{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable import Data.Function (on) import Data.List.NonEmpty import Data.Maybe import System.Environment import Text.Printf import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Brick hiding (on) import Control.Lens hiding (views) import Data.Set (Set) import Graphics.Vty import qualified Brick import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as Brick import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as Brick import qualified Data.Scientific as Sci import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge as Merge import qualified GHC.Prof as Prof data Profile = Profile { _report :: Prof.Profile , _views :: NonEmpty View , _modalView :: Maybe ModalView , _lastKeyEvent :: !(Maybe (Key, [Modifier])) } data View = AggregatesView { _costCentres :: !(V.Vector Prof.AggregateCostCentre) , _focus :: !Int } | CallSitesView { _callee :: !Prof.AggregateCostCentre , _callSites :: !(V.Vector (Prof.CallSite Prof.AggregateCostCentre)) , _focus :: !Int , _expanded :: !(Set Int) } | ModulesView { _modules :: !(V.Vector Prof.AggregateModule) , _focus :: !Int } data ModalView = InfoView | HelpView makeLenses ''Profile makeLenses ''View data Name = AggregatesViewport | CallSitesViewport | ModulesViewport | AggregatesCache !Int | CallSitesCache !Int | ModulesCache !Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) main :: IO () main = do path:_ <- getArgs profile <- parseProfile path void $ defaultMain app profile parseProfile :: FilePath -> IO Profile parseProfile path = do contents <- TL.readFile path case Prof.decode contents of Left reason -> fail reason Right prof -> return Profile { _report = prof , _views = AggregatesView { _costCentres = V.fromList (Prof.aggregateCostCentres prof) , _focus = 0 } :| [] , _modalView = Nothing , _lastKeyEvent = Nothing } app :: App Profile e Name app = App { appDraw = drawProfile , appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor , appHandleEvent = handleProfileEvent , appStartEvent = return , appAttrMap = const $ attrMap defAttr [ (selectedAttr, black `Brick.on` white) ] } handleProfileEvent :: Profile -> BrickEvent Name e -> EventM Name (Next Profile) handleProfileEvent prof@Profile {..} ev = case ev of VtyEvent vtyEv -> case vtyEv of EvResize {} -> do invalidateCache continue prof EvKey key [] | key `elem` [KEsc, KChar 'q'] -> if | Just _ <- prof ^. modalView -> do invalidateCache continue $! prof & modalView .~ Nothing | null (NE.tail (prof ^. views)) -> halt prof | otherwise -> do invalidateCache continue $! popView prof | key `elem` [KUp, KChar 'k'] -> do let !pos = prof ^. currentFocus for_ [pos, pos-1] $ invalidateCacheEntry . currentCacheEntry prof continue $! moveUp prof | key `elem` [KDown, KChar 'j'] -> do let !pos = prof ^. currentFocus for_ [pos, pos+1] $ invalidateCacheEntry . currentCacheEntry prof continue $! moveDown prof | key `elem` [KChar 'C'] -> do invalidateCache continue $! displayCostCentres prof | key `elem` [KChar 'M'] -> do invalidateCache continue $! displayModules prof | key `elem` [KChar 'g'] -> if prof ^. lastKeyEvent == Just (KChar 'g', []) then do invalidateCache continue $! moveToTop $ prof & lastKeyEvent .~ Nothing else continue $! prof & lastKeyEvent .~ Just (key, []) | key `elem` [KChar 'G'] -> do invalidateCache continue $! moveToEnd prof | key `elem` [KChar 'i'] -> continue $! prof & modalView ?~ InfoView | key `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $! prof & modalView ?~ HelpView _ -> case NE.head _views of AggregatesView {} -> case vtyEv of EvKey (KChar 't') [] -> do invalidateCache continue $! sortCostCentresBy (Prof.aggregateCostCentreTime &&& Prof.aggregateCostCentreAlloc) prof EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> do invalidateCache continue $! sortCostCentresBy (Prof.aggregateCostCentreAlloc &&& Prof.aggregateCostCentreTime) prof EvKey (KChar 'e') [] -> do invalidateCache continue $! sortCostCentresBy Prof.aggregateCostCentreEntries prof EvKey key [] | key `elem` [KEnter] -> do invalidateCache continue $! displayCallers prof _ -> continue prof CallSitesView {} -> case vtyEv of EvKey (KChar 't') [] -> do invalidateCache continue $! sortCallSitesBy (Prof.callSiteContribTime &&& Prof.callSiteContribAlloc) prof EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> do invalidateCache continue $! sortCallSitesBy (Prof.callSiteContribAlloc &&& Prof.callSiteContribTime) prof EvKey (KChar 'e') [] -> do invalidateCache continue $! sortCallSitesBy Prof.callSiteContribEntries prof _ -> continue prof ModulesView {} -> continue prof _ -> continue prof where popView p = case NE.nonEmpty (NE.tail _views) of Nothing -> p Just xs -> p & views .~ xs moveUp p = p & currentFocus %~ (\i -> max 0 (i - 1)) moveDown p = p & currentFocus %~ (\i -> min (focusLen p - 1) (i + 1)) moveToTop p = p & currentFocus .~ 0 moveToEnd p = p & currentFocus .~ focusLen p - 1 focusLen p = case p ^. topView of AggregatesView {_costCentres} -> V.length _costCentres CallSitesView {_callSites} -> V.length _callSites ModulesView {_modules} -> V.length _modules sortCostCentresBy key p = p & topView . costCentres %~ V.modify (Merge.sortBy (flip compare `on` key)) sortCallSitesBy key p = p & topView . callSites %~ V.modify (Merge.sortBy (flip compare `on` key)) displayCostCentres p = p & views .~ AggregatesView { _costCentres = V.fromList $ Prof.aggregateCostCentres $ p ^. report , _focus = 0 } NE.:| [] displayCallers p = fromMaybe p $ do let !model = p ^. topView . costCentres !idx = p ^. currentFocus Prof.AggregateCostCentre {..} <- model V.!? idx (_callee, callers) <- Prof.aggregateCallSites aggregateCostCentreName aggregateCostCentreModule (p ^. report) return $! p & views %~ NE.cons CallSitesView { _callee , _callSites = V.fromList callers , _focus = 0 , _expanded = Set.empty } displayModules p = p & views .~ ModulesView { _modules = V.fromList $ Prof.aggregateModules $ p ^. report , _focus = 0 } NE.:| [] topView :: Lens' Profile View topView = views . lens NE.head (\(_ NE.:| xs) x -> x NE.:| xs) {-# INLINE topView #-} currentFocus :: Lens' Profile Int currentFocus = topView . focus {-# INLINE currentFocus #-} currentViewport :: Profile -> Name currentViewport p = case p ^. topView of AggregatesView {} -> AggregatesViewport CallSitesView {} -> CallSitesViewport ModulesView {} -> ModulesViewport currentCacheEntry :: Profile -> Int -> Name currentCacheEntry p n = case p ^. topView of AggregatesView {} -> AggregatesCache n CallSitesView {} -> CallSitesCache n ModulesView {} -> ModulesCache n profileAttr :: AttrName profileAttr = "profile" selectedAttr :: AttrName selectedAttr = "selected" drawProfile :: Profile -> [Widget Name] drawProfile prof = [ maybe emptyWidget (Brick.centerLayer . drawModalView) (prof ^. modalView) , drawView $ NE.head $ prof ^. views ] where drawModalView = \case InfoView -> Brick.border $ vBox [ txt $ prof ^. report . to Prof.profileCommandLine -- TODO: add more ] HelpView -> Brick.borderWithLabel (txt "Help") $ vBox [ txt "Keyboard shortcuts" , txt "q quit current view" , txt "j,down move down" , txt "k,up move up" , txt "gg move to the top" , txt "G move to the bottom" , txt "C switch to aggregate cost centre view" , txt "enter switch to call site view" , txt "M switch to module level breakdown" , txt "i display profiling info" , txt "h display help message" , txt "t sort by time" , txt "a sort by allocation" , txt "e sort by number of entries" ] drawView = \case AggregatesView {..} -> viewport AggregatesViewport Vertical $ vBox $ V.toList $ flip V.imap _costCentres $ \i row -> cached (AggregatesCache i) $ let widget = drawAggregateCostCentre row in if i == _focus then withAttr selectedAttr (visible widget) else widget CallSitesView {..} -> viewport CallSitesViewport Vertical $ vBox [ drawAggregateCostCentre _callee , vBox $ V.toList $ flip V.imap _callSites $ \i row -> cached (CallSitesCache i) $ let widget = drawCallSite _callee row in if i == _focus then withAttr selectedAttr (visible widget) else widget ] ModulesView {..} -> viewport ModulesViewport Vertical $ vBox $ V.toList $ flip V.imap _modules $ \i row -> cached (ModulesCache i) $ let widget = drawAggregateModule row in if i == _focus then withAttr selectedAttr (visible widget) else widget drawAggregateCostCentre :: Prof.AggregateCostCentre -> Widget n drawAggregateCostCentre Prof.AggregateCostCentre {..} = hBox [ txt aggregateCostCentreModule , txt "." , padRight Max $ txt aggregateCostCentreName , maybe emptyWidget (padRight (Pad 1) . str . show) aggregateCostCentreEntries , padRight (Pad 1) $ str (formatPercentage aggregateCostCentreTime) , str (formatPercentage aggregateCostCentreAlloc) ] drawCallSite :: Prof.AggregateCostCentre -> Prof.CallSite Prof.AggregateCostCentre -> Widget n drawCallSite Prof.AggregateCostCentre {..} Prof.CallSite {..} = hBox [ txt $ Prof.aggregateCostCentreModule callSiteCostCentre , txt "." , padRight Max $ txt $ Prof.aggregateCostCentreName callSiteCostCentre , padRight (Pad 1) $ str $ show callSiteContribEntries , padRight (Pad 1) $ hBox [ str $ contribution callSiteContribTime aggregateCostCentreTime , txt " (" , str $ formatPercentage callSiteContribTime , txt ")" ] , hBox [ str $ contribution callSiteContribAlloc aggregateCostCentreAlloc , txt " (" , str $ formatPercentage callSiteContribAlloc , txt ")" ] ] where contribution part whole | whole == 0 = formatPercentage 0 | otherwise = formatPercentage $ Sci.fromFloatDigits $ 100 * (Sci.toRealFloat part / Sci.toRealFloat whole :: Double) drawAggregateModule :: Prof.AggregateModule -> Widget n drawAggregateModule Prof.AggregateModule {..} = hBox [ txt aggregateModuleName , padLeft Max $ str (formatPercentage aggregateModuleTime) , padLeft (Pad 1) $ str (formatPercentage aggregateModuleAlloc) ] formatPercentage :: Sci.Scientific -> String formatPercentage = printf "%5s%%" . Sci.formatScientific Sci.Fixed (Just 1)