# xeno [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ocramz/xeno.png)](https://travis-ci.org/ocramz/xeno) [![Hackage version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/xeno.svg?label=Hackage)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xeno) [![Stackage version](https://www.stackage.org/package/xeno/badge/lts?label=Stackage)](https://www.stackage.org/package/xeno) A fast event-based XML parser. [Blog post](http://chrisdone.com/posts/fast-haskell-c-parsing-xml). ## Features * It's a SAX-style/fold parser which triggers events for open/close tags, attributes, text, etc. * It uses low memory (see memory benchmarks below). * It's very fast (see speed benchmarks below). * It [cheats like Hexml does](http://neilmitchell.blogspot.co.uk/2016/12/new-xml-parser-hexml.html) (doesn't expand entities, or most of the XML standard). * It's written in pure Haskell. * CDATA is supported as of version 0.2. ## Performance goals The [hexml](https://github.com/ndmitchell/hexml) Haskell library uses an XML parser written in C, so that is the baseline we're trying to beat or match roughly. ![Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/XgdZoQ9.png) The `Xeno.SAX` module is faster than Hexml for simply walking the document. Hexml actually does more work, allocating a DOM. `Xeno.DOM` is slighly slower or faster than Hexml depending on the document, although it is 2x slower on a 211KB document. Memory benchmarks for Xeno: Case Bytes GCs Check 4kb/xeno/sax 2,376 0 OK 31kb/xeno/sax 1,824 0 OK 211kb/xeno/sax 56,832 0 OK 4kb/xeno/dom 11,360 0 OK 31kb/xeno/dom 10,352 0 OK 211kb/xeno/dom 1,082,816 0 OK I memory benchmarked Hexml, but most of its allocation happens in C, which GHC doesn't track. So the data wasn't useful to compare. Speed benchmarks: benchmarking 4KB/hexml/dom time 6.317 μs (6.279 μs .. 6.354 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 6.333 μs (6.307 μs .. 6.362 μs) std dev 97.15 ns (77.15 ns .. 125.3 ns) variance introduced by outliers: 13% (moderately inflated) benchmarking 4KB/xeno/sax time 5.152 μs (5.131 μs .. 5.179 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 5.139 μs (5.128 μs .. 5.161 μs) std dev 58.02 ns (41.25 ns .. 85.41 ns) benchmarking 4KB/xeno/dom time 10.93 μs (10.83 μs .. 11.14 μs) 0.994 R² (0.983 R² .. 0.999 R²) mean 11.35 μs (11.12 μs .. 11.91 μs) std dev 1.188 μs (458.7 ns .. 2.148 μs) variance introduced by outliers: 87% (severely inflated) benchmarking 31KB/hexml/dom time 9.405 μs (9.348 μs .. 9.480 μs) 0.999 R² (0.998 R² .. 0.999 R²) mean 9.745 μs (9.599 μs .. 10.06 μs) std dev 745.3 ns (598.6 ns .. 902.4 ns) variance introduced by outliers: 78% (severely inflated) benchmarking 31KB/xeno/sax time 2.736 μs (2.723 μs .. 2.753 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 2.757 μs (2.742 μs .. 2.791 μs) std dev 76.93 ns (43.62 ns .. 136.1 ns) variance introduced by outliers: 35% (moderately inflated) benchmarking 31KB/xeno/dom time 5.767 μs (5.735 μs .. 5.814 μs) 0.999 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 5.759 μs (5.728 μs .. 5.810 μs) std dev 127.3 ns (79.02 ns .. 177.2 ns) variance introduced by outliers: 24% (moderately inflated) benchmarking 211KB/hexml/dom time 260.3 μs (259.8 μs .. 260.8 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 259.9 μs (259.7 μs .. 260.3 μs) std dev 959.9 ns (821.8 ns .. 1.178 μs) benchmarking 211KB/xeno/sax time 249.2 μs (248.5 μs .. 250.1 μs) 1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 251.5 μs (250.6 μs .. 253.0 μs) std dev 3.944 μs (3.032 μs .. 5.345 μs) benchmarking 211KB/xeno/dom time 543.1 μs (539.4 μs .. 547.0 μs) 0.999 R² (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²) mean 550.0 μs (545.3 μs .. 553.6 μs) std dev 14.39 μs (12.45 μs .. 17.12 μs) variance introduced by outliers: 17% (moderately inflated) ## DOM Example Easy as running the parse function: ``` haskell > parse "


" Right (Node "p" [("key", "val"), ("x", "foo"), ("k", "")] [ Element (Node "a" [] [Element (Node "hr" [] []), Text "hi"]) , Element (Node "b" [] [Text "sup"]) , Text "hi" ]) ``` ## SAX Example Quickly dumping XML: ``` haskell > let input = "TextHello, World!Content!Trailing." > dump input "Text" "Hello, World!" "Content!" "Trailing." ``` Folding over XML: ``` haskell > fold const (\m _ _ -> m + 1) const const const 0 input -- Count elements. Right 2 ``` ``` haskell > fold (\m _ -> m + 1) (\m _ _ -> m) const const const 0 input -- Count attributes. Right 3 ``` Most general XML processor: ``` haskell process :: Monad m => (ByteString -> m ()) -- ^ Open tag. -> (ByteString -> ByteString -> m ()) -- ^ Tag attribute. -> (ByteString -> m ()) -- ^ End open tag. -> (ByteString -> m ()) -- ^ Text. -> (ByteString -> m ()) -- ^ Close tag. -> ByteString -- ^ Input string. -> m () ``` You can use any monad you want. IO, State, etc. For example, `fold` is implemented like this: ``` haskell fold openF attrF endOpenF textF closeF s str = execState (process (\name -> modify (\s' -> openF s' name)) (\key value -> modify (\s' -> attrF s' key value)) (\name -> modify (\s' -> endOpenF s' name)) (\text -> modify (\s' -> textF s' text)) (\name -> modify (\s' -> closeF s' name)) str) s ``` The `process` is marked as INLINE, which means use-sites of it will inline, and your particular monad's type will be potentially erased for great performance. ## Contributors See CONTRIBUTORS.md