#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} import Data.Char import Data.List import System.Environment.UTF8 import System.IO import System.Exit import Text.Printf import System.Locale.SetLocale import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as UTF8 import Data.Char.WCWidth import CompileRanges (compile_ranges) usage name = unlines [ "USAGE: " ++ name ++ " > table" , " " ++ name ++ " --table > table" , " " ++ name ++ " --ranges > ranges" , " " ++ name ++ " --compile < ranges > Data/Char/Cols/Generated.hs" , " " ++ name ++ " -h,--help" , "" , " This program polls your local wcwidth implementation for character width" , " information and generates tables or a chart of ranges." , "" ] main = do setLocale LC_ALL (Just "") usage' <- fmap usage getProgName programs <- fmap ((Table:) . fmap program) getArgs case (head . sort) programs of Usage -> putStrLn usage' >> exitSuccess Compile -> compile_ranges stdin stdout Ranges -> (rolling_print range_entry) ranges Table -> (rolling_print table_entry) widths Error s -> do hPutStrLn stderr s hPutStrLn stderr usage' exitFailure where rolling_print f = sequence_ . fmap (putStrLn . f) range_entry ((a,b),w) = printf fmt a' b' w count s where count = 1 + fromEnum b - fromEnum a fmt = "0x%08x..0x%08x %2d %6d %s" (a', b') = (fromEnum a, fromEnum b) s = represent a ++ " .. " ++ represent b table_entry (c,cols) = printf "0x%08x %2d %s" c' cols c'' where c' = fromEnum c c'' = represent c represent c | ' ' == c = "\\SP" | '\xA0' == c = " " | isControl c = display c | isSpace c = '\\' : show (fromEnum c) | isPrint c = [c] | otherwise = display c where display = reverse . drop 1 . reverse . drop 1 . show program opt = case opt of "-h" -> Usage "--help" -> Usage "--compile" -> Compile "--ranges" -> Ranges "--table" -> Table s -> Error ("No such option/arg: " ++ s) data Program = Usage | Compile | Error String | Ranges | Table deriving instance Eq Program instance Ord Program where compare a b | a == b = EQ | otherwise = case a of Usage -> LT Compile -> LT Ranges -> LT Table -> GT Error s -> case b of Error t -> compare s t _ -> LT