{- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Serokell <https://serokell.io/> - - SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- -- Standard IO functions assume that the character encoding of the data -- they read or write is the same as the one used by the current locale. In many -- situtations this assumption is wrong, as tools work with files, and -- files nowadays are mostly UTF-8 encoded, regardless of the locale. -- Therefore, it is almost always a good idea to switch the encoding of -- file handles to UTF-8. -- -- The same applies to standard input, output, and error handles. However, -- there is an edge-case: if they are attached to a terminal, and the -- current locale encoding is not UTF-8, using UTF-8 might actually be unsafe. -- -- If you are developing an executable, in most cases, it is enough to -- configure the environment accordingly on program start, see the -- "Main.Utf8" for functions that help with this. -- However, if you are a library author, you should avoid modifying the -- global environment. -- -- = Quick start -- -- == Opening new files -- -- If you need to open a text file, use @Utf8.@'withFile' -- (or @Utf8.@'openFile'). These will not only open the file, but also -- set the handle’s encoding to UTF-8, regardless of the user’s locale. -- -- == Working with existing handles -- -- Suppose you are creating a function which produces some text and writes -- it to a file handle that is passed to it from the outside. -- Ask yourself this question: do I want to encode this text in UTF-8 -- or using the encoding from the user’s locale? -- -- In many cases this question is easy to answer. For example, if your -- function produces Haskell code, then you always want it in UTF-8, -- because that is what all other tools (including GHC) expect. -- -- In some cases it is not that clear. What you can do then is consider -- what the user is going to do with the data produced. -- If it is, primarily, meant to be displayed on their screen and then -- forgotten, you don’t need UTF-8. On the other hand, if it is meant -- to be saved somewhere and then used or edited by other tools, then -- you need UTF-8. -- -- If you decided that your function needs to try to switch the handle -- to UTF-8, it is very easy to achieve: -- -- @ -- import qualified System.IO.Utf8 as Utf8 -- -- writeData :: 'IO.Handle' -> InputDataType -> IO () -- writeData hOut inData = Utf8.'withHandle' hOut $ do -- {- ... write the data ... -} -- @ -- -- If you decided that you don’t need to try to switch it to UTF-8, -- replace @withHandle@ with 'withTerminalHandle' to only make the -- handle safe to write to without runtime errors. module System.IO.Utf8 ( withHandle , withTerminalHandle , setHandleEncoding , setTerminalHandleEncoding , openFile , withFile ) where import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadMask, bracket) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Data.Functor (void) import GHC.IO.Encoding (mkTextEncoding, utf8) import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Utf8.Internal (EncodingAction (..), chooseBestEnc) type EncRestoreAction m = IO.Handle -> m () -- | Set the best available UTF-8-compatible encoding for the handle. -- Returns the action that will restore the previous one. -- -- If the handle is in binary mode, does nothing. -- If the handle is not attached to a terminal, sets UTF-8. -- Otherwise, keeps its current encoding, but augments it to transliterate -- unsupported characters. hSetBestUtf8Enc :: MonadIO m => (IO.Handle -> IO Bool) -> IO.Handle -> m (EncRestoreAction m) hSetBestUtf8Enc hIsTerm h = liftIO $ do IO.hGetEncoding h >>= chooseBestEnc h hIsTerm >>= \case Keep -> pure (\_ -> pure ()) ChangeFromTo enc newName -> do mkTextEncoding newName >>= IO.hSetEncoding h pure $ liftIO . flip IO.hSetEncoding enc -- | Set handle encoding to the best possible. -- -- See 'withHandle' for description and prefer it, if possible. setHandleEncoding :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> m () setHandleEncoding = liftIO . void . hSetBestUtf8Enc IO.hIsTerminalDevice -- | Temporarily set handle encoding to the best possible. -- -- “Best possible” means UTF-8, unless the handle points to a terminal -- device, in which case the encoding will be left the same, but tweaked -- to approximate unencodable characters. -- -- This function is safe to call on handles open in binary mode and it will -- do nothing on them. -- -- To sum up: -- -- * If the handle is in binary mode, do nothing. -- * If the handle points to a terminal device, act like 'withTerminalHandle'. -- * For regular files always choose UTF-8, of course. withHandle :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => IO.Handle -> m r -> m r withHandle h = bracket (hSetBestUtf8Enc IO.hIsTerminalDevice h) ($ h) . const -- | Make a handle safe to write any text to. -- -- See 'withTerminalHandle' for description and prefer it, if possible. setTerminalHandleEncoding :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> m () setTerminalHandleEncoding = liftIO . void . hSetBestUtf8Enc (const $ pure True) -- | Temporarily make a handle safe to write any text to. -- -- If the handle is not using UTF-8, adjust the encoding to remain the same -- as before, but approximate unencodable characters. When the action is done, -- restore it back to the previous one. -- -- Use this function only if you are sure you want to treat this handle as -- a terminal (that is, you will be using it to interact with the user -- and to write user-visible messages, rather than something that can -- be reasonably expected to go to a file). -- -- This function is safe to call on handles open in binary mode and it will -- do nothing on them. withTerminalHandle :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => IO.Handle -> m r -> m r withTerminalHandle h = bracket (hSetBestUtf8Enc (const $ pure True) h) ($ h) . const -- | Like 'System.IO.openFile', but sets the file encoding to UTF-8, regardless -- of the current locale. openFile :: MonadIO m => IO.FilePath -> IO.IOMode -> m IO.Handle openFile path mode = liftIO $ do h <- IO.openFile path mode IO.hSetEncoding h utf8 pure h -- | Like 'System.IO.withFile', but sets the file encoding to UTF-8, regardless -- of the current locale. withFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => IO.FilePath -> IO.IOMode -> (IO.Handle -> m r) -> m r withFile path mode = bracket (openFile path mode) (liftIO . IO.hClose)