name: vulkan version: "3.16.2" synopsis: Bindings to the Vulkan graphics API. description: Please see [the readme]( category: Graphics maintainer: Ellie Hermaszewska github: expipiplus1/vulkan extra-source-files: - - - package.yaml license: BSD-3-Clause library: source-dirs: - src - src-manual verbatim: other-modules: dependencies: - base <5 - bytestring - transformers - vector when: - condition: os(windows) extra-libraries: vulkan-1 - condition: os(darwin) extra-libraries: vulkan - condition: '!os(windows) && !os(darwin)' pkg-config-dependencies: vulkan - condition: flag(safe-foreign-calls) cpp-options: -DSAFE_FOREIGN_CALLS - condition: flag(generic-instances) cpp-options: -DGENERIC_INSTANCES - condition: flag(trace-calls) cpp-options: -DTRACE_CALLS - condition: false other-modules: Paths_vulkan ghc-options: - -Wall - -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors - -Wno-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures - -Wno-unused-imports - -Wno-missing-signatures - -Wno-partial-type-signatures flags: safe-foreign-calls: description: Do not mark foreign imports as 'unsafe'. This means that callbacks from Vulkan to Haskell will work. If you are using these then make sure this flag is enabled. default: no manual: yes generic-instances: description: Derive Generic instances for all structs. Disabled by default because of code size and compile time impact. default: no manual: yes trace-calls: description: Inserts calls to Debug.Trace.traceEventIO around every Vulkan call. default: no manual: yes tests: test: main: Driver.hs source-dirs: - test dependencies: - base - containers - inline-c - tasty - tasty-hunit - template-haskell - vulkan build-tools: - tasty-discover:tasty-discover when: - condition: false other-modules: Paths_vulkan default-extensions: - AllowAmbiguousTypes - CPP - DataKinds - DefaultSignatures - DeriveAnyClass - DeriveGeneric - DerivingStrategies - DuplicateRecordFields - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - GADTs - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - InstanceSigs - LambdaCase - MagicHash - NamedFieldPuns - NoMonomorphismRestriction - OverloadedStrings - PartialTypeSignatures - PatternSynonyms - PolyKinds - QuantifiedConstraints - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - RoleAnnotations - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - Strict - TypeApplications - TypeFamilyDependencies - TypeOperators - TypeSynonymInstances - UndecidableInstances - ViewPatterns