-- | Welcome to Waargonaut, we hope you enjoy your stay.
-- The handling of JSON is managed using the 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' and
-- 'Waargonaut.Encode.Encoder' types, these are not typeclasses but data structures. As such you're
-- able to pass them around as values, manipulate or create them at runtime. This allows you to have
-- one data type, but several decoding and encoding techniques to match your requirements. You don't
-- have to pile on the newtypes or manage orphan instances.
module Waargonaut
  ( -- * Simple Decode
    -- $basicdecode

    -- * Simple Encode
    -- $basicencode

    -- * Types
    Json (..)
  , JType (..)

    -- * Parser / Builder
  , parseWaargonaut
  , waargonautBuilder

  ) where

import           Waargonaut.Types.Json     (JType (..), Json (..),

import           Waargonaut.Encode.Builder (waargonautBuilder)

-- $basicdecode
-- We will work through a basic example, using the following type:
-- @
-- data Person = Person
--   { _personName                    :: Text
--   , _personAge                     :: Int
--   , _personAddress                 :: Text
--   , _personFavouriteLotteryNumbers :: [Int]
--   }
--   deriving (Eq, Show)
-- @
-- Expect the following JSON as input:
-- @
-- { \"name\":    \"Krag\"
-- , \"age\":     88
-- , \"address\": \"Red House 4, Three Neck Lane, Greentown.\"
-- , \"numbers\": [86,3,32,42,73]
-- }
-- @
-- We'll need to import the @Waargonaut.Decode@ module. You may of course use whatever import scheme you like,
-- I prefer this method:
-- @
-- import Waargonaut.Decode (Decoder)
-- import qualified Waargonaut.Decode as D
-- @
-- The 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' is based upon a data structure called a "zipper". This allows us
-- to move around the JSON structure using arbitrary movements. Such as
-- 'Waargonaut.Decode.moveRight1' to move from a key on an object to the value at that key. Or
-- 'Waargonaut.Decode.down' to move into the first element of an array or object. Waargonaut
-- provides a suite of these functions to move around and dissect the JSON input.
-- This zipper is combined with a 'Control.Monad.State.StateT' transformer that maintains a history
-- of your movements.
-- So if the JSON input is not as your 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' expects you are given a complete
-- path to where things went awry.
-- Decoding a JSON value is done by moving the cursor to specific points of interest, then focusing
-- on that point with a 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' of the desired value.
-- NB: The "Monad" constraint is provided as a flexibility for more interesting and nefarious uses
-- of 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder'.
-- Here is the 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' for our @Person@ data type. It will help to turn on the
-- @OverloadedStrings@ language pragma as these functions expect 'Data.Text.Text' input.
-- @
-- personDecoder :: Monad f => Decoder f Person
-- personDecoder = D.withCursor $ \\c -> do
--   o     <- D.down c
--   name  <- D.fromKey \"name\" D.text o
--   age   <- D.fromKey \"age\" D.int o
--   addr  <- D.fromKey \"address\" D.text o
--   lotto <- D.fromKey \"numbers\" (D.list D.int) o
--   pure $ Person name age addr lotto
-- @
-- The 'Waargonaut.Decode.withCursor' function provides our cursor: "c". We then move
-- 'Waargonaut.Decode.down' into the JSON object. The reasons for this are:
-- * The initial cursor position is always at the very beginning of the input. On freshly indexed
--   JSON input, using our example, the cursor will be at:
-- @
-- \<cursor\>{ \"name\": \"Krag\"
--         , \"age\": 88
--         ...
-- @
-- * Because of the above reason, our decoder makes an assumption about the placement of the cursor
--   on the JSON input. This sort of assumption is reasonable for reasons we will go over later.
-- The cursor output from 'Waargonaut.Decode.down' will located here:
-- @
-- { \<cursor\>\"name\": \"Krag\"
--   , \"age\": 88
--   ...
-- @
-- Then we use one of the helper functions, 'Waargonaut.Decode.fromKey' to find the "key - value"
-- pair that we're interested in and decode it for us:
-- @
-- fromKey :: Monad f => Text -> Decoder f b -> JCurs -> DecodeResult f b
-- @
-- We could also write this 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' as:
-- @
-- personDecoder2 :: Monad f => Decoder f Person
-- personDecoder2 = Person
--   \<$> D.atKey \"name\" D.text
--   \<*> D.atKey \"age\" D.int
--   \<*> D.atKey \"address\" D.text
--   \<*> D.atKey \"numbers\" (D.list D.int)
-- @
-- Using the 'Waargonaut.Decode.atKey' function which tries to handle those basic movements for us
-- and has those assumptions included. Very useful for when the JSON input closely mirrors your data
-- structure.
-- @
-- atKey :: Monad f => Text -> Decoder f a -> Decoder f a
-- @
-- The next part is being able to apply our 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' to some input. Assuming we
-- have some input. We want to pass it through our @personDecoder@ for a result. Waargonaut uses
-- the <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsers parsers> package to define its parser. This
-- allows you to choose your own favourite parsing library to do the heavy lifting. Provided it
-- implements the right typeclasses from the @parsers@ package.
-- To apply a 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' to some input you will need one of the
-- decoder running functions from 'Waargonaut.Decode'. There are a few different
-- functions provided for some of the common input text-like types.:
-- @
-- decodeFromByteString
--   :: ( CharParsing f
--      , Monad f
--      , Monad g
--      , Show e
--      )
--   => (forall a. f a -> ByteString -> Either e a)
--   -> Decoder g x
--   -> ByteString
--   -> g (Either (DecodeError, CursorHistory) x)
-- @
-- As well as a parsing function from your parsing library of choice, that also
-- has an implementation of the 'Text.Parser.Char.CharParsing' typeclass from @parsers@. We will
-- use @attoparsec@ in the examples below.
-- @
-- import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AB
-- @
-- @
-- decodeFromByteString AB.parseOnly personDecode inp
-- @
-- Which will run the @personDecode@ 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' using the parsing function
-- (@AB.parseOnly@), starting at the cursor from the top of the @inp@ input.
-- Again the 'Control.Monad.Monad' constraint is there so that you have more options available for utilising the
-- 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' in ways we haven't thought of.
-- Or if you don't need the 'Control.Monad.Monad' constraint then you may use 'Waargonaut.Decode.pureDecodeFromByteString'.
-- This function specialises the 'Control.Monad.Monad' constraint to 'Data.Functor.Identity'.:
-- @
-- pureDecodeFromByteString
--   :: ( Monad f
--      , CharParsing f
--      , Show e
--      )
--   => (forall a. f a -> ByteString -> Either e a)
--   -> Decoder Identity x
--   -> ByteString
--   -> Either (DecodeError, CursorHistory) x
-- @
-- @
-- pureDecodeFromByteString AB.parseOnly personDecode inp
-- @
-- Waargonaut provides some default implementations using the <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/attoparsec attoparsec> package in the @Waargonaut.Attoparsec@ module. These functions have exactly the same behaviour as the functions above, without the need to provide the parsing function.

-- $basicencode
-- To create an 'Waargonaut.Encode.Encoder' for our @Person@ record, we will encode it as a "map
-- like object", that is we have decided that there are no duplicate keys allowed. We can then use
-- the following functions to build up the structure we want:
-- @
-- mapLikeObj
--   :: ( AsJType Json ws a
--      , Semigroup ws         -- This library supports GHC 7.10.3 and 'Semigroup' wasn't a superclass of 'Monoid' then.
--      , Monoid ws
--      , Applicative f
--      )
--   => (i -> MapLikeObj ws a -> MapLikeObj ws a)
--   -> Encoder f i
-- @
-- And:
-- @
-- atKey
--   :: ( At t
--      , IxValue t ~ Json
--      , Applicative f
--      )
--   => Index t
--   -> Encoder f a
--   -> a
--   -> t
--   -> f t
-- @
-- These types may seem pretty wild, but their usage is mundane. The 'Waargonaut.Encode.mapLikeObj'
-- function is used when we want to encode some particular type @i@ as a JSON object. In such a way
-- as to prevent duplicate keys from appearing. The 'Waargonaut.Encode.atKey' function is designed
-- such that it can be composed with itself to build up an object with multiple keys.
-- @
-- import Waargonaut.Encode (Encoder)
-- import qualified Waargonaut.Encode as E
-- @
-- @
-- personEncoder :: Applicative f => Encoder f Person
-- personEncoder = E.mapLikeObj $ \\p ->
--   E.atKey' \"name\" E.text (_personName p) .
--   E.atKey' \"age\" E.int (_personAge p) .
--   E.atKey' \"address\" E.text (_personAddress p) .
--   E.atKey' \"numbers\" (E.list E.int) (_personFavouriteLotteryNumbers p)
-- @
-- The JSON RFC leaves the handling of duplicate keys on an object as a choice. It is up to the
-- implementor of a JSON handling package to decide what they will do. Waargonaut passes on this
-- choice to you. In both encoding and decoding, the handling of duplicate keys is up to you.
-- Waargonaut provides functionality to support /both/ use cases.
-- To then turn these values into JSON output:
-- @
-- simpleEncodeText         :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Text
-- simpleEncodeTextNoSpaces :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f Text
-- simpleEncodeByteString         :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f ByteString
-- simpleEncodeByteStringNoSpaces :: Applicative f => Encoder f a -> a -> f ByteString
-- @
-- Or
-- @
-- simplePureEncodeText         :: Encoder' a -> a -> Text
-- simplePureEncodeTextNoSpaces :: Encoder' a -> a -> Text
-- simplePureEncodeByteString         :: Encoder' a -> a -> ByteString
-- simplePureEncodeByteStringNoSpaces :: Encoder' a -> a -> ByteString
-- @
-- The latter functions specialise the @f@ to be 'Data.Functor.Identity'.
-- Then, like the use of the 'Waargonaut.Decode.Decoder' you select the 'Waargonaut.Encode.Encoder'
-- you wish to use and run it against a value of a matching type:
-- @
-- simplePureEncodeTextNoSpaces personEncoder (Person \"Krag\" 33 \"Red House 4, Three Neck Lane, Greentown.\" [86,3,32,42,73])
-- =
-- "{\"name\":\"Krag\",\"age\":88,\"address\":\"Red House 4, Three Neck Lane, Greentown.\",\"numbers\":[86,3,32,42,73]}"
-- @