{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-} -- | You will need to import this module if you are planning to define an -- 'Encryption' scheme other than the defaults provided by this library. module Wai.CryptoCookie.Encryption ( Encryption (..) , autoKeyFileBase16 , readKeyFileBase16 , readKeyFile , writeKeyFile ) where import Control.Exception qualified as Ex import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Crypto.Random qualified as C import Data.Aeson qualified as Ae import Data.Bits import Data.ByteArray qualified as BA import Data.ByteArray.Encoding qualified as BA import Data.ByteArray.Sized qualified as BAS import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.Char qualified as Char import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Data.Word import GHC.TypeNats import System.IO qualified as IO import System.IO.Error qualified as IO -- | Encryption method. class (KnownNat (KeyLength e), Eq (Key e)) => Encryption (e :: k) where -- | Key used for encryption. You can obtain an initial random -- 'Key' using 'genKey'. As long as you have access to -- said 'Key', you will be able to decrypt data previously -- encrypted with it. For this reason, be sure to save and load the key -- using 'keyToBytes' and 'keyFromBytes'. data Key e :: Type -- | Statically known 'Key' length. type KeyLength e :: Natural -- | Encryption context used by 'encrypt'. data Encrypt e :: Type -- | Decryption context used by 'decrypt'. data Decrypt e :: Type -- | Generate a random encryption 'Key'. genKey :: (C.MonadRandom m) => m (Key e) -- | Load a 'Key' from its bytes representation, if possible. keyFromBytes :: (BA.ByteArrayAccess raw) => raw -> Either String (Key e) -- | Dump the bytes representation of a 'Key'. keyToBytes :: (BAS.ByteArrayN (KeyLength e) raw) => Key e -> raw -- | Generate initial 'Encrypt'ion and 'Decrypt'ion context for a 'Key'. -- -- The 'Encrypt'ion context could carry for example the next nonce to use -- for 'encrypt'ion, the 'Key' itself or its derivative used during the -- actual 'encrypt'ion process, or a deterministic random number generator. -- -- The 'Decrypt'ion context could carry for example the 'Key' itself or its -- derivative used during the 'decrypt'ion process. initial :: (C.MonadRandom m) => Key e -> m (Encrypt e, Decrypt e) -- | After each 'encrypt'ion, the 'Encrypt'ion context will be automatically -- 'advance'd through this function. For example, if your 'Encrypt'ion -- context carries a nonce or a deterministic random number generator, -- this is the place to update them. advance :: Encrypt e -> Encrypt e -- | Encrypt a plaintext message according to the 'Encrypt'ion context. encrypt :: Encrypt e -> BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString -- | Decrypt a message according to the 'Decrypt'ion context. -- -- The 'String' is for internal debugging purposes only. decrypt :: Decrypt e -> BL.ByteString -> Either String BL.ByteString -- | If the 'FilePath' exists, then read the base-16 representation of -- a 'Key' from it. Ignores trailing newlines. -- -- Otherwise, generate a random new 'Key' and write its base-16 representation -- in the 'FilePath'. -- -- Finally, return the 'Key'. autoKeyFileBase16 :: forall e m . (Encryption e, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Key e) autoKeyFileBase16 path = liftIO do Ex.catchJust (guard . IO.isDoesNotExistError) (readKeyFileBase16 path) \_ -> do k0 <- genKey writeKeyFile (BA.convertToBase BA.Base16) path k0 k1 <- readKeyFileBase16 path when (k0 /= k1) $ fail "autoKeyFile: no roundtrip" pure k1 -- | Read a base-16 encoded 'Key' from a file. Ignores trailing newlines. readKeyFileBase16 :: forall e m . (Encryption e, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Key e) readKeyFileBase16 = readKeyFile \a -> case BA.span (not . rn) a of (pre, pos) | BA.all rn pos -> BA.convertFromBase BA.Base16 pre | otherwise -> Left "invalid format" where _r :: Word8 = fromIntegral (Char.ord '\r') _n :: Word8 = fromIntegral (Char.ord '\n') rn :: Word8 -> Bool = \w -> w == _r || w == _n -- | Read a 'Key' from a file. readKeyFile :: forall e m . (Encryption e, MonadIO m) => (BA.ScrubbedBytes -> Either String BA.ScrubbedBytes) -- ^ Convert the raw content of the file into input suitable -- for 'keyFromBytes'. -> FilePath -> m (Key e) readKeyFile g path = liftIO do IO.withFile path IO.ReadMode \h -> do flen :: Int <- do a <- IO.hFileSize h case toIntegralSized a of Just b | b > 0 -> pure b _ -> fail "readKeyFile: invalid key file size" (rlen, fraw) <- BA.allocRet flen \p -> IO.hGetBuf h p flen when (rlen /= flen) do -- This shouldn't happen, but we are being extra careful. fail "readKeyFile: could not read key file" case g fraw of Left e -> fail $ "readKeyFile: " <> e Right kraw -> case keyFromBytes kraw of Right key -> pure key Left err -> fail $ "readKeyFile: " <> err -- | Save a key to a file. writeKeyFile :: forall e m . (Encryption e, MonadIO m) => (BAS.SizedByteArray (KeyLength e) BA.ScrubbedBytes -> BA.ScrubbedBytes) -- ^ Convert the raw 'keyToBytes' bytes to file contents. -> FilePath -> Key e -> m () writeKeyFile g path key = liftIO do kout <- Ex.evaluate $ g $ keyToBytes key IO.withFile path IO.WriteMode \h -> BA.withByteArray kout \p -> IO.hPutBuf h p $ BA.length kout -- | Base-16 encoded. instance (Encryption e) => Ae.FromJSON (Key e) where parseJSON = Ae.withText "Key" \t -> -- Note that un-scrubbable bytes will continue to exist in @t@. case BA.convertFromBase BA.Base16 (T.encodeUtf8 t) of Right (kraw :: BA.ScrubbedBytes) -> case keyFromBytes kraw of Right key -> pure key Left err -> fail err _ -> fail "Invalid key"