# Change Log ## WIP ## [0.5.7] - 2022-03-31 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [0.5.6] - 2022-02-05 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [0.5.5] - 2022-01-14 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` - Squash warnings ## [0.5.4] - 2021-11-25 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [0.5.3] - 2021-10-14 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [0.5.2] - 2021-08-12 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [0.5.1] - 2021-07-24 - Fix bug where `createInstanceFromRequirements` and `createDebugInstanceFromRequirements` would fail for missing layers in optional requirements. ## [] - 2021-06-22 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [] - 2021-06-09 - Squash warning ## [0.5.0] - 2021-02-24 - Refactor module `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ` - Remove `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ` - Remove `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.Shaderc` - Provide `glsl`/`hlsl`, `vert` .. `comp`, `rgen` .. `rcall`, `mesh`, `task`, `compileShaderQ`, `compileShader` in each ShaderQQ provider module under `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ` for help compile shaders - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.Backend.Glslang`to help process warning & error messages for glslangValidator - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.Backend.Shaderc`to help process warning & error messages for glslc - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.GLSL.Glslang` to compile glsl shaders for glslangValidator - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.GLSL.Shaderc` to compile glsl shaders for glslc - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.HLSL.Glslang` to compile hlsl shaders for glslangValidator - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.HLSL.Shaderc` to compile hlsl shaders for glslc - specify `--target-spv` for shaderc ray tracing shaders - specify `--target-env` for glslang ray tracing shaders - support pass hlsl entry point to glslangValidator and shaderc - support pass glsl entry point to glslangValidator ## [0.4.2] - 2021-02-18 - Relax bounds on `vulkan` ## [0.4.1] - 2021-01-09 - Better error message reporting on unsatisfied extension version. See https://github.com/expipiplus1/vulkan/issues/249 ## [0.4] - 2020-11-30 - Add `Vulkan.Utils.Requirements`, a module with several helpers for the `Requirement` types found in `Vulkan.Requirement` - Change the creation helpers in `Vulkan.Utils.Initialization` to use the new `Requirement` types. - Add QuasiQuoters for creating device requirements in `Vulkan.Utils.Requirements.TH` - Allow selecting target environment in `compileShader` ## [0.3] - 2020-11-24 - Change type of pickPhysicalDevice to return Nothing instead of throwing - Add `checkCommandsExp` function to generate an expression checking specified commands for non-nullness - Expose Queue family index for queues assigned with `assignQueues` - Add `Vulkan.Utils.ShaderQQ.Shaderc` to compile HLSL shaders ## [0.2] - 2020-11-15 - Add `Vulkan.Utils.Misc` for handy functions used in Vulkan programs, but not Vulkan specific. - Add `Vulkan.Utils.Initializaion` for functions to ease creating a Vulkan device. - Add `Vulkan.Vulkan.Utils.QueueAssignment` to help with easy queue creation. ## [0.1.3] - 2020-11-12 - Add `glsl` interpolating quasiquoter ## [] - 2020-11-01 - Raise bound on base ## [0.1.2] - 2020-09-27 - Initial release - Shader QuasiQuoters - GL format enum conversion - Debug helpers