{-| Module : Text.Format Copyright : (c) 2019 Version Cloud License : BSD3 Maintainer : Jorah Gao Stability : experimental Portability : portable This library is inspired by Python's [str.format](https://docs.python.org/library/string.html) and Haskell's [Text.Printf](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/Text-Printf.html), and most of the features are copied from these two libraries. -} module Text.Format ( -- * Format functions format , format1 -- * Classes , FormatArg(formatArg) , FromArgKey(..) , FormatType(..) -- * Generic format arg and options , Options , defaultOptions , fieldLabelModifier , genericFormatArg -- * Data types , Formatter , Format , Format1 , ArgKey(..) , topKey , popKey , ArgFmt(..) , prettyArgFmt , FmtAlign(..) , FmtSign(..) , FmtNumSep(..) , (:=) (..) -- * Standard Formatters , formatString , formatChar , formatInt , formatWord , formatInteger , formatRealFloat , defaultSpecs -- * Errors , ArgError(..) , errorArgKey , errorArgFmt , vferror ) where import Data.Map (empty) import Text.Format.ArgFmt import Text.Format.ArgKey import Text.Format.Class import Text.Format.Error import Text.Format.Format {-| Format a variable number of arguments with Python-style format string >>> format "{:s}, {:d}, {:.4f}" "hello" 123 pi "hello, 123, 3.1416" >>> format "{1:s}, {0:d}, {2:.4f}" 123 "hello" pi "hello, 123, 3.1416" >>> format "{:s} {:d} {pi:.4f}" "hello" 123 ("pi" := pi) "hello, 123, 3.1416" See 'Format' to learn more about format string syntax. See 'FormatArg' to learn how to derive FormatArg for your own data types. -} format :: FormatType r => Format -> r format = flip sfmt empty {-| A variant of 'format', it takes only one positional argument >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric >>> import GHC.Generics >>> data Triple = Triple String Int Double deriving Generic >>> instance FormatArg Triple >>> format "{0!0:s} {0!1:d} {0!2:.4f}" $ Triple "hello" 123 pi "hello, 123, 3.1416" >>> format1 "{0:s} {1:d} {2:.4f}" $ Triple "hello" 123 pi "hello, 123, 3.1416" -} format1 :: FormatArg a => Format1 -> a -> String format1 = format . Format . unFormat1