{ {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} module Language.Wasm.Parser ( parseModule, parseModuleFields, parseScript, desugarize, ModuleField(..), DataSegment(..), ElemSegment(..), StartFunction(..), Export(..), ExportDesc(..), Table(..), Memory(..), Global(..), Function(..), LocalType(..), Import(..), ImportDesc(..), Instruction(..), TypeUse(..), TypeDef(..), PlainInstr(..), Index(..), Ident(..), ParamType(..), FuncType(..), -- script Script, ModuleDef(..), Command(..), Action(..), Assertion(..), Meta(..) ) where import Language.Wasm.Structure ( MemArg(..), IUnOp(..), IBinOp(..), IRelOp(..), FUnOp(..), FBinOp(..), FRelOp(..), BitSize(..), TableType(..), ElemType(..), Limit(..), GlobalType(..), ValueType(..) ) import qualified Language.Wasm.Structure as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLEncoding import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Read as TLRead import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBSChar8 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust, isNothing) import Data.List (foldl', findIndex, find) import Control.Monad (guard, foldM) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Data.Word (Word32, Word64) import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Numeric.IEEE (infinity, nan, maxFinite) import Language.Wasm.FloatUtils (doubleToFloat) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.Wasm.Lexer ( Token ( TKeyword, TIntLit, TFloatLit, TStringLit, TId, TOpenBracket, TCloseBracket, TReserved, EOF ), Lexeme(..), AlexPosn(..), asFloat, asDouble ) } %name parseModule mod %name parseModuleFields modAsFields %name parseScript script %monad { Either String } %tokentype { Lexeme } %token '(' { Lexeme _ TOpenBracket } ')' { Lexeme _ TCloseBracket } 'func' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "func") } 'param' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "param") } 'result' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "result") } 'i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32") } 'i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64") } 'f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32") } 'f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64") } 'mut' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "mut") } 'anyfunc' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "anyfunc") } 'type' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "type") } 'unreachable' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "unreachable") } 'nop' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "nop") } 'br' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "br") } 'br_if' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "br_if") } 'br_table' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "br_table") } 'return' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "return") } 'call' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "call") } 'call_indirect' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "call_indirect") } 'drop' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "drop") } 'select' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "select") } 'get_local' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "get_local") } 'set_local' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "set_local") } 'tee_local' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "tee_local") } 'get_global' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "get_global") } 'set_global' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "set_global") } 'i32.load' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.load") } 'i64.load' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load") } 'f32.load' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.load") } 'f64.load' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.load") } 'i32.load8_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.load8_s") } 'i32.load8_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.load8_u") } 'i32.load16_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.load16_s") } 'i32.load16_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.load16_u") } 'i64.load8_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load8_s") } 'i64.load8_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load8_u") } 'i64.load16_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load16_s") } 'i64.load16_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load16_u") } 'i64.load32_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load32_s") } 'i64.load32_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.load32_u") } 'i32.store' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.store") } 'i64.store' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.store") } 'f32.store' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.store") } 'f64.store' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.store") } 'i32.store8' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.store8") } 'i32.store16' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.store16") } 'i64.store8' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.store8") } 'i64.store16' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.store16") } 'i64.store32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.store32") } 'current_memory' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "current_memory") } 'grow_memory' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "grow_memory") } 'memory.size' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "memory.size") } 'memory.grow' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "memory.grow") } 'i32.const' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.const") } 'i64.const' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.const") } 'f32.const' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.const") } 'f64.const' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.const") } 'i32.clz' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.clz") } 'i32.ctz' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.ctz") } 'i32.popcnt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.popcnt") } 'i32.add' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.add") } 'i32.sub' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.sub") } 'i32.mul' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.mul") } 'i32.div_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.div_s") } 'i32.div_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.div_u") } 'i32.rem_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.rem_s") } 'i32.rem_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.rem_u") } 'i32.and' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.and") } 'i32.or' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.or") } 'i32.xor' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.xor") } 'i32.shl' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.shl") } 'i32.shr_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.shr_s") } 'i32.shr_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.shr_u") } 'i32.rotl' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.rotl") } 'i32.rotr' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.rotr") } 'i64.clz' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.clz") } 'i64.ctz' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.ctz") } 'i64.popcnt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.popcnt") } 'i64.add' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.add") } 'i64.sub' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.sub") } 'i64.mul' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.mul") } 'i64.div_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.div_s") } 'i64.div_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.div_u") } 'i64.rem_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.rem_s") } 'i64.rem_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.rem_u") } 'i64.and' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.and") } 'i64.or' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.or") } 'i64.xor' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.xor") } 'i64.shl' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.shl") } 'i64.shr_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.shr_s") } 'i64.shr_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.shr_u") } 'i64.rotl' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.rotl") } 'i64.rotr' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.rotr") } 'f32.abs' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.abs") } 'f32.neg' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.neg") } 'f32.ceil' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.ceil") } 'f32.floor' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.floor") } 'f32.trunc' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.trunc") } 'f32.nearest' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.nearest") } 'f32.sqrt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.sqrt") } 'f32.add' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.add") } 'f32.sub' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.sub") } 'f32.mul' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.mul") } 'f32.div' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.div") } 'f32.min' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.min") } 'f32.max' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.max") } 'f32.copysign' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.copysign") } 'f64.abs' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.abs") } 'f64.neg' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.neg") } 'f64.ceil' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.ceil") } 'f64.floor' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.floor") } 'f64.trunc' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.trunc") } 'f64.nearest' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.nearest") } 'f64.sqrt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.sqrt") } 'f64.add' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.add") } 'f64.sub' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.sub") } 'f64.mul' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.mul") } 'f64.div' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.div") } 'f64.min' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.min") } 'f64.max' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.max") } 'f64.copysign' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.copysign") } 'i32.eqz' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.eqz") } 'i32.eq' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.eq") } 'i32.ne' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.ne") } 'i32.lt_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.lt_s") } 'i32.lt_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.lt_u") } 'i32.gt_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.gt_s") } 'i32.gt_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.gt_u") } 'i32.le_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.le_s") } 'i32.le_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.le_u") } 'i32.ge_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.ge_s") } 'i32.ge_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.ge_u") } 'i64.eqz' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.eqz") } 'i64.eq' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.eq") } 'i64.ne' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.ne") } 'i64.lt_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.lt_s") } 'i64.lt_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.lt_u") } 'i64.gt_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.gt_s") } 'i64.gt_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.gt_u") } 'i64.le_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.le_s") } 'i64.le_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.le_u") } 'i64.ge_s' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.ge_s") } 'i64.ge_u' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.ge_u") } 'f32.eq' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.eq") } 'f32.ne' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.ne") } 'f32.lt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.lt") } 'f32.gt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.gt") } 'f32.le' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.le") } 'f32.ge' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.ge") } 'f64.eq' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.eq") } 'f64.ne' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.ne") } 'f64.lt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.lt") } 'f64.gt' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.gt") } 'f64.le' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.le") } 'f64.ge' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.ge") } 'i32.wrap/i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.wrap/i64") } 'i32.trunc_s/f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.trunc_s/f32") } 'i32.trunc_u/f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.trunc_u/f32") } 'i32.trunc_s/f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.trunc_s/f64") } 'i32.trunc_u/f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.trunc_u/f64") } 'i64.extend_s/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.extend_s/i32") } 'i64.extend_u/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.extend_u/i32") } 'i64.trunc_s/f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.trunc_s/f32") } 'i64.trunc_u/f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.trunc_u/f32") } 'i64.trunc_s/f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.trunc_s/f64") } 'i64.trunc_u/f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.trunc_u/f64") } 'f32.convert_s/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.convert_s/i32") } 'f32.convert_u/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.convert_u/i32") } 'f32.convert_s/i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.convert_s/i64") } 'f32.convert_u/i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.convert_u/i64") } 'f32.demote/f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.demote/f64") } 'f64.convert_s/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.convert_s/i32") } 'f64.convert_u/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.convert_u/i32") } 'f64.convert_s/i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.convert_s/i64") } 'f64.convert_u/i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.convert_u/i64") } 'f64.promote/f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.promote/f32") } 'i32.reinterpret/f32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i32.reinterpret/f32") } 'i64.reinterpret/f64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "i64.reinterpret/f64") } 'f32.reinterpret/i32' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f32.reinterpret/i32") } 'f64.reinterpret/i64' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "f64.reinterpret/i64") } 'block' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "block") } 'loop' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "loop") } 'if' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "if") } 'else' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "else") } 'end' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "end") } 'then' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "then") } 'table' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "table") } 'memory' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "memory") } 'global' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "global") } 'import' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "import") } 'export' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "export") } 'local' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "local") } 'elem' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "elem") } 'data' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "data") } 'offset' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "offset") } 'start' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "start") } 'module' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "module") } -- script extension 'binary' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "binary") } 'quote' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "quote") } 'register' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "register") } 'invoke' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "invoke") } 'get' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "get") } 'assert_return' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_return") } 'assert_return_canonical_nan' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_return_canonical_nan") } 'assert_return_arithmetic_nan' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_return_arithmetic_nan") } 'assert_trap' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_trap") } 'assert_malformed' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_malformed") } 'assert_invalid' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_invalid") } 'assert_unlinkable' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_unlinkable") } 'assert_exhaustion' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "assert_exhaustion") } 'script' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "script") } 'input' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "input") } 'output' { Lexeme _ (TKeyword "output") } -- script extension end id { Lexeme _ (TId $$) } int { Lexeme _ (TIntLit $$) } f64 { Lexeme _ (TFloatLit $$) } offset { Lexeme _ (TKeyword (asOffset -> Just $$)) } align { Lexeme _ (TKeyword (asAlign -> Just $$)) } str { Lexeme _ (TStringLit $$) } EOF { Lexeme _ EOF } %% string :: { TL.Text } : str {% case TLEncoding.decodeUtf8' $1 of Right t -> Right t Left err -> Left "invalid utf8 string" } name :: { TL.Text } : string { $1 } ident :: { Ident } : id { Ident (TLEncoding.decodeUtf8 $1) } valtype :: { ValueType } : 'i32' { I32 } | 'i64' { I64 } | 'f32' { F32 } | 'f64' { F64 } index :: { Index } : u32 { Index $1 } | ident { Named $1 } int32 :: { Integer } : int {% if $1 >= -(2^31) && $1 < 2^32 then Right $1 else Left ("Int literal value is out of signed int32 boundaries: " ++ show $1) } u32 :: { Natural } : int {% if $1 >= 0 && $1 < 2^32 then Right (fromIntegral $1) else Left ("Int literal value is out of unsigned int32 boundaries: " ++ show $1) } int64 :: { Integer } : int {% if $1 >= -(2^63) && $1 < 2^64 then Right $1 else Left ("Int literal value is out of signed int64 boundaries: " ++ show $1) } float32 :: { Float } : int {% let maxInt = 340282356779733623858607532500980858880 in if $1 <= maxInt && $1 >= -maxInt then return $ fromIntegral $1 else Left "constant out of range" } | f64 {% asFloat $1 } float64 :: { Double } : int {% let maxInt = round (maxFinite :: Double) in if $1 <= maxInt && $1 >= -maxInt then return $ fromIntegral $1 else Left "constant out of range" } | f64 {% asDouble $1 } plaininstr :: { PlainInstr } -- control instructions : 'unreachable' { Unreachable } | 'nop' { Nop } | 'br' index { Br $2 } | 'br_if' index { BrIf $2 } | 'br_table' rev_list1(index) { BrTable (reverse $ tail $2) (head $2) } | 'return' { Return } | 'call' index { Call $2 } | 'drop' { Drop } | 'select' { Select } -- variable instructions | 'get_local' index { GetLocal $2 } | 'set_local' index { SetLocal $2 } | 'tee_local' index { TeeLocal $2 } | 'get_global' index { GetGlobal $2 } | 'set_global' index { SetGlobal $2 } -- memory instructions | 'i32.load' memarg4 { I32Load $2 } | 'i64.load' memarg8 { I64Load $2 } | 'f32.load' memarg4 { F32Load $2 } | 'f64.load' memarg8 { F64Load $2 } | 'i32.load8_s' memarg1 { I32Load8S $2 } | 'i32.load8_u' memarg1 { I32Load8U $2 } | 'i32.load16_s' memarg2 { I32Load16S $2 } | 'i32.load16_u' memarg2 { I32Load16U $2 } | 'i64.load8_s' memarg1 { I64Load8S $2 } | 'i64.load8_u' memarg1 { I64Load8U $2 } | 'i64.load16_s' memarg2 { I64Load16S $2 } | 'i64.load16_u' memarg2 { I64Load16U $2 } | 'i64.load32_s' memarg4 { I64Load32S $2 } | 'i64.load32_u' memarg4 { I64Load32U $2 } | 'i32.store' memarg4 { I32Store $2 } | 'i64.store' memarg8 { I64Store $2 } | 'f32.store' memarg4 { F32Store $2 } | 'f64.store' memarg8 { F64Store $2 } | 'i32.store8' memarg1 { I32Store8 $2 } | 'i32.store16' memarg2 { I32Store16 $2 } | 'i64.store8' memarg1 { I64Store8 $2 } | 'i64.store16' memarg2 { I64Store16 $2 } | 'i64.store32' memarg4 { I64Store32 $2 } | 'current_memory' { CurrentMemory } | 'grow_memory' { GrowMemory } | 'memory.size' { CurrentMemory } | 'memory.grow' { GrowMemory } -- numeric instructions | 'i32.const' int32 { I32Const $2 } | 'i64.const' int64 { I64Const $2 } | 'f32.const' float32 { F32Const $2 } | 'f64.const' float64 { F64Const $2 } | 'i32.clz' { IUnOp BS32 IClz } | 'i32.ctz' { IUnOp BS32 ICtz } | 'i32.popcnt' { IUnOp BS32 IPopcnt } | 'i32.add' { IBinOp BS32 IAdd } | 'i32.sub' { IBinOp BS32 ISub } | 'i32.mul' { IBinOp BS32 IMul } | 'i32.div_s' { IBinOp BS32 IDivS } | 'i32.div_u' { IBinOp BS32 IDivU } | 'i32.rem_s' { IBinOp BS32 IRemS } | 'i32.rem_u' { IBinOp BS32 IRemU } | 'i32.and' { IBinOp BS32 IAnd } | 'i32.or' { IBinOp BS32 IOr } | 'i32.xor' { IBinOp BS32 IXor } | 'i32.shl' { IBinOp BS32 IShl } | 'i32.shr_s' { IBinOp BS32 IShrS } | 'i32.shr_u' { IBinOp BS32 IShrU } | 'i32.rotl' { IBinOp BS32 IRotl } | 'i32.rotr' { IBinOp BS32 IRotr } | 'i64.clz' { IUnOp BS64 IClz } | 'i64.ctz' { IUnOp BS64 ICtz } | 'i64.popcnt' { IUnOp BS64 IPopcnt } | 'i64.add' { IBinOp BS64 IAdd } | 'i64.sub' { IBinOp BS64 ISub } | 'i64.mul' { IBinOp BS64 IMul } | 'i64.div_s' { IBinOp BS64 IDivS } | 'i64.div_u' { IBinOp BS64 IDivU } | 'i64.rem_s' { IBinOp BS64 IRemS } | 'i64.rem_u' { IBinOp BS64 IRemU } | 'i64.and' { IBinOp BS64 IAnd } | 'i64.or' { IBinOp BS64 IOr } | 'i64.xor' { IBinOp BS64 IXor } | 'i64.shl' { IBinOp BS64 IShl } | 'i64.shr_s' { IBinOp BS64 IShrS } | 'i64.shr_u' { IBinOp BS64 IShrU } | 'i64.rotl' { IBinOp BS64 IRotl } | 'i64.rotr' { IBinOp BS64 IRotr } | 'f32.abs' { FUnOp BS32 FAbs } | 'f32.neg' { FUnOp BS32 FNeg } | 'f32.ceil' { FUnOp BS32 FCeil } | 'f32.floor' { FUnOp BS32 FFloor } | 'f32.trunc' { FUnOp BS32 FTrunc } | 'f32.nearest' { FUnOp BS32 FNearest } | 'f32.sqrt' { FUnOp BS32 FSqrt } | 'f32.add' { FBinOp BS32 FAdd } | 'f32.sub' { FBinOp BS32 FSub } | 'f32.mul' { FBinOp BS32 FMul } | 'f32.div' { FBinOp BS32 FDiv } | 'f32.min' { FBinOp BS32 FMin } | 'f32.max' { FBinOp BS32 FMax } | 'f32.copysign' { FBinOp BS32 FCopySign } | 'f64.abs' { FUnOp BS64 FAbs } | 'f64.neg' { FUnOp BS64 FNeg } | 'f64.ceil' { FUnOp BS64 FCeil } | 'f64.floor' { FUnOp BS64 FFloor } | 'f64.trunc' { FUnOp BS64 FTrunc } | 'f64.nearest' { FUnOp BS64 FNearest } | 'f64.sqrt' { FUnOp BS64 FSqrt } | 'f64.add' { FBinOp BS64 FAdd } | 'f64.sub' { FBinOp BS64 FSub } | 'f64.mul' { FBinOp BS64 FMul } | 'f64.div' { FBinOp BS64 FDiv } | 'f64.min' { FBinOp BS64 FMin } | 'f64.max' { FBinOp BS64 FMax } | 'f64.copysign' { FBinOp BS64 FCopySign } | 'i32.eqz' { I32Eqz } | 'i32.eq' { IRelOp BS32 IEq } | 'i32.ne' { IRelOp BS32 INe } | 'i32.lt_s' { IRelOp BS32 ILtS } | 'i32.lt_u' { IRelOp BS32 ILtU } | 'i32.gt_s' { IRelOp BS32 IGtS } | 'i32.gt_u' { IRelOp BS32 IGtU } | 'i32.le_s' { IRelOp BS32 ILeS } | 'i32.le_u' { IRelOp BS32 ILeU } | 'i32.ge_s' { IRelOp BS32 IGeS } | 'i32.ge_u' { IRelOp BS32 IGeU } | 'i64.eqz' { I64Eqz } | 'i64.eq' { IRelOp BS64 IEq } | 'i64.ne' { IRelOp BS64 INe } | 'i64.lt_s' { IRelOp BS64 ILtS } | 'i64.lt_u' { IRelOp BS64 ILtU } | 'i64.gt_s' { IRelOp BS64 IGtS } | 'i64.gt_u' { IRelOp BS64 IGtU } | 'i64.le_s' { IRelOp BS64 ILeS } | 'i64.le_u' { IRelOp BS64 ILeU } | 'i64.ge_s' { IRelOp BS64 IGeS } | 'i64.ge_u' { IRelOp BS64 IGeU } | 'f32.eq' { FRelOp BS32 FEq } | 'f32.ne' { FRelOp BS32 FNe } | 'f32.lt' { FRelOp BS32 FLt } | 'f32.gt' { FRelOp BS32 FGt } | 'f32.le' { FRelOp BS32 FLe } | 'f32.ge' { FRelOp BS32 FGe } | 'f64.eq' { FRelOp BS64 FEq } | 'f64.ne' { FRelOp BS64 FNe } | 'f64.lt' { FRelOp BS64 FLt } | 'f64.gt' { FRelOp BS64 FGt } | 'f64.le' { FRelOp BS64 FLe } | 'f64.ge' { FRelOp BS64 FGe } | 'i32.wrap/i64' { I32WrapI64 } | 'i32.trunc_s/f32' { ITruncFS BS32 BS32 } | 'i32.trunc_u/f32' { ITruncFU BS32 BS32 } | 'i32.trunc_s/f64' { ITruncFS BS32 BS64 } | 'i32.trunc_u/f64' { ITruncFU BS32 BS64 } | 'i64.extend_s/i32' { I64ExtendSI32 } | 'i64.extend_u/i32' { I64ExtendUI32 } | 'i64.trunc_s/f32' { ITruncFS BS64 BS32 } | 'i64.trunc_u/f32' { ITruncFU BS64 BS32 } | 'i64.trunc_s/f64' { ITruncFS BS64 BS64 } | 'i64.trunc_u/f64' { ITruncFU BS64 BS64 } | 'f32.convert_s/i32' { FConvertIS BS32 BS32 } | 'f32.convert_u/i32' { FConvertIU BS32 BS32 } | 'f32.convert_s/i64' { FConvertIS BS32 BS64 } | 'f32.convert_u/i64' { FConvertIU BS32 BS64 } | 'f32.demote/f64' { F32DemoteF64 } | 'f64.convert_s/i32' { FConvertIS BS64 BS32 } | 'f64.convert_u/i32' { FConvertIU BS64 BS32 } | 'f64.convert_s/i64' { FConvertIS BS64 BS64 } | 'f64.convert_u/i64' { FConvertIU BS64 BS64 } | 'f64.promote/f32' { F64PromoteF32 } | 'i32.reinterpret/f32' { IReinterpretF BS32 } | 'i64.reinterpret/f64' { IReinterpretF BS64 } | 'f32.reinterpret/i32' { FReinterpretI BS32 } | 'f64.reinterpret/i64' { FReinterpretI BS64 } typeuse :: { TypeUse } : '(' typeuse1 { $2 } | {- empty -} { AnonimousTypeUse $ FuncType [] [] } typeuse1 :: { TypeUse } : 'type' index ')' typedtypeuse { IndexedTypeUse $2 $4 } | paramsresultstypeuse { AnonimousTypeUse $1 } typedtypeuse :: { Maybe FuncType } : '(' paramsresultstypeuse { Just $2 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } typedef :: { TypeDef } : 'type' opt(ident) functype ')' { TypeDef $2 $3 } functype :: { FuncType } : '(' 'func' params_results { $3 } params_results :: { FuncType } : ')' { emptyFuncType } | '(' params_results1 { $2 } params_results1 :: { FuncType } : 'param' list(valtype) ')' params_results { mergeFuncType (FuncType (map (ParamType Nothing) $2) []) $4 } | 'param' ident valtype ')' params_results { mergeFuncType (FuncType [ParamType (Just $2) $3] []) $5 } | results1 { $1 } results :: { FuncType } : ')' { emptyFuncType } | '(' results1 { $2 } results1 :: { FuncType } : 'result' list(valtype) ')' results { mergeFuncType (FuncType [] $2) $4 } paramsresultstypeuse :: { FuncType } : paramsresultstypeuse '(' paramsresulttypeuse { mergeFuncType $1 $3 } | paramsresulttypeuse { $1 } paramsresulttypeuse :: { FuncType } : 'param' list(valtype) ')' { FuncType (map (ParamType Nothing) $2) [] } | 'param' ident valtype ')' { FuncType [ParamType (Just $2) $3] [] } | 'result' list(valtype) ')' { FuncType [] $2 } memarg1 :: { MemArg } : opt(offset) opt(align) {% parseMemArg 1 $1 $2 } memarg2 :: { MemArg } : opt(offset) opt(align) {% parseMemArg 2 $1 $2 } memarg4 :: { MemArg } : opt(offset) opt(align) {% parseMemArg 4 $1 $2 } memarg8 :: { MemArg } : opt(offset) opt(align) {% parseMemArg 8 $1 $2 } instruction :: { [Instruction] } : raw_instr { $1 } | folded_instr { $1 } raw_instr :: { [Instruction] } : plaininstr { [PlainInstr $1] } | 'call_indirect' raw_call_indirect { $2 } | 'block' opt(ident) raw_block {% (: []) `fmap` $3 $2 } | 'loop' opt(ident) raw_loop {% (: []) `fmap` $3 $2 } | 'if' opt(ident) raw_if_result {% $3 $2 } raw_block :: { Maybe Ident -> Either String Instruction } : 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $2 || isNothing $2 then Right $ BlockInstr ident [] [] else Left "Block labels have to match" } | raw_instr list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $4 || isNothing $4 then Right $ BlockInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) else Left "Block labels have to match" } | '(' raw_block1 { $2 } raw_block1 :: { Maybe Ident -> Either String Instruction } : 'result' valtype ')' list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $6 || isNothing $6 then Right $ BlockInstr ident [$2] (concat $4) else Left "Block labels have to match" } | folded_instr1 list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $4 || isNothing $4 then Right $ BlockInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) else Left "Block labels have to match" } raw_loop :: { Maybe Ident -> Either String Instruction } : 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $2 || isNothing $2 then Right $ LoopInstr ident [] [] else Left "Loop labels have to match" } | raw_instr list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $4 || isNothing $4 then Right $ LoopInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) else Left "Loop labels have to match" } | '(' raw_loop1 { $2 } raw_loop1 :: { Maybe Ident -> Either String Instruction } : 'result' valtype ')' list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $6 || isNothing $6 then Right $ LoopInstr ident [$2] (concat $4) else Left "Loop labels have to match" } | folded_instr1 list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) { \ident -> if ident == $4 || isNothing $4 then Right $ LoopInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) else Left "Loop labels have to match" } raw_if_result :: { Maybe Ident -> Either String [Instruction] } : raw_else { \ident -> if ident == (snd $1) || isNothing (snd $1) then Right [IfInstr ident [] [] $ fst $1] else Left "If labels have to match" } | raw_instr list(instruction) raw_else { \ident -> if ident == (snd $3) || isNothing (snd $3) then Right [IfInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) $ fst $3] else Left "If labels have to match" } | '(' raw_if_result1 { $2 } raw_if_result1 :: { Maybe Ident -> Either String [Instruction] } : 'result' valtype ')' list(instruction) raw_else { \ident -> if ident == (snd $5) || isNothing (snd $5) then Right [IfInstr ident [$2] (concat $4) $ fst $5] else Left "If labels have to match" } | folded_instr1 list(instruction) raw_else { \ident -> if ident == (snd $3) || isNothing (snd $3) then Right [IfInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) $ fst $3] else Left "If labels have to match" } raw_else :: { ([Instruction], Maybe Ident) } : 'end' opt(ident) { ([], $2) } | 'else' opt(ident) list(instruction) 'end' opt(ident) {% if matchIdents $2 $5 then Right (concat $3, if isNothing $2 then $5 else $2) else Left "If labels have to match" } raw_call_indirect :: { [Instruction] } : '(' raw_call_indirect_typeuse { (PlainInstr $ CallIndirect $ fst $2) : snd $2 } | {- empty -} { [PlainInstr $ CallIndirect $ AnonimousTypeUse $ FuncType [] []] } raw_call_indirect_typeuse :: { (TypeUse, [Instruction]) } : 'type' index ')' raw_call_indirect_functype { (IndexedTypeUse $2 $ fst $4, snd $4) } | raw_call_indirect_functype1 { (AnonimousTypeUse $ fromMaybe (FuncType [] []) $ fst $1, snd $1) } raw_call_indirect_functype :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : '(' raw_call_indirect_functype1 { $2 } | {- empty -} { (Nothing, []) } raw_call_indirect_functype1 :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : 'param' list(valtype) ')' raw_call_indirect_functype { let ft = fromMaybe emptyFuncType $ fst $4 in (Just $ ft { params = map (ParamType Nothing) $2 ++ params ft }, snd $4) } | raw_call_indirect_return_functype1 { $1 } raw_call_indirect_return_functype :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : '(' raw_call_indirect_return_functype1 { $2 } | {- empty -} { (Nothing, []) } raw_call_indirect_return_functype1 :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : 'result' list(valtype) ')' raw_call_indirect_return_functype { let ft = fromMaybe emptyFuncType $ fst $4 in (Just $ ft { results = $2 ++ results ft }, snd $4) } | folded_instr1 { (Nothing, $1) } folded_instr :: { [Instruction] } : '(' folded_instr1 { $2 } folded_instr1 :: { [Instruction] } : plaininstr list(folded_instr) ')' { concat $2 ++ [PlainInstr $1] } | 'call_indirect' folded_call_indirect { $2 } | 'block' opt(ident) folded_block { [$3 $2] } | 'loop' opt(ident) folded_loop { [$3 $2] } | 'if' opt(ident) '(' folded_if_result { $4 $2 } folded_block :: { Maybe Ident -> Instruction } : ')' { \ident -> BlockInstr ident [] [] } | '(' folded_block1 { $2 } | raw_instr list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> BlockInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) } folded_block1 :: { Maybe Ident -> Instruction } : 'result' valtype ')' list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> BlockInstr ident [$2] (concat $4) } | folded_instr1 list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> BlockInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) } folded_loop :: { Maybe Ident -> Instruction } : ')' { \ident -> LoopInstr ident [] [] } | '(' folded_loop1 { $2 } | raw_instr list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> LoopInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) } folded_loop1 :: { Maybe Ident -> Instruction } : 'result' valtype ')' list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> LoopInstr ident [$2] (concat $4) } | folded_instr1 list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> LoopInstr ident [] ($1 ++ concat $2) } folded_if_result :: { Maybe Ident -> [Instruction] } : 'result' valtype ')' '(' folded_then_else { \ident -> let (pred, (trueBranch, falseBranch)) = $5 in pred ++ [IfInstr ident [$2] trueBranch falseBranch] } | folded_then_else { \ident -> let (pred, (trueBranch, falseBranch)) = $1 in pred ++ [IfInstr ident [] trueBranch falseBranch] } folded_then_else :: { ([Instruction], ([Instruction], [Instruction])) } : 'then' list(instruction) ')' folded_else { ([], (concat $2, $4)) } | folded_instr1 '(' folded_then_else { let (pred, branches) = $3 in ($1 ++ pred, branches) } folded_else :: { [Instruction] } : ')' { [] } | '(' 'else' list(instruction) ')' ')' { concat $3 } folded_call_indirect :: { [Instruction] } : ')' { [PlainInstr $ CallIndirect $ AnonimousTypeUse $ FuncType [] []] } | '(' folded_call_indirect_typeuse { snd $2 ++ [PlainInstr $ CallIndirect $ fst $2] } folded_call_indirect_typeuse :: { (TypeUse, [Instruction]) } : 'type' index ')' folded_call_indirect_functype { (IndexedTypeUse $2 $ fst $4, snd $4) } | folded_call_indirect_functype1 { (AnonimousTypeUse $ fromMaybe (FuncType [] []) $ fst $1, snd $1) } folded_call_indirect_functype :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : '(' folded_call_indirect_functype1 { $2 } | ')' { (Nothing, []) } folded_call_indirect_functype1 :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : 'param' list(valtype) ')' folded_call_indirect_functype { let ft = fromMaybe emptyFuncType $ fst $4 in (Just $ ft { params = map (ParamType Nothing) $2 ++ params ft }, snd $4) } | folded_call_indirect_return_functype1 { $1 } folded_call_indirect_return_functype :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : '(' folded_call_indirect_return_functype1 { $2 } | ')' { (Nothing, []) } folded_call_indirect_return_functype1 :: { (Maybe FuncType, [Instruction]) } : 'result' list(valtype) ')' folded_call_indirect_return_functype { let ft = fromMaybe emptyFuncType $ fst $4 in (Just $ ft { results = $2 ++ results ft }, snd $4) } | folded_instr1 list(folded_instr) ')' { (Nothing, $1 ++ concat $2) } importdesc :: { ImportDesc } : 'func' opt(ident) typeuse ')' { ImportFunc $2 $3 } | 'table' opt(ident) tabletype ')' { ImportTable $2 $3 } | 'memory' opt(ident) limits ')' { ImportMemory $2 $3 } | 'global' opt(ident) globaltype ')' { ImportGlobal $2 $3 } import :: { Import } : 'import' name name '(' importdesc ')' { Import [] $2 $3 $5 } -- FUNCTION -- function :: { ModuleField } : 'func' opt(ident) export_import_typeuse_locals_body { $3 $2 } export_import_typeuse_locals_body :: { Maybe Ident -> ModuleField } : ')' { \i -> MFFunc emptyFunction { ident = i } } | raw_instr list(instruction) ')' { \i -> MFFunc emptyFunction { ident = i, body = $1 ++ concat $2 } } | '(' export_import_typeuse_locals_body1 { $2 } export_import_typeuse_locals_body1 :: { Maybe Ident -> ModuleField } : 'export' name ')' export_import_typeuse_locals_body { \ident -> case $4 ident of MFImport imp -> MFImport imp { reExportAs = $2 : reExportAs imp } MFFunc func -> MFFunc func { exportFuncAs = $2 : exportFuncAs func } _ -> error "unexpected field" } | import_typeuse_locals_body1 { $1 } import_typeuse_locals_body1 :: { Maybe Ident -> ModuleField } : 'import' name name ')' typeuse ')' { \ident -> MFImport $ Import [] $2 $3 $ ImportFunc ident $5 } | typeuse_locals_body1 { MFFunc . $1 } typeuse_locals_body1 :: { Maybe Ident -> Function } : 'type' index ')' signature_locals_body { \i -> let (AnonimousTypeUse signature) = funcType $4 in let typeSign = if signature == emptyFuncType then Nothing else Just signature in $4 { funcType = IndexedTypeUse $2 typeSign, ident = i } } | signature_locals_body1 { \i -> $1 { ident = i } } signature_locals_body :: { Function } : ')' { emptyFunction } | '(' signature_locals_body1 { $2 } signature_locals_body1 :: { Function } : 'param' list(valtype) ')' signature_locals_body { prependFuncParams (map (ParamType Nothing) $2) $4 } | 'param' ident valtype ')' signature_locals_body { prependFuncParams [ParamType (Just $2) $3] $5 } | result_locals_body1 { $1 } result_locals_body :: { Function } : ')' { emptyFunction } | '(' result_locals_body1 { $2 } | raw_instr list(instruction) ')' { emptyFunction { body = $1 ++ concat $2 } } result_locals_body1 :: { Function } : 'result' list(valtype) ')' result_locals_body { prependFuncResults $2 $4 } | locals_body1 { emptyFunction { locals = fst $1, body = snd $1 } } locals_body :: { ([LocalType], [Instruction]) } : ')' { ([], []) } | raw_instr list(instruction) ')' { ([], $1 ++ concat $2)} | '(' locals_body1 { $2 } locals_body1 :: { ([LocalType], [Instruction]) } : 'local' list(valtype) ')' locals_body { (map (LocalType Nothing) $2 ++ fst $4, snd $4) } | 'local' ident valtype ')' locals_body { (LocalType (Just $2) $3 : fst $5, snd $5) } | folded_instr1 list(instruction) ')' { ([], $1 ++ concat $2) } -- FUNCTION END -- -- GLOBAL -- global :: { ModuleField } : 'global' opt(ident) global_type_export_import { $3 $2 } globaltype :: { GlobalType } : valtype { Const $1 } | '(' 'mut' valtype ')' { Mut $3 } global_type_export_import :: { Maybe Ident -> ModuleField } : valtype list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> MFGlobal $ Global [] ident (Const $1) $ concat $2 } | '(' global_mut_export_import { $2 } global_mut_export_import :: { Maybe Ident -> ModuleField } : 'mut' valtype ')' list(instruction) ')' { \ident -> MFGlobal $ Global [] ident (Mut $2) $ concat $4 } | 'export' name ')' global_type_export_import { \ident -> case $4 ident of MFImport imp -> MFImport imp { reExportAs = $2 : reExportAs imp } MFGlobal global -> MFGlobal global { exportGlobalAs = $2 : exportGlobalAs global } _ -> error "unexpected field" } | 'import' name name ')' globaltype ')' { \ident -> MFImport $ Import [] $2 $3 $ ImportGlobal ident $5 } -- GLOBAL END -- -- MEMORY -- memory :: { [ModuleField] } : 'memory' opt(ident) memory_limits_export_import { $3 $2 } memory_limits_export_import :: { Maybe Ident -> [ModuleField] } : memory_limits { $1 } | '(' memory_limits_export_import1 { $2 } datastring :: { LBS.ByteString } : list(str) { LBS.concat $1 } memory_limits_export_import1 :: { Maybe Ident -> [ModuleField] } : 'export' name ')' memory_limits_export_import { \ident -> case $4 ident of [MFImport imp] -> [MFImport imp { reExportAs = $2 : reExportAs imp }] (MFMem (Memory exps i l)):rest -> (MFMem (Memory ($2:exps) i l)):rest _ -> error "unexpected field" } | 'import' name name ')' limits ')' { \ident -> [MFImport $ Import [] $2 $3 $ ImportMemory ident $5] } | 'data' datastring ')' ')' { \ident -> let m = fromIntegral $ LBS.length $2 in [ MFMem $ Memory [] ident $ Limit m $ Just m, MFData $ DataSegment (fromMaybe (Index 0) $ Named `fmap` ident) [PlainInstr $ I32Const 0] $2 ] } memory_limits :: { Maybe Ident -> [ModuleField] } : limits ')' { \ident -> [MFMem $ Memory [] ident $1] } -- MEMOTY END -- -- TABLE -- limits :: { Limit } : u32 opt(u32) { Limit (fromIntegral $1) (fromIntegral `fmap` $2) } elemtype :: { ElemType } : 'anyfunc' { AnyFunc } tabletype :: { TableType } : limits elemtype { TableType $1 $2 } table :: { [ModuleField] } : 'table' opt(ident) limits_elemtype_elem { $3 $2 } limits_elemtype_elem :: { Maybe Ident -> [ModuleField] } : tabletype ')' { \ident -> [MFTable $ Table [] ident $1] } | elemtype '(' 'elem' list(index) ')' ')' { \ident -> let funcsLen = fromIntegral $ length $4 in [ MFTable $ Table [] ident $ TableType (Limit funcsLen (Just funcsLen)) $1, MFElem $ ElemSegment (fromMaybe (Index 0) $ Named `fmap` ident) [PlainInstr $ I32Const 0] $4 ] } | '(' import_export_table { $2 } import_export_table :: { Maybe Ident -> [ModuleField] } : 'import' name name ')' tabletype ')' { \ident -> [MFImport $ Import [] $2 $3 $ ImportTable ident $5] } | 'export' name ')' limits_elemtype_elem { \ident -> case $4 ident of [MFImport imp] -> [MFImport imp { reExportAs = $2 : reExportAs imp }] (MFTable (Table exps i t)):rest -> (MFTable (Table ($2:exps) i t)):rest _ -> error "unexpected field" } -- TABLE END -- exportdesc :: { ExportDesc } : 'func' index ')' { ExportFunc $2 } | 'table' index ')' { ExportTable $2 } | 'memory' index ')' { ExportMemory $2 } | 'global' index ')' { ExportGlobal $2 } export :: { Export } : 'export' name '(' exportdesc ')' { Export $2 $4 } start :: { StartFunction } : 'start' index ')' { StartFunction $2 } -- TODO: Spec from 09 Jan 2018 declares 'offset' keyword as mandatory, -- but collection of testcases omits 'offset' in this position -- I am going to support both options for now, but maybe it has to be updated in future. offsetexpr :: { [Instruction] } : 'offset' list(folded_instr) ')' { concat $2 } | folded_instr1 { $1 } elemsegment :: { ElemSegment } : 'elem' opt(index) '(' offsetexpr list(index) ')' { ElemSegment (fromMaybe (Index 0) $2) $4 $5 } datasegment :: { DataSegment } : 'data' opt(index) '(' offsetexpr datastring ')' { DataSegment (fromMaybe (Index 0) $2) $4 $5 } modulefield1_single :: { ModuleField } : typedef { MFType $1 } | import { MFImport $1 } | export { MFExport $1 } | start { MFStart $1 } | elemsegment { MFElem $1 } | datasegment { MFData $1 } | function { $1 } | global { $1 } modulefield1_multi :: { [ModuleField] } : table { $1 } | memory { $1 } modulefield1 :: { [ModuleField] } : modulefield1_single { [$1] } | modulefield1_multi { $1 } modulefield :: { [ModuleField] } : '(' modulefield1 { $2 } modAsFields :: { [ModuleField] } : '(' 'module' list(modulefield) ')' EOF { concat $3 } | '(' modulefield1 list(modulefield) EOF { $2 ++ concat $3} mod :: { S.Module } : modAsFields {% desugarize $1 } -- Wasm Script Extended Grammar script :: { Script } : list(command) EOF { $1 } command :: { Command } : '(' command1 { $2 } command1 :: { Command } : module1 { ModuleDef $1 } | 'register' string opt(ident) ')' { Register $2 $3 } | action1 { Action $1 } | assertion1 { Assertion $1 } | meta1 { Meta $1 } module1 :: { ModuleDef } : 'module' opt(ident) 'binary' datastring ')' { BinaryModDef $2 $4 } | 'module' opt(ident) 'quote' list(string) ')' { TextModDef $2 (TL.concat $4) } | 'module' opt(ident) list(modulefield) ')' {% RawModDef $2 `fmap` (desugarize $ concat $3) } | modulefield1 list(modulefield) {% RawModDef Nothing `fmap` (desugarize $ $1 ++ concat $2) } action1 :: { Action } : 'invoke' opt(ident) string list(folded_instr) ')' { Invoke $2 $3 (map (map constInstructionToValue) $4) } | 'get' opt(ident) string ')' { Get $2 $3 } assertion1 :: { Assertion } : 'assert_return' '(' action1 list(folded_instr) ')' { AssertReturn $3 (map (map constInstructionToValue) $4) } | 'assert_return_canonical_nan' '(' action1 ')' { AssertReturnCanonicalNaN $3 } | 'assert_return_arithmetic_nan' '(' action1 ')' { AssertReturnArithmeticNaN $3 } | 'assert_trap' '(' assertion_trap string ')' { AssertTrap $3 $4 } | 'assert_malformed' '(' module1 string ')' { AssertMalformed $3 $4 } | 'assert_invalid' '(' module1 string ')' { AssertInvalid $3 $4 } | 'assert_unlinkable' '(' module1 string ')' { AssertUnlinkable $3 $4 } | 'assert_exhaustion' '(' action1 string ')' { AssertExhaustion $3 $4 } assertion_trap :: { Either Action ModuleDef } : action1 { Left $1 } | module1 { Right $1 } meta1 :: { Meta } : 'script' opt(ident) script ')' { Script $2 $3 } | 'input' opt(ident) string ')' { Input $2 $3 } | 'output' opt(ident) string ')' { Output $2 $3 } -- utils rev_list(p) : rev_list(p) p { $2 : $1 } | {- empty -} { [] } rev_list1(p) : rev_list1(p) p { $2 : $1 } | p { [$1] } list(p) : rev_list(p) { reverse $1 } opt(p) : p { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } { -- partial function by intention prependFuncParams :: [ParamType] -> Function -> Function prependFuncParams prep f@(Function { funcType = AnonimousTypeUse ft }) = f { funcType = AnonimousTypeUse $ ft { params = prep ++ params ft } } prependFuncResults :: [ValueType] -> Function -> Function prependFuncResults prep f@(Function { funcType = AnonimousTypeUse ft }) = f { funcType = AnonimousTypeUse $ ft { results = prep ++ results ft } } mergeFuncType :: FuncType -> FuncType -> FuncType mergeFuncType (FuncType lps lrs) (FuncType rps rrs) = FuncType (lps ++ rps) (lrs ++ rrs) matchIdents :: Maybe Ident -> Maybe Ident -> Bool matchIdents Nothing _ = True matchIdents _ Nothing = True matchIdents a b = a == b asOffset :: LBS.ByteString -> Maybe Natural asOffset str = do num <- TL.stripPrefix "offset=" $ TLEncoding.decodeUtf8 str fromIntegral . fst <$> eitherToMaybe (TLRead.decimal num) asAlign :: LBS.ByteString -> Maybe Natural asAlign str = do num <- TL.stripPrefix "align=" $ TLEncoding.decodeUtf8 str fromIntegral . fst <$> eitherToMaybe (TLRead.decimal num) parseMemArg :: Natural -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> Either String MemArg parseMemArg defAlign optOffset optAlign = do let offset = fromMaybe 0 optOffset let parsedAlign = fromIntegral $ fromMaybe defAlign optAlign if parsedAlign == 0 then Left "alignment" else return () let align = fromIntegral $ round $ logBase 2 parsedAlign if 2 ^ align /= parsedAlign then Left "alignment" else return () if offset >= 2 ^ 32 || align >= 2 ^ 32 then Left "u32 is out of boundaries" else return $ MemArg offset align eitherToMaybe :: Either left right -> Maybe right eitherToMaybe = either (const Nothing) Just integerToWord32 :: Integer -> Word32 integerToWord32 i | i >= 0 && i <= 2 ^ 32 = fromIntegral i | i < 0 && i >= -(2 ^ 31) = 0xFFFFFFFF - (fromIntegral (abs i)) + 1 | otherwise = error "I32 is out of bounds." integerToWord64 :: Integer -> Word64 integerToWord64 i | i >= 0 && i <= 2 ^ 64 = fromIntegral i | i < 0 && i >= -(2 ^ 63) = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - (fromIntegral (abs i)) + 1 | otherwise = error "I64 is out of bounds." data FuncType = FuncType { params :: [ParamType], results :: [ValueType] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) emptyFuncType :: FuncType emptyFuncType = FuncType [] [] data ParamType = ParamType { ident :: Maybe Ident, paramType :: ValueType } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) newtype Ident = Ident TL.Text deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Index = Named Ident | Index Natural deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) type LabelIndex = Index type FuncIndex = Index type TypeIndex = Index type LocalIndex = Index type GlobalIndex = Index type TableIndex = Index type MemoryIndex = Index data PlainInstr = -- Control instructions Unreachable | Nop | Br LabelIndex | BrIf LabelIndex | BrTable [LabelIndex] LabelIndex | Return | Call FuncIndex | CallIndirect TypeUse -- Parametric instructions | Drop | Select -- Variable instructions | GetLocal LocalIndex | SetLocal LocalIndex | TeeLocal LocalIndex | GetGlobal GlobalIndex | SetGlobal GlobalIndex -- Memory instructions | I32Load MemArg | I64Load MemArg | F32Load MemArg | F64Load MemArg | I32Load8S MemArg | I32Load8U MemArg | I32Load16S MemArg | I32Load16U MemArg | I64Load8S MemArg | I64Load8U MemArg | I64Load16S MemArg | I64Load16U MemArg | I64Load32S MemArg | I64Load32U MemArg | I32Store MemArg | I64Store MemArg | F32Store MemArg | F64Store MemArg | I32Store8 MemArg | I32Store16 MemArg | I64Store8 MemArg | I64Store16 MemArg | I64Store32 MemArg | CurrentMemory | GrowMemory -- Numeric instructions | I32Const Integer | I64Const Integer | F32Const Float | F64Const Double | IUnOp BitSize IUnOp | IBinOp BitSize IBinOp | I32Eqz | I64Eqz | IRelOp BitSize IRelOp | FUnOp BitSize FUnOp | FBinOp BitSize FBinOp | FRelOp BitSize FRelOp | I32WrapI64 | ITruncFU {- Int Size -} BitSize {- Float Size -} BitSize | ITruncFS {- Int Size -} BitSize {- Float Size -} BitSize | I64ExtendSI32 | I64ExtendUI32 | FConvertIU {- Float Size -} BitSize {- Int Size -} BitSize | FConvertIS {- Float Size -} BitSize {- Int Size -} BitSize | F32DemoteF64 | F64PromoteF32 | IReinterpretF BitSize | FReinterpretI BitSize deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data TypeDef = TypeDef (Maybe Ident) FuncType deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data TypeUse = IndexedTypeUse TypeIndex (Maybe FuncType) | AnonimousTypeUse FuncType deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Instruction = PlainInstr PlainInstr | BlockInstr { label :: Maybe Ident, resultType :: [ValueType], body :: [Instruction] } | LoopInstr { label :: Maybe Ident, resultType :: [ValueType], body :: [Instruction] } | IfInstr { label :: Maybe Ident, resultType :: [ValueType], trueBranch :: [Instruction], falseBranch :: [Instruction] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Import = Import { reExportAs :: [TL.Text], sourceModule :: TL.Text, name :: TL.Text, desc :: ImportDesc } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data ImportDesc = ImportFunc (Maybe Ident) TypeUse | ImportTable (Maybe Ident) TableType | ImportMemory (Maybe Ident) Limit | ImportGlobal (Maybe Ident) GlobalType deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data LocalType = LocalType { ident :: Maybe Ident, localType :: ValueType } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Function = Function { exportFuncAs :: [TL.Text], ident :: Maybe Ident, funcType :: TypeUse, locals :: [LocalType], body :: [Instruction] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) emptyFunction :: Function emptyFunction = Function { exportFuncAs = [], ident = Nothing, funcType = AnonimousTypeUse emptyFuncType, locals = [], body = [] } data Global = Global { exportGlobalAs :: [TL.Text], ident :: Maybe Ident, globalType :: GlobalType, initializer :: [Instruction] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Memory = Memory [TL.Text] (Maybe Ident) Limit deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Table = Table [TL.Text] (Maybe Ident) TableType deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data ExportDesc = ExportFunc FuncIndex | ExportTable TableIndex | ExportMemory MemoryIndex | ExportGlobal GlobalIndex deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Export = Export { name :: TL.Text, desc :: ExportDesc } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data StartFunction = StartFunction FuncIndex deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data ElemSegment = ElemSegment { tableIndex :: TableIndex, offset :: [Instruction], funcIndexes :: [FuncIndex] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data DataSegment = DataSegment { memIndex :: MemoryIndex, offset :: [Instruction], datastring :: LBS.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data ModuleField = MFType TypeDef | MFImport Import | MFFunc Function | MFTable Table | MFMem Memory | MFGlobal Global | MFExport Export | MFStart StartFunction | MFElem ElemSegment | MFData DataSegment deriving(Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) happyError (Lexeme _ EOF : []) = Left $ "Error occuried during parsing phase at the end of file" happyError (Lexeme Nothing tok : tokens) = Left $ "Error occuried during parsing phase at the end of file" happyError (Lexeme (Just (AlexPn abs line col)) tok : tokens) = Left $ "Error occuried during parsing phase. " ++ "Line " ++ show line ++ ", " ++ "Column " ++ show col ++ ", " ++ "Token " ++ show tok ++ ". " ++ "Token lookahed: " ++ show (take 3 tokens) data Module = Module { types :: [TypeDef], functions :: [Function], tables :: [Table], mems :: [Memory], globals :: [Global], elems :: [ElemSegment], datas :: [DataSegment], start :: Maybe StartFunction, imports :: [Import], exports :: [Export] } deriving (Show, Eq) type Script = [Command] data ModuleDef = RawModDef (Maybe Ident) S.Module | TextModDef (Maybe Ident) TL.Text | BinaryModDef (Maybe Ident) LBS.ByteString deriving (Show, Eq) data Command = ModuleDef ModuleDef | Register TL.Text (Maybe Ident) | Action Action | Assertion Assertion | Meta Meta deriving (Show, Eq) data Action = Invoke (Maybe Ident) TL.Text [S.Expression] | Get (Maybe Ident) TL.Text deriving (Show, Eq) type FailureString = TL.Text data Assertion = AssertReturn Action [S.Expression] | AssertReturnCanonicalNaN Action | AssertReturnArithmeticNaN Action | AssertTrap (Either Action ModuleDef) FailureString | AssertMalformed ModuleDef FailureString | AssertInvalid ModuleDef FailureString | AssertUnlinkable ModuleDef FailureString | AssertExhaustion Action FailureString deriving (Show, Eq) data Meta = Script (Maybe Ident) Script | Input (Maybe Ident) TL.Text | Output (Maybe Ident) TL.Text deriving (Show, Eq) type Labels = [Maybe Ident] data FunCtx = FunCtx { ctxMod :: Module, ctxLabels :: Labels, ctxLocals :: [LocalType], ctxParams :: [ParamType] } deriving (Eq, Show) constInstructionToValue :: Instruction -> S.Instruction Natural constInstructionToValue (PlainInstr (I32Const v)) = S.I32Const $ integerToWord32 v constInstructionToValue (PlainInstr (F32Const v)) = S.F32Const v constInstructionToValue (PlainInstr (I64Const v)) = S.I64Const $ integerToWord64 v constInstructionToValue (PlainInstr (F64Const v)) = S.F64Const v constInstructionToValue _ = error "Only const instructions supported as arguments for actions" desugarize :: [ModuleField] -> Either String S.Module desugarize fields = do checkImportsOrder fields let mod = Module { types = reverse $ foldl' extractTypeDef (reverse $ explicitTypeDefs fields) fields, functions = extract extractFunction fields, tables = extract extractTable fields, imports = extract extractImport fields, mems = extract extractMemory fields, globals = extract extractGlobal fields, elems = extract extractElemSegment fields, datas = extract extractDataSegment fields, start = extractStart fields, exports = [] } funs <- mapM (synFunctionToStruct mod) $ functions mod elements <- mapM (synElemToStruct mod) $ elems mod segments <- mapM (synDataToStruct mod) $ datas mod globs <- mapM (synGlobalToStruct mod) $ globals mod return S.Module { S.types = map synTypeDefToStruct $ types mod, S.functions = funs, S.tables = map synTableToStruct $ tables mod, S.imports = map (synImportToStruct $ types mod) $ imports mod, S.elems = elements, S.datas = segments, S.mems = map synMemoryToStruct $ mems mod, S.globals = globs, S.start = fmap (synStartToStruct mod) $ start mod, S.exports = synExportsToStruct mod $ extractExports mod fields } where -- utils extract :: ([a] -> ModuleField -> [a]) -> [ModuleField] -> [a] extract extractor = reverse . foldl' extractor [] findWithIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, Int) findWithIndex pred l = find (pred . fst) $ zip l [0..] -- types synTypeDefToStruct :: TypeDef -> S.FuncType synTypeDefToStruct (TypeDef _ FuncType { params, results }) = S.FuncType (map paramType params) results explicitTypeDefs :: [ModuleField] -> [TypeDef] explicitTypeDefs = map (\(MFType def) -> def) . filter isTypeDef where isTypeDef (MFType _) = True isTypeDef _ = False checkImportsOrder :: [ModuleField] -> Either String () checkImportsOrder fields = foldM checkDef False fields >> return () where checkDef nonImportOccured (MFImport _) = if nonImportOccured then Left "Import sections have to be before any definition" else Right False checkDef _ (MFFunc _) = return True checkDef _ (MFGlobal _) = return True checkDef _ (MFMem _) = return True checkDef _ (MFTable _) = return True checkDef nonImportOccured _ = return nonImportOccured extractTypeDef :: [TypeDef] -> ModuleField -> [TypeDef] extractTypeDef defs (MFType _) = defs -- should be extracted before implicit defs extractTypeDef defs (MFImport Import { desc = ImportFunc _ typeUse }) = matchTypeUse defs typeUse extractTypeDef defs (MFFunc Function { funcType, body }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions (matchTypeUse defs funcType) body extractTypeDef defs (MFGlobal Global { initializer }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions defs initializer extractTypeDef defs (MFElem ElemSegment { offset }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions defs offset extractTypeDef defs (MFData DataSegment { offset }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions defs offset extractTypeDef defs _ = defs extractTypeDefFromInstructions :: [TypeDef] -> [Instruction] -> [TypeDef] extractTypeDefFromInstructions = foldl' extractTypeDefFromInstruction extractTypeDefFromInstruction :: [TypeDef] -> Instruction -> [TypeDef] extractTypeDefFromInstruction defs (PlainInstr (CallIndirect typeUse)) = matchTypeUse defs typeUse extractTypeDefFromInstruction defs (BlockInstr { body }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions defs body extractTypeDefFromInstruction defs (LoopInstr { body }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions defs body extractTypeDefFromInstruction defs (IfInstr { trueBranch, falseBranch }) = extractTypeDefFromInstructions defs $ trueBranch ++ falseBranch extractTypeDefFromInstruction defs _ = defs funcTypesEq :: FuncType -> FuncType -> Bool funcTypesEq l r = let paramTypes = map paramType . params in paramTypes l == paramTypes r && results l == results r matchTypeFunc :: FuncType -> TypeDef -> Bool matchTypeFunc funcType (TypeDef _ ft) = funcTypesEq ft funcType matchTypeUse :: [TypeDef] -> TypeUse -> [TypeDef] matchTypeUse defs (AnonimousTypeUse funcType) = if any (matchTypeFunc funcType) defs then defs else (TypeDef Nothing funcType) : defs matchTypeUse defs _ = defs getTypeIndex :: [TypeDef] -> TypeUse -> Maybe Natural getTypeIndex defs (AnonimousTypeUse funcType) = fromIntegral <$> findIndex (matchTypeFunc funcType) defs getTypeIndex defs (IndexedTypeUse (Named ident) (Just funcType)) = do (def, idx) <- findWithIndex (\(TypeDef i _) -> i == Just ident) defs guard $ matchTypeFunc funcType def return $ fromIntegral idx getTypeIndex defs (IndexedTypeUse (Named ident) Nothing) = fromIntegral <$> findIndex (\(TypeDef i _) -> i == Just ident) defs getTypeIndex defs (IndexedTypeUse (Index n) (Just funcType)) = do guard $ matchTypeFunc funcType $ defs !! fromIntegral n return n getTypeIndex defs (IndexedTypeUse (Index n) Nothing) = return n -- imports synImportToStruct :: [TypeDef] -> Import -> S.Import synImportToStruct defs (Import _ mod name (ImportFunc _ typeUse)) = case getTypeIndex defs typeUse of Just idx -> S.Import mod name $ S.ImportFunc idx Nothing -> error $ "cannot find type index for function import: " ++ show typeUse synImportToStruct _ (Import _ mod name (ImportTable _ tableType)) = S.Import mod name $ S.ImportTable tableType synImportToStruct _ (Import _ mod name (ImportMemory _ limit)) = S.Import mod name $ S.ImportMemory limit synImportToStruct _ (Import _ mod name (ImportGlobal _ globalType)) = S.Import mod name $ S.ImportGlobal globalType extractImport :: [Import] -> ModuleField -> [Import] extractImport imports (MFImport imp) = imp : imports extractImport imports _ = imports unwrapLabel ctx labelIdx = case getLabelIdx ctx labelIdx of Just i -> Right i Nothing -> Left "unknown label" -- functions synInstrToStruct :: FunCtx -> Instruction -> Either String (S.Instruction Natural) synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr Unreachable) = return S.Unreachable synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr Nop) = return S.Nop synInstrToStruct ctx (PlainInstr (Br labelIdx)) = S.Br <$> unwrapLabel ctx labelIdx synInstrToStruct ctx (PlainInstr (BrIf labelIdx)) = S.BrIf <$> unwrapLabel ctx labelIdx synInstrToStruct ctx (PlainInstr (BrTable lbls lbl)) = do labels <- mapM (unwrapLabel ctx) lbls S.BrTable labels <$> unwrapLabel ctx lbl synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr Return) = return S.Return synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod } (PlainInstr (Call funIdx)) = case getFuncIndex ctxMod funIdx of Just idx -> return $ S.Call idx Nothing -> Left "unknown function" synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod = Module { types } } (PlainInstr (CallIndirect typeUse)) = case getTypeIndex types typeUse of Just idx -> return $ S.CallIndirect idx Nothing -> Left "unknown type" synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr Drop) = return $ S.Drop synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr Select) = return $ S.Select synInstrToStruct ctx (PlainInstr (GetLocal localIdx)) = case getLocalIndex ctx localIdx of Just idx -> return $ S.GetLocal idx Nothing -> Left "unknown local" synInstrToStruct ctx (PlainInstr (SetLocal localIdx)) = case getLocalIndex ctx localIdx of Just idx -> return $ S.SetLocal idx Nothing -> Left "unknown local" synInstrToStruct ctx (PlainInstr (TeeLocal localIdx)) = case getLocalIndex ctx localIdx of Just idx -> return $ S.TeeLocal idx Nothing -> Left "unknown local" synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod } (PlainInstr (GetGlobal globalIdx)) = case getGlobalIndex ctxMod globalIdx of Just idx -> return $ S.GetGlobal idx Nothing -> Left "unknown global" synInstrToStruct FunCtx { ctxMod } (PlainInstr (SetGlobal globalIdx)) = case getGlobalIndex ctxMod globalIdx of Just idx -> return $ S.SetGlobal idx Nothing -> Left "unknown global" synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Load memArg)) = return $ S.I32Load memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (F32Load memArg)) = return $ S.F32Load memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (F64Load memArg)) = return $ S.F64Load memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Load8S memArg)) = return $ S.I32Load8S memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Load8U memArg)) = return $ S.I32Load8U memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Load16S memArg)) = return $ S.I32Load16S memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Load16U memArg)) = return $ S.I32Load16U memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load8S memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load8S memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load8U memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load8U memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load16S memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load16S memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load16U memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load16U memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load32S memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load32S memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Load32U memArg)) = return $ S.I64Load32U memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Store memArg)) = return $ S.I32Store memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Store memArg)) = return $ S.I64Store memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (F32Store memArg)) = return $ S.F32Store memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (F64Store memArg)) = return $ S.F64Store memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Store8 memArg)) = return $ S.I32Store8 memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Store16 memArg)) = return $ S.I32Store16 memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Store8 memArg)) = return $ S.I64Store8 memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Store16 memArg)) = return $ S.I64Store16 memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Store32 memArg)) = return $ S.I64Store32 memArg synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr CurrentMemory) = return $ S.CurrentMemory synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr GrowMemory) = return $ S.GrowMemory synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I32Const val)) = return $ S.I32Const $ integerToWord32 val synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (I64Const val)) = return $ S.I64Const $ integerToWord64 val synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (F32Const val)) = return $ S.F32Const val synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (F64Const val)) = return $ S.F64Const val synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (IUnOp sz op)) = return $ S.IUnOp sz op synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (IBinOp sz op)) = return $ S.IBinOp sz op synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr I32Eqz) = return $ S.I32Eqz synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr I64Eqz) = return $ S.I64Eqz synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (IRelOp sz op)) = return $ S.IRelOp sz op synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (FUnOp sz op)) = return $ S.FUnOp sz op synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (FBinOp sz op)) = return $ S.FBinOp sz op synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (FRelOp sz op)) = return $ S.FRelOp sz op synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr I32WrapI64) = return $ S.I32WrapI64 synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (ITruncFU sz sz')) = return $ S.ITruncFU sz sz' synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (ITruncFS sz sz')) = return $ S.ITruncFS sz sz' synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr I64ExtendSI32) = return $ S.I64ExtendSI32 synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr I64ExtendUI32) = return $ S.I64ExtendUI32 synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (FConvertIU sz sz')) = return $ S.FConvertIU sz sz' synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (FConvertIS sz sz')) = return $ S.FConvertIS sz sz' synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr F32DemoteF64) = return $ S.F32DemoteF64 synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr F64PromoteF32) = return $ S.F64PromoteF32 synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (IReinterpretF sz)) = return $ S.IReinterpretF sz synInstrToStruct _ (PlainInstr (FReinterpretI sz)) = return $ S.FReinterpretI sz synInstrToStruct ctx BlockInstr {label, resultType, body} = let ctx' = ctx { ctxLabels = label : ctxLabels ctx } in S.Block resultType <$> mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx') body synInstrToStruct ctx LoopInstr {label, resultType, body} = let ctx' = ctx { ctxLabels = label : ctxLabels ctx } in S.Loop resultType <$> mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx') body synInstrToStruct ctx IfInstr {label, resultType, trueBranch, falseBranch} = do let ctx' = ctx { ctxLabels = label : ctxLabels ctx } trueBranch' <- mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx') trueBranch falseBranch' <- mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx') falseBranch return $ S.If resultType trueBranch' falseBranch' synFunctionToStruct :: Module -> Function -> Either String S.Function synFunctionToStruct mod Function { funcType, locals, body } = do typeIdx <- ( case getTypeIndex (types mod) funcType of Just idx -> Right idx Nothing -> Left "Type was not found or type signature doesn't match with type" ) -- we have to use local func params declaration, -- coz it can contain own names for them let params = case funcType of IndexedTypeUse _ (Just FuncType { params }) -> params AnonimousTypeUse FuncType { params } -> params _ -> if fromIntegral typeIdx < length (types mod) then let TypeDef _ FuncType { params } = types mod !! fromIntegral typeIdx in params else [] let ctx = FunCtx mod [] locals params instructions <- mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx) body return S.Function { S.funcType = typeIdx, S.localTypes = map localType locals, S.body = instructions } extractFunction :: [Function] -> ModuleField -> [Function] extractFunction funcs (MFFunc fun) = fun : funcs extractFunction funcs _ = funcs getLabelIdx :: FunCtx -> LabelIndex -> Maybe Natural getLabelIdx FunCtx { ctxLabels } (Named id) = fromIntegral <$> findIndex (\ident -> ident == Just id) ctxLabels getLabelIdx FunCtx { ctxLabels } (Index idx) = Just idx getLocalIndex :: FunCtx -> LabelIndex -> Maybe Natural getLocalIndex FunCtx {ctxParams, ctxLocals} (Named id) = case findIndex (\(ParamType ident _) -> ident == Just id) ctxParams of Just idx -> return $ fromIntegral idx Nothing -> let isIdent (LocalType ident _) = ident == Just id in fromIntegral . (+ length ctxParams) <$> findIndex isIdent ctxLocals getLocalIndex FunCtx {ctxParams, ctxLocals} (Index idx) = Just idx isFuncImport :: Import -> Bool isFuncImport Import { desc = ImportFunc _ _ } = True isFuncImport _ = False getFuncIndex :: Module -> FuncIndex -> Maybe Natural getFuncIndex Module { imports, functions } (Named id) = let funImports = filter isFuncImport imports in case findIndex (\(Import { desc = ImportFunc ident _ }) -> ident == Just id) funImports of Just idx -> return $ fromIntegral idx Nothing -> let isIdent (Function { ident }) = ident == Just id in fromIntegral . (+ length funImports) <$> findIndex isIdent functions getFuncIndex Module { imports, functions } (Index idx) = Just idx -- tables synTableToStruct :: Table -> S.Table synTableToStruct (Table _ _ tableType) = S.Table tableType extractTable :: [Table] -> ModuleField -> [Table] extractTable tables (MFTable table) = table : tables extractTable tables _ = tables isTableImport :: Import -> Bool isTableImport Import { desc = ImportTable _ _ } = True isTableImport _ = False getTableIndex :: Module -> TableIndex -> Maybe Natural getTableIndex Module { imports, tables } (Named id) = let tableImports = filter isTableImport imports in case findIndex (\(Import { desc = ImportTable ident _ }) -> ident == Just id) tableImports of Just idx -> return $ fromIntegral idx Nothing -> let isIdent (Table _ (Just id) _) = True in fromIntegral . (+ length tableImports) <$> findIndex isIdent tables getTableIndex Module { imports, tables } (Index idx) = Just idx -- memory synMemoryToStruct :: Memory -> S.Memory synMemoryToStruct (Memory _ _ limits) = S.Memory limits extractMemory :: [Memory] -> ModuleField -> [Memory] extractMemory mems (MFMem mem) = mem : mems extractMemory mems _ = mems isMemImport :: Import -> Bool isMemImport Import { desc = ImportMemory _ _ } = True isMemImport _ = False getMemIndex :: Module -> MemoryIndex -> Maybe Natural getMemIndex Module { imports, mems } (Named id) = let memImports = filter isMemImport imports in case findIndex (\(Import { desc = ImportMemory ident _ }) -> ident == Just id) memImports of Just idx -> return $ fromIntegral idx Nothing -> let isIdent (Memory _ (Just id) _) = True in fromIntegral . (+ length memImports) <$> findIndex isIdent mems getMemIndex Module { imports, mems } (Index idx) = Just idx -- global synGlobalToStruct :: Module -> Global -> Either String S.Global synGlobalToStruct mod Global { globalType, initializer } = let ctx = FunCtx mod [] [] [] in S.Global globalType <$> mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx) initializer extractGlobal :: [Global] -> ModuleField -> [Global] extractGlobal globals (MFGlobal global) = global : globals extractGlobal globals _ = globals isGlobalImport :: Import -> Bool isGlobalImport Import { desc = ImportGlobal _ _ } = True isGlobalImport _ = False getGlobalIndex :: Module -> GlobalIndex -> Maybe Natural getGlobalIndex Module { imports, globals } (Named id) = let globalImports = filter isGlobalImport imports in case findIndex (\(Import { desc = ImportGlobal ident _ }) -> ident == Just id) globalImports of Just idx -> return $ fromIntegral idx Nothing -> let isIdent (Global { ident }) = ident == Just id in fromIntegral . (+ length globalImports) <$> findIndex isIdent globals getGlobalIndex Module { imports, globals } (Index idx) = Just idx -- elem segment synElemToStruct :: Module -> ElemSegment -> Either String S.ElemSegment synElemToStruct mod ElemSegment { tableIndex, offset, funcIndexes } = let ctx = FunCtx mod [] [] [] in let offsetInstrs = mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx) offset in let idx = fromJust $ getTableIndex mod tableIndex in let indexes = map (fromJust . getFuncIndex mod) funcIndexes in S.ElemSegment idx <$> offsetInstrs <*> return indexes extractElemSegment :: [ElemSegment] -> ModuleField -> [ElemSegment] extractElemSegment elems (MFElem elem) = elem : elems extractElemSegment elems _ = elems -- data segment synDataToStruct :: Module -> DataSegment -> Either String S.DataSegment synDataToStruct mod DataSegment { memIndex, offset, datastring } = let ctx = FunCtx mod [] [] [] in let offsetInstrs = mapM (synInstrToStruct ctx) offset in let idx = fromJust $ getMemIndex mod memIndex in S.DataSegment idx <$> offsetInstrs <*> return datastring extractDataSegment :: [DataSegment] -> ModuleField -> [DataSegment] extractDataSegment datas (MFData dataSegment) = dataSegment : datas extractDataSegment datas _ = datas -- start synStartToStruct :: Module -> StartFunction -> S.StartFunction synStartToStruct mod (StartFunction funIdx) = S.StartFunction $ fromJust $ getFuncIndex mod funIdx extractStart :: [ModuleField] -> Maybe StartFunction extractStart = foldl' extractStart' Nothing extractStart' :: Maybe StartFunction -> ModuleField -> Maybe StartFunction extractStart' _ (MFStart start) = Just start extractStart' start _ = start -- exports extractExports :: Module -> [ModuleField] -> [ModuleField] extractExports mod mf = let initial = (funcImportLength, globImportLength, memImportLength, tableImportLength, []) in let (_, _, _, _, result) = foldl' extractExport initial mf in reverse result where funcImportLength = fromIntegral $ length $ filter isFuncImport $ imports mod globImportLength = fromIntegral $ length $ filter isGlobalImport $ imports mod memImportLength = fromIntegral $ length $ filter isMemImport $ imports mod tableImportLength = fromIntegral $ length $ filter isTableImport $ imports mod extractExport (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx, mf) (MFFunc fun@Function{ exportFuncAs }) = let exports = map (\name -> MFExport $ Export name $ ExportFunc $ Index fidx) exportFuncAs in (fidx + 1, gidx, midx, tidx, [MFFunc fun] ++ exports ++ mf) extractExport (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx, mf) (MFGlobal glob@Global{ exportGlobalAs }) = let exports = map (\name -> MFExport $ Export name $ ExportGlobal $ Index gidx) exportGlobalAs in (fidx, gidx + 1, midx, tidx, [MFGlobal glob] ++ exports ++ mf) extractExport (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx, mf) (MFMem (Memory exps i l)) = let exports = map (\name -> MFExport $ Export name $ ExportMemory $ Index midx) exps in (fidx, gidx, midx + 1, tidx, [MFMem (Memory exps i l)] ++ exports ++ mf) extractExport (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx, mf) (MFTable (Table exps i t)) = let exports = map (\name -> MFExport $ Export name $ ExportTable $ Index tidx) exps in (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx + 1, [MFTable (Table exps i t)] ++ exports ++ mf) extractExport (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx, mf) f = (fidx, gidx, midx, tidx, f:mf) synExportsToStruct :: Module -> [ModuleField] -> [S.Export] synExportsToStruct mod (MFExport Export { name, desc = ExportFunc idx } : rest) = let exp = S.Export name $ S.ExportFunc $ fromJust $ getFuncIndex mod idx in exp : synExportsToStruct mod rest synExportsToStruct mod (MFExport Export { name, desc = ExportTable idx } : rest) = let exp = S.Export name $ S.ExportTable $ fromJust $ getTableIndex mod idx in exp : synExportsToStruct mod rest synExportsToStruct mod (MFExport Export { name, desc = ExportMemory idx } : rest) = let exp = S.Export name $ S.ExportMemory $ fromJust $ getMemIndex mod idx in exp : synExportsToStruct mod rest synExportsToStruct mod (MFExport Export { name, desc = ExportGlobal idx } : rest) = let exp = S.Export name $ S.ExportGlobal $ fromJust $ getGlobalIndex mod idx in exp : synExportsToStruct mod rest synExportsToStruct mod (_ : rest) = synExportsToStruct mod rest synExportsToStruct _ [] = [] }