{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, DeriveGeneric, TypeApplications #-} import Control.Concurrent.Async (race) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask) import Data.Aeson hiding (json) import Data.Either (lefts, rights) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, listToMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Text.Internal.Lazy as LText import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.URL (parseDatabaseUrl) import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.HostAndPort (hostAndPort) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors (simpleCors) import qualified System.Directory as Dir import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Web.Scotty import qualified Database.Persist as P import qualified Database.Persist.Sql as Sql import Model (Database, DbBackend(..), GroupSet(..), Key, LogLevel(..), Page(..), Rollup(..), Run(..), RunGroup, TransactionMonad, WreckerRun(..), findGroupSetsByName, findGroupSetsByRunMatch, findPageStats, findPagesList, findRunGroups, findRunStats, findRuns, findRunsByMatchAndSet, runDbAction, runMigrations, storeRunResults, withDb) import Control.Distributed.Process (NodeId(..), Process) import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Backend.SimpleLocalnet as LocalNet import qualified Control.Distributed.Process.Node as Node import Control.Distributed.Static (RemoteTable) import Network.Transport (EndPointAddress(..)) import qualified Scheduler -- | CLI options data Config = Config { uiPort :: Int -- ^ The port for the HTTP interface , dbType :: DbBackend -- ^ Either Sqlite or Postgres , folder :: String -- ^ The path to the assets folder , logLevel :: LogLevel -- ^ Either Debug or Silent. Currently ony used for db queries , hostName :: String -- ^ The host this node is running on. Defaults to , staticSlaves :: [NodeId] , testsList :: Scheduler.RunSchedule -- ^ Private config holding the run scheduler } -- | The list of functions that are allowed to be called on remote nodes. networkFunctions :: RemoteTable networkFunctions = Scheduler.__remoteTable Node.initRemoteTable main :: IO () main = do role <- lookupEnv "WRECKER_ROLE" case role of Just "slave" -> createSlave Just "master" -> mainProcess =<< getConfig Nothing -> mainProcess =<< getConfig _ -> error "Only master and slave roles are valid" -- | Initializes the CLI config getConfig :: IO Config getConfig = do uiPort <- readPort "WRECKER_UI_PORT" 3000 maybeLevel <- lookupEnv "WRECKER_LOG_LEVEL" let parsedLevel = maybe Nothing readMaybe maybeLevel logLevel = fromMaybe Silent parsedLevel dbType <- selectDatabaseType folder <- findAssetsFolder staticSlaves <- getStaticSlaves testsList <- Scheduler.emptyRunSchedule hostName <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupEnv "WRECKER_HOST" return Config {..} -- | Starts a slave worker node. Slaves are used to execute the wrecker cli and transmit back the results createSlave :: IO () createSlave = do port <- readPort "WRECKER_PORT" 10501 hostName <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupEnv "WRECKER_HOST" backend <- LocalNet.initializeBackend hostName (show @Int port) networkFunctions putStrLn "Started slave process" LocalNet.startSlave backend -- | Starts the local worker node. This node will always receive part of the load, specially when the -- cocurrency level for a run is low. mainProcess :: Config -> IO () mainProcess config = do port <- readPort "WRECKER_PORT" 10500 hasStaticSlaves <- lookupEnv "WRECKER_SLAVES" putStrLn "Starting local node" backend <- LocalNet.initializeBackend (hostName config) (show @Int port) networkFunctions case hasStaticSlaves of Nothing -> LocalNet.startMaster backend (startUI config) _ -> do putStrLn "Found a static list of slaves" node <- LocalNet.newLocalNode backend Node.runProcess node (startUI config []) -- | Starts the program itself. That is, the http interface and the run scheduler startUI :: Config -> [NodeId] -> Process () startUI Config {..} discoveredSlaves = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Starting Web UI" let slaves = staticSlaves ++ discoveredSlaves localProcess <- ask -- Get the context that the Process monad is enclosing liftIO $ do putStrLn ("Found the following slave servers: " ++ show slaves) withDb logLevel dbType $ \db -> liftIO $ -- We're inside the DbMonad, so the results needs to be converted back to IO do runMigrations db -- Run the database migrations first void $ -- Disregard the return value of `race` race -- start both function in different threads and stop the other if one dies (Scheduler.runScheduler Scheduler.Config {..}) -- start accepting new jobs (routes uiPort folder db testsList) -- start accepting http requests ---------------------------------- -- App initialization ---------------------------------- findAssetsFolder :: IO String findAssetsFolder = do f <- lookupEnv "WRECKER_ASSETS" let folder = case f of Nothing -> "assets/" Just path -> path <> "/" exists <- Dir.doesFileExist (folder <> "app.js") if not exists then error "Could not find the assets folder. Set the WRECKER_ASSETS env variable with the full path to it" else return folder selectDatabaseType :: IO DbBackend selectDatabaseType = do dbInfo <- lookupEnv "WRECKER_DB" case dbInfo of Nothing -> do putStrLn "Using SQLite" return Sqlite Just info -> case parseDatabaseUrl info of Nothing -> error "Invalid WRECKER_DB url" Just connDetails -> do putStrLn "Using PostgreSQL" return (Postgresql connDetails) getStaticSlaves :: IO [NodeId] getStaticSlaves = do maybeString <- lookupEnv "WRECKER_SLAVES" case maybeString of Nothing -> return [] Just "" -> return [] Just str -> do let parsed = parseNodes (Text.pack str) builder s = NodeId (EndPointAddress (encodeUtf8 (s <> ":0"))) mapM_ (putStrLn . Text.unpack) (lefts parsed) -- Let the user know there were errors in slaves return (fmap (builder . Text.pack) (rights parsed)) where parseNodes str = let splitted = Text.splitOn "," str in fmap (ensurePort . validate) splitted validate s = (s, hostAndPort (Text.unpack s)) ensurePort (s, (Left _)) = Left ("Invalid slave address: " <> s) ensurePort (s, (Right (_, Nothing))) = Left ("Invalid slave address. Missing port for: " <> s) ensurePort (_, (Right ((host, Just port)))) = Right (host <> ":" <> port) ---------------------------------- -- Routes and middleware ---------------------------------- routes :: Int -> String -> Database -> Scheduler.RunSchedule -> IO () routes port folder db testsList = scotty port $ -- Let's declare the routes and handlers do middleware simpleCors -- ^ Useful when developing the elm app using a separate elm-live server get "/" $ do setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8" file (folder <> "index.html") get "/app.js" $ do setHeader "Content-Type" "application/javascript" file (folder <> "app.js") get "/main.css" $ do setHeader "Content-Type" "text/css" file (folder <> "main.css") -- ^ Serves the few static files we have get "/runs" (listRuns db) -- ^ Gets the list of runs that have been stored. Optionally filtering by "match" post "/runs/:id" (storeResults db) -- ^ Gets the JSON blob from a wrecker run and stores them in the DB get "/runs/rollup" (getManyRuns db) -- ^ Returns the basic info for the passed runs, the list of pages and the general stats get "/runs/page" (getPageStats db) -- ^ Returns the statistics for a single or multiple runs get "/runs/:id" (getRun db) -- ^ Returns the basic info for the run, the list of pages and the general stats get "/test-list" (getTestList testsList) -- ^ Returns the list of tests with the status of the last run for them if any post "/test-list" (scheduleTest testsList) -- ^ Returns the list of tests with the status of the last run for them if any get "/group-sets" (listGroupSets db) -- ^ Returns the list of tests group sets post "/group-sets" (storeGroupSet db) -- ^ Saves a group set in the database ---------------------------------- -- Controllers ---------------------------------- listRuns :: Database -> ActionM () listRuns db = do match <- optionalParam "match" groupSet <- readMaybe <$> optionalParam "groupSet" result <- liftAndCatchIO (fetchRuns match groupSet) json $ object ["runs" .= result, "success" .= True] where fetchRuns :: Text -> Maybe Int -> IO [P.Entity Run] fetchRuns match groupSet = runDbAction db $ findRunsByMatchAndSet match groupSet listGroupSets :: Database -> ActionM () listGroupSets db = do name <- optionalParam "name" result <- liftAndCatchIO (fetchSets name) json $ object ["groupSets" .= result, "success" .= True] where fetchSets :: Text -> IO [P.Entity GroupSet] fetchSets name = runDbAction db $ findGroupSetsByName name storeGroupSet :: Database -> ActionM () storeGroupSet db = do name <- param "name" description <- param "description" liftAndCatchIO (storeSet name description) json $ object ["success" .= True] status ok200 where storeSet :: Text -> Text -> IO () storeSet name desc = do now <- getCurrentTime runDbAction db $ P.insert_ GroupSet {groupSetName = name, groupSetDescription = desc, groupSetCreated = now} storeResults :: Database -> ActionM () storeResults db = do runId <- param "id" jsonPayload <- body let wreckerRun = eitherDecode jsonPayload :: Either String WreckerRun case wreckerRun of Left err -- In case we can't parse the json, respond with error -> do json $ object ["error" .= ("Invalid JSON payload" :: Text), "reason" .= err] status badRequest400 Right run -- Otherwise, we have the run and we can store it in the DB -> do liftAndCatchIO (storeStats runId run) json $ object ["success" .= True] status ok200 where storeStats :: Int -> WreckerRun -> IO () storeStats runId run = runDbAction db $ storeRunResults (toSqlKey runId) run getRun :: Database -> ActionM () getRun db = do rId <- readEither <$> param "id" case rId of Right runId -> do (stats, pages, runGroups) <- liftAndCatchIO (runDbAction db $ fetchRunStats [runId]) -- if the list is empty, errorResponse, otherwise call sendResult with the first in the list maybe (errorResponse errorTxt) (sendResult pages runGroups) (listToMaybe stats) Left err -> errorResponse err where errorTxt :: Text errorTxt = "No query result" -- | Transforms the SQL result into a JSON response -- sendResult list runGroups (run, stats) = do json $ object ["run" .= run, "stats" .= stats, "pages" .= list, "runGroups" .= runGroups] status ok200 -- | Responds with a JSON error -- errorResponse err = do json $ object ["error" .= ("Invalid run id" :: Text), "reason" .= err] status badRequest400 -- | Fetches the run stats in the datatabase. It retuns a pair: -- The first positionin the pair is a list of (run, rollup) -- The second position is a reverse index of pages participating in the run {page: [run id, ...]} fetchRunStats :: MonadIO m => [Int] -> TransactionMonad m ([(P.Entity Run, Rollup)], Map.Map Text [Key Run], [P.Entity RunGroup]) fetchRunStats runId = do let runKeys = toSqlKey <$> runId stats <- findRunStats runKeys list <- findPagesList runKeys runs <- findRuns (fmap fst stats) runGroups <- findRunGroups runKeys return ( [ (run, rollup) -- Locally doing a join by the same run key | (sKey, rollup) <- stats , run@(P.Entity rKey _) <- runs , sKey == rKey ] , reverseIndex list , runGroups) where reverseIndex pages = Map.fromListWith (++) [(page, [key]) | (key, page) <- pages] getManyRuns :: Database -> ActionM () getManyRuns db = do allIds <- idsOrMatch db match <- optionalParam "match" case allIds of [] -> errorResponse "Invalid list of ids" _ -> do (result, sets) <- liftAndCatchIO $ runDbAction db $ do stats <- fetchRunStats allIds if match == "" then return (stats, Nothing) else do availableSets <- findGroupSetsByRunMatch match return (stats, Just availableSets) sendResult result sets where sendResult (results, pages, runGroups) sets = do let buildObject (run, stats) = object ["run" .= run, "stats" .= stats] json $ object [ "runs" .= fmap buildObject results , "pages" .= pages , "runGroups" .= runGroups , "availableGroupSets" .= sets ] status ok200 -- | Responds with a JSON error -- errorResponse :: Text -> ActionM () errorResponse err = do json $ object ["reason" .= err] status badRequest400 getPageStats :: Database -> ActionM () getPageStats db = do allIds <- idsOrMatch db pageName <- param "name" page <- liftAndCatchIO (fetchPageStats allIds pageName) json page where fetchPageStats :: [Int] -> Text -> IO [Page] fetchPageStats runIds pageName = runDbAction db $ do let runKeys = toSqlKey <$> runIds findPageStats runKeys pageName getTestList :: Scheduler.RunSchedule -> ActionM () getTestList testsList = do tests <- liftAndCatchIO $ Scheduler.getRunSchedule testsList json $ object ["status" .= True, "tests" .= tests] scheduleTest :: Scheduler.RunSchedule -> ActionM () scheduleTest testsList = do testTitle <- param "testTitle" groupName <- param "groupName" cStart <- readEither <$> param "concurrencyStart" cEnd <- readEither <$> param "concurrencyEnd" sSize <- readEither <$> param "stepSize" time <- Right . readMaybe <$> param "runTime" -- Read into a Maybe, then wrap with Right groupSetId <- Right . readMaybe <$> optionalParam "groupSetId" -- Read into a Maybe, then wrap with Right notes <- Right <$> param "notes" -- -- The lazy way of checking for conversion errors -- We "unpack" the "Right" value from each var. If any "Left" is found -- The operation is aborted and the whole subroutine retuns "Left" let allParams = Scheduler.ScheduleOptions groupName <$> -- Build the options as we check their validity cStart <*> cEnd <*> sSize <*> time <*> notes <*> groupSetId case allParams of Left err -> handleError err Right schedule -> do result <- liftAndCatchIO (Scheduler.addToQueue testTitle schedule testsList) either handleError handleSucccess result where handleError err = do json $ object ["error" .= ("Invalid argument" :: Text), "reason" .= err] status badRequest400 handleSucccess _ = do json $ object ["success" .= True] status created201 ---------------------------------- -- Utilities ---------------------------------- readPort :: Read port => String -> port -> IO port readPort name defaultPort = do taintedPort <- lookupEnv name -- Reading the port from the ENV. Abort with an error on bad port let varReader = fromMaybe (error $ "Bad " <> name) return (maybe defaultPort (varReader . readMaybe) taintedPort) optionalParam :: (Monoid a, Parsable a) => LText.Text -> ActionM a optionalParam name = param name `rescue` (\_ -> return mempty) parseIdList :: ActionM [Int] parseIdList = do longString <- optionalParam "ids" let idsList = fmap Text.unpack (Text.splitOn "," longString) parsedList = fmap readMaybe idsList return (catMaybes parsedList) idsOrMatch :: Database -> ActionM [Int] idsOrMatch db = do ids <- parseIdList case ids of [] -> idsFromMatch _ -> return ids where idsFromMatch = do match <- param "match" groupSet <- readMaybe <$> optionalParam "groupSet" runs <- liftAndCatchIO (runDbAction db $ findRunsByMatchAndSet match groupSet) return (fmap (fromIntegral . Sql.fromSqlKey . P.entityKey) runs) toSqlKey :: Int -> Key Run toSqlKey = Sql.toSqlKey . fromIntegral