{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, RecordWildCards #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Network.Wreq.Session
-- Copyright   : (c) 2014 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- The functions in this module use a 'Session' to handle the
-- following common needs:
-- * TCP connection reuse.  This is important for performance when
--   multiple requests go to a single server, particularly if TLS is
--   being used.
-- * Transparent cookie management.  Any cookies set by the server
--   persist from one request to the next.  (Bypass this overhead
--   using 'withAPISession'.)
-- This module is designed to be used alongside the "Network.Wreq"
-- module.  Typical usage will look like this:
-- @
-- import "Network.Wreq"
-- import qualified "Network.Wreq.Session" as Sess
-- main = Sess.'withSession' $ \\sess ->
--   Sess.'get' sess \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\"
-- @
-- We create a 'Session' using 'withSession', then pass the session to
-- subsequent functions.  When talking to a REST-like service that does
-- not use cookies, it is more efficient to use 'withAPISession'.
-- Note the use of qualified import statements in the examples above,
-- so that we can refer unambiguously to the 'Session'-specific
-- implementation of HTTP GET.

module Network.Wreq.Session
    -- * Session creation
    , withSession
    , withAPISession
    -- ** More control-oriented session creation
    , withSessionWith
    , withSessionControl
    -- * HTTP verbs
    , get
    , post
    , head_
    , options
    , put
    , delete
    -- ** Configurable verbs
    , getWith
    , postWith
    , headWith
    , optionsWith
    , putWith
    , deleteWith
    -- * Extending a session
    , Lens.seshRun
    ) where

import Control.Lens ((&), (?~), (.~))
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Network.Wreq (Options, Response)
import Network.Wreq.Internal
import Network.Wreq.Internal.Types (Body(..), Req(..), Session(..))
import Network.Wreq.Types (Postable, Putable, Run)
import Prelude hiding (head)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wreq.Internal.Lens as Lens

-- | Create a 'Session', passing it to the given function.  The
-- 'Session' will no longer be valid after that function returns.
-- This session manages cookies and uses default session manager
-- configuration.
withSession :: (Session -> IO a) -> IO a
withSession = withSessionWith defaultManagerSettings

-- | Create a session.
-- This uses the default session manager settings, but does not manage
-- cookies.  It is intended for use with REST-like HTTP-based APIs,
-- which typically do not use cookies.
withAPISession :: (Session -> IO a) -> IO a
withAPISession = withSessionControl Nothing defaultManagerSettings

-- | Create a session, using the given manager settings.  This session
-- manages cookies.
withSessionWith :: HTTP.ManagerSettings -> (Session -> IO a) -> IO a
withSessionWith = withSessionControl (Just (HTTP.createCookieJar []))
{-# DEPRECATED withSessionWith "Use withSessionControl instead." #-}

-- | Create a session, using the given cookie jar and manager settings.
withSessionControl :: Maybe HTTP.CookieJar
                  -- ^ If 'Nothing' is specified, no cookie management
                  -- will be performed.
               -> HTTP.ManagerSettings
               -> (Session -> IO a) -> IO a
withSessionControl mj settings act = do
  mref <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . newIORef) mj
  HTTP.withManager settings $ \mgr ->
    act Session { seshCookies = mref
                , seshManager = mgr
                , seshRun = runWith

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.get'.
get :: Session -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
get = getWith defaults

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.post'.
post :: Postable a => Session -> String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
post = postWith defaults

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.head_'.
head_ :: Session -> String -> IO (Response ())
head_ = headWith defaults

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.options'.
options :: Session -> String -> IO (Response ())
options = optionsWith defaults

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.put'.
put :: Putable a => Session -> String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
put = putWith defaults

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.delete'.
delete :: Session -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
delete = deleteWith defaults

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.getWith'.
getWith :: Options -> Session -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
getWith opts sesh url = run string sesh =<< prepareGet opts url

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.postWith'.
postWith :: Postable a => Options -> Session -> String -> a
         -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
postWith opts sesh url payload =
  run string sesh =<< preparePost opts url payload

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.headWith'.
headWith :: Options -> Session -> String -> IO (Response ())
headWith opts sesh url = run ignore sesh =<< prepareHead opts url

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.optionsWith'.
optionsWith :: Options -> Session -> String -> IO (Response ())
optionsWith opts sesh url = run ignore sesh =<< prepareOptions opts url

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.putWith'.
putWith :: Putable a => Options -> Session -> String -> a
        -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
putWith opts sesh url payload = run string sesh =<< preparePut opts url payload

-- | 'Session'-specific version of 'Network.Wreq.deleteWith'.
deleteWith :: Options -> Session -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString)
deleteWith opts sesh url = run string sesh =<< prepareDelete opts url

runWith :: Session -> Run Body -> Run Body
runWith Session{..} act (Req _ req) = do
  req' <- case seshCookies of
            Nothing -> return (req & Lens.cookieJar .~ Nothing)
            Just ref -> (\s -> req & Lens.cookieJar ?~ s) `fmap` readIORef ref
  resp <- act (Req (Right seshManager) req')
  forM_ seshCookies $ \ref ->
    writeIORef ref (HTTP.responseCookieJar resp)
  return resp

type Mapping a = (Body -> a, a -> Body, Run a)

run :: Mapping a -> Session -> Run a
run (to,from,act) sesh =
  fmap (fmap to) . seshRun sesh sesh (fmap (fmap from) . act)

string :: Mapping L.ByteString
string = (\(StringBody s) -> s, StringBody, runRead)

ignore :: Mapping ()
ignore = (\_ -> (), const NoBody, runIgnore)