{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | This module provides both a native Haskell solution for parsing XML
-- documents into a stream of events, and a set of parser combinators for
-- dealing with a stream of events.
-- As a simple example:
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|))
-- >>> import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
-- >>> import Data.XML.Types (Event)
-- >>> data Person = Person Int Text Text deriving Show
-- >>> :{
-- let parsePerson :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m (Maybe Person)
-- parsePerson = tag' "person" parseAttributes $ \(age, goodAtHaskell) -> do
-- name <- content
-- return $ Person (read $ unpack age) name goodAtHaskell
-- where parseAttributes = (,) <$> requireAttr "age" <*> requireAttr "goodAtHaskell" <* ignoreAttrs
-- parsePeople :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m (Maybe [Person])
-- parsePeople = tagNoAttr "people" $ many parsePerson
-- inputXml = mconcat
-- [ ""
-- , ""
-- , " Michael"
-- , " Eliezer"
-- , ""
-- ]
-- :}
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def inputXml .| force "people required" parsePeople
-- [Person 25 "Michael" "yes",Person 2 "Eliezer" "might become"]
-- This module also supports streaming results using 'yield'.
-- This allows parser results to be processed using conduits
-- while a particular parser (e.g. 'many') is still running.
-- Without using streaming results, you have to wait until the parser finished
-- before you can process the result list. Large XML files might be easier
-- to process by using streaming results.
-- See http://stackoverflow.com/q/21367423/2597135 for a related discussion.
-- >>> import Data.Conduit.List as CL
-- >>> :{
-- let parsePeople' :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event Person m (Maybe ())
-- parsePeople' = tagNoAttr "people" $ manyYield parsePerson
-- :}
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def inputXml .| force "people required" parsePeople' .| CL.mapM_ print
-- Person 25 "Michael" "yes"
-- Person 2 "Eliezer" "might become"
-- Previous versions of this module contained a number of more sophisticated
-- functions written by Aristid Breitkreuz and Dmitry Olshansky. To keep this
-- package simpler, those functions are being moved to a separate package. This
-- note will be updated with the name of the package(s) when available.
module Text.XML.Stream.Parse
( -- * Parsing XML files
, parseBytesPos
, parseText'
, parseText
, parseTextPos
, detectUtf
, parseFile
, parseLBS
-- ** Parser settings
, ParseSettings
, def
, DecodeEntities
, DecodeIllegalCharacters
, psDecodeEntities
, psDecodeIllegalCharacters
, psRetainNamespaces
-- *** Entity decoding
, decodeXmlEntities
, decodeHtmlEntities
-- * Event parsing
, tag
, tag'
, tagNoAttr
, tagIgnoreAttrs
, content
, contentMaybe
-- * Ignoring tags/trees
, ignoreTag
, ignoreEmptyTag
, ignoreTree
, ignoreTreeContent
, ignoreAnyTreeContent
, ignoreAllTreesContent
-- * Streaming events
, takeContent
, takeTree
, takeTreeContent
, takeAnyTreeContent
, takeAllTreesContent
-- * Tag name matching
, NameMatcher(..)
, matching
, anyOf
, anyName
-- * Attribute parsing
, AttrParser
, attr
, requireAttr
, optionalAttr
, requireAttrRaw
, optionalAttrRaw
, ignoreAttrs
-- * Combinators
, orE
, choose
, many
, many_
, manyIgnore
, many'
, force
-- * Streaming combinators
, manyYield
, manyYield'
, manyIgnoreYield
-- * Exceptions
, XmlException (..)
-- * Other types
, PositionRange
, EventPos
) where
import Conduit
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (empty, (<|>)),
Applicative (..), (<$>))
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Exception (Exception (..), SomeException)
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM, void)
import Control.Monad.Fix (fix)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, MonadThrow (..),
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, anyChar, char, manyTill,
skipWhile, string, takeWhile,
takeWhile1, try)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (PositionRange, conduitParser)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
import Data.Default.Class (Default (..))
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.XML.Types (Content (..), Event (..),
ExternalID (..),
Instruction (..), Name (..))
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Text.XML.Stream.Token
type Ents = [(Text, Text)]
tokenToEvent :: ParseSettings -> Ents -> [NSLevel] -> Token -> (Ents, [NSLevel], [Event])
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenXMLDeclaration _) = (es, n, [])
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenInstruction i) = (es, n, [EventInstruction i])
tokenToEvent ps es n (TokenBeginElement name as isClosed _) =
(es, n', if isClosed then [begin, end] else [begin])
l0 = case n of
[] -> NSLevel Nothing Map.empty
x:_ -> x
(as', l') = foldl' go (id, l0) as
go (front, l) (TName kpref kname, val) =
(addNS front, l'')
isPrefixed = kpref == Just "xmlns"
isUnprefixed = isNothing kpref && kname == "xmlns"
| not (psRetainNamespaces ps) && (isPrefixed || isUnprefixed) = id
| otherwise = (((tname, map resolve val):) .)
| isPrefixed = TName Nothing ("xmlns:" `T.append` kname)
| otherwise = TName kpref kname
| isPrefixed =
l { prefixes = Map.insert kname (contentsToText val)
$ prefixes l }
| isUnprefixed =
l { defaultNS = if T.null $ contentsToText val
then Nothing
else Just $ contentsToText val }
| otherwise = l
resolve (ContentEntity e)
| Just t <- lookup e es = ContentText t
resolve c = c
n' = if isClosed then n else l' : n
fixAttName (name', val) = (tnameToName True l' name', val)
elementName = tnameToName False l' name
begin = EventBeginElement elementName $ map fixAttName $ as' []
end = EventEndElement elementName
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenEndElement name) =
(es, n', [EventEndElement $ tnameToName False l name])
(l, n') =
case n of
[] -> (NSLevel Nothing Map.empty, [])
x:xs -> (x, xs)
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenContent (ContentEntity e))
| Just t <- lookup e es = (es, n, [EventContent $ ContentText t])
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenContent c) = (es, n, [EventContent c])
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenComment c) = (es, n, [EventComment c])
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenDoctype t eid es') = (es ++ es', n, [EventBeginDoctype t eid, EventEndDoctype])
tokenToEvent _ es n (TokenCDATA t) = (es, n, [EventCDATA t])
tnameToName :: Bool -> NSLevel -> TName -> Name
tnameToName _ _ (TName (Just "xml") name) =
Name name (Just "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace") (Just "xml")
tnameToName isAttr (NSLevel def' _) (TName Nothing name) =
Name name (if isAttr then Nothing else def') Nothing
tnameToName _ (NSLevel _ m) (TName (Just pref) name) =
case Map.lookup pref m of
Just ns -> Name name (Just ns) (Just pref)
Nothing -> Name name Nothing (Just pref) -- FIXME is this correct?
-- | Automatically determine which UTF variant is being used. This function
-- first checks for BOMs, removing them as necessary, and then check for the
-- equivalent of ConduitT S.ByteString T.Text m ()
detectUtf =
conduit id
conduit front = await >>= maybe (return ()) (push front)
push front bss =
either conduit
(uncurry checkXMLDecl)
(getEncoding front bss)
getEncoding front bs'
| S.length bs < 4 =
Left (bs `S.append`)
| otherwise =
Right (bsOut, mcodec)
bs = front bs'
bsOut = S.append (S.drop toDrop x) y
(x, y) = S.splitAt 4 bs
(toDrop, mcodec) =
case S.unpack x of
[0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF] -> (4, Just CT.utf32_be)
[0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00] -> (4, Just CT.utf32_le)
0xFE : 0xFF: _ -> (2, Just CT.utf16_be)
0xFF : 0xFE: _ -> (2, Just CT.utf16_le)
0xEF : 0xBB: 0xBF : _ -> (3, Just CT.utf8)
[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C] -> (0, Just CT.utf32_be)
[0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] -> (0, Just CT.utf32_le)
[0x00, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x3F] -> (0, Just CT.utf16_be)
[0x3C, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00] -> (0, Just CT.utf16_le)
_ -> (0, Nothing) -- Assuming UTF-8
checkXMLDecl :: MonadThrow m
=> S.ByteString
-> Maybe CT.Codec
-> ConduitT S.ByteString T.Text m ()
checkXMLDecl bs (Just codec) = leftover bs >> CT.decode codec
checkXMLDecl bs0 Nothing =
loop [] (AT.parse (parseToken def)) bs0
loop chunks0 parser nextChunk =
case parser $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode nextChunk of
AT.Fail{} -> fallback
AT.Partial f -> await >>= maybe fallback (loop chunks f)
AT.Done _ (TokenXMLDeclaration attrs) -> findEncoding attrs
AT.Done{} -> fallback
chunks = nextChunk : chunks0
fallback = complete CT.utf8
complete codec = mapM_ leftover chunks >> CT.decode codec
findEncoding [] = fallback
findEncoding ((TName _ "encoding", [ContentText enc]):_) =
case T.toLower enc of
"iso-8859-1" -> complete CT.iso8859_1
"utf-8" -> complete CT.utf8
_ -> complete CT.utf8
findEncoding (_:xs) = findEncoding xs
type EventPos = (Maybe PositionRange, Event)
-- | Parses a byte stream into 'Event's. This function is implemented fully in
-- Haskell using attoparsec-text for parsing. The produced error messages do
-- not give line/column information, so you may prefer to stick with the parser
-- provided by libxml-enumerator. However, this has the advantage of not
-- relying on any C libraries.
-- This relies on 'detectUtf' to determine character encoding, and 'parseText''
-- to do the actual parsing.
parseBytes :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> ConduitT S.ByteString Event m ()
parseBytes = mapOutput snd . parseBytesPos
parseBytesPos :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> ConduitT S.ByteString EventPos m ()
parseBytesPos ps = detectUtf .| parseTextPos ps
dropBOM :: Monad m => ConduitT T.Text T.Text m ()
dropBOM =
await >>= maybe (return ()) push
push t =
case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> dropBOM
Just (c, cs) ->
let output
| c == '\xfeef' = cs
| otherwise = t
in yield output >> idConduit
idConduit = await >>= maybe (return ()) (\x -> yield x >> idConduit)
-- | Parses a character stream into 'Event's. This function is implemented
-- fully in Haskell using attoparsec-text for parsing. The produced error
-- messages do not give line/column information, so you may prefer to stick
-- with the parser provided by libxml-enumerator. However, this has the
-- advantage of not relying on any C libraries.
-- Since 1.2.4
parseText' :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> ConduitT T.Text Event m ()
parseText' = mapOutput snd . parseTextPos
{-# DEPRECATED parseText "Please use 'parseText'' or 'parseTextPos'." #-}
parseText :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> ConduitT T.Text EventPos m ()
parseText = parseTextPos
-- | Same as 'parseText'', but includes the position of each event.
-- Since 1.2.4
parseTextPos :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> ConduitT T.Text EventPos m ()
parseTextPos de =
.| tokenize
.| toEventC de
.| addBeginEnd
tokenize = conduitToken de
addBeginEnd = yield (Nothing, EventBeginDocument) >> addEnd
addEnd = await >>= maybe
(yield (Nothing, EventEndDocument))
(\e -> yield e >> addEnd)
toEventC :: Monad m => ParseSettings -> ConduitT (PositionRange, Token) EventPos m ()
toEventC ps =
go [] []
go !es !levels =
await >>= maybe (return ()) push
push (position, token) =
mapM_ (yield . (,) (Just position)) events >> go es' levels'
(es', levels', events) = tokenToEvent ps es levels token
type DecodeEntities = Text -> Content
type DecodeIllegalCharacters = Int -> Maybe Char
data ParseSettings = ParseSettings
{ psDecodeEntities :: DecodeEntities
, psRetainNamespaces :: Bool
-- ^ Whether the original xmlns attributes should be retained in the parsed
-- values. For more information on motivation, see:
-- Default: False
-- Since 1.2.1
, psDecodeIllegalCharacters :: DecodeIllegalCharacters
-- ^ How to decode illegal character references (@[0-9]+;@ or @[0-9a-fA-F]+;@).
-- Character references within the legal ranges defined by are automatically parsed.
-- Others are passed to this function.
-- Default: @const Nothing@
-- Since 1.7.1
instance Default ParseSettings where
def = ParseSettings
{ psDecodeEntities = decodeXmlEntities
, psRetainNamespaces = False
, psDecodeIllegalCharacters = const Nothing
conduitToken :: MonadThrow m => ParseSettings -> ConduitT T.Text (PositionRange, Token) m ()
conduitToken = conduitParser . parseToken
parseToken :: ParseSettings -> Parser Token
parseToken settings = (char '<' >> parseLt) <|> TokenContent <$> parseContent settings False False
parseLt =
(char '?' >> parseInstr) <|>
(char '!' >> (parseComment <|> parseCdata <|> parseDoctype)) <|>
parseBegin <|>
(char '/' >> parseEnd)
parseInstr = do
name <- parseIdent
if name == "xml"
then do
as <- A.many $ parseAttribute settings
char' '?'
char' '>'
newline <|> return ()
return $ TokenXMLDeclaration as
else do
x <- T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "?>")
return $ TokenInstruction $ Instruction name x
parseComment = do
char' '-'
char' '-'
c <- T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (string "-->") -- FIXME use takeWhile instead
return $ TokenComment c
parseCdata = do
_ <- string "[CDATA["
t <- T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (string "]]>") -- FIXME use takeWhile instead
return $ TokenCDATA t
parseDoctype = do
_ <- string "DOCTYPE"
name <- parseName
let i =
case name of
TName Nothing x -> x
TName (Just x) y -> T.concat [x, ":", y]
eid <- fmap Just parsePublicID <|>
fmap Just parseSystemID <|>
return Nothing
ents <- (do
char' '['
ents <- parseEntities id
return ents) <|> return []
char' '>'
newline <|> return ()
return $ TokenDoctype i eid ents
parseEntities front =
(char ']' >> return (front [])) <|>
(parseEntity >>= \e -> parseEntities (front . (e:))) <|>
(char '<' >> parseEntities front) <|>
(skipWhile (\t -> t /= ']' && t /= '<') >> parseEntities front)
parseEntity = try $ do
_ <- string "'
return (i, t)
parsePublicID = do
_ <- string "PUBLIC"
x <- quotedText
y <- quotedText
return $ PublicID x y
parseSystemID = do
_ <- string "SYSTEM"
x <- quotedText
return $ SystemID x
quotedText = do
between '"' <|> between '\''
between c = do
char' c
x <- takeWhile (/=c)
char' c
return x
parseEnd = do
n <- parseName
char' '>'
return $ TokenEndElement n
parseBegin = do
n <- parseName
as <- A.many $ parseAttribute settings
isClose <- (char '/' >> skipSpace >> return True) <|> return False
char' '>'
return $ TokenBeginElement n as isClose 0
parseAttribute :: ParseSettings -> Parser TAttribute
parseAttribute settings = do
key <- parseName
char' '='
val <- squoted <|> dquoted
return (key, val)
squoted = char '\'' *> manyTill (parseContent settings False True) (char '\'')
dquoted = char '"' *> manyTill (parseContent settings True False) (char '"')
parseName :: Parser TName
parseName =
name <$> parseIdent <*> A.optional (char ':' >> parseIdent)
name i1 Nothing = TName Nothing i1
name i1 (Just i2) = TName (Just i1) i2
parseIdent :: Parser Text
parseIdent =
takeWhile1 valid
valid '&' = False
valid '<' = False
valid '>' = False
valid ':' = False
valid '?' = False
valid '=' = False
valid '"' = False
valid '\'' = False
valid '/' = False
valid ';' = False
valid '#' = False
valid c = not $ isXMLSpace c
parseContent :: ParseSettings
-> Bool -- break on double quote
-> Bool -- break on single quote
-> Parser Content
parseContent (ParseSettings decodeEntities _ decodeIllegalCharacters) breakDouble breakSingle = parseReference <|> parseTextContent where
parseReference = do
char' '&'
t <- parseEntityRef <|> parseHexCharRef <|> parseDecCharRef
char' ';'
return t
parseEntityRef = do
TName ma b <- parseName
let name = maybe "" (`T.append` ":") ma `T.append` b
return $ case name of
"lt" -> ContentText "<"
"gt" -> ContentText ">"
"amp" -> ContentText "&"
"quot" -> ContentText "\""
"apos" -> ContentText "'"
_ -> decodeEntities name
parseHexCharRef = do
void $ string "#x"
n <- AT.hexadecimal
case toValidXmlChar n <|> decodeIllegalCharacters n of
Nothing -> fail "Invalid character from hexadecimal character reference."
Just c -> return $ ContentText $ T.singleton c
parseDecCharRef = do
void $ string "#"
n <- AT.decimal
case toValidXmlChar n <|> decodeIllegalCharacters n of
Nothing -> fail "Invalid character from decimal character reference."
Just c -> return $ ContentText $ T.singleton c
parseTextContent = ContentText <$> takeWhile1 valid
valid '"' = not breakDouble
valid '\'' = not breakSingle
valid '&' = False -- amp
valid '<' = False -- lt
valid _ = True
-- | Is this codepoint a valid XML character? See
-- . This is proudly XML 1.0 only.
toValidXmlChar :: Int -> Maybe Char
toValidXmlChar n
| any checkRange ranges = Just (toEnum n)
| otherwise = Nothing
--Inclusive lower bound, inclusive upper bound.
ranges :: [(Int, Int)]
ranges =
[ (0x9, 0xA)
, (0xD, 0xD)
, (0x20, 0xD7FF)
, (0xE000, 0xFFFD)
, (0x10000, 0x10FFFF)
checkRange (lb, ub) = lb <= n && n <= ub
skipSpace :: Parser ()
skipSpace = skipWhile isXMLSpace
-- | Determines whether a character is an XML white space. The list of
-- white spaces is given by
-- > S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
-- in .
isXMLSpace :: Char -> Bool
isXMLSpace ' ' = True
isXMLSpace '\t' = True
isXMLSpace '\r' = True
isXMLSpace '\n' = True
isXMLSpace _ = False
newline :: Parser ()
newline = void $ (char '\r' >> char '\n') <|> char '\n'
char' :: Char -> Parser ()
char' = void . char
data ContentType = Ignore | IsContent Text | IsError String | NotContent
-- | Grabs the next piece of content if available. This function skips over any
-- comments and instructions and concatenates all content until the next start
-- or end tag.
contentMaybe :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m (Maybe Text)
contentMaybe = do
x <- peekC
case pc' x of
Ignore -> dropC 1 >> contentMaybe
IsContent t -> dropC 1 >> fmap Just (takeContents (t:))
IsError e -> lift $ throwM $ InvalidEntity e x
NotContent -> return Nothing
pc' Nothing = NotContent
pc' (Just x) = pc x
pc (EventContent (ContentText t)) = IsContent t
pc (EventContent (ContentEntity e)) = IsError $ "Unknown entity: " ++ show e
pc (EventCDATA t) = IsContent t
pc EventBeginElement{} = NotContent
pc EventEndElement{} = NotContent
pc EventBeginDocument{} = Ignore
pc EventEndDocument = Ignore
pc EventBeginDoctype{} = Ignore
pc EventEndDoctype = Ignore
pc EventInstruction{} = Ignore
pc EventComment{} = Ignore
takeContents front = do
x <- peekC
case pc' x of
Ignore -> dropC 1 >> takeContents front
IsContent t -> dropC 1 >> takeContents (front . (:) t)
IsError e -> lift $ throwM $ InvalidEntity e x
NotContent -> return $ T.concat $ front []
-- | Grabs the next piece of content. If none if available, returns 'T.empty'.
-- This is simply a wrapper around 'contentMaybe'.
content :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m Text
content = fromMaybe T.empty <$> contentMaybe
isWhitespace :: Event -> Bool
isWhitespace EventBeginDocument = True
isWhitespace EventEndDocument = True
isWhitespace EventBeginDoctype{} = True
isWhitespace EventEndDoctype = True
isWhitespace EventInstruction{} = True
isWhitespace (EventContent (ContentText t)) = T.all isSpace t
isWhitespace EventComment{} = True
isWhitespace (EventCDATA t) = T.all isSpace t
isWhitespace _ = False
-- | The most generic way to parse a tag. It takes a 'NameMatcher' to check whether
-- this is a correct tag name, an 'AttrParser' to handle attributes, and
-- then a parser to deal with content.
-- 'Events' are consumed if and only if the tag name and its attributes match.
-- This function automatically absorbs its balancing closing tag, and will
-- throw an exception if not all of the attributes or child elements are
-- consumed. If you want to allow extra attributes, see 'ignoreAttrs'.
-- This function automatically ignores comments, instructions and whitespace.
tag :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-- and return a value that can be used to get an @AttrParser@.
-- If this fails, the function will return @Nothing@
-> (a -> AttrParser b) -- ^ Given the value returned by the name checker, this function will
-- be used to get an @AttrParser@ appropriate for the specific tag.
-- If the @AttrParser@ fails, the function will also return @Nothing@
-> (b -> ConduitT Event o m c) -- ^ Handler function to handle the attributes and children
-- of a tag, given the value return from the @AttrParser@
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe c)
tag nameMatcher attrParser f = do
(x, leftovers) <- dropWS []
res <- case x of
Just (EventBeginElement name as) -> case runNameMatcher nameMatcher name of
Just y -> case runAttrParser' (attrParser y) as of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right z -> do
z' <- f z
(a, _leftovers') <- dropWS []
case a of
Just (EventEndElement name')
| name == name' -> return (Just z')
_ -> lift $ throwM $ InvalidEndElement name a
Nothing -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
case res of
-- Did not parse, put back all of the leading whitespace events and the
-- final observed event generated by dropWS
Nothing -> mapM_ leftover leftovers
-- Parse succeeded, discard all of those whitespace events and the
-- first parsed event
Just _ -> return ()
return res
-- Drop Events until we encounter a non-whitespace element. Return all of
-- the events consumed here (including the first non-whitespace event) so
-- that the calling function can treat them as leftovers if the parse fails
dropWS leftovers = do
x <- await
let leftovers' = maybe id (:) x leftovers
case isWhitespace <$> x of
Just True -> dropWS leftovers'
_ -> return (x, leftovers')
runAttrParser' p as =
case runAttrParser p as of
Left e -> Left e
Right ([], x) -> Right x
Right (attr', _) -> Left $ toException $ UnparsedAttributes attr'
-- | A simplified version of 'tag' where the 'NameMatcher' result isn't forwarded to the attributes parser.
-- Since 1.5.0
tag' :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -> AttrParser b -> (b -> ConduitT Event o m c)
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe c)
tag' a b = tag a (const b)
-- | A further simplified tag parser, which requires that no attributes exist.
tagNoAttr :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-> ConduitT Event o m b -- ^ Handler function to handle the children of the matched tag
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe b)
tagNoAttr name f = tag' name (return ()) $ const f
-- | A further simplified tag parser, which ignores all attributes, if any exist
tagIgnoreAttrs :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-> ConduitT Event o m b -- ^ Handler function to handle the children of the matched tag
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe b)
tagIgnoreAttrs name f = tag' name ignoreAttrs $ const f
-- | Ignore an empty tag and all of its attributes.
-- This does not ignore the tag recursively
-- (i.e. it assumes there are no child elements).
-- This function returns @Just ()@ if the tag matched.
-- Since 1.5.0
ignoreEmptyTag :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe ())
ignoreEmptyTag nameMatcher = tagIgnoreAttrs nameMatcher (return ())
{-# DEPRECATED ignoreTag "Please use 'ignoreEmptyTag'." #-}
ignoreTag :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe ())
ignoreTag = ignoreEmptyTag
-- | Ignore a tag, its attributes and its children subtrees recursively.
-- Both content and text events are ignored.
-- This function returns @Just ()@ if the tag matched.
-- Since 1.5.0
ignoreTreeContent :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe ())
ignoreTreeContent namePred = tagIgnoreAttrs namePred (void $ many ignoreAnyTreeContent)
{-# DEPRECATED ignoreTree "Please use 'ignoreTreeContent'." #-}
ignoreTree :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a -- ^ Check if this is a correct tag name
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe ())
ignoreTree = ignoreTreeContent
-- | Like 'ignoreTreeContent', but matches any name and also ignores content events.
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Conduit
-- >>> import Data.Conduit.List (consume)
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "content" .| (ignoreAnyTreeContent >> consume)
-- [EventBeginElement (Name {nameLocalName = "b", ...}) [],EventEndElement (Name {nameLocalName = "b", ...}),EventEndDocument]
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "text" .| (ignoreAnyTreeContent >> consume)
-- [EventBeginElement (Name {nameLocalName = "b", ...}) [],EventEndElement (Name {nameLocalName = "b", ...}),EventEndDocument]
ignoreAnyTreeContent :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m (Maybe ())
ignoreAnyTreeContent = (void <$> contentMaybe) `orE` ignoreTreeContent anyName
{-# DEPRECATED ignoreAllTreesContent "Please use 'ignoreAnyTreeContent'." #-}
ignoreAllTreesContent :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event o m (Maybe ())
ignoreAllTreesContent = ignoreAnyTreeContent
-- | Get the value of the first parser which returns 'Just'. If no parsers
-- succeed (i.e., return @Just@), this function returns 'Nothing'.
-- > orE a b = choose [a, b]
orE :: Monad m
=> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a) -- ^ The first (preferred) parser
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a) -- ^ The second parser, only executed if the first parser fails
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a)
orE a b = a >>= \x -> maybe b (const $ return x) x
-- | Get the value of the first parser which returns 'Just'. If no parsers
-- succeed (i.e., return 'Just'), this function returns 'Nothing'.
choose :: Monad m
=> [ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a)] -- ^ List of parsers that will be tried in order.
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a) -- ^ Result of the first parser to succeed, or @Nothing@
-- if no parser succeeded
choose [] = return Nothing
choose (i:is) = i >>= maybe (choose is) (return . Just)
-- | Force an optional parser into a required parser. All of the 'tag'
-- functions, 'attr', 'choose' and 'many' deal with 'Maybe' parsers. Use this when you
-- want to finally force something to happen.
force :: MonadThrow m
=> String -- ^ Error message
-> m (Maybe a) -- ^ Optional parser to be forced
-> m a
force msg i = i >>= maybe (throwM $ XmlException msg Nothing) return
-- | A helper function which reads a file from disk using 'enumFile', detects
-- character encoding using 'detectUtf', parses the XML using 'parseBytes', and
-- then hands off control to your supplied parser.
parseFile :: MonadResource m
=> ParseSettings
-> FilePath
-> ConduitT i Event m ()
parseFile ps fp = sourceFile fp .| transPipe liftIO (parseBytes ps)
-- | Parse an event stream from a lazy 'L.ByteString'.
parseLBS :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> L.ByteString
-> ConduitT i Event m ()
parseLBS ps lbs = sourceLazy lbs .| parseBytes ps
data XmlException = XmlException
{ xmlErrorMessage :: String
, xmlBadInput :: Maybe Event
| InvalidEndElement Name (Maybe Event)
| InvalidEntity String (Maybe Event)
| MissingAttribute String
| UnparsedAttributes [(Name, [Content])]
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception XmlException where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
displayException (XmlException msg (Just event)) = "Error while parsing XML event " ++ show event ++ ": " ++ msg
displayException (XmlException msg _) = "Error while parsing XML: " ++ msg
displayException (InvalidEndElement name (Just event)) = "Error while parsing XML event: expected " ++ T.unpack (nameLocalName name) ++ ">, got " ++ show event
displayException (InvalidEndElement name _) = "Error while parsing XML event: expected " ++ show name ++ ">, got nothing"
displayException (InvalidEntity msg (Just event)) = "Error while parsing XML entity " ++ show event ++ ": " ++ msg
displayException (InvalidEntity msg _) = "Error while parsing XML entity: " ++ msg
displayException (MissingAttribute msg) = "Missing required attribute: " ++ msg
displayException (UnparsedAttributes attrs) = show (length attrs) ++ " remaining unparsed attributes: \n" ++ intercalate "\n" (show <$> attrs)
-- | A @NameMatcher@ describes which names a tag parser is allowed to match.
-- Since 1.5.0
newtype NameMatcher a = NameMatcher { runNameMatcher :: Name -> Maybe a }
deriving instance Functor NameMatcher
instance Applicative NameMatcher where
pure a = NameMatcher $ const $ pure a
NameMatcher f <*> NameMatcher a = NameMatcher $ \name -> f name <*> a name
-- | 'NameMatcher's can be combined with @\<|\>@
instance Alternative NameMatcher where
empty = NameMatcher $ const Nothing
NameMatcher f <|> NameMatcher g = NameMatcher (\a -> f a <|> g a)
-- | Match a single 'Name' in a concise way.
-- Note that 'Name' is namespace sensitive: when using the 'IsString' instance,
-- use @"{http:\/\/a\/b}c"@ to match the tag @c@ in the XML namespace @http://a/b@
instance (a ~ Name) => IsString (NameMatcher a) where
fromString s = matching (== fromString s)
-- | @matching f@ matches @name@ iff @f name@ is true. Returns the matched 'Name'.
-- Since 1.5.0
matching :: (Name -> Bool) -> NameMatcher Name
matching f = NameMatcher $ \name -> if f name then Just name else Nothing
-- | Matches any 'Name'. Returns the matched 'Name'.
-- Since 1.5.0
anyName :: NameMatcher Name
anyName = matching (const True)
-- | Matches any 'Name' from the given list. Returns the matched 'Name'.
-- Since 1.5.0
anyOf :: [Name] -> NameMatcher Name
anyOf values = matching (`elem` values)
-- | A monad for parsing attributes. By default, it requires you to deal with
-- all attributes present on an element, and will throw an exception if there
-- are unhandled attributes. Use the 'requireAttr', 'attr' et al
-- functions for handling an attribute, and 'ignoreAttrs' if you would like to
-- skip the rest of the attributes on an element.
-- 'Alternative' instance behaves like 'First' monoid: it chooses first
-- parser which doesn't fail.
newtype AttrParser a = AttrParser { runAttrParser :: [(Name, [Content])] -> Either SomeException ([(Name, [Content])], a) }
instance Monad AttrParser where
return a = AttrParser $ \as -> Right (as, a)
(AttrParser f) >>= g = AttrParser $ \as ->
either Left (\(as', f') -> runAttrParser (g f') as') (f as)
instance Functor AttrParser where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative AttrParser where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative AttrParser where
empty = AttrParser $ const $ Left $ toException $ XmlException "AttrParser.empty" Nothing
AttrParser f <|> AttrParser g = AttrParser $ \x ->
either (const $ g x) Right (f x)
instance MonadThrow AttrParser where
throwM = AttrParser . const . throwM
optionalAttrRaw :: ((Name, [Content]) -> Maybe b) -> AttrParser (Maybe b)
optionalAttrRaw f =
AttrParser $ go id
go front [] = Right (front [], Nothing)
go front (a:as) =
maybe (go (front . (:) a) as)
(\b -> Right (front as, Just b))
(f a)
requireAttrRaw :: String -> ((Name, [Content]) -> Maybe b) -> AttrParser b
requireAttrRaw msg f = optionalAttrRaw f >>=
maybe (AttrParser $ const $ Left $ toException $ MissingAttribute msg)
-- | Return the value for an attribute if present.
attr :: Name -> AttrParser (Maybe Text)
attr n = optionalAttrRaw
(\(x, y) -> if x == n then Just (contentsToText y) else Nothing)
-- | Shortcut composition of 'force' and 'attr'.
requireAttr :: Name -> AttrParser Text
requireAttr n = force ("Missing attribute: " ++ show n) $ attr n
{-# DEPRECATED optionalAttr "Please use 'attr'." #-}
optionalAttr :: Name -> AttrParser (Maybe Text)
optionalAttr = attr
contentsToText :: [Content] -> Text
contentsToText = T.concat . map toText where
toText (ContentText t) = t
toText (ContentEntity e) = T.concat ["&", e, ";"]
-- | Skip the remaining attributes on an element. Since this will clear the
-- list of attributes, you must call this /after/ any calls to 'requireAttr',
-- 'optionalAttr', etc.
ignoreAttrs :: AttrParser ()
ignoreAttrs = AttrParser $ const $ Right ([], ())
-- | Keep parsing elements as long as the parser returns 'Just'.
many :: Monad m
=> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a)
-> ConduitT Event o m [a]
many i = manyIgnore i $ return Nothing
-- | Like 'many' but discards the results without building an intermediate list.
-- Since 1.5.0
many_ :: MonadThrow m
=> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a)
-> ConduitT Event o m ()
many_ consumer = manyIgnoreYield (return Nothing) (void <$> consumer)
-- | Keep parsing elements as long as the parser returns 'Just'
-- or the ignore parser returns 'Just'.
manyIgnore :: Monad m
=> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a)
-> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe b)
-> ConduitT Event o m [a]
manyIgnore i ignored = go id where
go front = i >>= maybe (onFail front) (\y -> go $ front . (:) y)
-- onFail is called if the main parser fails
onFail front = ignored >>= maybe (return $ front []) (const $ go front)
-- | Like @many@, but any tags and content the consumer doesn't match on
-- are silently ignored.
many' :: MonadThrow m
=> ConduitT Event o m (Maybe a)
-> ConduitT Event o m [a]
many' consumer = manyIgnore consumer ignoreAllTreesContent
-- | Like 'many', but uses 'yield' so the result list can be streamed
-- to downstream conduits without waiting for 'manyYield' to finish
manyYield :: Monad m
=> ConduitT a b m (Maybe b)
-> ConduitT a b m ()
manyYield consumer = fix $ \loop ->
consumer >>= maybe (return ()) (\x -> yield x >> loop)
-- | Like 'manyIgnore', but uses 'yield' so the result list can be streamed
-- to downstream conduits without waiting for 'manyIgnoreYield' to finish
manyIgnoreYield :: MonadThrow m
=> ConduitT Event b m (Maybe b) -- ^ Consuming parser that generates the result stream
-> ConduitT Event b m (Maybe ()) -- ^ Ignore parser that consumes elements to be ignored
-> ConduitT Event b m ()
manyIgnoreYield consumer ignoreParser = fix $ \loop ->
consumer >>= maybe (onFail loop) (\x -> yield x >> loop)
where onFail loop = ignoreParser >>= maybe (return ()) (const loop)
-- | Like 'many'', but uses 'yield' so the result list can be streamed
-- to downstream conduits without waiting for 'manyYield'' to finish
manyYield' :: MonadThrow m
=> ConduitT Event b m (Maybe b)
-> ConduitT Event b m ()
manyYield' consumer = manyIgnoreYield consumer ignoreAllTreesContent
-- | Stream a content 'Event'. If next event isn't a content, nothing is consumed.
-- Returns @Just ()@ if a content 'Event' was consumed, @Nothing@ otherwise.
-- Since 1.5.0
takeContent :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event Event m (Maybe ())
takeContent = do
event <- await
case event of
Just e@(EventContent ContentText{}) -> yield e >> return (Just ())
Just e@EventCDATA{} -> yield e >> return (Just ())
Just e -> if isWhitespace e then yield e >> takeContent else leftover e >> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
-- | Stream 'Event's corresponding to a single XML element that matches given 'NameMatcher' and 'AttrParser', from the opening- to the closing-tag.
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Control.Monad (void)
-- >>> import Data.Conduit
-- >>> import Data.Conduit.List (consume)
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "content" .| void (takeTree "a" ignoreAttrs) .| consume
-- [EventBeginDocument,EventBeginElement (Name {nameLocalName = "a", ...}) [],EventContent (ContentText "content"),EventEndElement (Name {nameLocalName = "a", ...})]
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "content" .| void (takeTree "b" ignoreAttrs) .| consume
-- [EventBeginDocument]
-- If next 'Event' isn't an element, nothing is consumed.
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "text" .| void (takeTree "a" ignoreAttrs) .| consume
-- [EventBeginDocument]
-- If an opening-tag is consumed but no matching closing-tag is found, an 'XmlException' is thrown.
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "" .| void (takeTree "a" ignoreAttrs) .| consume
-- *** Exception: InvalidEndElement (Name {nameLocalName = "a", nameNamespace = Nothing, namePrefix = Nothing}) Nothing
-- This function automatically ignores comments, instructions and whitespace.
-- Returns @Just ()@ if an element was consumed, 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- Since 1.5.0
takeTree :: MonadThrow m => NameMatcher a -> AttrParser b -> ConduitT Event Event m (Maybe ())
takeTree nameMatcher attrParser = do
event <- await
case event of
Just e@(EventBeginElement name as) -> case runNameMatcher nameMatcher name of
Just _ -> case runAttrParser attrParser as of
Right _ -> do
yield e
whileJust takeAnyTreeContent
endEvent <- await
case endEvent of
Just e'@(EventEndElement name') | name == name' -> yield e' >> return (Just ())
_ -> lift $ throwM $ InvalidEndElement name endEvent
_ -> leftover e >> return Nothing
_ -> leftover e >> return Nothing
Just e -> if isWhitespace e then yield e >> takeTree nameMatcher attrParser else leftover e >> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
whileJust f = fix $ \loop -> f >>= maybe (return ()) (const loop)
-- | Like 'takeTree', but can also stream a content 'Event'.
-- Since 1.5.0
takeTreeContent :: MonadThrow m
=> NameMatcher a
-> AttrParser b
-> ConduitT Event Event m (Maybe ())
takeTreeContent nameMatcher attrParser = runMaybeT $ MaybeT (takeTree nameMatcher attrParser) <|> MaybeT takeContent
-- | Like 'takeTreeContent', without checking for tag name or attributes.
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Control.Monad (void)
-- >>> import Data.Conduit ((.|), runConduit)
-- >>> import Data.Conduit.List (consume)
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "text" .| void takeAnyTreeContent .| consume
-- [EventBeginDocument,EventContent (ContentText "text")]
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "" .| void takeAnyTreeContent .| consume
-- [EventBeginDocument]
-- >>> runConduit $ parseLBS def "text" .| void takeAnyTreeContent .| consume
-- [EventBeginDocument,EventBeginElement (Name {nameLocalName = "b", ...}) [],EventBeginElement (Name {nameLocalName = "c", ...}) [],EventEndElement (Name {nameLocalName = "c", ...}),EventEndElement (Name {nameLocalName = "b", ...})]
-- Since 1.5.0
takeAnyTreeContent :: MonadThrow m
=> ConduitT Event Event m (Maybe ())
takeAnyTreeContent = takeTreeContent anyName ignoreAttrs
{-# DEPRECATED takeAllTreesContent "Please use 'takeAnyTreeContent'." #-}
takeAllTreesContent :: MonadThrow m => ConduitT Event Event m (Maybe ())
takeAllTreesContent = takeAnyTreeContent
-- | Default implementation of 'DecodeEntities', which leaves the
-- entity as-is. Numeric character references and the five standard
-- entities (lt, gt, amp, quot, pos) are handled internally by the
-- parser.
decodeXmlEntities :: DecodeEntities
decodeXmlEntities = ContentEntity
-- | HTML4-compliant entity decoder. Handles the additional 248
-- entities defined by HTML 4 and XHTML 1.
-- Note that HTML 5 introduces a drastically larger number of entities, and
-- this code does not recognize most of them.
decodeHtmlEntities :: DecodeEntities
decodeHtmlEntities t =
maybe (ContentEntity t) ContentText $ Map.lookup t htmlEntities
htmlEntities :: Map.Map T.Text T.Text
htmlEntities = Map.fromList
$ map (pack *** pack) -- Work around the long-compile-time bug
[ ("nbsp", "\160")
, ("iexcl", "\161")
, ("cent", "\162")
, ("pound", "\163")
, ("curren", "\164")
, ("yen", "\165")
, ("brvbar", "\166")
, ("sect", "\167")
, ("uml", "\168")
, ("copy", "\169")
, ("ordf", "\170")
, ("laquo", "\171")
, ("not", "\172")
, ("shy", "\173")
, ("reg", "\174")
, ("macr", "\175")
, ("deg", "\176")
, ("plusmn", "\177")
, ("sup2", "\178")
, ("sup3", "\179")
, ("acute", "\180")
, ("micro", "\181")
, ("para", "\182")
, ("middot", "\183")
, ("cedil", "\184")
, ("sup1", "\185")
, ("ordm", "\186")
, ("raquo", "\187")
, ("frac14", "\188")
, ("frac12", "\189")
, ("frac34", "\190")
, ("iquest", "\191")
, ("Agrave", "\192")
, ("Aacute", "\193")
, ("Acirc", "\194")
, ("Atilde", "\195")
, ("Auml", "\196")
, ("Aring", "\197")
, ("AElig", "\198")
, ("Ccedil", "\199")
, ("Egrave", "\200")
, ("Eacute", "\201")
, ("Ecirc", "\202")
, ("Euml", "\203")
, ("Igrave", "\204")
, ("Iacute", "\205")
, ("Icirc", "\206")
, ("Iuml", "\207")
, ("ETH", "\208")
, ("Ntilde", "\209")
, ("Ograve", "\210")
, ("Oacute", "\211")
, ("Ocirc", "\212")
, ("Otilde", "\213")
, ("Ouml", "\214")
, ("times", "\215")
, ("Oslash", "\216")
, ("Ugrave", "\217")
, ("Uacute", "\218")
, ("Ucirc", "\219")
, ("Uuml", "\220")
, ("Yacute", "\221")
, ("THORN", "\222")
, ("szlig", "\223")
, ("agrave", "\224")
, ("aacute", "\225")
, ("acirc", "\226")
, ("atilde", "\227")
, ("auml", "\228")
, ("aring", "\229")
, ("aelig", "\230")
, ("ccedil", "\231")
, ("egrave", "\232")
, ("eacute", "\233")
, ("ecirc", "\234")
, ("euml", "\235")
, ("igrave", "\236")
, ("iacute", "\237")
, ("icirc", "\238")
, ("iuml", "\239")
, ("eth", "\240")
, ("ntilde", "\241")
, ("ograve", "\242")
, ("oacute", "\243")
, ("ocirc", "\244")
, ("otilde", "\245")
, ("ouml", "\246")
, ("divide", "\247")
, ("oslash", "\248")
, ("ugrave", "\249")
, ("uacute", "\250")
, ("ucirc", "\251")
, ("uuml", "\252")
, ("yacute", "\253")
, ("thorn", "\254")
, ("yuml", "\255")
, ("OElig", "\338")
, ("oelig", "\339")
, ("Scaron", "\352")
, ("scaron", "\353")
, ("Yuml", "\376")
, ("fnof", "\402")
, ("circ", "\710")
, ("tilde", "\732")
, ("Alpha", "\913")
, ("Beta", "\914")
, ("Gamma", "\915")
, ("Delta", "\916")
, ("Epsilon", "\917")
, ("Zeta", "\918")
, ("Eta", "\919")
, ("Theta", "\920")
, ("Iota", "\921")
, ("Kappa", "\922")
, ("Lambda", "\923")
, ("Mu", "\924")
, ("Nu", "\925")
, ("Xi", "\926")
, ("Omicron", "\927")
, ("Pi", "\928")
, ("Rho", "\929")
, ("Sigma", "\931")
, ("Tau", "\932")
, ("Upsilon", "\933")
, ("Phi", "\934")
, ("Chi", "\935")
, ("Psi", "\936")
, ("Omega", "\937")
, ("alpha", "\945")
, ("beta", "\946")
, ("gamma", "\947")
, ("delta", "\948")
, ("epsilon", "\949")
, ("zeta", "\950")
, ("eta", "\951")
, ("theta", "\952")
, ("iota", "\953")
, ("kappa", "\954")
, ("lambda", "\955")
, ("mu", "\956")
, ("nu", "\957")
, ("xi", "\958")
, ("omicron", "\959")
, ("pi", "\960")
, ("rho", "\961")
, ("sigmaf", "\962")
, ("sigma", "\963")
, ("tau", "\964")
, ("upsilon", "\965")
, ("phi", "\966")
, ("chi", "\967")
, ("psi", "\968")
, ("omega", "\969")
, ("thetasym", "\977")
, ("upsih", "\978")
, ("piv", "\982")
, ("ensp", "\8194")
, ("emsp", "\8195")
, ("thinsp", "\8201")
, ("zwnj", "\8204")
, ("zwj", "\8205")
, ("lrm", "\8206")
, ("rlm", "\8207")
, ("ndash", "\8211")
, ("mdash", "\8212")
, ("lsquo", "\8216")
, ("rsquo", "\8217")
, ("sbquo", "\8218")
, ("ldquo", "\8220")
, ("rdquo", "\8221")
, ("bdquo", "\8222")
, ("dagger", "\8224")
, ("Dagger", "\8225")
, ("bull", "\8226")
, ("hellip", "\8230")
, ("permil", "\8240")
, ("prime", "\8242")
, ("Prime", "\8243")
, ("lsaquo", "\8249")
, ("rsaquo", "\8250")
, ("oline", "\8254")
, ("frasl", "\8260")
, ("euro", "\8364")
, ("image", "\8465")
, ("weierp", "\8472")
, ("real", "\8476")
, ("trade", "\8482")
, ("alefsym", "\8501")
, ("larr", "\8592")
, ("uarr", "\8593")
, ("rarr", "\8594")
, ("darr", "\8595")
, ("harr", "\8596")
, ("crarr", "\8629")
, ("lArr", "\8656")
, ("uArr", "\8657")
, ("rArr", "\8658")
, ("dArr", "\8659")
, ("hArr", "\8660")
, ("forall", "\8704")
, ("part", "\8706")
, ("exist", "\8707")
, ("empty", "\8709")
, ("nabla", "\8711")
, ("isin", "\8712")
, ("notin", "\8713")
, ("ni", "\8715")
, ("prod", "\8719")
, ("sum", "\8721")
, ("minus", "\8722")
, ("lowast", "\8727")
, ("radic", "\8730")
, ("prop", "\8733")
, ("infin", "\8734")
, ("ang", "\8736")
, ("and", "\8743")
, ("or", "\8744")
, ("cap", "\8745")
, ("cup", "\8746")
, ("int", "\8747")
, ("there4", "\8756")
, ("sim", "\8764")
, ("cong", "\8773")
, ("asymp", "\8776")
, ("ne", "\8800")
, ("equiv", "\8801")
, ("le", "\8804")
, ("ge", "\8805")
, ("sub", "\8834")
, ("sup", "\8835")
, ("nsub", "\8836")
, ("sube", "\8838")
, ("supe", "\8839")
, ("oplus", "\8853")
, ("otimes", "\8855")
, ("perp", "\8869")
, ("sdot", "\8901")
, ("lceil", "\8968")
, ("rceil", "\8969")
, ("lfloor", "\8970")
, ("rfloor", "\8971")
, ("lang", "\9001")
, ("rang", "\9002")
, ("loz", "\9674")
, ("spades", "\9824")
, ("clubs", "\9827")
, ("hearts", "\9829")
, ("diams", "\9830")