name: wumpus-core version: 0.22.0 x-revision: 1 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Stephen Tetley maintainer: Stephen Tetley homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: Pure Haskell PostScript and SVG generation. description: . Wumpus - (W)riter (M)onad (P)ost (S)cript. . Wumpus is a kernel library for generating 2D vector pictures, its salient feature is portability due to no FFI dependencies. It can generate PostScript (EPS) files and SVG files. The generated PostScript code is plain [1] and reasonably efficient as the use of stack operations, i.e @gsave@ and @grestore@, is minimized. . Pictures in Wumpus are made from /paths/ and text /labels/. Paths themselves are made from points. The usual affine transformations (rotations, scaling, translations) can be applied to geometric objects. Unlike PostScript there is no notion of a current point, Wumpus builds pictures in a coordinate-free style. . GENERAL DRAWBACKS... . For actually drawing pictures, diagrams, etc. Wumpus is very low level. There is a supplemantary package @wumpus-basic@ available that helps create certain types of diagram, but even this lacks the higher-level stuff (polygons, arrows etc.) that would make creating general drawings easy. . Some of the design decisions made for wumpus-core are not sophisticated (e.g. how attributes like colour are handled, and how the bounding boxes of text labels are calculated), so Wumpus might be limited compared to other systems. However, the design permits a fairly simple implementation - which is a priority. Text encoding an exception - I\'m not sure how reasonable the design is. The current implementation appears okay for Latin 1 but may be inadequate for other character sets, so I may have to revise it significantly. . WARNING... . The module @Core.BoundingBox@ is likely to be reworked significantly in the future. It has too many functions that do not offer distinct functionality. Some functions were removed in revision 0.17.0 and some more are likely to follow. . The module @Extra.PictureLanguage@ is deprecated. At some point it will be superceded by @wumpus-basic@ but this will not be soon. . . \[1\] Because the output is simple, straight-line PostScript code, it is possible to use GraphicsMagick or a similar tool to convert Wumpus'\s EPS files to many other formats (bitmaps). . Changelog: . 0.21.0 to 0.22.0: . * Moved the deprecated module @Wumpus.Extra.PictureLanguage@ into the package Wumpus-Basic along with the example @Picture.hs@. . * Added vec as a synonym for the constructor V2. . * Changed some of the Core.FontSize to use better terminology. Thus some of the constants have changed. Added a new example @FontMetrics.hs@ to illustrate how FontSize works. Particularly, the function @capHeight@ has been replaced with the function @numeralHeight@ which has better semantics. . * The CTM data type and ToCTM class are now hidden in the top-level import module @Wumpus.Core@. They can be accessed by importing @Wumpus.Core.GraphicsState@ directly. . * Exposed the PSUnit type class. . 0.20.0 to 0.21.0: . * Removed the Primitive instances of the Affine transformation classes. They have been replaced with special transformation functions: @rotatePrimitive@, @scalePrimitive@, @translatePrimitive@. As Primitives are not in an affine frame until they are lifted to Pictures the affine instances had ill-conceived semantics. . * Due to changes to accommodate the new non-affine transformations, many of the class obligations have changed on the @unit@ of Pictures, Primitives, Bounding Boxes etc. Generally many class contexts that previously required Fractional and Ord on the unit have changed to Real and Floating. . * Removed demo/AffineTest04.hs - there is no longer a @rotateAbout@ operation on Primitives as they do not exist in an affine frame until they they are lifted to Pictures. Added - Scaled.hs, Rotated.hs, Translated,hs. . * Removed the UndecidableInstances pragma from Core.PictureInternal. It looks like Core.Geometry will always need UndecidableInstances though. . * Removed the Ord superclass constriant from the @Stroke@ and @Fill@ classes and derived operations (e.g. @zostroke@). . . build-type: Simple stability: unstable cabal-version: >= 1.2 extra-source-files: CHANGES, LICENSE, demo/AffineTest01.hs, demo/AffineTest02.hs, demo/AffineTest03.hs, demo/AffineTestBase.hs, demo/FontMetrics.hs demo/LabelPic.hs, demo/MultiPic.hs demo/Rotated.hs demo/Scaled.hs demo/Translated.hs doc/Guide.pdf, doc-src/Guide.lhs, doc-src/Makefile, doc-src/WorldFrame.hs library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base < 5, containers, time >= 1.1.3 && < 1.2, wl-pprint, vector-space, monadLib, xml, algebra < 0.1 exposed-modules: Wumpus.Core, Wumpus.Core.AffineTrans, Wumpus.Core.BoundingBox, Wumpus.Core.Colour, Wumpus.Core.FontSize, Wumpus.Core.Geometry, Wumpus.Core.GraphicsState, Wumpus.Core.OutputPostScript, Wumpus.Core.OutputSVG, Wumpus.Core.Picture, Wumpus.Core.TextEncoder, Wumpus.Core.TextLatin1, Wumpus.Core.VersionNumber, Wumpus.Core.WumpusTypes other-modules: Wumpus.Core.PictureInternal, Wumpus.Core.PostScript, Wumpus.Core.SVG, Wumpus.Core.OneList, Wumpus.Core.TextEncodingInternal, Wumpus.Core.Utils extensions: ghc-options: includes: