{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Exception (Exception, toException)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.XML.Types
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit hiding (Test)
import qualified Text.XML as Res
import qualified Text.XML.Cursor as Cu
import Text.XML.Stream.Parse (def)
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse as P
import qualified Text.XML.Unresolved as D
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.XML.Cursor (($.//), ($/), ($//), ($|),
(&.//), (&/), (&//))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as C
import Data.Conduit ((=$=))
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.Blaze (toMarkup)
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.String (renderMarkup)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "XML parsing and rendering" $ do
it "is idempotent to parse and render a document" documentParseRender
it "has valid parser combinators" combinators
context "has working choose function" testChoose
it "has working many function" testMany
it "has working many' function" testMany'
it "has working manyYield function" testManyYield
it "has working takeContent function" testTakeContent
it "has working takeTree function" testTakeTree
it "has working takeAnyTreeContent function" testTakeAnyTreeContent
it "has working orE" testOrE
it "is idempotent to parse and pretty render a document" documentParsePrettyRender
it "ignores the BOM" parseIgnoreBOM
it "strips duplicated attributes" stripDuplicateAttributes
it "displays comments" testRenderComments
it "conduit parser" testConduitParser
it "can omit the XML declaration" omitXMLDeclaration
context "correctly parses hexadecimal entities" hexEntityParsing
describe "XML Cursors" $ do
it "has correct parent" cursorParent
it "has correct ancestor" cursorAncestor
it "has correct orSelf" cursorOrSelf
it "has correct preceding" cursorPreceding
it "has correct following" cursorFollowing
it "has correct precedingSibling" cursorPrecedingSib
it "has correct followingSibling" cursorFollowingSib
it "has correct descendant" cursorDescendant
it "has correct check" cursorCheck
it "has correct check with lists" cursorPredicate
it "has correct checkNode" cursorCheckNode
it "has correct checkElement" cursorCheckElement
it "has correct checkName" cursorCheckName
it "has correct anyElement" cursorAnyElement
it "has correct element" cursorElement
it "has correct laxElement" cursorLaxElement
it "has correct content" cursorContent
it "has correct attribute" cursorAttribute
it "has correct laxAttribute" cursorLaxAttribute
it "has correct &* and $* operators" cursorDeep
it "has correct force" cursorForce
it "has correct forceM" cursorForceM
it "has correct hasAttribute" cursorHasAttribute
it "has correct attributeIs" cursorAttributeIs
describe "resolved" $ do
it "identifies unresolved entities" resolvedIdentifies
it "decodeHtmlEntities" testHtmlEntities
it "works for resolvable entities" resolvedAllGood
it "merges adjacent content nodes" resolvedMergeContent
it "understands inline entity declarations" resolvedInline
describe "pretty" $ do
it "works" casePretty
describe "top level namespaces" $ do
it "works" caseTopLevelNamespace
it "works with prefix" caseTopLevelNamespacePrefix
it "handles conflicts" caseTLNConflict
describe "blaze-html instances" $ do
it "works" caseBlazeHtml
describe "attribute reordering" $ do
it "works" caseAttrReorder
describe "ordering attributes explicitly" $ do
it "works" caseOrderAttrs
it "parsing CDATA" caseParseCdata
it "retains namespaces when asked" caseRetainNamespaces
it "handles iso-8859-1" caseIso8859_1
it "renders CDATA when asked" caseRenderCDATA
it "escapes CDATA closing tag in CDATA" caseEscapesCDATA
documentParseRender :: IO ()
documentParseRender =
mapM_ go docs
go x = x @=? D.parseLBS_ def (D.renderLBS def x)
docs =
[ Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Element "foo" [] [])
, D.parseLBS_ def
, D.parseLBS_ def
, D.parseLBS_ def
, D.parseLBS_ def
, D.parseLBS_ def
, D.parseLBS_ def
documentParsePrettyRender :: IO ()
documentParsePrettyRender =
L.unpack (D.renderLBS def { D.rsPretty = True } (D.parseLBS_ def doc)) @?= L.unpack doc
doc = L.unlines
[ ""
, ""
, " "
, " text"
, " "
, ""
combinators :: Assertion
combinators = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tag' "hello" (P.requireAttr "world") $ \world -> do
liftIO $ world @?= "true"
P.force "need child1" $ P.tagNoAttr "{mynamespace}child1" $ return ()
P.force "need child2" $ P.tagNoAttr "child2" $ return ()
P.force "need child3" $ P.tagNoAttr "child3" $ do
x <- P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "combine &content"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, " "
, "combine <all> \n"
, ""
testChoose :: Spec
testChoose = do
it "can choose between elements"
it "can choose between elements and text, returning text"
it "can choose between elements and text, returning elements"
it "can choose between text and elements, returning text"
it "can choose between text and elements, returning elements"
it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is encoded"
it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is encoded, NBSP"
it "can choose between elements and text, when the text is whitespace"
it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is whitespace"
it "can choose between text and elements, when the whitespace is both literal and encoded"
it "can choose between text and elements, when the text is chunked the other way"
testChooseElemOrTextIsText :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsText = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just " something "
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, " something "
, ""
testChooseElemOrTextIsEncoded :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsEncoded = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20something\x20"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, " something "
, ""
testChooseElemOrTextIsEncodedNBSP :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsEncodedNBSP = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "\160something\160"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, " something "
, ""
testChooseElemOrTextIsWhiteSpace :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsWhiteSpace = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, " "
testChooseTextOrElemIsWhiteSpace :: Assertion
testChooseTextOrElemIsWhiteSpace = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.contentMaybe
, P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, " "
testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, " "
testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText2 :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsChunkedText2 = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "\x20\x20\x20"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, " "
testChooseElemOrTextIsElem :: Assertion
testChooseElemOrTextIsElem = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return "success"
, P.contentMaybe
liftIO $ x @?= Just "success"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
testChooseTextOrElemIsText :: Assertion
testChooseTextOrElemIsText = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.contentMaybe
, P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return "boom"
liftIO $ x @?= Just " something "
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, " something "
, ""
testChooseTextOrElemIsElem :: Assertion
testChooseTextOrElemIsElem = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.contentMaybe
, P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return "success"
liftIO $ x @?= Just "success"
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
testChooseEitherElem :: Assertion
testChooseEitherElem = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.choose
[ P.tagNoAttr "failure" $ return 1
, P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return 2
liftIO $ x @?= Just (2 :: Int)
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
testManyYield :: Assertion
testManyYield = do
-- Basically the same as testMany, but consume the streamed result
result <- runResourceT $
P.parseLBS def input C.$$ helloParser
=$= CL.consume
length result @?= 5
helloParser = void $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ P.manyYield successParser
successParser = P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return ()
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
testTakeContent :: Assertion
testTakeContent = do
result <- runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ rootParser
result @?= Just
[ EventContent (ContentText "Hello world !")
rootParser = P.tagNoAttr "root" $ void (P.takeContent >> P.takeContent) =$= CL.consume
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, "Hello world !"
, ""
testTakeTree :: Assertion
testTakeTree = do
result <- runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ rootParser
result @?=
[ EventBeginDocument
, EventBeginDoctype "foo" Nothing
, EventEndDoctype
, EventBeginElement "a" []
, EventBeginElement "em" []
, EventContent (ContentText "Hello world !")
, EventEndElement "em"
, EventEndElement "a"
rootParser = void (P.takeTree "a" P.ignoreAttrs) =$= CL.consume
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, "Hello world !"
, ""
, ""
, ""
testTakeAnyTreeContent :: Assertion
testTakeAnyTreeContent = do
result <- runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ rootParser
result @?= Just
[ EventBeginElement "b" []
, EventContent (ContentText "Hello ")
, EventBeginElement "em" []
, EventContent (ContentText "world")
, EventEndElement "em"
, EventContent (ContentText " !")
, EventEndElement "b"
rootParser = P.tagNoAttr "root" $ (P.takeAnyTreeContent >> void P.ignoreAnyTreeContent) =$= CL.consume
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, "Hello world ! Welcome !"
, ""
testMany :: Assertion
testMany = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.many $ P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return ()
liftIO $ length x @?= 5
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
testMany' :: Assertion
testMany' = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.many' $ P.tagNoAttr "success" $ return ()
liftIO $ length x @?= 5
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, "some content"
, ""
, ""
testOrE :: IO ()
testOrE = runResourceT $ P.parseLBS def input C.$$ do
P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" $ do
x <- P.tagNoAttr "failure" (return 1) `P.orE`
P.tagNoAttr "success" (return 2)
y <- P.tag' "success" (P.requireAttr "failure") (const $ return 1) `P.orE`
P.tag' "success" (P.requireAttr "success") (const $ return 2)
liftIO $ x @?= Just (2 :: Int)
liftIO $ y @?= Just (2 :: Int)
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
testConduitParser :: Assertion
testConduitParser = runResourceT $ do
x <- P.parseLBS def input
C.$$ (P.force "need hello" $ P.tagNoAttr "hello" f)
=$= CL.consume
liftIO $ x @?= [1, 1, 1]
input = L.concat
[ ""
, "\n"
, ""
, " "
, " "
, " "
, ""
f :: C.MonadThrow m => C.Conduit Event m Int
f = do
ma <- P.tagNoAttr "item" (return 1)
maybe (return ()) (\a -> C.yield a >> f) ma
omitXMLDeclaration :: Assertion
omitXMLDeclaration = Res.renderLBS settings input @?= spec
settings = def { Res.rsXMLDeclaration = False }
input = Res.Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bar"])
spec = "bar"
hexEntityParsing :: Spec
hexEntityParsing = do
it "rejects leading 0x" $
go "xff;" @?= Nothing
it "rejects leading 0X" $
go "Xff;" @?= Nothing
it "accepts lowercase hex digits" $
go "ÿ" @?= Just spec
it "accepts uppercase hex digits" $
go "ÿ" @?= Just spec
--Note: this must be rejected, because, according to the XML spec, a
--legal EntityRef's entity matches Name, which can't start with a
it "rejects trailing junk" $
go "ÿhello;" @?= Nothing
--Some of these next tests are XML 1.0 specific (i.e., they would
--differ for XML 1.1), but approximately no-one uses XML 1.1.
it "rejects illegal character #x0" $
go "" @?= Nothing
it "rejects illegal character #xFFFE" $
go "" @?= Nothing
it "rejects illegal character #xFFFF" $
go "" @?= Nothing
it "rejects illegal character #xD900" $
go "" @?= Nothing
it "rejects illegal character #xC" $
go "" @?= Nothing
it "rejects illegal character #x1F" $
go "" @?= Nothing
it "accepts astral plane character" $
go "" @?= Just astralSpec
spec = Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Element "foo" [] [NodeContent (ContentText "\xff")])
astralSpec = Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Element "foo" [] [NodeContent (ContentText "\x1006ff")])
go = either (const Nothing) Just . D.parseLBS def
name :: [Cu.Cursor] -> [Text]
name [] = []
name (c:cs) = ($ name cs) $ case Cu.node c of
Res.NodeElement e -> ((Res.nameLocalName $ Res.elementName e) :)
_ -> id
cursor :: Cu.Cursor
cursor =
Cu.fromDocument $ Res.parseLBS_ def input
input = L.concat
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, "a"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, "b"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
bar2, baz2, bar3, bin2 :: Cu.Cursor
bar2 = Cu.child cursor !! 1
baz2 = Cu.child bar2 !! 1
bar3 = Cu.child cursor !! 2
bin2 = Cu.child bar3 !! 1
cursorParent, cursorAncestor, cursorOrSelf, cursorPreceding, cursorFollowing,
cursorPrecedingSib, cursorFollowingSib, cursorDescendant, cursorCheck,
cursorPredicate, cursorCheckNode, cursorCheckElement, cursorCheckName,
cursorAnyElement, cursorElement, cursorLaxElement, cursorContent,
cursorAttribute, cursorLaxAttribute, cursorHasAttribute,
cursorAttributeIs, cursorDeep, cursorForce, cursorForceM,
resolvedIdentifies, resolvedAllGood, resolvedMergeContent,
:: Assertion
cursorParent = name (Cu.parent bar2) @?= ["foo"]
cursorAncestor = name (Cu.ancestor baz2) @?= ["bar2", "foo"]
cursorOrSelf = name (Cu.orSelf Cu.ancestor baz2) @?= ["baz2", "bar2", "foo"]
cursorPreceding = do
name (Cu.preceding baz2) @?= ["baz1", "bar1"]
name (Cu.preceding bin2) @?= ["bin1", "baz3", "baz2", "baz1", "bar2", "bar1"]
cursorFollowing = do
name (Cu.following baz2) @?= ["baz3", "bar3", "bin1", "bin2", "bin3", "Bar1"]
name (Cu.following bar2) @?= ["bar3", "bin1", "bin2", "bin3", "Bar1"]
cursorPrecedingSib = name (Cu.precedingSibling baz2) @?= ["baz1"]
cursorFollowingSib = name (Cu.followingSibling baz2) @?= ["baz3"]
cursorDescendant = (name $ Cu.descendant cursor) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 baz1 baz2 baz3 bar3 bin1 bin2 bin3 Bar1"
cursorCheck = null (cursor $.// Cu.check (const False)) @?= True
cursorPredicate = (name $ cursor $.// Cu.check Cu.descendant) @?= T.words "foo bar2 baz3 bar3"
cursorCheckNode = (name $ cursor $// Cu.checkNode f) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 bar3"
where f (Res.NodeElement e) = "bar" `T.isPrefixOf` Res.nameLocalName (Res.elementName e)
f _ = False
cursorCheckElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.checkElement f) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 bar3"
where f e = "bar" `T.isPrefixOf` Res.nameLocalName (Res.elementName e)
cursorCheckName = (name $ cursor $// Cu.checkName f) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 bar3"
where f n = "bar" `T.isPrefixOf` nameLocalName n
cursorAnyElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.anyElement) @?= T.words "bar1 bar2 baz1 baz2 baz3 bar3 bin1 bin2 bin3 Bar1"
cursorElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.element "bar1") @?= ["bar1"]
cursorLaxElement = (name $ cursor $// Cu.laxElement "bar1") @?= ["bar1", "Bar1"]
cursorContent = do
Cu.content cursor @?= []
(cursor $.// Cu.content) @?= ["a", "b"]
cursorAttribute = Cu.attribute "attr" cursor @?= ["x"]
cursorLaxAttribute = (cursor $.// Cu.laxAttribute "Attr") @?= ["x", "y", "q"]
cursorHasAttribute = (length $ cursor $.// Cu.hasAttribute "attr") @?= 2
cursorAttributeIs = (length $ cursor $.// Cu.attributeIs "attr" "y") @?= 1
cursorDeep = do
(Cu.element "foo" &/ Cu.element "bar2" &// Cu.attribute "attr") cursor @?= ["y"]
(return &.// Cu.attribute "attr") cursor @?= ["x", "y"]
(cursor $.// Cu.attribute "attr") @?= ["x", "y"]
(cursor $/ Cu.element "bar2" &// Cu.attribute "attr") @?= ["y"]
(cursor $/ Cu.element "bar2" &/ Cu.element "baz2" >=> Cu.attribute "attr") @?= ["y"]
null (cursor $| Cu.element "foo") @?= False
cursorForce = do
Cu.force DummyEx [] @?= (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
Cu.force DummyEx [1] @?= Just (1 :: Int)
Cu.force DummyEx [1,2] @?= Just (1 :: Int)
cursorForceM = do
Cu.forceM DummyEx [] @?= (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
Cu.forceM DummyEx [Just 1, Nothing] @?= Just (1 :: Int)
Cu.forceM DummyEx [Nothing, Just (1 :: Int)] @?= Nothing
data DummyEx = DummyEx
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception DummyEx
showEq :: (Show a, Show b) => Either a b -> Either a b -> Assertion
showEq x y = show x @=? show y
resolvedIdentifies =
Left (toException $ Res.UnresolvedEntityException $ Set.fromList ["foo", "bar", "baz"]) `showEq`
Res.parseLBS def
"&foo; --- &baz; &foo;"
testHtmlEntities =
Res.parseLBS_ def
{ P.psDecodeEntities = P.decodeHtmlEntities
} xml1 @=? Res.parseLBS_ def xml2
xml1 = " "
xml2 = " "
resolvedAllGood =
D.parseLBS_ def xml @=?
Res.toXMLDocument (Res.parseLBS_ def xml)
xml = ""
resolvedMergeContent =
Res.documentRoot (Res.parseLBS_ def xml) @=?
Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bar&baz"]
xml = "bar&baz"
parseIgnoreBOM :: Assertion
parseIgnoreBOM = do
either (const $ Left (1 :: Int)) Right (Res.parseText Res.def "\xfeef") @?=
either (const $ Left (2 :: Int)) Right (Res.parseText Res.def "")
stripDuplicateAttributes :: Assertion
stripDuplicateAttributes = do
"" @=?
D.renderLBS def (Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) (Element "foo" [("bar", [ContentText "baz"]), ("bar", [ContentText "bin"])] []) [])
"" @=?
D.renderLBS def (Document (Prologue [] Nothing []) (Element "foo"
[ ("x:bar", [ContentText "baz"])
, (Name "bar" (Just "namespace") (Just "x"), [ContentText "bin"])
] []) [])
testRenderComments :: Assertion
testRenderComments =do
@=? D.renderLBS def (Document (Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Element "foo" [] [NodeComment "comment"]) [])
resolvedInline :: Assertion
resolvedInline = do
Res.Document _ root _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def "]>&bar;"
root @?= Res.Element "foo" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "baz"]
Res.Document _ root2 _ <- return $ Res.parseLBS_ Res.def "]>"
root2 @?= Res.Element "foo" (Map.singleton "bar" "baz") []
casePretty :: Assertion
casePretty = do
let pretty = S.unlines
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, " "
, " Hello World"
, " "
, " "
, " "
, " "
, " "
, " bar content"
, " "
, ""
doctype = Res.Doctype "foo" Nothing
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] (Just doctype) []) root []
root = Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [("bar", "bar"), ("baz", "baz")])
[ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [("bar", "bar"), ("baz", "baz"), ("bin", "bin")])
[ Res.NodeContent " Hello World\n\n"
, Res.NodeContent " "
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "foo" Map.empty []
, Res.NodeInstruction $ Res.Instruction "foo" "bar"
, Res.NodeComment "foo bar\n\r\nbaz \tbin "
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "bar" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "bar content"]
pretty @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS def { D.rsPretty = True } doc)
caseTopLevelNamespace :: Assertion
caseTopLevelNamespace = do
let lbs = S.concat
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
rs = def { D.rsNamespaces = [("bar", "baz")] }
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "foo" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeElement
$ Res.Element "subfoo" (Map.singleton "{baz}bin" "") []
lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
caseTopLevelNamespacePrefix :: Assertion
caseTopLevelNamespacePrefix = do
let lbs = S.concat
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
rs = def { D.rsNamespaces = [("bar", "baz")] }
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "foo" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeElement
$ Res.Element "subfoo" (Map.fromList [(Name "bin" (Just "baz") (Just "bar"), "")]) []
lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
caseTLNConflict :: Assertion
caseTLNConflict = do
let lbs = S.concat
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
rs = def { D.rsNamespaces = [("bar", "baz")] }
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "foo" (Map.fromList [(Name "x" (Just "something") (Just "bar"), "y")])
[ Res.NodeElement
$ Res.Element "subfoo" (Map.fromList [(Name "bin" (Just "baz") (Just "bar"), "")]) []
lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
caseBlazeHtml :: Assertion
caseBlazeHtml =
expected @=? str
str = renderMarkup $ toMarkup $ Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing []) root []
root :: Res.Element
root = Res.Element "html" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "head" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "title" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "Test"]
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "script" Map.empty
[Res.NodeContent "if (5 < 6 || 8 > 9) alert('Hello World!');"]
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "{http://www.snoyman.com/xml2html}ie-cond" (Map.singleton "cond" "lt IE 7")
[Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "link" (Map.singleton "href" "ie6.css") []]
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "style" Map.empty
[Res.NodeContent "body > h1 { color: red }"]
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "body" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element "h1" Map.empty [Res.NodeContent "Hello World!"]
expected :: String
expected = concat
[ "\n"
, "Test"
, ""
, ""
, ""
, "Hello World!
caseAttrReorder :: Assertion
caseAttrReorder = do
let lbs = S.concat
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
rs = def { Res.rsAttrOrder = \name m ->
case name of
"foo" -> reverse $ Map.toAscList m
_ -> Map.toAscList m
attrs = Map.fromList [("a", "a"), ("b", "b"), ("c", "c")]
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "foo" attrs
[ Res.NodeElement
$ Res.Element "bar" attrs []
lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
caseOrderAttrs :: Assertion
caseOrderAttrs = do
let lbs = S.concat
[ ""
, ""
, ""
, ""
rs = def { Res.rsAttrOrder = Res.orderAttrs
[("foo", ["c", "b"])]
attrs = Map.fromList [("a", "a"), ("b", "b"), ("c", "c")]
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "foo" attrs
[ Res.NodeElement
$ Res.Element "bar" attrs []
lbs @=? S.concat (L.toChunks $ Res.renderLBS rs doc)
caseParseCdata :: Assertion
caseParseCdata = do
let lbs = ""
doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "a" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeContent "www.google.com"
Res.parseLBS_ def lbs @?= doc
caseRetainNamespaces :: Assertion
caseRetainNamespaces = do
let lbs = ""
doc = Res.parseLBS_ def { Res.psRetainNamespaces = True } lbs
doc `shouldBe` Res.Document
(Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Map.singleton "xmlns:bar" "baz")
[ Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element
, Res.NodeElement $ Res.Element
(Map.singleton "xmlns" "bin4")
caseIso8859_1 :: Assertion
caseIso8859_1 = do
let lbs = "\232"
doc = Res.parseLBS_ def lbs
doc `shouldBe` Res.Document
(Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
[Res.NodeContent "\232"])
caseRenderCDATA :: Assertion
caseRenderCDATA = do
let doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "a" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeContent "www.google.com"
withoutCDATA = Res.renderLBS def doc
withCDATA = Res.renderLBS (def { Res.rsUseCDATA = const True }) doc
withCDATA `shouldBe` ""
withoutCDATA `shouldBe` "www.google.com"
caseEscapesCDATA :: Assertion
caseEscapesCDATA = do
let doc = Res.Document (Res.Prologue [] Nothing [])
(Res.Element "a" Map.empty
[ Res.NodeContent "]]>"
result = Res.renderLBS (def { Res.rsUseCDATA = const True }) doc
result `shouldBe` "]]>"