module Codec.Xlsx.Types.Drawing where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Lens.TH
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as T
import Text.XML
import Text.XML.Cursor
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal hiding (n)
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.Relationships
import Codec.Xlsx.Writer.Internal
data FileInfo = FileInfo
{ _fiFilename :: FilePath
, _fiContentType :: Text
, _fiContents :: ByteString
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Coordinate
= UnqCoordinate Int
| UniversalMeasure UnitIdentifier Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
data UnitIdentifier
= UnitCm
| UnitMm
| UnitIn
| UnitPt
| UnitPc
| UnitPi
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Point2D = Point2D
{ _pt2dX :: Coordinate
, _pt2dY :: Coordinate
} deriving (Eq, Show)
unqPoint2D :: Int -> Int -> Point2D
unqPoint2D x y = Point2D (UnqCoordinate x) (UnqCoordinate y)
newtype PositiveCoordinate = PositiveCoordinate Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Angle = Angle Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PositiveSize2D = PositiveSize2D
{ _ps2dX :: PositiveCoordinate
, _ps2dY :: PositiveCoordinate
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Marker = Marker
{ _mrkCol :: Int
, _mrkColOff :: Coordinate
, _mrkRow :: Int
, _mrkRowOff :: Coordinate
} deriving (Eq, Show)
unqMarker :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Marker
unqMarker (col, colOff) (row, rowOff) =
Marker col (UnqCoordinate colOff) row (UnqCoordinate rowOff)
data EditAs
= EditAsTwoCell
| EditAsOneCell
| EditAsAbsolute
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Anchoring
= AbsoluteAnchor
{ absaPos :: Point2D
, absaExt :: PositiveSize2D
| OneCellAnchor
{ onecaFrom :: Marker
, onecaExt :: PositiveSize2D
| TwoCellAnchor
{ tcaFrom :: Marker
, tcaTo :: Marker
, tcaEditAs :: EditAs
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DrawingObject a
= Picture
{ _picMacro :: Maybe Text
, _picPublished :: Bool
, _picNonVisual :: PicNonVisual
, _picBlipFill :: BlipFillProperties a
, _picShapeProperties :: ShapeProperties
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ClientData = ClientData
{ _cldLcksWithSheet :: Bool
, _cldPrintsWithSheet :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data PicNonVisual = PicNonVisual
{ _pnvDrawingProps :: PicDrawingNonVisual
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PicDrawingNonVisual = PicDrawingNonVisual
{ _pdnvId :: Int
, _pdnvName :: Text
, _pdnvDescription :: Maybe Text
, _pdnvHidden :: Bool
, _pdnvTitle :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data BlipFillProperties a = BlipFillProperties
{ _bfpImageInfo :: Maybe a
, _bfpFillMode :: Maybe FillMode
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data FillMode
= FillTile
| FillStretch
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ShapeProperties = ShapeProperties
{ _spXfrm :: Maybe Transform2D
, _spGeometry :: Maybe Geometry
, _spOutline :: Maybe LineProperties
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Transform2D = Transform2D
{ _trRot :: Angle
, _trFlipH :: Bool
, _trFlipV :: Bool
, _trOffset :: Maybe Point2D
, _trExtents :: Maybe PositiveSize2D
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Geometry
= PresetGeometry
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LineProperties = LineProperties
{ _lnFill :: Maybe LineFill
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LineFill
= LineNoFill
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Anchor a = Anchor
{ _anchAnchoring :: Anchoring
, _anchObject :: DrawingObject a
, _anchClientData :: ClientData
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data GenericDrawing a = Drawing
{ _xdrAnchors :: [Anchor a]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Drawing = GenericDrawing FileInfo
type UnresolvedDrawing = GenericDrawing RefId
makeLenses ''Anchor
makeLenses ''DrawingObject
makeLenses ''BlipFillProperties
makeLenses ''GenericDrawing
instance Default ClientData where
def = ClientData True True
instance FromCursor UnresolvedDrawing where
fromCursor cur = [Drawing $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor]
instance FromCursor (Anchor RefId) where
fromCursor cur = do
_anchAnchoring <- fromCursor cur
_anchObject <- cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
_anchClientData <- cur $/ element (xdr"clientData") >=> fromCursor
return Anchor{..}
instance FromCursor Anchoring where
fromCursor = anchoringFromNode . node
anchoringFromNode :: Node -> [Anchoring]
anchoringFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` xdr "twoCellAnchor" = do
tcaEditAs <- fromAttributeDef "editAs" EditAsTwoCell cur
tcaFrom <- cur $/ element (xdr"from") >=> fromCursor
tcaTo <- cur $/ element (xdr"to") >=> fromCursor
return TwoCellAnchor{..}
| n `nodeElNameIs` xdr "oneCellAnchor" = do
onecaFrom <- cur $/ element (xdr"from") >=> fromCursor
onecaExt <- cur $/ element (xdr"ext") >=> fromCursor
return OneCellAnchor{..}
| n `nodeElNameIs` xdr "absolueAnchor" = do
absaPos <- cur $/ element (xdr"pos") >=> fromCursor
absaExt <- cur $/ element (xdr"ext") >=> fromCursor
return AbsoluteAnchor{..}
| otherwise = fail "no matching anchoring node"
cur = fromNode n
nodeElNameIs :: Node -> Name -> Bool
nodeElNameIs (NodeElement el) name = elementName el == name
nodeElNameIs _ _ = False
instance FromCursor Marker where
fromCursor cur = do
_mrkCol <- cur $/ element (xdr"col") &/ content >=> decimal
_mrkColOff <- cur $/ element (xdr"colOff") &/ content >=> coordinate
_mrkRow <- cur $/ element (xdr"row") &/ content >=> decimal
_mrkRowOff <- cur $/ element (xdr"rowOff") &/ content >=> coordinate
return Marker{..}
instance FromCursor (DrawingObject RefId) where
fromCursor = drawingObjectFromNode . node
drawingObjectFromNode :: Node -> [DrawingObject RefId]
drawingObjectFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` xdr "pic" = do
_picMacro <- maybeAttribute "macro" cur
_picPublished <- fromAttributeDef "fPublished" False cur
_picNonVisual <- cur $/ element (xdr"nvPicPr") >=> fromCursor
_picBlipFill <- cur $/ element (xdr"blipFill") >=> fromCursor
_picShapeProperties <- cur $/ element (xdr"spPr") >=> fromCursor
return Picture{..}
| otherwise = fail "no matching drawing object node"
cur = fromNode n
instance FromCursor PicNonVisual where
fromCursor cur = do
_pnvDrawingProps <- cur $/ element (xdr"cNvPr") >=> fromCursor
return PicNonVisual{..}
instance FromCursor PicDrawingNonVisual where
fromCursor cur = do
_pdnvId <- fromAttribute "id" cur
_pdnvName <- fromAttribute "name" cur
_pdnvDescription <- maybeAttribute "descr" cur
_pdnvHidden <- fromAttributeDef "hidden" False cur
_pdnvTitle <- maybeAttribute "title" cur
return PicDrawingNonVisual{..}
instance FromCursor (BlipFillProperties RefId) where
fromCursor cur = do
let _bfpImageInfo = listToMaybe $ cur $/ element (a"blip") >=>
fmap RefId . attribute (odr"embed")
_bfpFillMode = listToMaybe $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
return BlipFillProperties{..}
instance FromCursor ShapeProperties where
fromCursor cur = do
_spXfrm <- maybeFromElement (a"xfrm") cur
let _spGeometry = listToMaybe $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
_spOutline <- maybeFromElement (a"ln") cur
return ShapeProperties{..}
instance FromCursor FillMode where
fromCursor = fillModeFromNode . node
fillModeFromNode :: Node -> [FillMode]
fillModeFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` a "stretch" = return FillStretch
| n `nodeElNameIs` a "stretch" = return FillTile
| otherwise = fail "no matching fill mode node"
instance FromCursor Transform2D where
fromCursor cur = do
_trRot <- fromAttributeDef "rot" (Angle 0) cur
_trFlipH <- fromAttributeDef "flipH" False cur
_trFlipV <- fromAttributeDef "flipV" False cur
_trOffset <- maybeFromElement (a"off") cur
_trExtents <- maybeFromElement (a"ext") cur
return Transform2D{..}
instance FromCursor Geometry where
fromCursor = geometryFromNode . node
geometryFromNode :: Node -> [Geometry]
geometryFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` a "prstGeom" =
return PresetGeometry
| otherwise = fail "no matching geometry node"
instance FromCursor LineProperties where
fromCursor cur = do
let _lnFill = listToMaybe $ cur $/ anyElement >=> fromCursor
return LineProperties{..}
instance FromCursor ClientData where
fromCursor cur = do
_cldLcksWithSheet <- fromAttributeDef "fLocksWithSheet" True cur
_cldPrintsWithSheet <- fromAttributeDef "fPrintsWithSheet" True cur
return ClientData{..}
instance FromCursor Point2D where
fromCursor cur = do
x <- coordinate =<< fromAttribute "x" cur
y <- coordinate =<< fromAttribute "y" cur
return $ Point2D x y
instance FromCursor PositiveSize2D where
fromCursor cur = do
cx <- PositiveCoordinate <$> fromAttribute "cx" cur
cy <- PositiveCoordinate <$> fromAttribute "cy" cur
return $ PositiveSize2D cx cy
instance FromAttrVal Angle where
fromAttrVal t = first Angle <$> fromAttrVal t
instance FromAttrVal EditAs where
fromAttrVal "absolute" = readSuccess EditAsAbsolute
fromAttrVal "oneCell" = readSuccess EditAsOneCell
fromAttrVal "twoCell" = readSuccess EditAsTwoCell
fromAttrVal t = invalidText "EditAs" t
instance FromCursor LineFill where
fromCursor = lineFillFromNode . node
lineFillFromNode :: Node -> [LineFill]
lineFillFromNode n | n `nodeElNameIs` a "noFill" = return LineNoFill
| otherwise = fail "no matching line fill node"
coordinate :: Monad m => Text -> m Coordinate
coordinate t = case T.decimal t of
Right (d, leftover) | leftover == T.empty ->
return $ UnqCoordinate d
_ ->
case T.rational t of
Right (r, "cm") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitCm r
Right (r, "mm") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitMm r
Right (r, "in") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitIn r
Right (r, "pt") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitPt r
Right (r, "pc") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitPc r
Right (r, "pi") -> return $ UniversalMeasure UnitPi r
_ -> fail $ "invalid coordinate: " ++ show t
instance ToDocument UnresolvedDrawing where
toDocument = documentFromNsElement "Drawing generated by xlsx" xlDrawingNs
. toElement "wsDr"
instance ToElement UnresolvedDrawing where
toElement nm (Drawing anchors) = Element
{ elementName = nm
, elementAttributes = M.empty
, elementNodes = map NodeElement $
map anchorToElement anchors
anchorToElement :: Anchor RefId -> Element
anchorToElement Anchor{..} = el
{ elementNodes = elementNodes el ++
map NodeElement [ drawingObjEl, cdEl ] }
el = anchoringToElement _anchAnchoring
drawingObjEl = drawingObjToElement _anchObject
cdEl = toElement "clientData" _anchClientData
anchoringToElement :: Anchoring -> Element
anchoringToElement anchoring = elementList nm attrs elements
(nm, attrs, elements) = case anchoring of
AbsoluteAnchor{..} ->
("absoluteAnchor", [],
[ toElement "pos" absaPos, toElement "ext" absaExt ])
OneCellAnchor{..} ->
("oneCellAnchor", [],
[ toElement "from" onecaFrom, toElement "ext" onecaExt ])
TwoCellAnchor{..} ->
("twoCellAnchor", [ "editAs" .= tcaEditAs ],
[ toElement "from" tcaFrom, toElement "to" tcaTo ])
instance ToElement Marker where
toElement nm Marker{..} = elementListSimple nm elements
elements = [ elementContent "col" (toAttrVal _mrkCol)
, elementContent "colOff" (toAttrVal _mrkColOff)
, elementContent "row" (toAttrVal _mrkRow)
, elementContent "rowOff" (toAttrVal _mrkRowOff)]
drawingObjToElement :: DrawingObject RefId -> Element
drawingObjToElement Picture{..} =
elementList "pic" attrs elements
attrs = catMaybes [ "macro" .=? _picMacro
, "fPublished" .=? justTrue _picPublished]
elements = [ toElement "nvPicPr" _picNonVisual
, toElement "blipFill" _picBlipFill
, toElement "spPr" _picShapeProperties ]
instance ToElement PicNonVisual where
toElement nm PicNonVisual{..} =
elementListSimple nm [toElement "cNvPr" _pnvDrawingProps]
instance ToElement PicDrawingNonVisual where
toElement nm PicDrawingNonVisual{..} =
leafElement nm attrs
attrs = [ "id" .= _pdnvId
, "name" .= _pdnvName ] ++
catMaybes [ "descr" .=? _pdnvDescription
, "hidden" .=? justTrue _pdnvHidden
, "title" .=? _pdnvTitle ]
instance ToElement (BlipFillProperties RefId) where
toElement nm BlipFillProperties{..} =
elementListSimple nm elements
elements = catMaybes [ (\rId -> leafElement (a"blip") [ odr "embed" .= rId ]) <$> _bfpImageInfo
, fillModeToElement <$> _bfpFillMode ]
fillModeToElement :: FillMode -> Element
fillModeToElement FillStretch = emptyElement (a"stretch")
fillModeToElement FillTile = emptyElement (a"stretch")
instance ToElement ShapeProperties where
toElement nm ShapeProperties{..} = elementListSimple nm elements
elements = catMaybes [ toElement (a"xfrm") <$> _spXfrm
, geometryToElement <$> _spGeometry
, toElement (a"ln") <$> _spOutline ]
instance ToElement Transform2D where
toElement nm Transform2D{..} = elementList nm attrs elements
attrs = catMaybes [ "rot" .=? justNonDef (Angle 0) _trRot
, "flipH" .=? justTrue _trFlipH
, "flipV" .=? justTrue _trFlipV ]
elements = catMaybes [ toElement (a"off") <$> _trOffset
, toElement (a"ext") <$> _trExtents ]
geometryToElement :: Geometry -> Element
geometryToElement PresetGeometry = emptyElement (a"prstGeom")
instance ToElement LineProperties where
toElement nm LineProperties{..} =
elementListSimple nm $ catMaybes [ lineFillToElement <$> _lnFill ]
lineFillToElement :: LineFill -> Element
lineFillToElement LineNoFill = emptyElement (a"noFill")
instance ToElement ClientData where
toElement nm ClientData{..} = leafElement nm attrs
attrs = catMaybes [ "fLocksWithSheet" .=? justFalse _cldLcksWithSheet
, "fPrintsWithSheet" .=? justFalse _cldPrintsWithSheet
instance ToElement Point2D where
toElement nm Point2D{..} = leafElement nm [ "x" .= _pt2dX
, "y" .= _pt2dY
instance ToElement PositiveSize2D where
toElement nm PositiveSize2D{..} = leafElement nm [ "cx" .= _ps2dX
, "cy" .= _ps2dY ]
instance ToAttrVal Coordinate where
toAttrVal (UnqCoordinate x) = toAttrVal x
toAttrVal (UniversalMeasure unit x) = toAttrVal x <> unitToText unit
unitToText UnitCm = "cm"
unitToText UnitMm = "mm"
unitToText UnitIn = "in"
unitToText UnitPt = "pt"
unitToText UnitPc = "pc"
unitToText UnitPi = "pi"
instance ToAttrVal PositiveCoordinate where
toAttrVal (PositiveCoordinate x) = toAttrVal x
instance ToAttrVal EditAs where
toAttrVal EditAsAbsolute = "absolute"
toAttrVal EditAsOneCell = "oneCell"
toAttrVal EditAsTwoCell = "twoCell"
instance ToAttrVal Angle where
toAttrVal (Angle x) = toAttrVal x
a :: Text -> Name
a x = Name
{ nameLocalName = x
, nameNamespace = Just drawingNs
, namePrefix = Nothing
drawingNs :: Text
drawingNs = ""
xdr :: Text -> Name
xdr x = Name
{ nameLocalName = x
, nameNamespace = Just xlDrawingNs
, namePrefix = Nothing
xlDrawingNs :: Text
xlDrawingNs = ""