module Graphics.XHB.Shared where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Data.Function
import Data.List as L
import Foreign.C.Types (CChar, CFloat, CDouble)
import Foreign.C.String
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.ByteOrder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as Strict
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
byteOrderToNum :: ByteOrder -> Int
byteOrderToNum BigEndian = fromEnum '\o102'
byteOrderToNum LittleEndian = fromEnum '\o154'
byteOrderToNum Mixed{} = error "Mixed endian platforms not supported."
newtype Xid = MkXid Word32
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Serialize, Deserialize)
instance Show Xid where
show (MkXid x) = show x
class XidLike a where
fromXid :: Xid -> a
toXid :: a -> Xid
instance XidLike Xid where
fromXid = id
toXid = id
instance XidLike Word32 where
fromXid (MkXid w) = w
toXid = MkXid
xidNone :: Xid
xidNone = MkXid 0
class SimpleEnum a where
toValue :: (Eq n, Num n) => a -> n
fromValue :: (Eq n, Num n) => n -> a
class BitEnum a where
toBit :: a -> Int
fromBit :: Int -> a
instance BitEnum Integer where
toBit = fromIntegral
fromBit = fromIntegral
fromMask :: (Bits b, BitEnum e) => b -> [e]
fromMask x = mapMaybe go [0..(bitSize x) 1]
where go i | x `testBit` i = return $ fromBit i
| otherwise = Nothing
toMask :: (Bits b, Num b, BitEnum e) => [e] -> b
toMask = foldl' (.|.) 0 . map (bit . toBit)
data ValueParam a = VP a [Word32]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
toValueParam :: (Bits a, Num a, BitEnum e) => [(e,Word32)] -> ValueParam a
toValueParam xs =
let (es,ws) = unzip $ L.sortBy (compare `on` toBit . fst) xs
in VP (toMask es) ws
fromValueParam :: (Bits a, BitEnum e) => ValueParam a -> [(e,Word32)]
fromValueParam (VP x ws) =
let es = fromMask x
in assert (length es == length ws) $ zip es ws
emptyValueParam :: Num a => ValueParam a
emptyValueParam = VP 0 []
instance (Bits a, Show a) => Show (ValueParam a) where
show v = show (fromValueParam v :: [(Integer,Word32)])
stringToCList :: String -> [CChar]
stringToCList = map castCharToCChar
class Serialize a where
serialize :: a -> Put
size :: a -> Int
class Deserialize a where
deserialize :: Get a
class ExtensionRequest a where
serializeRequest :: a -> RequestOpCode -> Put
extensionId :: a -> ExtensionId
type RequestOpCode = Word8
type ExtensionId = String
type ReplyLength = Word32
newtype Receipt a = MkReceipt (TVar (InnerReceipt a))
type RawReceipt = TMVar (Either SomeError ByteString)
data InnerReceipt a
= Item (Either SomeError a)
| Result RawReceipt (ByteString -> a)
newEmptyReceipt :: (ByteString -> a) -> IO (Receipt a, RawReceipt)
newEmptyReceipt f = do
rawReceipt <- newEmptyTMVarIO
ref <- newTVarIO $ Result rawReceipt f
return $ (MkReceipt ref, rawReceipt)
newDeserReceipt :: Deserialize a => IO (Receipt a, RawReceipt)
newDeserReceipt = newEmptyReceipt $ runGet deserialize
putReceipt :: RawReceipt -> Either SomeError ByteString -> STM ()
putReceipt = putTMVar
getReply :: Receipt a -> IO (Either SomeError a)
getReply (MkReceipt ref) = atomically $
readTVar ref >>= \ircpt -> case ircpt of
Item a -> return a
Result rrcpt f -> do
res <- takeTMVar rrcpt
let ret = either Left (Right . f) res
writeTVar ref $ Item ret
return ret
class (Typeable a, Show a) => Error a where
fromError :: SomeError -> Maybe a
toError :: a -> SomeError
fromError (SomeError e) = cast e
toError = SomeError
data SomeError = forall a . Error a => SomeError a
instance Show SomeError where
show se = case se of
SomeError err -> show err
data UnknownError = UnknownError BS.ByteString deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Error UnknownError
class Typeable a => Event a where
fromEvent :: SomeEvent -> Maybe a
toEvent :: a -> SomeEvent
fromEvent (SomeEvent e) = cast e
toEvent = SomeEvent
data SomeEvent = forall a . Event a => SomeEvent a
data UnknownEvent = UnknownEvent BS.ByteString deriving (Typeable)
instance Event UnknownEvent
deserializeList :: Deserialize a => Int -> Get [a]
deserializeList n = go n
where go 0 = return []
go n = do
x <- deserialize
xs <- go (n1)
return $ x : xs
serializeList :: Serialize a => [a] -> Put
serializeList = mapM_ serialize
convertBytesToRequestSize n =
fromIntegral $ case quotRem n 4 of
(d,0) -> d
(d,r) -> d + 1
requiredPadding n =
fromIntegral $ case quotRem n 4 of
(_,0) -> 0
(_,r) -> 4 r
instance Serialize Bool where
serialize = serialize `fmap` boolToWord
size = size . boolToWord
instance Deserialize Bool where
deserialize = wordToBool `fmap` deserialize
boolToWord :: Bool -> Word8
wordToBool :: Word8 -> Bool
boolToWord True = 1
boolToWord False = 0
wordToBool 0 = False
wordToBool _ = True
instance Serialize Word8 where
serialize = putWord8
size _ = 1
instance Deserialize Word8 where
deserialize = getWord8
instance Serialize Word16 where
serialize = putWord16host
size _ = 2
instance Deserialize Word16 where
deserialize = getWord16host
instance Serialize Word32 where
serialize = putWord32host
size _ = 4
instance Deserialize Word32 where
deserialize = getWord32host
instance Serialize Int8 where
serialize = putInt8
size _ = 1
instance Deserialize Int8 where
deserialize = getInt8
instance Serialize Int16 where
serialize = putInt16host
size _ = 2
instance Deserialize Int16 where
deserialize = getInt16host
instance Serialize Int32 where
serialize = putInt32host
size _ = 4
instance Deserialize Int32 where
deserialize = getInt32host
instance Serialize CChar where
serialize = putWord8 . fromIntegral
size _ = 1
instance Deserialize CChar where
deserialize = liftM fromIntegral getWord8
putInt8 :: Int8 -> Put
putInt8 = putWord8 . fromIntegral
getInt8 :: Get Int8
getInt8 = liftM fromIntegral getWord8
putInt16host :: Int16 -> Put
putInt16host = putWord16host . fromIntegral
getInt16host :: Get Int16
getInt16host = liftM fromIntegral getWord16host
putInt32host :: Int32 -> Put
putInt32host = putWord32host . fromIntegral
getInt32host :: Get Int32
getInt32host = liftM fromIntegral getWord32host
instance Deserialize CFloat where
deserialize = getStorable
instance Serialize CFloat where
size x = sizeOf x
serialize = putStorable
instance Deserialize CDouble where
deserialize = getStorable
getStorable :: Storable a => Get a
getStorable = (\dummy -> do
let n = sizeOf dummy
bytes <- getBytes n
return $ storableFromBS bytes `asTypeOf` dummy
) undefined
putStorable :: Storable a => a -> Put
putStorable = putByteString . bsFromStorable
storableFromBS (Strict.PS fptr len off) =
unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ flip peekElemOff off . castPtr
bsFromStorable x = Strict.unsafeCreate (sizeOf x) $ \p -> do
poke (castPtr p) x
instance (Serialize a, Bits a) => Serialize (ValueParam a) where
serialize = serializeValueParam 0
size (VP mask xs) = size mask + sum (map size xs)
serializeValueParam :: (Serialize a, Bits a) =>
Int -> ValueParam a -> Put
serializeValueParam pad (VP mask xs) = do
serialize mask
putSkip pad
assert (length xs == setBits mask) $ return ()
serializeList xs
instance (Deserialize a, Bits a) => Deserialize (ValueParam a) where
deserialize = deserializeValueParam 0
deserializeValueParam :: (Deserialize a, Bits a) =>
Int -> Get (ValueParam a)
deserializeValueParam pad = do
mask <- deserialize
skip pad
let n = setBits mask
xs <- deserializeList n
return $ VP mask xs
setBits :: Bits a => a -> Int
setBits a = foldl' go 0 [0 .. (bitSize a) 1]
where go !n bit | a `testBit` bit = n + 1
| otherwise = n
putSkip :: Int -> Put
putSkip 0 = return ()
putSkip n = replicateM_ n $ putWord8 0
isCard32 :: Word32 -> a
isCard32 = undefined