# Changelog ## 3.5.3 - GHC 8.10 support. ## 3.5.2 - Added a new `PVP` type and parsers. ## - GHC 8.8 compatibility. ## 3.5.0 - Updated to `megaparsec-7`. Our `ParsingError` type alias has changed to match Megaparsec's new error model, and `errorBundlePretty` is now exposed instead of the old `parseErrorPretty`. ## - Enhanced the whitespace handling in `semver'`, `version'`, and `mess'`. ## 3.4.0 - Removed `ParseV` and surrounding machinery. Use `versioning` now instead of the `parseV` function. ## 3.3.2 - GHC 8.4.1 compatibility. ## 3.3.0 - New `Semantic` typeclass that provides Traversals for SemVer-like data out of all the version types. `Text` was also given an instance, so its much easier to manipulate directly: ``` λ "1.2.3" & minor %~ (+ 1) "1.3.3" ``` Some Lenses and Traversals had their names changed or were removed entirely to accomodate this new typeclass. - `SemVer` and `Version` should never contain negative values, so their numeric components were changed from `Int` to `Word`. ## 3.2.0 - Updated for `megaparsec-6` and GHC 8.2. ## 3.1.1 - Added instances for common typeclasses: `Generic`, `NFData`, and `Hashable`. This is to avoid having users define these instances themselves as orphans. If there are more instances you want added, please let me know. `Data` was left out on purpose. ## 3.1.0 - Added support for *epoch* numbers in the `Version` type. These are numbers like the `1:` in `1:2.3.4`. These are used in Arch Linux in rare cases where packages change their versioning scheme, but need a reliable integer prefix to establish ordering. The `Version` type has been given a new field, `_vEpoch :: Maybe Int`, and a corresponding lens, `vEpoch`. ## 3.0.2 - Expose internal parsers so that they could be used in other parser programs that parse version numbers in larger files. ## 3.0.0 - Updated for `megaparsec-5` and `ghc-8` ## 2.0.0 - Switched to `megaparsec` to perform all parsing as `Text` - Support for legacy `String` removed - Added more Traversals and INLINE'd all Lenses/Traversals ## 1.1.0 - Added Lenses and Traversals (no `lens` dependency)