{-# language CPP #-} -- | = Name -- -- VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod - device extension -- -- == VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod -- -- [__Name String__] -- @VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod@ -- -- [__Extension Type__] -- Device extension -- -- [__Registered Extension Number__] -- 42 -- -- [__Revision__] -- 1 -- -- [__Extension and Version Dependencies__] -- -- - Requires support for Vulkan 1.0 -- -- - Requires @VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2@ to be enabled -- for any device-level functionality -- -- [__Contact__] -- -- - Rex Xu -- > > -- -- == Other Extension Metadata -- -- [__Last Modified Date__] -- 2017-03-21 -- -- [__IP Status__] -- No known IP claims. -- -- [__Interactions and External Dependencies__] -- -- - This extension requires -- -- -- - This extension provides API support for -- -- -- [__Contributors__] -- -- - Dominik Witczak, AMD -- -- - Daniel Rakos, AMD -- -- - Graham Sellers, AMD -- -- - Matthaeus G. Chajdas, AMD -- -- - Qun Lin, AMD -- -- - Rex Xu, AMD -- -- - Timothy Lottes, AMD -- -- == Description -- -- This extension adds two related features. -- -- Firstly, support for the following SPIR-V extension in Vulkan is added: -- -- - @SPV_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod@ -- -- Secondly, the extension allows the application to query which formats -- can be used together with the new function prototypes introduced by the -- SPIR-V extension. -- -- == New Structures -- -- - Extending -- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.ImageFormatProperties2': -- -- - 'TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD' -- -- == New Enum Constants -- -- - 'AMD_TEXTURE_GATHER_BIAS_LOD_EXTENSION_NAME' -- -- - 'AMD_TEXTURE_GATHER_BIAS_LOD_SPEC_VERSION' -- -- - Extending 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType': -- -- - 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.STRUCTURE_TYPE_TEXTURE_LOD_GATHER_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_AMD' -- -- == New SPIR-V Capabilities -- -- - -- -- == Examples -- -- > struct VkTextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD -- > { -- > VkStructureType sType; -- > const void* pNext; -- > VkBool32 supportsTextureGatherLODBiasAMD; -- > }; -- > -- > // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- > // How to detect if an image format can be used with the new function prototypes. -- > VkPhysicalDeviceImageFormatInfo2 formatInfo; -- > VkImageFormatProperties2 formatProps; -- > VkTextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD textureLODGatherSupport; -- > -- > textureLODGatherSupport.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_TEXTURE_LOD_GATHER_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_AMD; -- > textureLODGatherSupport.pNext = nullptr; -- > -- > formatInfo.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_IMAGE_FORMAT_INFO_2; -- > formatInfo.pNext = nullptr; -- > formatInfo.format = ...; -- > formatInfo.type = ...; -- > formatInfo.tiling = ...; -- > formatInfo.usage = ...; -- > formatInfo.flags = ...; -- > -- > formatProps.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2; -- > formatProps.pNext = &textureLODGatherSupport; -- > -- > vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2(physical_device, &formatInfo, &formatProps); -- > -- > if (textureLODGatherSupport.supportsTextureGatherLODBiasAMD == VK_TRUE) -- > { -- > // physical device supports SPV_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod for the specified -- > // format configuration. -- > } -- > else -- > { -- > // physical device does not support SPV_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod for the -- > // specified format configuration. -- > } -- -- == Version History -- -- - Revision 1, 2017-03-21 (Dominik Witczak) -- -- - Initial draft -- -- == See Also -- -- 'TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD' -- -- == Document Notes -- -- For more information, see the -- -- -- This page is a generated document. Fixes and changes should be made to -- the generator scripts, not directly. module Vulkan.Extensions.VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod (TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD) where import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct) import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct) import Data.Kind (Type) data TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD instance ToCStruct TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD instance Show TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD instance FromCStruct TextureLODGatherFormatPropertiesAMD