=========================================== If you want to contriubute to the source code of venzone you are in the right place. If you want to design levels inste- ad, check the guide at `stories/editor.vns` =========================================== 1. Get Haskell and Darcs, from your repos or from: https://www.haskell.org/downloads/#minimal http://darcs.net 2. Clone the code with `darcs get https://hub.darcs.net/ffaf/venzone` 3. Modify the game, add features. lentil src/ test/ # to see open issues # no lentil? `cabal new-install lentil` to get it. 4. If needed, update your package list: cabal new-update 5. Build your executable: cabal new-build venzone # when it finishes, you will find your executable in `release/`. # Use --allow-newer if cabal cannot solve the dependency tree 6. Run the tests with: cabal new-run test # you might get a `missing hspec-discover` error, in that case # run `cabal new-install hspec-discover`. # if you want to watch the replay of a specific test, do `cabal new-repl test` and then λ> narrateGymnasium "test/records/ladder-exit.vr" 7. send me a diff or patch in any format you prefer. With darcs the usual workflow is to set up a repo at https://hub.darcs.net/ , push your patches there and let me know. If you prefer plain email: darcs record # records your changes darcs send -o some-change.dpatch # creates a textual patch # and then write to me () # with some-change.dpatch attached. 8. if you compiled venzone for a new system and want to send me a release of it just type: cabal new-run packerino and a .zip will be automatically created. If you get stuck, don't hesitate to contact me: http://ariis.it/static/articles/mail/page.html