{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} module Main where import System.Exit ( exitSuccess ) import System.Locale import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Format import Text.Regex.PCRE import Text.Regex.PCRE.String import Graphics.Vty import Graphics.Vty.Widgets.All -- Visual attributes. fg = white bg = black focAttr = black `on` yellow headerAttr = fgColor bright_green msgAttr = fgColor blue -- Formatter to apply a color to "<...>" color :: Formatter color sz t = do Right r <- compile compUngreedy execBlank "<.*>" highlight r (fgColor bright_green) sz t -- Multi-state checkbox value type data FrostingType = Chocolate | Vanilla | Lemon deriving (Eq, Show) main :: IO () main = do let msg = "- switches input elements\n\n\ \- ordinary keystrokes edit\n\n\ \- toggles radio buttons and checkboxes\n\n\ \- quits" columns = [ column (ColFixed 25) `pad` (padAll 1) , column ColAuto `pad` (padAll 1) ] table <- newTable columns BorderFull >>= withNormalAttribute (bgColor blue) >>= withBorderAttribute (fgColor green) tw <- (textWidget (wrap &.& color) msg) >>= withNormalAttribute msgAttr mainBox <- vBox table tw >>= withBoxSpacing 1 r1 <- newCheckbox "Cake" r2 <- newCheckbox "Death" radioHeader <- plainText "" >>= withNormalAttribute headerAttr rg <- newRadioGroup addToRadioGroup rg r1 addToRadioGroup rg r2 r3 <- newMultiStateCheckbox "Frosting" [ (Chocolate, 'C') , (Vanilla, 'V') , (Lemon, 'L') ] edit1 <- editWidget >>= withFocusAttribute (white `on` red) edit2 <- editWidget edit1Header <- textWidget wrap [] >>= withNormalAttribute headerAttr edit2Header <- textWidget wrap [] >>= withNormalAttribute headerAttr lst <- newList (fgColor bright_green) selector <- vLimit 3 lst listHeader <- plainText "" rs <- vBox r1 r2 cbHeader <- plainText "" timeText <- plainText "" prog <- newProgressBar red white progLabel <- plainText "" addHeadingRow_ table headerAttr ["Column 1", "Column 2"] addRow table $ radioHeader .|. rs addRow table $ cbHeader .|. r3 addRow table $ edit1Header .|. edit1 addRow table $ edit2Header .|. edit2 addRow table $ listHeader .|. customCell selector `pad` padNone addRow table $ emptyCell .|. timeText addRow table $ progLabel .|. (progressBarWidget prog) rg `onRadioChange` \cb -> do s <- getCheckboxLabel cb setText radioHeader $ s ++ ", please." r3 `onCheckboxChange` \v -> setText cbHeader $ "you chose: " ++ show v prog `onProgressChange` \val -> setText progLabel $ show val ++ " %" edit1 `onChange` (setText edit1Header) edit2 `onChange` (setText edit2Header) lst `onSelectionChange` \ev -> case ev of SelectionOn _ k _ -> setText listHeader $ "You selected: " ++ k SelectionOff -> return () lst `onItemActivated` \(ActivateItemEvent _ s _) -> setText listHeader $ "You activated: " ++ s setEditText edit1 "Foo" setEditText edit2 "Bar" setCheckboxChecked r1 setCheckboxState r3 Chocolate -- It would be nice if we didn't have to do this, but the -- setCheckboxState call above will not notify any state-change -- handlers because the state isn't actually changing (from its -- original value of Chocolate, the first value in its state list). setText cbHeader $ "you chose: Chocolate" fgr <- newFocusGroup fgr `onKeyPressed` \_ k _ -> do case k of KEsc -> exitSuccess _ -> return False let strs = [ "Cookies" , "Cupcakes" , "Twinkies" , "M&Ms" , "Fritos" , "Cheetos" ] forM_ strs $ \s -> (addToList lst s =<< plainText s) addToFocusGroup fgr r1 addToFocusGroup fgr r2 addToFocusGroup fgr r3 addToFocusGroup fgr edit1 addToFocusGroup fgr edit2 addToFocusGroup fgr lst ui <- centered =<< hLimit 70 mainBox forkIO $ forever $ do schedule $ do t <- getCurrentTime setText timeText $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t threadDelay $ 1 * 1000 * 1000 forkIO $ forever $ do let act i = do threadDelay $ 1 * 1000 * 1000 schedule $ setProgress prog (i `mod` 101) act $ i + 4 act 0 c <- newCollection _ <- addToCollection c ui fgr runUi c $ defaultContext { focusAttr = focAttr , normalAttr = fg `on` bg }