{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response (
  , sanitizeHeaderValue -- for testing
  , warpVersion
  , addDate
  , addServer
  , hasBody
  ) where

#ifndef MIN_VERSION_base
#define MIN_VERSION_base(x,y,z) 1

#ifndef MIN_VERSION_http_types
#define MIN_VERSION_http_types(x,y,z) 1

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.HTTP (chunkedTransferEncoding, chunkedTransferTerminator)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import Data.Array ((!))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString, Builder)
import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (flush)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (deleteBy)
import Data.Maybe
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
# endif
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty)
import Data.Streaming.Blaze (newBlazeRecv, reuseBufferStrategy)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.Word8 (_cr, _lf)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
#if MIN_VERSION_http_types(0,9,0)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as H
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Buffer (toBuilderBuffer)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Date as D
#ifndef WINDOWS
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FdCache as F
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.File
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Header
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.IO (toBufIOWith)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ResponseHeader
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout as T
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import Network.Wai.Internal
import qualified Paths_warp

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
(<>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<>) = mappend

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings


-- | Sending a HTTP response to 'Connection' according to 'Response'.
--   Applications/middlewares MUST provide a proper 'H.ResponseHeaders'.
--   so that inconsistency does not happen.
--   No header is deleted by this function.
--   Especially, Applications/middlewares MUST provide a proper
--   Content-Type. They MUST NOT provide
--   Content-Length, Content-Range, and Transfer-Encoding
--   because they are inserted, when necessary,
--   regardless they already exist.
--   This function does not insert Content-Encoding. It's middleware's
--   responsibility.
--   The Date and Server header is added if not exist
--   in HTTP response header.
--   There are three basic APIs to create 'Response':
--   ['responseBuilder' :: 'H.Status' -> 'H.ResponseHeaders' -> 'Builder' -> 'Response']
--     HTTP response body is created from 'Builder'.
--     Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used in HTTP/1.1.
--   ['responseStream' :: 'H.Status' -> 'H.ResponseHeaders' -> 'StreamingBody' -> 'Response']
--     HTTP response body is created from 'Builder'.
--     Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used in HTTP/1.1.
--   ['responseRaw' :: ('IO' 'ByteString' -> ('ByteString' -> 'IO' ()) -> 'IO' ()) -> 'Response' -> 'Response']
--     No header is added and no Transfer-Encoding: is applied.
--   ['responseFile' :: 'H.Status' -> 'H.ResponseHeaders' -> 'FilePath' -> 'Maybe' 'FilePart' -> 'Response']
--     HTTP response body is sent (by sendfile(), if possible) for GET method.
--     HTTP response body is not sent by HEAD method.
--     Content-Length and Content-Range are automatically
--     added into the HTTP response header if necessary.
--     If Content-Length and Content-Range exist in the HTTP response header,
--     they would cause inconsistency.
--     \"Accept-Ranges: bytes\" is also inserted.
--     Applications are categorized into simple and sophisticated.
--     Sophisticated applications should specify 'Just' to
--     'Maybe' 'FilePart'. They should treat the conditional request
--     by themselves. A proper 'Status' (200 or 206) must be provided.
--     Simple applications should specify 'Nothing' to
--     'Maybe' 'FilePart'. The size of the specified file is obtained
--     by disk access or from the file infor cache.
--     If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Range and Range
--     are processed. Since a proper status is chosen, 'Status' is
--     ignored. Last-Modified is inserted.

sendResponse :: Settings
             -> Connection
             -> InternalInfo
             -> Request -- ^ HTTP request.
             -> IndexedHeader -- ^ Indexed header of HTTP request.
             -> IO ByteString -- ^ source from client, for raw response
             -> Response -- ^ HTTP response including status code and response header.
             -> IO Bool -- ^ Returing True if the connection is persistent.
sendResponse settings conn ii req reqidxhdr src response = do
    hs <- addServerAndDate hs0
    if hasBody s then do
        -- The response to HEAD does not have body.
        -- But to handle the conditional requests defined RFC 7232 and
        -- to generate appropriate content-length, content-range,
        -- and status, the response to HEAD is processed here.
        -- See definition of rsp below for proper body stripping.
        (ms, mlen) <- sendRsp conn ii ver s hs rsp
        case ms of
            Nothing         -> return ()
            Just realStatus -> logger req realStatus mlen
        T.tickle th
        return ret
      else do
        _ <- sendRsp conn ii ver s hs RspNoBody
        logger req s Nothing
        T.tickle th
        return isPersist
    defServer = settingsServerName settings
    logger = settingsLogger settings
    ver = httpVersion req
    s = responseStatus response
    hs0 = sanitizeHeaders $ responseHeaders response
    rspidxhdr = indexResponseHeader hs0
    th = threadHandle ii
    dc = dateCacher ii
    addServerAndDate = addDate dc rspidxhdr . addServer defServer rspidxhdr
    (isPersist,isChunked0) = infoFromRequest req reqidxhdr
    isChunked = not isHead && isChunked0
    (isKeepAlive, needsChunked) = infoFromResponse rspidxhdr (isPersist,isChunked)
    isHead = requestMethod req == H.methodHead
    rsp = case response of
        ResponseFile _ _ path mPart -> RspFile path mPart reqidxhdr isHead (T.tickle th)
        ResponseBuilder _ _ b
          | isHead                  -> RspNoBody
          | otherwise               -> RspBuilder b needsChunked
        ResponseStream _ _ fb
          | isHead                  -> RspNoBody
          | otherwise               -> RspStream fb needsChunked th
        ResponseRaw raw _           -> RspRaw raw src (T.tickle th)
    ret = case response of
        ResponseFile    {} -> isPersist
        ResponseBuilder {} -> isKeepAlive
        ResponseStream  {} -> isKeepAlive
        ResponseRaw     {} -> False


sanitizeHeaders :: H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
sanitizeHeaders = map (sanitize <$>)
    sanitize v
      | containsNewlines v = sanitizeHeaderValue v -- slow path
      | otherwise          = v                     -- fast path

{-# INLINE containsNewlines #-}
containsNewlines :: ByteString -> Bool
containsNewlines = S.any (\w -> w == _cr || w == _lf)

{-# INLINE sanitizeHeaderValue #-}
sanitizeHeaderValue :: ByteString -> ByteString
sanitizeHeaderValue v = case S8.lines $ S.filter (/= _cr) v of
    []     -> ""
    x : xs -> S8.intercalate "\r\n" (x : mapMaybe addSpaceIfMissing xs)
    addSpaceIfMissing line = case S8.uncons line of
        Nothing                           -> Nothing
        Just (first, _)
          | first == ' ' || first == '\t' -> Just line
          | otherwise                     -> Just $ " " <> line


data Rsp = RspNoBody
         | RspFile FilePath (Maybe FilePart) IndexedHeader Bool (IO ())
         | RspBuilder Builder Bool
         | RspStream StreamingBody Bool T.Handle
         | RspRaw (IO ByteString -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()) (IO ByteString) (IO ())


sendRsp :: Connection
        -> InternalInfo
        -> H.HttpVersion
        -> H.Status
        -> H.ResponseHeaders
        -> Rsp
        -> IO (Maybe H.Status, Maybe Integer)


sendRsp conn _ ver s hs RspNoBody = do
    -- Not adding Content-Length.
    -- User agents treats it as Content-Length: 0.
    composeHeader ver s hs >>= connSendAll conn
    return (Just s, Nothing)


sendRsp conn _ ver s hs (RspBuilder body needsChunked) = do
    header <- composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs needsChunked
    let hdrBdy
         | needsChunked = header <> chunkedTransferEncoding body
                                 <> chunkedTransferTerminator
         | otherwise    = header <> body
        buffer = connWriteBuffer conn
        size = connBufferSize conn
    toBufIOWith buffer size (connSendAll conn) hdrBdy
    return (Just s, Nothing) -- fixme: can we tell the actual sent bytes?


sendRsp conn _ ver s hs (RspStream streamingBody needsChunked th) = do
    header <- composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs needsChunked
    (recv, finish) <- newBlazeRecv $ reuseBufferStrategy
                    $ toBuilderBuffer (connWriteBuffer conn) (connBufferSize conn)
    let send builder = do
            popper <- recv builder
            let loop = do
                    bs <- popper
                    unless (S.null bs) $ do
                        sendFragment conn th bs
            | needsChunked = send . chunkedTransferEncoding
            | otherwise = send
    send header
    streamingBody sendChunk (sendChunk flush)
    when needsChunked $ send chunkedTransferTerminator
    mbs <- finish
    maybe (return ()) (sendFragment conn th) mbs
    return (Just s, Nothing) -- fixme: can we tell the actual sent bytes?


sendRsp conn _ _ _ _ (RspRaw withApp src tickle) = do
    withApp recv send
    return (Nothing, Nothing)
    recv = do
        bs <- src
        unless (S.null bs) tickle
        return bs
    send bs = connSendAll conn bs >> tickle


-- Sophisticated WAI applications.
-- We respect s0. s0 MUST be a proper value.
sendRsp conn ii ver s0 hs0 (RspFile path (Just part) _ isHead hook) =
    sendRspFile2XX conn ii ver s0 hs path beg len isHead hook
    beg = filePartOffset part
    len = filePartByteCount part
    hs = addContentHeadersForFilePart hs0 part


-- Simple WAI applications.
-- Status is ignored
sendRsp conn ii ver _ hs0 (RspFile path Nothing idxhdr isHead hook) = do
    efinfo <- E.try $ fileInfo ii path
    case efinfo of
        Left (_ex :: E.IOException) ->
          print _ex >>
          sendRspFile404 conn ii ver hs0
        Right finfo -> case conditionalRequest finfo hs0 idxhdr of
          WithoutBody s         -> sendRsp conn ii ver s hs0 RspNoBody
          WithBody s hs beg len -> sendRspFile2XX conn ii ver s hs path beg len isHead hook


sendRspFile2XX :: Connection
               -> InternalInfo
               -> H.HttpVersion
               -> H.Status
               -> H.ResponseHeaders
               -> FilePath
               -> Integer
               -> Integer
               -> Bool
               -> IO ()
               -> IO (Maybe H.Status, Maybe Integer)
sendRspFile2XX conn ii ver s hs path beg len isHead hook
  | isHead = sendRsp conn ii ver s hs RspNoBody
  | otherwise = do
      lheader <- composeHeader ver s hs
#ifdef WINDOWS
      let fid = FileId path Nothing
          hook' = hook
      (mfd, hook') <- case fdCacher ii of
         -- settingsFdCacheDuration is 0
         Nothing  -> return (Nothing, hook)
         Just fdc -> do
            (fd, fresher) <- F.getFd fdc path
            return (Just fd, hook >> fresher)
      let fid = FileId path mfd
      connSendFile conn fid beg len hook' [lheader]
      return (Just s, Just len)

sendRspFile404 :: Connection
               -> InternalInfo
               -> H.HttpVersion
               -> H.ResponseHeaders
               -> IO (Maybe H.Status, Maybe Integer)
sendRspFile404 conn ii ver hs0 = sendRsp conn ii ver s hs (RspBuilder body True)
    s = H.notFound404
    hs =  replaceHeader H.hContentType "text/plain; charset=utf-8" hs0
    body = byteString "File not found"


-- | Use 'connSendAll' to send this data while respecting timeout rules.
sendFragment :: Connection -> T.Handle -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendFragment Connection { connSendAll = send } th bs = do
    T.resume th
    send bs
    T.pause th
    -- We pause timeouts before passing control back to user code. This ensures
    -- that a timeout will only ever be executed when Warp is in control. We
    -- also make sure to resume the timeout after the completion of user code
    -- so that we can kill idle connections.


infoFromRequest :: Request -> IndexedHeader -> (Bool  -- isPersist
                                               ,Bool) -- isChunked
infoFromRequest req reqidxhdr = (checkPersist req reqidxhdr, checkChunk req)

checkPersist :: Request -> IndexedHeader -> Bool
checkPersist req reqidxhdr
    | ver == H.http11 = checkPersist11 conn
    | otherwise       = checkPersist10 conn
    ver = httpVersion req
    conn = reqidxhdr ! fromEnum ReqConnection
    checkPersist11 (Just x)
        | CI.foldCase x == "close"      = False
    checkPersist11 _                    = True
    checkPersist10 (Just x)
        | CI.foldCase x == "keep-alive" = True
    checkPersist10 _                    = False

checkChunk :: Request -> Bool
checkChunk req = httpVersion req == H.http11


-- Used for ResponseBuilder and ResponseSource.
-- Don't use this for ResponseFile since this logic does not fit
-- for ResponseFile. For instance, isKeepAlive should be True in some cases
-- even if the response header does not have Content-Length.
-- Content-Length is specified by a reverse proxy.
-- Note that CGI does not specify Content-Length.
infoFromResponse :: IndexedHeader -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
infoFromResponse rspidxhdr (isPersist,isChunked) = (isKeepAlive, needsChunked)
    needsChunked = isChunked && not hasLength
    isKeepAlive = isPersist && (isChunked || hasLength)
    hasLength = isJust $ rspidxhdr ! fromEnum ResContentLength


hasBody :: H.Status -> Bool
hasBody s = sc /= 204
         && sc /= 304
         && sc >= 200
    sc = H.statusCode s


addTransferEncoding :: H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
#if MIN_VERSION_http_types(0,9,0)
addTransferEncoding hdrs = (H.hTransferEncoding, "chunked") : hdrs
addTransferEncoding hdrs = ("transfer-encoding", "chunked") : hdrs

addDate :: D.DateCache -> IndexedHeader -> H.ResponseHeaders -> IO H.ResponseHeaders
addDate dc rspidxhdr hdrs = case rspidxhdr ! fromEnum ResDate of
    Nothing -> do
        gmtdate <- D.getDate dc
        return $ (H.hDate, gmtdate) : hdrs
    Just _ -> return hdrs


-- | The version of Warp.
warpVersion :: String
warpVersion = showVersion Paths_warp.version

addServer :: HeaderValue -> IndexedHeader -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
addServer serverName rspidxhdr hdrs = case rspidxhdr ! fromEnum ResServer of
    Nothing -> (H.hServer, serverName) : hdrs
    _       -> hdrs


-- |
-- >>> replaceHeader "Content-Type" "new" [("content-type","old")]
-- [("Content-Type","new")]
replaceHeader :: H.HeaderName -> HeaderValue -> H.ResponseHeaders -> H.ResponseHeaders
replaceHeader k v hdrs = (k,v) : deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) (k,v) hdrs


composeHeaderBuilder :: H.HttpVersion -> H.Status -> H.ResponseHeaders -> Bool -> IO Builder
composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs True =
    byteString <$> composeHeader ver s (addTransferEncoding hs)
composeHeaderBuilder ver s hs False =
    byteString <$> composeHeader ver s hs