module Data.Woot
    ( WootClient
    , wootClientId
    , wootClientClock
    , wootClientString
    , wootClientOperationQueue

    -- Construction
    , makeWootClient
    , makeWootClientEmpty

    -- Operation handling
    , sendOperation
    , sendOperations
    , sendLocalDelete
    , sendLocalInsert

    -- Useful data types from other modules
    , WString
    , WChar(..)
    , WCharId(..)
    , Operation(..)
    , ClientId
    ) where

import Data.Woot.Core
import Data.Woot.Operation
import Data.Woot.WChar
import Data.Woot.WString

data WootClient = WootClient
    { wootClientId             :: Int
    , wootClientClock          :: Int
    , wootClientString         :: WString
    , wootClientOperationQueue :: [Operation]
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

incClock :: WootClient -> WootClient
incClock client = client {wootClientClock = succ $ wootClientClock client}

-- TODO: should this check is the client id already exists in the provided string
-- and then start the client clock at the correct value?
makeWootClient :: WString -> ClientId -> WootClient
makeWootClient ws cid = WootClient cid 0 ws []

makeWootClientEmpty :: ClientId -> WootClient
makeWootClientEmpty = makeWootClient emptyWString

-- sends an operation to a woot client, returning a new woot client
-- the operation will either be integrated into the woot client's string
-- or it will be added to the client's interal operation queue to be tried again
sendOperation :: WootClient -> Operation -> WootClient
sendOperation (WootClient cid clock ws ops) op = WootClient cid clock ws' ops'
      (ops', ws') = integrateAll (op:ops) ws

sendOperations :: WootClient -> [Operation] -> WootClient
sendOperations = foldl sendOperation

-- identical to sendOperation, but increments the clients internal clock
-- not exposed - consumers should use sendLocalDelete or sendLocalInsert
sendLocalOperation :: WootClient -> Operation -> WootClient
sendLocalOperation client = incClock . sendOperation client

-- note: failed local operations can result in no-ops if the underlying operation is invalid
-- they will not be added to a client's operation queue
-- the assumption is that anything done locally should already be verified
-- if the local operation was successful, the operation should be broadcasted to other clients
sendLocalDelete :: WootClient -> Int -> (Maybe Operation, WootClient)
sendLocalDelete client pos = (op,) $ maybe client (sendLocalOperation client) op
    op = makeDeleteOperation (wootClientId client) pos (wootClientString client)

sendLocalInsert :: WootClient -> Int -> Char -> (Maybe Operation, WootClient)
sendLocalInsert client@(WootClient cid clock ws _) pos a =
    (op,) $ maybe client (sendLocalOperation client) op
    op = makeInsertOperation (WCharId cid clock) pos a ws