# xml-prettify-text XML pretty printer based on [xml-prettify](https://github.com/rosenbergdm/xml-prettify) by David M. Rosenberg. Modified to work with `Text` instead of `String` and tuned for improved performance. [![Build status](https://img.shields.io/travis/MrcJkb/xml-prettify-text.svg?logo=travis)](https://app.travis-ci.com/MrcJkb/xml-prettify-text) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/xml-prettify-text.svg?logo=haskell)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xml-prettify-text) [![Stackage Lts](http://stackage.org/package/xml-prettify-text/badge/lts)](http://stackage.org/lts/package/xml-prettify-text) [![Stackage Nightly](http://stackage.org/package/xml-prettify-text/badge/nightly)](http://stackage.org/nightly/package/xml-prettify-text) [![GPL-2.0-only license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPL--2.0--only-blue.svg)](LICENSE) ## Usage ## ```bash Usage: xml-prettify ((-f|--file FILE_NAME) | (-t|--text XML_TEXT)) [(-o|--out FILE_NAME) | (-c|--console)] [--indent-style ] [--eol ] Pretty-prints XML text Available options: -f,--file FILE_NAME XML file to pretty-print -t,--text XML_TEXT XML text to pretty-print -o,--out FILE_NAME XML file to pretty-print to -c,--console Output the pretty-printed XML to the console --indent-style The indent style (TAB or SPACE INDENT_SIZE) (default: SPACE 2) --eol The line-break style: Line Feed (LF), Carriage Return (CR), or both (CRLF) (default: LF) -h,--help Show this help text ``` ## Motivation ## Why re-implement [xml-prettify](https://github.com/rosenbergdm/xml-prettify)? - I am not satisfied with the [Text.PrettyPrint](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pretty- output. - `xml-prettify` produces good output, but with poor performance. - `xml-prettify` appears not to be maintained (I haven't been able to use it as a library in modern projects). - Some more configurability (see TODOs) would be great. - A good project for me to practise profiling and benchmarking in Haskell. ## TODO ## - [x] Port xml-prettify for use with Text - [x] Refactor for better readability - [x] Implement golden tests - [x] Profile, benchmark & squeeze performance - [x] Add options for specifying newlines, indent-style, indent-size, etc. - [x] Create cli app