{- | Module : Test.Tasty.WebDriver Description : WebDriver integration with the Tasty test framework. Copyright : 2018, Automattic, Inc. License : GPL-3 Maintainer : Nathan Bloomfield (nbloomf@gmail.com) Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Tasty integration for `WebDriverT` tests. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, RecordWildCards, Rank2Types #-} module Test.Tasty.WebDriver ( defaultWebDriverMain -- * Test Case Constructors , testCase , testCaseM , testCaseT , testCaseTM , testCaseWithSetup , testCaseWithSetupM , testCaseWithSetupT , testCaseWithSetupTM -- * Branching , ifDriverIs , ifTierIs , ifHeadless , unlessDriverIs , unlessTierIs , unlessHeadless -- * Options , Driver(..) , DriverName(..) , DataPath(..) , Deployment(..) , DeploymentTier(..) , BrowserPath(..) , ApiResponseFormat(..) , WebDriverApiVersion(..) , LogHandle(..) , TestDelay(..) , NumRetries(..) , LogNoiseLevel(..) , ConsoleInHandle(..) , ConsoleOutHandle(..) , RemoteEndRef(..) , Headless(..) , LogColors(..) , GeckodriverLog(..) , module Test.Tasty.WebDriver.Config ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO, liftIO ) import Data.Typeable ( Typeable, Proxy(Proxy) ) import Data.List ( unlines, lookup ) import System.IO ( Handle, stdout, stderr, stdin, openFile, IOMode(..), hClose ) import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay ) import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newMVar, withMVar ) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Lens ((.~), (&)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS ( pack ) import qualified Data.Digest.Pure.SHA as SHA ( showDigest, sha1 ) import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, atomicModifyIORef' ) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import Data.Time.Clock.System ( getSystemTime ) import Network.HTTP.Client ( defaultManagerSettings, managerResponseTimeout, ResponseTimeout(..) , responseTimeoutNone ) import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq ( defaults, manager ) import qualified System.Environment as SE ( getEnv, setEnv, getArgs, lookupEnv ) import System.Exit ( exitFailure ) import Text.Read ( readMaybe ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS import qualified Test.Tasty as T import qualified Test.Tasty.Providers as TT import qualified Test.Tasty.Options as TO import qualified Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure as TE import qualified Test.Tasty.Ingredients.ConsoleReporter as TC import Control.Monad.Script.Http (trivialLogOptions) import Web.Api.WebDriver import Test.Tasty.WebDriver.Config _OPT_LOG_HANDLE :: String _OPT_LOG_HANDLE = "wd-log" _OPT_CONSOLE_OUT :: String _OPT_CONSOLE_OUT = "wd-console-out" _OPT_CONSOLE_IN :: String _OPT_CONSOLE_IN = "wd-console-in" _OPT_COLOR :: String _OPT_COLOR = "wd-color" _OPT_HEADLESS :: String _OPT_HEADLESS = "wd-headless" _OPT_DRIVER :: String _OPT_DRIVER = "wd-driver" _OPT_GECKODRIVER_LOG :: String _OPT_GECKODRIVER_LOG = "wd-geckodriver-log" _OPT_BROWSERPATH :: String _OPT_BROWSERPATH = "wd-browserpath" _OPT_DEPLOYMENT :: String _OPT_DEPLOYMENT = "wd-deploy" _OPT_REMOTE_ENDS :: String _OPT_REMOTE_ENDS = "wd-remote-ends" _OPT_DATA_PATH :: String _OPT_DATA_PATH = "wd-data-path" _OPT_RESPONSE_FORMAT :: String _OPT_RESPONSE_FORMAT = "wd-response-format" _OPT_API_VERSION :: String _OPT_API_VERSION = "wd-api-version" _OPT_VERBOSITY :: String _OPT_VERBOSITY = "wd-verbosity" _OPT_NUM_RETRIES :: String _OPT_NUM_RETRIES = "wd-num-retries" _OPT_DELAY :: String _OPT_DELAY = "wd-delay" _OPT_REMOTE_ENDS_CONFIG :: String _OPT_REMOTE_ENDS_CONFIG = "wd-remote-ends-config" data WebDriverTest m eff = WebDriverTest { wdTestName :: String , wdTestSession :: WebDriverT (m eff) () , wdEval :: forall a. P WDAct a -> eff a , wdLift :: forall a. eff a -> m eff a , wdToIO :: forall a. m eff a -> IO a } instance (Monad eff, Monad (m eff), Typeable eff, Typeable m) => TT.IsTest (WebDriverTest m eff) where testOptions = return [ TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy Driver) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy Headless) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy ApiResponseFormat) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy WebDriverApiVersion) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy LogHandle) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy LogNoiseLevel) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy ConsoleInHandle) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy ConsoleOutHandle) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy Deployment) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy DataPath) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy BrowserPath) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy TestDelay) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy RemoteEndRef) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy RemoteEndOpt) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy NumRetries) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy LogColors) , TO.Option (Proxy :: Proxy GeckodriverLog) ] run opts WebDriverTest{..} _ = do let Driver driver = TO.lookupOption opts Headless headless = TO.lookupOption opts ApiResponseFormat format = TO.lookupOption opts WebDriverApiVersion version = TO.lookupOption opts LogHandle logHandle = TO.lookupOption opts logNoiseLevel = TO.lookupOption opts ConsoleInHandle cinHandle = TO.lookupOption opts TestDelay delay = TO.lookupOption opts ConsoleOutHandle coutHandle = TO.lookupOption opts DataPath datas = TO.lookupOption opts BrowserPath browserPath = TO.lookupOption opts RemoteEndRef remotes = TO.lookupOption opts NumRetries numRetries = TO.lookupOption opts LogPrinterLock (Just logLock) = TO.lookupOption opts LogColors logColors = TO.lookupOption opts GeckodriverLog geckoLogLevel = TO.lookupOption opts let title = comment wdTestName attemptLabel k = comment $ "Attempt #" ++ show k logNoise = case logNoiseLevel of NoisyLog -> False SilentLog -> True caps = case driver of Geckodriver -> emptyCapabilities { _browserName = Just Firefox , _firefoxOptions = Just defaultFirefoxOptions { _firefoxBinary = browserPath , _firefoxArgs = if headless then Just ["-headless"] else Nothing , _firefoxLog = Just FirefoxLog { _firefoxLogLevel = Just geckoLogLevel } } } Chromedriver -> emptyCapabilities { _browserName = Just Chrome , _chromeOptions = Just $ defaultChromeOptions { _chromeBinary = browserPath , _chromeArgs = if headless then Just ["--headless"] else Nothing } } dataPath <- case datas of Nothing -> fmap (++ "/.webdriver") $ SE.getEnv "HOME" Just dpath -> return dpath remotesRef <- case remotes of Just ref -> return ref Nothing -> do putStrLn "Error: no remote ends specified." exitFailure let attempt :: Int -> IO TT.Result attempt attemptNumber = do remote <- acquireRemoteEnd remotesRef delay driver let uid = digest wdTestName ++ "-" ++ show attemptNumber ++ " " ++ show remote where digest :: (Show a) => a -> String digest = take 8 . SHA.showDigest . SHA.sha1 . BS.pack . show config = WDConfig { _evaluator = wdEval , _initialState = S { _httpOptions = Wreq.defaults & Wreq.manager .~ Left (defaultManagerSettings { managerResponseTimeout = responseTimeoutNone } ) , _httpSession = Nothing , _userState = WDState { _sessionId = Nothing } } , _environment = defaultWebDriverEnvironment { _logHandle = logHandle , _logLock = Just logLock , _uid = uid , _logOptions = defaultWebDriverLogOptions { _logColor = logColors , _logJson = True , _logHeaders = False , _logSilent = logNoise } , _env = WDEnv { _remoteHostname = remoteEndHost remote , _remotePort = remoteEndPort remote , _remotePath = remoteEndPath remote , _responseFormat = format , _apiVersion = version , _dataPath = dataPath , _stdout = coutHandle , _stdin = cinHandle } } } (result, summary) <- wdToIO $ debugWebDriverT config wdLift $ title >> attemptLabel attemptNumber >> runIsolated caps wdTestSession atomically $ releaseRemoteEnd remotesRef driver remote case result of Right _ -> return $ webDriverAssertionsToResult summary Left err -> if attemptNumber >= numRetries then return $ TT.testFailed $ "Unhandled error!\n" ++ err else attempt (attemptNumber + 1) attempt 1 webDriverAssertionsToResult :: AssertionSummary -> TT.Result webDriverAssertionsToResult x = if numFailures x > 0 then TT.testFailed $ unlines $ map printAssertion $ failures x else TT.testPassed $ show (numSuccesses x) ++ " assertion(s)" -- | `WebDriver` test case with the default `IO` effect evaluator. testCase :: TT.TestName -> WebDriver IO () -- ^ The test -> TT.TestTree testCase name test = testCaseWithSetup name (return ()) return (const test) -- | `WebDriver` test case with a custom effect evaluator. testCaseM :: (Monad eff, Typeable eff) => TT.TestName -> (forall a. P WDAct a -> eff a) -- ^ Evaluator -> (forall a. eff a -> IO a) -- ^ Conversion to `IO` -> WebDriver eff () -> TT.TestTree testCaseM name eval toIO test = testCaseWithSetupM name eval toIO (return ()) return (const test) -- | `WebDriverT` test case with the default `IO` effect evaluator. testCaseT :: (Monad (m IO), Typeable m) => TT.TestName -> (forall a. IO a -> m IO a) -- ^ Lift effects to the inner monad -> (forall a. m IO a -> IO a) -- ^ Conversion to `IO` -> WebDriverT (m IO) () -- ^ The test -> TT.TestTree testCaseT name lift toIO test = testCaseWithSetupT name lift toIO (return ()) return (const test) -- | `WebDriverT` test case with a custom effect evaluator. testCaseTM :: (Monad eff, Monad (m eff), Typeable eff, Typeable m) => TT.TestName -> (forall a. P WDAct a -> eff a) -- ^ Evaluator -> (forall a. eff a -> m eff a) -- ^ Lift effects to the inner monad -> (forall a. m eff a -> IO a) -- ^ Conversion to `IO`. -> WebDriverT (m eff) () -- ^ The test -> TT.TestTree testCaseTM name eval lift toIO test = testCaseWithSetupTM name eval lift toIO (return ()) return (const test) -- | `WebDriver` test case with additional setup and teardown phases using the default `IO` effect evaluator. Setup runs before the test (for e.g. logging in) and teardown runs after the test (for e.g. deleting temp files). testCaseWithSetup :: TT.TestName -> WebDriver IO u -- ^ Setup -> (v -> WebDriver IO ()) -- ^ Teardown -> (u -> WebDriver IO v) -- ^ The test -> TT.TestTree testCaseWithSetup name = testCaseWithSetupM name (evalIO evalWDAct) id -- | `WebDriver` test case with additional setup and teardown phases and a custom effect evaluator. Setup runs before the test (for e.g. logging in) and teardown runs after the test (for e.g. deleting temp files). testCaseWithSetupM :: (Monad eff, Typeable eff) => TT.TestName -> (forall u. P WDAct u -> eff u) -- ^ Evaluator -> (forall u. eff u -> IO u) -- ^ Conversion to `IO` -> WebDriver eff u -- ^ Setup -> (v -> WebDriver eff ()) -- ^ Teardown -> (u -> WebDriver eff v) -- ^ The test -> TT.TestTree testCaseWithSetupM name eval toIO = testCaseWithSetupTM name eval IdentityT (toIO . runIdentityT) -- | `WebDriverT` test case with additional setup and teardown phases using the default `IO` effect evaluator. Setup runs before the test (for e.g. logging in) and teardown runs after the test (for e.g. deleting temp files). testCaseWithSetupT :: (Monad (m IO), Typeable m) => TT.TestName -> (forall a. IO a -> m IO a) -- ^ Lift effects to the inner monad -> (forall a. m IO a -> IO a) -- ^ Conversion to `IO` -> WebDriverT (m IO) u -- ^ Setup -> (v -> WebDriverT (m IO) ()) -- ^ Teardown -> (u -> WebDriverT (m IO) v) -- ^ Test -> TT.TestTree testCaseWithSetupT name = testCaseWithSetupTM name (evalIO evalWDAct) -- | `WebDriverT` test case with additional setup and teardown phases and a custom effect evaluator. Setup runs before the test (for logging in, say) and teardown runs after the test (for deleting temp files, say). testCaseWithSetupTM :: (Monad eff, Monad (m eff), Typeable eff, Typeable m) => TT.TestName -> (forall a. P WDAct a -> eff a) -- ^ Evaluator -> (forall a. eff a -> m eff a) -- ^ Lift effects to the inner monad -> (forall a. m eff a -> IO a) -- ^ Conversion to `IO`. -> WebDriverT (m eff) u -- ^ Setup -> (v -> WebDriverT (m eff) ()) -- ^ Teardown -> (u -> WebDriverT (m eff) v) -- ^ Test -> TT.TestTree testCaseWithSetupTM name eval lift toIO setup teardown test = TT.singleTest name WebDriverTest { wdTestName = name , wdTestSession = setup >>= test >>= teardown , wdEval = eval , wdLift = lift , wdToIO = toIO } -- | Remote end name. newtype Driver = Driver { theDriver :: DriverName } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption Driver where defaultValue = Driver Geckodriver parseValue str = case str of "geckodriver" -> Just $ Driver Geckodriver "chromedriver" -> Just $ Driver Chromedriver _ -> Nothing optionName = return _OPT_DRIVER optionHelp = return "remote end name: (geckodriver), chromedriver" -- | Governs whether logs are printed in color newtype LogColors = LogColors { theLogColors :: Bool } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption LogColors where defaultValue = LogColors True parseValue = fmap LogColors . TO.safeReadBool optionName = return _OPT_COLOR optionHelp = return "colored logs: (true), false" -- | Run in headless mode. newtype Headless = Headless { theHeadless :: Bool } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption Headless where defaultValue = Headless False parseValue = fmap Headless . TO.safeReadBool optionName = return _OPT_HEADLESS optionHelp = return "run in headless mode: (false), true" -- | Path where secrets are stored. newtype DataPath = DataPath { theDataPath :: Maybe FilePath } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption DataPath where defaultValue = DataPath Nothing parseValue path = Just $ DataPath $ Just path optionName = return _OPT_DATA_PATH optionHelp = return "data path: (~/.webdriver), PATH" -- | Verbosity level passed to @geckodriver@ newtype GeckodriverLog = GeckodriverLog { theGeckodriverLog :: LogLevel } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption GeckodriverLog where defaultValue = GeckodriverLog LogInfo parseValue level = case level of "trace" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogTrace "debug" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogDebug "config" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogConfig "info" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogInfo "warn" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogWarn "error" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogError "fatal" -> Just $ GeckodriverLog LogFatal _ -> Nothing optionName = return _OPT_GECKODRIVER_LOG optionHelp = return "log level passed to geckodriver: trace, debug, config, info, warn, error, fatal" -- | Path to browser binary. newtype BrowserPath = BrowserPath { theBrowserPath :: Maybe FilePath } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption BrowserPath where defaultValue = BrowserPath Nothing parseValue path = Just $ BrowserPath $ Just path optionName = return _OPT_BROWSERPATH optionHelp = return "path to browser binary: (), PATH" -- | Expected API response format. newtype ApiResponseFormat = ApiResponseFormat { theApiResponseFormat :: ResponseFormat } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption ApiResponseFormat where defaultValue = ApiResponseFormat SpecFormat parseValue str = case str of "spec" -> Just $ ApiResponseFormat SpecFormat "chromedriver" -> Just $ ApiResponseFormat ChromeFormat _ -> Nothing optionName = return _OPT_RESPONSE_FORMAT optionHelp = return "JSON response format: (spec), chromedriver" -- | WebDriver API version. newtype WebDriverApiVersion = WebDriverApiVersion { theWebDriverApiVersion :: ApiVersion } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption WebDriverApiVersion where defaultValue = WebDriverApiVersion CR_2018_03_04 parseValue str = case str of "cr-2018-03-04" -> Just $ WebDriverApiVersion CR_2018_03_04 _ -> Nothing optionName = return _OPT_API_VERSION optionHelp = return "WebDriver API version: (cr-2018-03-04)" -- | Log location. newtype LogHandle = LogHandle { theLogHandle :: Handle } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption LogHandle where defaultValue = LogHandle stderr parseValue _ = Just $ LogHandle stderr optionName = return _OPT_LOG_HANDLE optionHelp = return "log destination: (stderr), stdout, PATH" newtype LogPrinterLock = LogPrinterLock { theLogPrinterLock :: Maybe (MVar ()) } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption LogPrinterLock where defaultValue = LogPrinterLock Nothing parseValue = error "LogPrinterLock is an internal option." optionName = error "LogPrinterLock is an internal option." optionHelp = error "LogPrinterLock is an internal option." -- | Log Noise Level. data LogNoiseLevel = NoisyLog | SilentLog deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption LogNoiseLevel where defaultValue = NoisyLog parseValue str = case str of "noisy" -> Just NoisyLog "silent" -> Just SilentLog _ -> Nothing optionName = return _OPT_VERBOSITY optionHelp = return "log verbosity: (noisy), silent" -- | Max number of retries. newtype NumRetries = NumRetries { theNumRetries :: Int } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption NumRetries where defaultValue = NumRetries 1 parseValue = fmap NumRetries . readMaybe optionName = return _OPT_NUM_RETRIES optionHelp = return "number of times to retry a failed test" -- | Console in location. Used to mock stdin for testing. newtype ConsoleInHandle = ConsoleInHandle { theConsoleInHandle :: Handle } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption ConsoleInHandle where defaultValue = ConsoleInHandle stdin parseValue _ = Just $ ConsoleInHandle stdin optionName = return _OPT_CONSOLE_IN optionHelp = return "console input: (stdin), PATH" -- | Console out location. Used to mock stdout for testing. newtype ConsoleOutHandle = ConsoleOutHandle { theConsoleOutHandle :: Handle } deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption ConsoleOutHandle where defaultValue = ConsoleOutHandle stdout parseValue _ = Just $ ConsoleOutHandle stdout optionName = return _OPT_CONSOLE_OUT optionHelp = return "console output: (stdout), stderr, PATH" -- | Delay between test attempts. newtype TestDelay = TestDelay { theTestDelay :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance TO.IsOption TestDelay where defaultValue = TestDelay 800000 parseValue = fmap TestDelay . readMaybe optionName = return _OPT_DELAY optionHelp = return "delay between test attempts in ms: (500000), INT" -- | Named deployment environment. newtype Deployment = Deployment { theDeployment :: DeploymentTier } deriving (Eq, Typeable) -- | Representation of the deployment environment. data DeploymentTier = DEV -- ^ Local environment | TEST -- ^ CI server (for testing the library) | PROD -- ^ "Production" -- e.g. testing a real site deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) instance TO.IsOption Deployment where defaultValue = Deployment DEV parseValue str = case str of "dev" -> Just $ Deployment DEV "test" -> Just $ Deployment TEST "prod" -> Just $ Deployment PROD _ -> Nothing optionName = return _OPT_DEPLOYMENT optionHelp = return "deployment environment: (dev), test, prod" -- | Mutable remote end pool newtype RemoteEndRef = RemoteEndRef { theRemoteEndRef :: Maybe (TVar RemoteEndPool) } deriving (Typeable) instance TO.IsOption RemoteEndRef where defaultValue = RemoteEndRef Nothing parseValue _ = Just $ RemoteEndRef Nothing optionName = return _OPT_REMOTE_ENDS_CONFIG optionHelp = return "path to remote end config" data RemoteEndOpt = RemoteEndOpt deriving Typeable instance TO.IsOption RemoteEndOpt where defaultValue = RemoteEndOpt parseValue _ = Just RemoteEndOpt optionName = return _OPT_REMOTE_ENDS optionHelp = return "remote end uris" -- | Set local options if the @Driver@ option is a given value. ifDriverIs :: DriverName -> (TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree) -> TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree ifDriverIs driver f tree = T.askOption checkDriver where checkDriver :: Driver -> TT.TestTree checkDriver (Driver d) = if d == driver then f tree else tree -- | Set local options if the @Driver@ option is not a given value. unlessDriverIs :: DriverName -> (TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree) -> TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree unlessDriverIs driver f tree = T.askOption checkDriver where checkDriver :: Driver -> TT.TestTree checkDriver (Driver d) = if d /= driver then f tree else tree -- | Set local options if the @Deployment@ option is a given value. ifTierIs :: DeploymentTier -> (TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree) -> TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree ifTierIs tier f tree = T.askOption checkDeployment where checkDeployment :: Deployment -> TT.TestTree checkDeployment (Deployment t) = if t == tier then f tree else tree -- | Set local options if the @Deployment@ option is not a given value. unlessTierIs :: DeploymentTier -> (TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree) -> TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree unlessTierIs tier f tree = T.askOption checkDeployment where checkDeployment :: Deployment -> TT.TestTree checkDeployment (Deployment t) = if t /= tier then f tree else tree -- | Set local options if `Headless` is true. ifHeadless :: (TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree) -> TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree ifHeadless f tree = T.askOption checkHeadless where checkHeadless :: Headless -> TT.TestTree checkHeadless (Headless p) = (if p then f else id) tree -- | Set local options if `Headless` is false. unlessHeadless :: (TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree) -> TT.TestTree -> TT.TestTree unlessHeadless f tree = T.askOption checkHeadless where checkHeadless :: Headless -> TT.TestTree checkHeadless (Headless p) = (if p then id else f) tree -- | Run a tree of webdriver tests. Thin wrapper around tasty's @defaultMain@ that attempts to determine the deployment tier and interprets remote end config command line options. defaultWebDriverMain :: TT.TestTree -> IO () defaultWebDriverMain tree = do logLock <- newMVar () pool <- getRemoteEndRef -- Determine the deployment tier deploy <- getEnvVarDefaultOption _OPT_DEPLOYMENT (`lookup` [("dev", DEV), ("test", TEST), ("prod", PROD)]) "CI" (\str -> Just $ if str == "true" then TEST else DEV) DEV putStrLn $ ">>> Deployment environment is " ++ show deploy -- Determine color output preferences colors <- getEnvVarDefaultOption _OPT_COLOR (`lookup` [("true", True), ("false", False)]) "NO_COLOR" (\_ -> Just False) True putStrLn $ ">>> Logging " ++ (if colors then "with" else "without") ++ " colors" if colors then return () else SE.setEnv "TASTY_COLOR" "never" logHandle <- getWriteModeHandleOption _OPT_LOG_HANDLE stderr coutHandle <- getWriteModeHandleOption _OPT_CONSOLE_OUT stdout cinHandle <- getReadModeHandleOption _OPT_CONSOLE_IN stdin T.defaultMain . T.localOption (Deployment deploy) . T.localOption (RemoteEndRef $ Just pool) . T.localOption (LogPrinterLock $ Just logLock) . T.localOption (LogHandle logHandle) . T.localOption (LogColors colors) . T.localOption (ConsoleOutHandle coutHandle) . T.localOption (ConsoleInHandle cinHandle) $ tree mapM_ hClose [ logHandle, coutHandle, cinHandle ] getWriteModeHandleOption :: String -> Handle -> IO Handle getWriteModeHandleOption opt theDefault = do args <- SE.getArgs case parseOptionWithArgument ("--" ++ opt) args of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: option '" ++ opt ++ "' is missing a required path argument" exitFailure Just Nothing -> return theDefault Just (Just path) -> case path of "stdout" -> return stdout "stderr" -> return stderr _ -> openFile path WriteMode getReadModeHandleOption :: String -> Handle -> IO Handle getReadModeHandleOption opt theDefault = do args <- SE.getArgs case parseOptionWithArgument ("--" ++ opt) args of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: option '" ++ opt ++ "' is missing a required path argument" exitFailure Just Nothing -> return theDefault Just (Just path) -> case path of "stdin" -> return stdin _ -> openFile path ReadMode -- | Get the value of an option that can be controlled by either a command line flag or an environment variable, with the flag taking precedence. getEnvVarDefaultOption :: String -- ^ Flag name -> (String -> Maybe a) -- ^ Mapping flag values to option values -> String -- ^ Environment variable name -> (String -> Maybe a) -- ^ Mapping environment variable values to option values -> a -- ^ Default option value (if neither flag nor env var is set) -> IO a getEnvVarDefaultOption flag flagMap var varMap def = do args <- SE.getArgs case parseOptionWithArgument ("--" ++ flag) args of -- Flag is present, but with no argument given. Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: option '" ++ flag ++ "' is missing a required argument" exitFailure -- Flag with argument is present. Just (Just value) -> case flagMap value of Just a -> return a Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: unrecognized value '" ++ value ++ "' for option '--" ++ flag ++ "'." exitFailure -- Flag not present; try to use the environment variable. Just Nothing -> do value <- SE.lookupEnv var case value of -- Environment variable is set. Just str -> case varMap str of Just a -> return a Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: unrecognized value '" ++ str ++ "' for environment variable '" ++ var ++ "'." exitFailure -- Environment variable not set; use default. Nothing -> return def getRemoteEndRef :: IO (TVar RemoteEndPool) getRemoteEndRef = do configPool <- fromMaybe mempty <$> getRemoteEndConfigPath optionPool <- fromMaybe mempty <$> getRemoteEndOptionString let pool = mappend configPool optionPool if pool == mempty then newTVarIO $ RemoteEndPool $ MS.fromList [ (Geckodriver, [RemoteEnd "localhost" 4444 ""]) , (Chromedriver, [RemoteEnd "localhost" 9515 ""]) ] else newTVarIO $ mappend configPool optionPool getRemoteEndConfigPath :: IO (Maybe RemoteEndPool) getRemoteEndConfigPath = do args <- SE.getArgs case parseOptionWithArgument "--wd-remote-ends-config" args of Nothing -> do putStrLn "option --wd-remote-ends-config missing required path argument" exitFailure Just Nothing -> return Nothing Just (Just path) -> do str <- readFile path case parseRemoteEndConfig str of Left err -> do putStrLn err exitFailure Right x -> return (Just x) getRemoteEndOptionString :: IO (Maybe RemoteEndPool) getRemoteEndOptionString = do args <- SE.getArgs case parseOptionWithArgument "--wd-remote-ends" args of Nothing -> do putStrLn "option --wd-remote-ends missing required argument" exitFailure Just Nothing -> return Nothing Just (Just str) -> case parseRemoteEndOption str of Left err -> do putStrLn err exitFailure Right x -> return (Just x) acquireRemoteEnd :: TVar RemoteEndPool -> Int -> DriverName -> IO RemoteEnd acquireRemoteEnd var delay driver = do result <- atomically $ acquireRemoteEndSTM var driver case result of Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Error: no remotes defined for " ++ show driver exitFailure Just Nothing -> do threadDelay delay acquireRemoteEnd var delay driver Just (Just x) -> return x acquireRemoteEndSTM :: TVar RemoteEndPool -> DriverName -> STM (Maybe (Maybe RemoteEnd)) acquireRemoteEndSTM var driver = do pool <- readTVar var let (newPool, result) = getRemoteEndForDriver driver pool writeTVar var newPool return result releaseRemoteEnd :: TVar RemoteEndPool -> DriverName -> RemoteEnd -> STM () releaseRemoteEnd var driver remote = modifyTVar' var $ addRemoteEndForDriver driver remote