F12 :: KeySym xK_L1 :: KeySym xK_F11 :: KeySym xK_F10 :: KeySym xK_F9 :: KeySym xK_F8 :: KeySym xK_F7 :: KeySym xK_F6 :: KeySym xK_F5 :: KeySym xK_F4 :: KeySym xK_F3 :: KeySym xK_F2 :: KeySym xK_F1 :: KeySym xK_KP_9 :: KeySym xK_KP_8 :: KeySym xK_KP_7 :: KeySym xK_KP_6 :: KeySym xK_KP_5 :: KeySym xK_KP_4 :: KeySym xK_KP_3 :: KeySym xK_KP_2 :: KeySym xK_KP_1 :: KeySym xK_KP_0 :: KeySym xK_KP_Divide :: KeySym xK_KP_Decimal :: KeySym xK_KP_Subtract :: KeySym xK_KP_Separator :: KeySym xK_KP_Add :: KeySym xK_KP_Multiply :: KeySym xK_KP_Equal :: KeySym xK_KP_Delete :: KeySym xK_KP_Insert :: KeySym xK_KP_Begin :: KeySym xK_KP_End :: KeySym xK_KP_Page_Down :: KeySym xK_KP_Next :: KeySym xK_KP_Page_Up :: KeySym xK_KP_Prior :: KeySym xK_KP_Down :: KeySym xK_KP_Right :: KeySym xK_KP_Up :: KeySym xK_KP_Left :: KeySym xK_KP_Home :: KeySym xK_KP_F4 :: KeySym xK_KP_F3 :: KeySym xK_KP_F2 :: KeySym xK_KP_F1 :: KeySym xK_KP_Enter :: KeySym xK_KP_Tab :: KeySym xK_KP_Space :: KeySym xK_Num_Lock :: KeySym xK_script_switch :: KeySym xK_Mode_switch :: KeySym xK_Break :: KeySym xK_Help :: KeySym xK_Cancel :: KeySym xK_Find :: KeySym xK_Menu :: KeySym xK_Redo :: KeySym xK_Undo :: KeySym xK_Insert :: KeySym xK_Execute :: KeySym xK_Print :: KeySym xK_Select :: KeySym xK_Begin :: KeySym xK_End :: KeySym xK_Page_Down :: KeySym xK_Next :: KeySym xK_Page_Up :: KeySym xK_Prior :: KeySym xK_Down :: KeySym xK_Right :: KeySym xK_Up :: KeySym xK_Left :: KeySym xK_Home :: KeySym xK_PreviousCandidate :: KeySym xK_MultipleCandidate :: KeySym xK_SingleCandidate :: KeySym xK_Codeinput :: KeySym xK_Multi_key :: KeySym xK_Delete :: KeySym xK_Escape :: KeySym xK_Sys_Req :: KeySym xK_Scroll_Lock :: KeySym xK_Pause :: KeySym xK_Return :: KeySym xK_Clear :: KeySym xK_Linefeed :: KeySym xK_Tab :: KeySym xK_BackSpace :: KeySym xK_VoidSymbol :: KeySym type XID = Word64 type Mask = Word64 type Atom = Word64 type VisualID = Word64 type Time = Word64 type Window = XID type Drawable = XID type Font = XID type Pixmap = XID type Cursor = XID type Colormap = XID type GContext = XID type KeyCode = Word8 type KeySym = XID type EventMask = Mask type EventType = Word32 type Modifier = CUInt type KeyMask = Modifier type ButtonMask = Modifier type Button = Word32 type NotifyMode = CInt type NotifyDetail = CInt type Visibility = CInt -- | Place of window relative to siblings (used in Circulation requests or -- events) type Place = CInt type Protocol = CInt type PropertyNotification = CInt type ColormapNotification = CInt type GrabMode = CInt type GrabStatus = CInt type AllowEvents = CInt type FocusMode = CInt type ErrorCode = CInt type Status = CInt type WindowClass = CInt type AttributeMask = Mask type CloseDownMode = CInt type QueryBestSizeClass = CInt type GXFunction = CInt type LineStyle = CInt type CapStyle = CInt type JoinStyle = CInt type FillStyle = CInt type FillRule = CInt type SubWindowMode = CInt type CoordinateMode = CInt type PolygonShape = CInt type ArcMode = CInt type GCMask = CInt type CirculationDirection = CInt type ByteOrder = CInt type ColormapAlloc = CInt type MappingRequest = CInt type ChangeSaveSetMode = CInt type BitGravity = CInt type WindowGravity = CInt type BackingStore = CInt type FontDirection = CInt type ImageFormat = CInt type Rotation = Word16 type Reflection = Word16 type SizeID = Word16 type SubpixelOrder = Word16 type Connection = Word16 type RROutput = Word64 type RRCrtc = Word64 type RRMode = Word64 type XRRModeFlags = Word64 -- | Bitwise "or" (.|.) :: Bits a => a -> a -> a infixl 5 .|. -- | Minimal definition is either both of get and put or -- just state class Monad m => MonadState s (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> s -- | Return the state from the internals of the monad. get :: MonadState s m => m s -- | Replace the state inside the monad. put :: MonadState s m => s -> m () -- | Embed a simple state action into the monad. state :: MonadState s m => (s -> (a, s)) -> m a -- | Gets specific component of the state, using a projection function -- supplied. gets :: MonadState s m => (s -> a) -> m a -- | Monadic state transformer. -- -- Maps an old state to a new state inside a state monad. The old state -- is thrown away. -- --
--   Main> :t modify ((+1) :: Int -> Int)
--   modify (...) :: (MonadState Int a) => a ()
-- -- This says that modify (+1) acts over any Monad that is a -- member of the MonadState class, with an Int state. modify :: MonadState s m => (s -> s) -> m () -- | See examples in Control.Monad.Reader. Note, the partially -- applied function type (->) r is a simple reader monad. See -- the instance declaration below. class Monad m => MonadReader r (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> r -- | Retrieves the monad environment. ask :: MonadReader r m => m r -- | Executes a computation in a modified environment. local :: MonadReader r m => (r -> r) -> m a -> m a -- | Retrieves a function of the current environment. reader :: MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a -- | Retrieves a function of the current environment. asks :: MonadReader r m => (r -> a) -> m a -- | Monads in which IO computations may be embedded. Any monad -- built by applying a sequence of monad transformers to the IO -- monad will be an instance of this class. -- -- Instances should satisfy the following laws, which state that -- liftIO is a transformer of monads: -- -- class Monad m => MonadIO (m :: Type -> Type) -- | Lift a computation from the IO monad. This allows us to run IO -- computations in any monadic stack, so long as it supports these kinds -- of operations (i.e. IO is the base monad for the stack). -- --


-- --
--   import Control.Monad.Trans.State -- from the "transformers" library
--   printState :: Show s => StateT s IO ()
--   printState = do
--     state <- get
--     liftIO $ print state
-- -- Had we omitted liftIO, we would have ended up with -- this error: -- --
--   • Couldn't match type ‘IO’ with ‘StateT s IO’
--    Expected type: StateT s IO ()
--      Actual type: IO ()
-- -- The important part here is the mismatch between StateT s IO -- () and IO (). -- -- Luckily, we know of a function that takes an IO a and -- returns an (m a): liftIO, enabling us to run -- the program and see the expected results: -- --
--   > evalStateT printState "hello"
--   "hello"
--   > evalStateT printState 3
--   3
liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a