{-# language CPP #-} -- | = Name -- -- VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing - device extension -- -- == VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing -- -- [__Name String__] -- @VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing@ -- -- [__Extension Type__] -- Device extension -- -- [__Registered Extension Number__] -- 241 -- -- [__Revision__] -- 1 -- -- [__Extension and Version Dependencies__] -- -- - Requires Vulkan 1.0 -- -- - Requires @VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation@ -- -- [__Contact__] -- -- - Nuno Subtil -- -- -- == Other Extension Metadata -- -- [__Last Modified Date__] -- 2019-01-04 -- -- [__Contributors__] -- -- - Nuno Subtil, NVIDIA -- -- - Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA -- -- - Eric Werness, NVIDIA -- -- - Axel Gneiting, id Software -- -- == Description -- -- This extension allows applications to alias images on dedicated -- allocations, subject to specific restrictions: the extent and the number -- of layers in the image being aliased must be smaller than or equal to -- those of the original image for which the allocation was created, and -- every other image parameter must match. -- -- == New Structures -- -- - Extending -- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2', -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Device.DeviceCreateInfo': -- -- - 'PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV' -- -- == New Enum Constants -- -- - 'NV_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_IMAGE_ALIASING_EXTENSION_NAME' -- -- - 'NV_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_IMAGE_ALIASING_SPEC_VERSION' -- -- - Extending 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType': -- -- - 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DEDICATED_ALLOCATION_IMAGE_ALIASING_FEATURES_NV' -- -- == Version History -- -- - Revision 1, 2019-01-04 (Nuno Subtil) -- -- - Internal revisions -- -- = See Also -- -- 'PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV' -- -- = Document Notes -- -- For more information, see the -- -- -- This page is a generated document. Fixes and changes should be made to -- the generator scripts, not directly. module Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing (PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV) where import Data.Kind (Type) import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct) import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct) data PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV instance ToCStruct PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV instance Show PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV instance FromCStruct PhysicalDeviceDedicatedAllocationImageAliasingFeaturesNV