module Sound.VAD.WebRTC
, create
, Aggressiveness, setMode
, validRateAndFrameLength
, process
, VADException(..)
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Functor
import Data.Int
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
newtype VADException = VADException String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception VADException
orDie :: IO CInt -> String -> IO ()
orDie m err = do
res <- m
unless (res == 0) $ throwIO $ VADException err
data VadInst
newtype VAD s = VAD (ForeignPtr VadInst)
type IOVAD = VAD RealWorld
foreign import ccall unsafe "webrtc_vad.h WebRtcVad_Create" _WebRtcVad_Create :: Ptr (Ptr VadInst) -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "webrtc_vad.h & WebRtcVad_Free" _WebRtcVad_Free :: FunPtr (Ptr VadInst -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "webrtc_vad.h WebRtcVad_Init" _WebRtcVad_Init :: Ptr VadInst -> IO CInt
create :: PrimMonad m => m (VAD (PrimState m))
create = unsafePrimToPrim $ alloca $ \ptr -> do
_WebRtcVad_Create ptr `orDie` "Could not create VAD instance."
vad <- peek ptr
_WebRtcVad_Init vad `orDie` "Could not initialize VAD instance - NULL pointer or Default mode could not be set."
VAD <$> newForeignPtr _WebRtcVad_Free vad
foreign import ccall unsafe "webrtc_vad.h WebRtcVad_set_mode" _WebRtcVad_set_mode :: Ptr VadInst -> CInt -> IO CInt
type Aggressiveness = Int
withVAD :: PrimMonad m => (Ptr VadInst -> IO a) -> VAD (PrimState m) -> m a
withVAD f (VAD finst) = unsafePrimToPrim $ withForeignPtr finst f
setMode :: PrimMonad m => Aggressiveness -> VAD (PrimState m) -> m ()
setMode aggr = withVAD $ \vad ->
_WebRtcVad_set_mode vad (fromIntegral aggr) `orDie` "NULL pointer, mode could not be set or the VAD instance has not been initialized"
foreign import ccall unsafe "webrtc_vad.h WebRtcVad_Process" _WebRtcVad_Process :: Ptr VadInst -> CInt -> Ptr Int16 -> CInt -> IO CInt
process :: PrimMonad m => Int -> V.Vector Int16 -> VAD (PrimState m) -> m Bool
process sampleRate buffer = withVAD $ \vad -> do
res <- V.unsafeWith buffer $ \ptr ->
_WebRtcVad_Process vad (fromIntegral sampleRate) ptr (fromIntegral $ V.length buffer)
case res of
1 -> return True
0 -> return False
_ -> throwIO $ VADException "Error while processing buffer."
foreign import ccall unsafe "webrtc_vad.h WebRtcVad_ValidRateAndFrameLength" _WebRtcVad_ValidRateAndFrameLength :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt
validRateAndFrameLength :: Int -> Int -> Bool
validRateAndFrameLength rate frameLength =
case _WebRtcVad_ValidRateAndFrameLength (fromIntegral rate) (fromIntegral frameLength) of
0 -> True
1 -> False
_ -> throw $ VADException "Unknown result value."